Saturday, August 20, 2011


Not quite sure what's going on with the hair.  I look like an Hasidic Skaterboy.  Enjoy.


Unknown said...

Meh. We all have the so - called bad hair day. At least you HAVE hair. Some of us, even women, can be follically challenged.

Frankly, it's a good thing you don't allow photo sharing here, I just came back from the Indianapolis Loop for Life (aka the Indy 465), and is my face red (OK, bad joke. Sorry).

Really enjoyed WTF #16. Been enjoyin' all of 'em. Really informative information that you share with us and greatly appreciated.

Really wish you'd do a behind the cut/music with Bob Thiele. In fact, a WTFSutter asks about how music is chosen. Also asks your opinion about Hoosier Rocker John Mellencamp. I think it's be cool to find out you share the same likin' for him as we have for The Boss.

This has been a great week of blogs from y'all. Almost as good as your tweets. Note the 'almost'.

Thank you for all you do for us.

mq01 said...

fuck twitter (and facebook, its becoming bs too)! i thoroughly enjoyed this kurt! keep it up, i'll keep coming back here as long as you do.

Librarychic1 said...

Need a little twitter rehab myself. As much as I love your blogs, the interaction just isn't the same. Even though I never got my RT, I somehow felt more connected.....with you and other followers, some of their replies made me laugh just as much as your tweets. It sure was entertaining.
Life goes on!
Looking forward to SOA 4, will be more of a celebration as I hit a new decade at the same time, good timing as it is always hard for me to accept new decades!

Roberta said...

Thank you for always making us, the fans of SOA, feel a part of the process. I am loving the blogs even if I don't comment everytime. I wish you peace and joy-again thank you for all you do.


Oly Town said...

I miss your Twitter discussions. It is very true that you have no filter, but that's what makes you so real and makes us feel contected to you. It was great to read your truth because you were willing to take the consequences, which ultimately made you quit Twitter (I say Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke or the truth). I bet you there are many Hollywood folks that would love to be as real as you but are afraid.

I think you are a great writer and am just amazed at how detailed you are. It's those small details that pull me in because they weave throughout several seasons and brilliantly come together. I tried in vain to get that feeling with Lost, but the details never came together. Your stories do.

I can't wait for Season 4!

Annerxx said...

you are such a remarkable person and you have forever changed me. i look forward to your blog updates as well as WTF updates. You have gained a fan for the rest of my existence, long live SOA!

harney said...

Your incredible creation "Sons of Anarchy" has the best story arc, characters and most badass writing i have ever watched. I get it. I am 60 now. Got some cred. Educated, Artist, child of the 60's, Vietnam era partially disabled Veteran. Been through some. My dream is to have a bit part on SOA. I love this.

A friend said...

I don't know if you've addressed this, could you talk about the woman who gives Jax the blanket, she reappears with Gemma outside the grocery and again in the revival church? What does she symbolize to you and will you be using her throughout the seven season arc? Thanks, Kurt. You brighten my world.

Larissa said...

I've been reading your blog and it has been kind of addicting. I guess thats how a blog is supposed to be with a lot of honesty and personal thoughts. I love the show and I am definately excited for season 4. I like facebook for keeping me connected to family and friends but things like texting, email, and interactions on facebook and twitter can create a ton of conflict. It is too easy to misunderstand what a person really means and I wish the media would stop trying to spin human situations into something they're not. No one is perfect and conflict we choose to deal with the conflict is what determines a person's character.

Love the show and can't wait for season 4. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kurt, LOVE the show, dug the twitter and hang here now to keep up with the suttermachine;

When are you going to tell us about the homeless lady and what she represents to you through her interactions with Gemma and Jax.


TiffanyS said...

I want to start by saying you really have put together one of the best shows that have ever been on television. You bring family,friends,enemies and pretty much every other aspect that builds a basis for true characters to the small screne, and people at home watching really do see a little bit of themselves in a character. I just have one question..Does it ever rain in California? Because none of the episodes have it raining out in Charming.;o)

Chris Squad said...

As an hasidic skater, I am affronted by your statement. Great videos though, keep them coming please.

Jami Wilds said...

Thanks for sharing your talent WNC says hey,will follow blog and WTF but miss the conversations

Christy Harris said...

Loved the app, WTF & blog in off season. Campaigned hard to get all my friends turned onto show and had mad success after getting them to watch my s1&2 DVDs. Hated to loan them out...but loved sharing/talking premier with them! Love the show & ur work. Joined twitter just to follow u & my second favorite show is Boardwalk Empire!