Thursday, December 03, 2009


People read my blog because I often react before I think, resulting in unfiltered opinions about the business of show.  Most of those outbursts are perceived (and sometimes imaginary) injustices levied against me or others.  So I thought it only fair, and perhaps a bit out of character, to offer some praise for a change.

Fame and popularity often trigger fear and greed.  The trades are riddled with stories of creatives on hit shows or successful movies battling for more respect and coin.  Someone trying to out maneuver and out play their peers, bosses or rivals.  It's ugly shit that usually boils down to "my dick is bigger than yours".  Showrunners are no exception.  Forgive the sexist slant on this analogy, but writers historically are treated as if they have the smallest penises in town.  We are constantly seeking out means by which to grow our junk.  And what makes our dicks big and hard?  Yeah, money.  I know that sounds base and shallow, but it's true.  Money is the equalizer.  It's the only measure of respect that means anything in Hollywood.  And I know this will sound like bullshit, but it's not about the material payoff, it's about being valued.  We need to be acknowledged as an important part of the creative process.  We create the world that production builds, we tell the story that the director shoots, we hear the words that the actor says.   

A couple of months ago, I got wind that 20th (the mother ship of Fox 21 our co-studio) had no interest in investing in my future.  In other words, they were not going to offer me a sweet overall deal because they saw no long-term value in SutterInk.  And honestly, can you blame them?  I've been very outspoken about how I could never be dropped into someone else's playground and share the ball.  So an overall that allows them to place me on any show, didn't make sense.  And after a couple hostile work environment claims and the whole D-girl debacle, c'mon, I'm lucky Rupe didn't put a hit out on me.  So, needless to say I was expecting a very contentious deal making scenario.  

That didn't happen.  FX Networks and FX Productions (the other co-studio) stepped up to the plate and without disclosing details, began negotiations in a spirit of trust and respect.  Below is part of the email I sent to Landgraf and his executives.  It pretty much sums up my feelings -- 
i want to officially document my thanks and gratitude for the unprecedented way you have conducted yourselves in this negotiating process... it’s one thing to say that you’re a network that supports and nourishes artists but it’s another to back that up with the only true measure of respect creatives have in this town -- cash.  ... the fair and generous deal you’ve made with me fuels my continuing dedication to soa and FX.  your actions speak volumes to your trust in me and that goes a very long way.
I don't know anything about their strategy or their deals with anyone else, but with me and Sons of Anarchy, FX has shown their trust, loyalty and support in my talent.  I thank them and I look forward to season three and beyond.


oaksandroses said...

Congrats again. This is a show that deserves many more seasons.

TG said...

Congrats Kurt, it's well deserved. I'm a fan of your work and fancy myself a scribe too. A blog like this gives me and I'm sure other writers hope that you can be successful and still keep your integrity! Much continued success.

Oh by the way Margos was the shit!

Kimmy said...

You can't have a show named Sons of "Anarchy" with a leader that bends over to stay in the good graces with the politically correct.

Your fan base are people that love the rawness of not just your show, but of your talent in general.

It's awesome that your execs recognize that. A true gift indeed.

Anonymous said...

Seems like both you and the folks at Fox knew what a good deal was. Both sides enjoy the results. Congratulations on two good seasons with SoA and the promise of a wonderful third season.
Mike Greenwald

Karl Elvis said...

Not that I had any doubt SOA would get a third season - it's that goddamned good. But it's great to hear this anyway. SOA is my favorite show; both because it's great, and because it's the first time I've seen my kind of people (tattooed bikers) on teevee. Absolutely awesome.

jengod said...

Good for them! FWIW, Sons of Anarchy has made me see FX in a whole new (more positive) light, so I think this is a win-win-win.

Jeff said...

Mr. Sutter, I know I dont have to tell you, but to get support for "creatives" is huge in today's day and age. Congrats and please try to keep up the good fight.

Unknown said...

hey, congrats on the deal, and congrats on an amazing season finale. Is there something wrong with the blog? Can I not see the earlier posts? Is that part of the new deal? No more blogging?

I hope not. I just got into it. Thanks for the entertainment.

PatD64 said...

Awesome Kurt!!! Well deserved coin and back slaps to you and the cast!

George said...

I am thrilled. I'm a huge fan of the show. The only problem is that it is hard to find here in Canada. But, I manage to stay current.

Glad to hear it is back for more seasons. Just wish it was more consistent up here. They did the same thing with the Shield. Frustrating!

Anonymous said...

Yay! If there wasn't a season 3 I'd be sooooo angry. Like torches and pitch forks angry. Congrats, you deserve it!

Pauline said...

I was so relieved to get your tweet about the season finale and your showrunner position remaining because fuck me if i'm wrong others, but you bring us amazing work every single week!
I'm gonna repeat myself a lot but seriously how long has it been since w've seen such creativity in a show, such a great cast and crew,without any kind of political correctness whatsoever? seriously, how long? what i aim to say is that you created a show that is truly moving, amazing, explosive in its delivery, disrespectful of usual conventions, without apologizing for it...your show rocks my world!!and as an aspiring writer i can only imagine what that must be like to see your words uttered by characters you've taken such a long time to create, to perfect and to put to screen, to see the scenes you've been playing over in your head put in motion... but lemme tell you this: you're doing an amazing job! seriously, you deserve all the praises you get. ( that goes for the cast as well!we're lucky katey sagal shows us her dramatic skills cuz she's doing an incredible job)..I know that the season finale truly left me rotting in my misery, aching for more, to see what's next for gemma whose freedom is put at stake, half sack who's half dead (and half patched),abel who's gone...and i can go on and on and on!
i won't though cuz alcohol gets me rambling...anyways im gonna watch soa from the beginning again (and again and agian) till the new season starts, one full freaking year, damn i'm gonna miss catching up with my mc men every week.what the hell am i gonna do on tuesdays now? and thank your music guy for me because every cover/music is awesome! loved the gimme shelter one, it always perfectly fits the action! fuck i guess im soa addicted..better than booze...right?
again, thank you for the show!
ps: amazing last scene, charlie hunnam's got talent and he works fucking well with ron perlmann!
ps: france's soa ratings are going up, see everyone (fuck that salon mag hater opportunist) loves soa!


Reid Singletary said...

Congrats. Good for you Mr. Sutter. Keep up the good work.

BMWrider said...

Amen! It's great when someone can jump out of their narrow minded boxes and believe in something and stand behind it! Sons will be a great payoff for all! Thank you FX!

embendick said...

Well put! I am glad to see someone getting fairly acknowledged and adequately rewarded for their very good work. I cannot wait for season three! I have a personal request: put more Opie back in, I've missed him having a larger role in these last few episodes!

Unknown said...

When the ratings came out are they accounting for the dvr records? I heard on Howard Stern that somehow these are also counted in the rating process. Great show and glad FX stepped up and did you right.

Unknown said...

Where DVR records factored into your veiwers? Congrats on the new deal. It's good to see FX stand up for really creative shows.

Unknown said...

Congratulations. Glad you are getting the respect and show of appreciation you have earned and deserve. What you do has brought a lot of pure enjoyment to so many of us. May it continue to be just as successful for many more seasons.

Kindest Regards,

Unknown said...

This post is why I follow your your blog and follow you on Twitter. Your realness is refreshing, and your honesty is a welcome change in today's society. I appreciate someone who speaks their mind yet is mature enough to know (and admit) when they may have gone a bit too far. Your talent (SoA has become the only show I HAVE to watch every week since it's first season) does not eclipse your humanity, and this is why you and your work will continue to garner such attention, the good and the bad, and the praise and love that you so deserve. Thank goodness FX had the good sense to bring you and SoA back for more...I shudder to think about the recriminations they'd have had to suffer from extremely angry fans of both SoA and Kurt Sutter.

Thanks for giving us great TV and for pushing boundaries on screen and off. You just ROCK!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

Ettaroo said...

This is the best news all week! The finale was amazing and I was especially happy to see Otto get some retribution after everything he did for the Sons, both in the show and as the showrunner!

Robert Seidman said...

I bow down to JenGod, she called it before SOA had even aired its first episode. And she's right again, it's win-win-win.

FX wins with the highest rated scripted show on cable with adults 18-49. You win with, uh...bigger junk, and we the TV viewing audience win with more SOA.

Congrats to you and everyone involved with the show! And thanks Kurt, for making yourself and your thinking so accessible here.

2WheelerFred said...

Congrats, to you and your team who ever that may be while it takes quite a bit of effort to lead you can't do so with out follwers or folks willing to listen to you. I've often stuck my foot in my mouth,but at least I had the satisfactin of doing it myself

Tammy said...

Two best shows on TV today, Sons of Anarchy and Rescue Me, both from FX, which unfortunately I don't get here in Montreal, Canada, it airs on Showcase here but usually a few months behind....Kudos to FX for supporting great talent. Can't wait for season 3!!


Theresa P. said...

Through your blogs and interviews we get a better understanding of you as a person, writer, and showrunner. I respect the fact that with you it is a no BS, you know where you stand and people know where they stand with you, don't have time for the backstabbing, ass kissing crap that so many people today are into. I realize that I only know what you allow people to see but I commend you for allowing the public this.

Having been a loyal fan of SOA since the beginning, inspired and awed by your talent, as well as those that you surround yourself with, I have the faith that SOA will complete its seven year run.

Also, your ability to show appreciation and give credit to those that deserve it, is a rare gift indeed. It takes a "big" one to do this. This blog posting and your email to the people that helped get you the contract that you were comfortable signing is just additional proof.

I don't know if you ever get tired of hearing how freaking brillant the writing, acting, directing etc is but we as fans are trying to also give credit and show appreciation. I say this because sometimes as I read what I write it comes across to me like ass kissing, brown nosing kind of stuff. Guess I wasn't blessed with the gift of writing, all I can do is hope that I am able to express just how much you and yours are appreciated, respected and admired.

May you and yours continue to be blessed with whatever is needed.

bcatahay said...

Congratulations for you and yeah for those of us who are SOA fans! It is so outside of the box which makes it great and I am glad the powers that be can appreciate that!

The Atrocity said...

Awesome News Kurt!

I am glad that SoA will get to keep getting bigger and badder!

Nils Hermans said...

Congrats mr Sutter, SOA truly is the best show on television right now. I was impressed with the first season but season 2 just blasted me (and my expectations) away. Never since the Sopranos (OK, the Shield comes close) have I seen this level of storytelling and character development in one 13-episode season.

From your blog and twitter posts I know that you're not the one to sit back and enjoy your success, but it's well deserved. I gather you might not the be the most easygoing person to work with but when the output is something brilliant, compelling and just fucking satisfying as Sons Of Anarchy Season 2 and the studio is willing to put up with it, I say congrats to the studio too.

I look forward to SOA season 3 (and hope to find out more on Jax's dad).

SP in PHX said...

Renewal, recognition and CASH! Too cool! Right on! Write On!

Connie said...

Great show, great writing. I can feel some Joss Whedon when I watch SOA, and believe me I mean that as a great compliment. All great minds can go outside of your comfort zone and make you like,even appreciate people you don't know or ever probably would. Much respect for you and everyone that doesn't just talk about doing it, but actually does. My daughter wrote her own novel and sent it to get copy written. When you are young you have more guts to try I think. Please shoot some episodes in New York. Anyway, great show, wonderful cast and thank you.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you've been treated with a little bit of dignity in tinsel town. It's always good to see hard work and well written stories rewarded with enough money to keep you making more. I also wanted to say thanks for featuring my company Pulse' machines in the season finale. Getting to be a part of the SOA universe was a true honor!-

Anonymous said...

Dude, They should back up the money truck to your door. You're worth every penny!! Can't wait for season 3 of SOA.

Tinman131 said...

WOO I loved the season finale!!! I've been watching since day one. I wish you all the best for season three. Keep Half-Sack alive!!!

Matthew McLeod said...

I am psyched to read FX Networks, FX Productions and Mr. Landgraf have faith in your talents.

I am also psyched Otto got some sweet revenge.

Yet what will happen first...
Sons of Anarchy (Season 3) or
Delivering Gen?

P.S- Is it weird I look like Bobby
Munson (Mark Boone Junior)?

Pointman said...

This is all a part of our collective evolution with you, SOA, and the process that makes something like this so very special to be involved in.
Whenever it all closes in on you- go for a ride!
Thanks again for who you are~

tom feister said...

I have the televison on in my office all the time. It's background noise while I work. Usually it's on MSNBC until I can't stand the yammering on anymore. When I've reached my limit I flip it over to one of the many reruns of of Law and Order, not watching, just background noise. This is how it goes everyday while I work at a job I LOVE doing. On Tuesdays I stop what I'm doing and watch and listen carfully. SOA demands my full attention. I can't say that about most of what's on TV. Rescue Me, The Shield, 30 Rock and maybe one or two others. Thanks to you and the people you work with for putting out a great show week after week. Thanks to FX for helping you make another season of TV that makes me pay attention.

Steve said...

Thank you for doing frontline work. Thank you for addressing boring TV...thank you for taking risks...and thank you for giving a part for your wife....I always liked her...(grew up watching Married With Children)...

Steve Ewing (Jersey Shore)

Kate said...

FX has made such a great decision. When I first started watching, it was just to appease my boyfriend who said, "This is the best show ever!" I honestly never expected to be completely entrenched in a world of outlaw bikers... but I am.
The raw emotion, the in-your-face reality of what's happening, it all hits home.
This is a show that deserves a full run. We need to know what happens to these characters.

Anonymous said...

Congrats - looking forward to season 3 - I hope that season 3 SOA goes after Stahl and she created this mess that the sons are in now for the most part. Plesae save baby Abel and get him back to Jax. That would be unbearable to watch all season knowing he will not get him back.

therealzenobia said...

What they said, but...where is the rest of the blog?!

Denise Shelton said...

Gold Strike Again at Sutter's Mill! No wonder Katey looks so blissfully happy on the talk shows. I predict a very Merry Christmas at your house this year. Gift ideas? Loose stones--don't skimp on cut, clarity, and especially not CARAT. You can have one set every year for the run of the show. Custom shoes (does Ferragamo still make the molds of your feet and keep them on hand? :)). Of course she already has the best gift an actress can get: continued employment. Maybe she should just give YOU a big old golden egg. Congrats!

James Jordan Gingold said...

I'm glad to hear FX is continuing with SOA, it's one of the best things on television. I'm also a big fan of your blog. You might be the only person in television who's interested in blogging about the creative process.

I'm a writer about to finish school and working on my portfolio. Any chance you'd share tips on doing an SOA spec for a future blog? What are some of the things you do differently in your writing that makes your show a cut above? Honestly it should be a cover story for creative screenwriting, if they'd do it.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Sir.

Posts like this are why I read this blog, cause it's always entertaining. You're not just blabbing on about your breakfast, or other boring commentary...

And you're definitely not above running through the streets shouting: "nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, I got me some money!"


Glad to hear the execs came through, hopefully this means well for the far future of SOA and not just the immediate.

Anonymous said...

Kurt - I'm glad I found this show this season. Best stuff on TV right now. I'm glad you got a deal that works for you and maintains the integrity of the show. I watched the finale with mixed emotions. I don't know how much of my disappointment was a direct reaction to the story line and how much was just knowing the season was coming to a close. I will say that having read your interview with Sepinwall puts a whole new perspective on it. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

quality writing, great acting, fabulous direction will always have a place to entertain the rest of the citizens. If Fox wasn't smart enough to pickup SOA season 3, you know that there would be another network to see the value in what you do. Congrats, and as with the two seasons before, I will leave my usual stool at the strip club to find a tube to watch it on. Keep it as real as the rest of the country can swallow. No one could do it as well as you have.

Paulo said...

Thank you FX and thank you Kurt.
We all win!

Maggie said...

SOA is the best show on TV. When it airs even if the Pope were to call we would'nt answer the phone! I am so thrilled to hear there will be a season 3. I would have been sick if it wasn't renewed. I hope it's on for years and years. I am so hoping to get Season 1 as a Christmas gift and will anxiously await for Season 2 to come out on DVD too.

When will season 3 start to air? See....I'm already anxious. I can't, can't wait. It was a long year waiting for season 2 the way it was but it was worth waiting for.

Congratulations on a job well done. And a HUGE Congratulations to your wife! She plays the part perfect and is great to watch.

Caffiend said...

Well met sir! I have to say that rupert aside, I am glad that fx has their shit together enough to recognize your talent, your ability to put together a very talented writing staff, the fine actors and what you truly have to offer which is cohesion. The major networks can continue to fucking well flounder in their lowest common denominator spawning pool smearing shit all over one another.

Aside from SoA and Mad Men, which I picked up due to your positive comments and that of a close friend, the only other thing I really have is United State of Tara and Breaking Bad which does not have quite the anti-hero as something else. Crantson's guy is just fucking mean; more like a less repressed W.H. Macy's Fargo performance than Vic Mackey mean.

So yeah, money makes it all happen almost across the board. I've done a bit of IT consulting in my day which has it's own brand of creativity and ultimately I got to the place that if the client doesn't want to listen to what I have to say, I can do it their way and usually go back afterward, clean up their goddamn mess and then do it my way. After enough iterations of this, the hope being that they realize what they are paying out and perhaps they'll value my opinion for what they are paying as my hourly rate. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't, all told I still get paid and try to put the frustration behind me, the difference of course being that no one can say I caused something to fail which is not going to necessarily be the same for your field.

Until we start an economy based on green-painted shells, this is what we are stuck with.

Amy Kirby said...


Hard to believe that Charming and its people can't be found on any road map. We bought Season One on DVD and re-watched entire season in three nights before Season Two premiered. Can't wait to do the same next year. Congrats on your deal. It is well deserved.

Anonymous said...

Kurt, may I please add my thanks and congratulations to all the others. Appreciate your candor. Being a no BS person myself, I appreciate your ability to blog your way out of the sticky situations you may get into.
I actually like watching TV again. Got me a huge screen so I could watch SOA & the Braves (they're the only thing gets me through the off-season).

Crazy Horse said...

Its good news for those of us who want to watch quality shows on TV. Thanks for standing up to the big guns with your integrity.

Unknown said...

It's been said over and over.. But what the hell.. Congrats! What a fabulous show! Watching SOA, I want to sympathize with Jax, who seems to truly want to do good, and then cracks and shows just how freakin bad he can be, and I find myself appalled to be cheering for him.. What a way to keep an audience hooked... Show a good guy with a huge streak of bad, and let them wonder which way he'll head in a given situation. Fantastic job Kurt, can't wait till season 3!

Unknown said...

Being an outspoken ass on your blog (that's a compliment)about your real feelings on your creative process and business dealings is part of the reason you're getting some respect. You're building your brand and audience - usually it's just a show - but now you're the brand that creates the show. Kudos, every writer should have the balls to write a blog like yours. You backed up your talent with a great show and a great outlet in the blog.

Funky Finds said...

So happy to hear Sons will be returning for at least 2 more seasons! I never thought I'd like a show about a motorcycle club, but you do an awesome job w/the show. Keep up the great work! Jessica D.

pierre LEON said...

hello from france mr Sutter, i hope there willl be much more seasons os sons of anarchy....thanx

Gwenniegirl said...

Just wanted to say, thanks for a great second season.I know the third season will be just as exciting. I wish for you and SOA continued success. The Ladies of Continental Airlines, love the sons. I pray the blessings of a safe and happy holiday season for you and yours.


Brian Lee said...

When is the video game going to come out!

stylecouture said...

The folks at Fox and FX know when they have a hit on their hands. It is not only in their best interest but also of their viewership to negotiate in good faith and renew SOA for season 3. Congrats Kurt on your success and the outstanding show that you and your team produce. I'm already looking forward to season 3 !!

HV said...

It is about time that the less then political correct 1% crowd were portrayed for what they are... Normal People who have a life and care for each other in spite of the negative BS they live with every day
Hats off to FX for having an open mind and looking at what you have done and will do in the future with SOA
SAMCRO is the most addictive show I have ever watched in my 57 years ..Being a Harley Wrench at a Dealership for 37 years it is a pleasure to have a show that myself and all my friends and family can relate to
Thank You Kurt for a well written and well casted crew . Please continue to keep the SOA a series full of unexpected Brilliance


Anonymous said...

Congrats, dude. Still laughing over the best line in the finale: "The beating was from SAMCRO. This is from me." Nice to be recognized.

Vic Palamino said...


Fantastic Job by you and the SOA team on Sea.2. Especially the finale! Excellent DP work by Paul Maibaum! Impressive photography. So good to hear that the SOA wheels will keep turning. Can't wait for 3!

Why did you give that weenie mancow a role?

Anonymous said...

Just finished S2, amazing. Glad the suits saw the future for S3 & S4.

Cant wait till for the start of S3.

ps, you have a huge following in Glasgow, Scotland. UK.

Billie Parker said...

Congratulations Kurt. Thank you for bringing this multi-dimensional, rich material forward. SOA is compelling, complex and filled with the kind of conflict that leaves a print on me for days after I view each epi.
I am glad the studio delivered - but the way I see it, you've earned your swagger fair and square, big guy. One word at a time, one page at a time.

East Coast said...

You dont have to publish this, but,...

Due to the shitty economy, I have become not only jobless, but now, homeless. I live in a tool shed behind my favorite biker bar, The only thing that kept me sane, and strong, was being able to go in on Tuesdays and watch your show. Now that its gone, it kinda sucks, and
my own goverment wont help me because I'm a white male with the common sense not to have kids I cant afford.
I so look forward to the new season coming back, to restore me to sanity and give me something to look forward to again.

Ride free
Support 81
East Coast Al

Urno Talbot said...

Glad you realize you post emotionally, I had to learn that lesson more than once myself.
What happened to the blog page with the links to Twat and FB?

LIsa Hostettler said...

I don't have anything negative to say just a comment. I loved Henry Rollins this season and I really hated that his character had to be killed off. There was something unsettling about the way you did it. I am still bothered by it 4 days later. But, I guess that means you are creating great television since I can't let it go.

All the best,
Lisa Hostettler

susanshearer said...

Your generous spirit just endears you to me even more. It takes a true man to allow those around him to shine too without feeling diminished. You do that with your cast and crew. It doesn’t surprise me you would do it with your network.
The story lines you give your cast is an amazing gift. All actors should be so blessed.
May God continue to richly bless you and yours, this holiday season and on into the new years to come.

sammy said...

COngrats! You and the show deserve many more years. Keep up the good work. The show is a hit. Must say, many people relate to the beliefs of the club. Hope the future is good for you and the show.

chiqbiker said...

I am a die-hard fan of SOA...We anxiously anticipated the premier of the show last year and devoured every episode, along with the encore presentations. We could not wait until we were able to get the first season on DVD. We also could not wait for the second season to begin. We are already lamenting the LONG wait for season 3 to begin. We have several friends on facebook that we chat with during commercials weekly as the show unfolds (during commercial breaks, of course). We applaud you and the cast for the GREATEST show ever!!!! I have read that you might hope for 7 seasons...we personally are elated that seasons 3 and 4 are a go. We would love to see it go on and on, while the odds are not in favor, I would love to see it continue indefinitely.

holymotherofgod said...

Kurt I continue to appreciate your blog for your honesty and frankness. I so value that. Your no apologies, this is who I am, this is what I do, this is how I do it. I wish more people had that. I can tell you that the mine is bigger than yours exists in many industries; the games go on in other arenas also. In a parallel universe, I get you and what you do.
I wish you and your SOA counterparts continued success.
There are many talented people on your team all of which deserve it.
By the way, that was gorgeous writing in your last episode. The contrast of one father losing a child against another; one being overcome, crazed and wild with grief and the other being complacent, cold and uncaring. Both fleeing the scene in different ways-one with someone else's child, the other flying to where was it- Bulgaria? And the last scene being a father without his young child. The show itself is based on that father son connection. Loved it- thanks for such great writing and having he right people capable of executing those words into action (your actors). Amen.

G said...

I am not going to be long winded (shock) I am just going to say that I for one am happy there will be a season 3 Congrats Mr. Sutter...and YAY!!

Stanley said...

This the first time I ever felt inspired to Blog. I really love the show and I like where your going with it. I do believe you can do better, just like the 2nd year was better than the 1st.

Remember growth not perfection.... I pray you receive 3 fold what you have given us and Thank HP for FX.
I believe SOA is better because its on FX.

Remember a wise guy named Bill said self-centered fear is the catalyst of all our defects of character. So maybe its not about who has the biggest dick.... Maybe its about "you" weren't getting something wanted or something you thought you had was being taken away?

Kurt, you are valued whether your winning emmy's or if you just some burnout cleaning ashtray's and pouring coffee.

But I would rather have you winning emmy's.

I'm grateful for another year of SOA. Make it Special!

Stan S said...

Sons of Anarchy is the best show on tv!!! The cast and writing is truly awesome!!! Especially Tommy Flanagan that man is sexy as hell!!!

Unknown said...

First off whatever they are paying you they should double it. I liked the Shield but SOA is awesome! Please Mr. Sutter please get FX to do an SOA summer special. I can't make it til september 2010. You are like a dealer who has me on the hook.

Anyway you are the man, and I hope to have the pleasure of appreciating your art for a long time to come. Thank You....I mean that.

P.S. If the suits ever try to bind you up let them know that we watch because of your brilliance and that the fans giveth and the fans can taketh away. DON'T MESS WITH THE SUTTER

Indianacat said...

Congratulations on getting Season 3 nailed down. Unforunately, with the end of Season 2 (and no rebroadcasts for awhile), am looking for a rehab program for SOA withdrawal!

It takes a big man (no reference to the size of the third leg intended) to recognize when to give credit where credit is due.
You could've just done so with FX heads and left it at that. That you went one further and shared same with the fanbsse shows just what of person you are.

I doubt that you would've gotten as square a deal from Fox net, but then, being a netlet, it's hard to imagine a quality show like SOA getting the support it so richly deserves. ABC/CBS/NBC/Fox and whatever the fifth net calls itself now (cw/upn) could learn something.

Hope the toy drive went well, by the way.

Unknown said...

I just wanted to tell you how pleased I was to see Kenny Johnson appear in episode twelve of Sons of Anarchy. The part suits him perfectly, and as a fan and a friend, I would love to see him as a series regular, if his schedule permits it. I am also a fan of your work and am excited to see that FX picked up Sons for another season. The quality of stories you put out make it well worth keeping you around--for your fans, the production and distribution companies, and their advertisers. As long as SutterInk, Fox21, and FX continue to produce such top-notch quality original programming, you will have a loyal viewer.


Beverly Washington

No Daisy said...

It's nice to hear the network execs did more than blow smoke up your ass. Praise is great but money talks, and help ones self esteem issues. But really, how could FX not bend over backwards for you after this stellar season of SOA? They would be stupid not to see the value in keeping you and your talents in-house.

Congrats and keep it up. I'm eagerly anticipating season 3 already!

Patti said...

Kurt...why can't we see your other blogs? Was that part of the agreement that you worked out with them that you would get rid of your "blog history"? I hope not.


Anonymous said...

While I was always a fan of "The Shield", (Vic being one of the most conflicted characters I have ever had the pleasure of watching), I was totally not expecting ANYTHING for Sons. Well, I could not have been more wrong! SOA is the best show ever!
The writing is unmatched, the characters are played to perfection!
Mr Sutter, I must say that the last 10 minutes of 'Balm' was the finest 10 minutes of television that I have ever seen! From the facial expressions during Gemmas story, to the song playing in the background, it was smashing! Bravo! Don't know how I will survive till 9/10!!! Long live SAMCRO!!!

Mom23nonangels said...

I love, love, love the Sons of Anarchy and I am looking forward to Season 3. Congrats on your deal and keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

hey congrats!!!!!

im an avid fan since the first season!!

one thing about the season ender

why is prospect gone!
i was hurt wen he was stasbbed!!

u shud write him back in !!

since we never did officially see wat happened to him:)

spinchoke said...

I can't even begin to tell you how happy this makes me and my crew. Right the fuck on bro!
Keep running things YOUR way!

Grumbler said...

Despite two full seasons, we know little about John Teller (Jax's father). There's no real sense of history, either. I'd like to see a flashback episode or two featuring John Teller so as to give us a sense of what it was all about back in those days. SOA is definitely getting better and better. Maybe introduce a new character to take the place of half sack - someone 6'6" and 300-lbs with full sleeve tats as their enforcer.

fulton said...

So you're on the 3rd season of SOA, congrats but can you actually ride fucker?

Aaliyah said...

I appreciate the inside knowledge you drop on us about the whole process of writing and producing a show. It's good food for thought. I'm glad FX, and Fox21 stepped up to the plate and gave you a deal that you can talk proudly about. I guess when you have a winner it's hard not to recognize the value it brings to their entertainment brand.

I'm sad to see Half-Sack go, but it was a noble death. I think it was cleve that early in the finale Jax takes out AJ, leaving his sons fatherless and as we get to the end of the episode, the script flips. Nice work, but you and your writers already know that.