Tuesday, December 01, 2009


(screen names)

Spooky Lil Girl

(screen names) 

Bernard Kennedy
Danielle Ippolito
Marc Kuechle
Richard Lazzara
Sarah Overman
Seth Chenard
Tonya Farabee
Sue Gabel
Rebecca Lyn Engs
Noelia Fernandez



I will give folks a few days to send me their info, if I don't hear from them by Friday, I'll choose another.  I won't be able to get the swag out till after 12/11, so please be patient.  

Making it simple to send me your info.  Just email me your name and mailing address at

And if you didn't win, which of course most of you did not, you still get the gift of me... on SutterInk Blog, Facebook and Twitter.  Ah yes, I can hear the choruses of "Go fuck yourself writer-man!!" echoing throughout the middle 48.

God bless your mess.


Ari Braginsky said...

Well I (@lemonkey) didn't win, but my wife @sugarplum did! Can't wait :D

Jon Michaels said...

HAHAHA, Kurt you are still the man!!! You need to start an Otto Fan Club!!! Take care and looking forward to a quick jump to Season 3!!!

Melissa said...

Congrats Winners!

im extremely jealous.

Michael Henry said...

I love that you write your blog and include things like "go fuck yourself writer man." Good to see some people are still able to hit you with the straight off the cuff wit.

You did an amazing job with this season. The only bad part about the whole thing is that I have to wait til next season to see more. I have said in many times via Facebook (Michael Henry) and Twitter (TCRPMG) - You are a genius. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching this season. And you have done exactly what you are supposed to do - Leave them wanting more. I hope this brings you emmy nominations and huge recognition. Well done, Mr. Sutter. I am dying to see the next episode. Is it next season yet?

Patti said...

Congrats to all the winners; still 10 minutes to show and I am staying off FB; Twitter and Myspace; spoilers everywhere. :-) I hear it was a great show. Cant wait.

Kat Scratch said...

fuck yeah! altho' i think you should sent a note or some handwritten shit to @twisted_shadow on Twitter. he's been your cheerleader!

i'll take whatever you give us. i vote for a Sons of Anarchy calendar with the dudes shirtless. SHIRTLESS! esp. Opie and Hale. ha ha ha! ;)

JoeJenkins said...

Oh well, live to fight another day. Great episode, great season. Thank you!

Deni said...

damn congrads to the winners congrads to the cast sorry half sac i understand that you dont want to continue the show i will never forget your shroom scene i nearly died laughing, thankyou for the tears of joy and i love the show and the actors, im addicted

Kimmy said...

Your followers are the real winners.

Thank you for all the interaction and props to your fans!

We are lucky for yourself and your wonderful cast. TY!

Liz said...

its ok kurt us non-winners still love you...*stomps off into the nearest goddamn corner to bawl* really,ill be fine ;)

Unknown said...

Well I didn't win...But I still had a fucking blast this season..Thanks to you and and the cast and crew for making life a bit more bearable for an hour a week..Always a fan man...

Jake (aka cubezombie)

shersranch! said...

hey Kurt, my opinion we are ALL winners because we get to experience your talent and scream for more :)
Thank You Sir
sherree (FB)

SOA Forums said...

No, my only angst towards you right now is half sack!! What the fuck?

But seriously, way cool of you to this, and congrats to the winners. You are amassing fans by the thousands not only due to the quality of the show and your talent, but the way you treat your fans.

Stay real man.

stylecouture said...

<---- Really Bummed. Oh well. Keep up the good work Sutter !! Looking forward to Season 3

Anonymous said...

Any info on a 3rd season yet?

therealzenobia said...

First of all, relevant to nothing else, whoever framed that scene of Hale and Weston, dimpled chin to dimpled chin - HOT! My goodness. We don't always appreciate a perfect chin the way we ought to.

So: Unranked: Otto's Aryan - Really amazing scene. The audiotape was beautiful.

#29, Edmund. Obviously we all knew he had to die, but you still surprised us. It could've been Jimmy, or Cam, or even Tig who did it, but Stahl for punching her in the crotch? Unexpected!

#27 Weston. Very disturbing. How satisfying is it to put six bullets in the head of someone who raped your mother while he sits there and waits for it? Knowing there's a witness? And why is everyone proud of him? I thought he had other kills besides Kohn. Weston wasn't easy, of course, but what a shithead. Stopping for a tattoo when you've just kidnapped your kid? Why not get the ink in Valdosta, or wherever? Anyway, beautiful performance by Rollins. Almost sorry he's dead.

#26 Zoebelle. I think I knew they wouldn't both go. I even think it might have been obvious that Zoebelle would get away with it, but see above for SOA and the obvious.

#17 The Prospect. Really?? Without even getting patched in? Harsh!

#10 Polly. Congrats on breaking my top 10. I should have realized she was actually in as much danger from dad as from anyone. And our investment in her was definitely upped last week after we found out she did choose Edmund and then the icky finger-sniffing and double-kiss scene. When she let us know last night that her heart wasn't in the Gemma thing, that should have been the signal.

I hear Clay in my head saying to Darby, "And it will be satisfying." Much here is not, and if it were, there's be a SAMCRO ride at Disney world, so I'll conclude by saying that Mancow has exactly zero ability to blend in, and I hope that's the last we see of celebrities. Do you remember Willie Nelson and Glenn Frey on Miami Vice? It was the fucking death knell, and they should have known better, because remember Scooby Doo? First it was just Scooby and the gang - classic dramatic literature. Then it was Scooby Doo Meets Abbot and Costello, Scooby Doo Meets Sonny and Cher. Then there was Scrappy Doo, and then it was over.

Thanks for a great season. I feel like driving out into the country to meditate for six months. Wish I could.

chubdubblub said...

Congrats to all the winners!

I'm pi$$ed that I didn't win..story of my life..hahha

Iberostar said...

Congrats to the winners of the swag, she says, sniffling back the disappointment. (just kidding!)
Too cool for words - your giving stuff away to your fans!! Looking forward to your next blog!

bubba spice said...

The real winners? All of those who watched the absolutely delicious season finale. I'd like to point out just a few choice bits of brilliance just in case my wee bit of validation can encourage anyone, anywhere to continue to make television with literary value...

i. The slow roll of the first 35 minutes was like the first few rounds of a prize-fight...There was a feeling out process. It lulled one into thinking, 'Hell maybe this is going to go exactly as one would expect, we will get a big climax and some resolution...ho hum'. And then... out of nowhere...a punch to the cunt...literally. As is usually the case when things start with a punch to the cunt, they unravel quickly and end badly. Brilliant.

2. The use of children to set up the cliff-hanging, Abel kinappery was as good as it gets. From weston's kid in the bathroom, to the kids in the deli...the notion that kids are sacred, innocent and off-fucking-limits could not have been established more solidly, subtly or perfectly. As a consequence anyone with a fucking pulse had a weee bit of a 'what the fuck? He is not!!!' puke shiver/butterfly in the guts moment when Hayes the elder pulled that knife out the block and it hovered over abel. Brilliant.

3. The development of Hale was just plain ol' stunning. The dude who has expressed such contempt for Unser's somewhat fluid commitment to the law, the dude who just moments early self- righteously declared that he still followed the law, leaves Zobelle twisting in the wind! The dude changed and we watched it happen. It wasn't contrived. It wasn't obvious. He didn't struggle with some enormous moral dilemma. It just happened (the way those things usually do), his moral compass moved and it was totally delicious to watch. The symmetry betwixt Hale, hand on her knee 'comforting' Tara and Unser, hand on knee, spiriting Gemma to freedom??? Brilliant.

Sooo, although it likely won't matter too much to anyone, I just had to share those thoughts because I want more T.V. like that. So I am floating my appreciationg out there to anyone, anywhere involved in anyway with the damn show. You entertained the hell out of me for 90 minutes and made my life more interesting. Please make more. Thank you. Brilliant.

Spnk MeRed said...

Go fuck yourself...but thanks for an amazing show...cant wait til next season

Denise Shelton said...

Oh, well. Lucky in love anyway. The giveaway is a gracious gesture. Body count last night pretty satisfying, too. Nice Romeo and Juliet tableau with Polly and the Irishman. Also spotted my friend Heidi's high school pal Freddy the tattoo artist as (wait for it -- the tattoo artist). Good touch of realism. We wondered about the flowers Polly brings with her. Bothered me at first but in a way it's nice because I'm sure crime scenes often contain cryptic things like that that are never explained. It also underscored what a waste the girl's life was, she had the potential to be so much more. Prospect's a hero. What a moment! Will there be a biker funeral next season (it didn't look like he survived)? That would be cool.

Anonymous said...

Glad to have found your blog, and like many others will have learn patience without going insane for Season 3 to start. Thought I was too jaded to be impressed by much anymore, but the show and cast are brilliant. Great job, awesome season and enough said!

Electronic Sole said...

Did Johnny Lewis get a star spot on another show?

Anonymous said...

HOLYSHIT!!Congratulations on a brilliant finale as well as one hell of an entertaining one..with every twist and turn of events,you left us ranting, raving, begging for more..I especially loved seeing Stahl get that punch in the area that we would all love to see Clay also shove his gun...Hell yes..You ARE the man..keep it was ALL good. As for HalfSack..uhmm..maybe they give him a great funeral with his patches finally awarded..? Can't wait for more..Thx.

britty said...

ok so im not one for blogging ...BUT!!..i have been a religious fan of the show since i saw the very first preview of the 1st season! i've never cared too much for t.v. let alone commited my self to a complete season..but SONS is a whole different level of entertainment!! I have gotten all of my friends and family into this amazing show! my mother is more of the conservative type not much for violence ..but now shes callin me reminding me to watch the i dont fuckin remember! i just wanted to pay my respects and show my gratitude are an absolute fuckin genius ! thank you for creating this amazing world of chaos and showing so many levels of intensity in a way that most are to weak to reveal!!cant fuckin wait til next season although its so far away! guess ill just have to watch season one on dvd just to get my weekly fix of THE SONS!! Keep it comin ...cant wait to see what genius ideas you have stirring up for next season!!! Thank you for your greatness!!

Anonymous said...

The show last night kept me on the edge of my seat !! It was fantastic !!! The scene where the guy walks out with the child and they did not expect that.. Sorta reminded me of that scene in scarface where they were to kill that man yet he had put the kids in the car which was not the plan... ne ways, love the show and no one is saying FUCK you !! we love you and the show !!

Unknown said...

I have watched every single episode the night it comes out (sometimes twice), which is significant considering it is the only show I watch on television instead of the internet. Ron Perlman is my favorite actor, and I just keep panicking whenever Clay is in danger because his death opens the way for Jax.

I can see a few ways things can go if Stahl (sp?) is trying to take her down. Somehow she could try to cover things up due to her perceived debt to Opie, she could flee the jurisdiction (or the country), or Stahl could go down if forensics manages to piece together what really happened rendering her witness account unusable. IF Gemma leaves town, you can bet Clay will follow, and this must not happen.

I'm not too worried about it though when I pause to remember the casting team describing Ron, Charlie, and Katey and their "gravitas". I'm staking my generally well-placed faith in you, Kurt, to keep the incredible series going strong. I have immense heterosexual love for you and your cast.

P.S. In the cleanest sort of interpretation, you have a very talented wife. I love how genuine she appears in her role, speaking from her "single mother" heart, protecting her own.

harleydgal95 said...

Didn't win the free shit, but still love ya. Thanks for an awesome season and can't wait until next year. Last night's season finale was a great birthday present (mine)!!!

harleydgal95 said...

Didn't win but still love ya anyway. Thanks for an awesome birthday present to me--last night's season finale. Can't wait for season 3.

Urno Talbot said...

Geez, I'm the one who bitched on FB and here that we should be included in the giveaway. Doesnt being a bitch from Jersey count for anything anymore?

SmallTownTexasWoman said...

This season was so amazing. Last night's season finale had me sitting on the edge of my bed, wide-eyed, and I think my toes were curled the last 5 minutes. I can't wait to see what happens in season 3.

Detroit Hemingway said...

A magnificent look through the kaleidoscope into a world that most of us only wish we could see. Now if I could only figure out how to install foot pegs, a sissy bar, and a throttle onto my Lazy-Boy, I just might be able to taste the wind, weed, and the whiskey with the boys...

oaksandroses said...

Thank you for another amazing season. I hate cliffhangers, but this works for me.

Dana Kaminski said...

I love your show. I even embedded it in the sidebar of my blog, and it's in fine company there.

It's embedded above some very obscure finds such as James Dean's audition for East Of Eden, Marlon Brando's first screen test in LA where he lists his credits, shyly (and they were only off Bway NYC credits at that point)... Documentaries about Hollywood like "Girl 61"...

You get the picture.

I'm tough to please, especially when it comes to TV television, but really loving your show.

Dana Kaminski

PS I also follow you on Twitter (@__dana__). I have over 3000 folls there myself, and I have told them my opinion of your show. That's rare. They get it.

BrendanL said...


BrendanL said...

OK I just read your Sepinwall interview and the info on Johnny. I'm sorry I called you a motherfucker.

Unknown said...

Hey Kurt,

Just wanted to let you know how fucking awesome the finale was! I loved every minute of it, found myself watching the back to back showing on FX last night and then felt as though I had lost something after realizing the season had ended.

I know you get alot of fan mail and have tons of followers but I must tell you like others do that I love this show, you are an amazing and talented writer and the storyline for the show is nothing short of genius. Casting Katey as Gemma and Charlie as Jax was perfection, the viewer believes that Katey is his mother. She is amazing and pure radiance. Makes me wish Gemma was my mother lion!

Please let Charlie know that he played the final scene like a seasoned pro, but I must say that scream at the end left my heart aching for Jax. It's hard to be transformed by a tv show into believing that the characters are real, but for the show's running time, I'm all there believing that Charming and it's residents are all very real!

I leave you with this revelation about myself so that you understand why the show means so much to me. I was hurt in a workplace accident in 2003 and can no longer walk. I became handicapped and found myself wishing I was dead for the first 3 years after the accident. There is not much that brings me happiness or allows me to escape, but Sons of Anarchy does. I have to say thank you Mr. Sutter for giving me a show that allows me to forget for an hour my reality. For the time that I watch your show I am transformed into a place where I can live through your characters. You are an amazing and gifted writer and I can't wait for next season. I can't tell you how I wish that this was a book so I could buy the book and find out what happens next. I long ago purchased season one and as soon as season two drops, I will buy it. You have my support.
Again thank you, and keep up the good work. If you haven't heard it lately, you've done fantastic work! I appreciate you, Katey and the rest of the amazing cast and crew. Please come back to us soon with season 3!

Anonymous said...

Kurt you are one bad-ass, sick dude... and I love ya like a tiger loves a raw steak. Mwaah!

Thanks for a great season - it's gonna be hard waiting 9 months for next season to start :)

Julie D said...

Congrats winners but dammit how did I miss this???????? I can't fucking believe it.

I just watched the finale. You are killing me. Please tell me the new season starts next week! LOL


shamon from the bronx said...

My heart was pounding not since the shield have i been on the edge of my seat this show will have a tough time going up next to Mad Men for the emmy. Congratulation well done show .

Sabrina said...

Amazing Season = long wait until September 2010!!! And I just realized that if this show runs 7 years as you/we hope, I will be spending a lot of time wishing for time to fly by and the next season to begin and I will be over 50 before I know it...gee, thanks a bunch for that!!! ;)

raiznhail said...

Whew, let me say that again, Whew! You had me sliding sideways on the finale.You outdid yourself on Season 2 and I don't know how you will outdo yourself for Season 3 but I know one thing for sure, I'm in and I want to close my eyes and wake up tomorrow to Season 3. In the meantime, consider yourselves the Dream Team, you Mr Sutter, your cast and crew and anyone who had anything to do with pulling this whole thing off. Thank you, thank you thank you, love and respect

Carmel said...

Okay ..I don't know where else to write this that possibly you'll read here I ask.
WHY ??? WHY KURT ????
WHY MUST I WAIT UP IN COLD FREEZIN MY FUCKIN ASS OFF ALBERTA CANADA FOR ANOTHER YEAR TO PASS BEFORE I CAN WATCH SOA. ~tears ~ It's just not fair !! At the very least 18 Episodes. 18 can't be too much to ask ~ sniff sniff~
Okay I'll stop with the drama.
Seriously ..thank you for a GREAT SEASON. I hope that you'll get a chance to come to Sturgis this year and we can meet you in person.
We just got to watch the final episode tonight( Damm Canadian T.V needs to get with the program) and it was awesome to say the least..we'll keep busy pondering what next year will bring ..and in the mean time keep reading and enjoying your blog.
My husband would like to send you a support shirt from his club. If there's a place that they sniff stuff out for bombs and make sure it's not an illegal weapon we can send it too ..please let me know. I'm on yer facebook as well. Baird is the last name.

Your fans,
The crazy ass bikers up in Canada.

Gopal Awasthi said...

Wish I'd won...but wht i'd really want to win is a Season OST..
That'l be such a treat for all ur fans...please give us that awesome compilation while we wait for the next season to kick in

Gopal Awasthi said...

damn so wanted this one!
but more than anything i'd like to see a Season OST release...
that'd be the most awesome compilation to own...
and dude! keep us filled wen u finally return in wats it!! Sep 2010!!

Craider said...

Congrats Winners and congrats SOA cast and crew on a Season 3 pickup and may there be many more!

Glad Big Otto is still with us, even though he's absolutely never getting out of the big house other than in a pine box.

The season 3 story has so many question marks now, I'm glad you chose to aim for even more challenging ground "going forward."

Julie D said...

Thanks for the add on FB.

My blog is all about SOA today! Come read it!!! :)

Susette said...

Hey...congrats on season 3 AND 4! I don't need an autograph but I would love to study a season 2 production to ask, just going for my dream :} !

Thank-you for inspiring us all!

Cheers, Susette

Anonymous said...


Iberostar said...

I have to add to all the congrats on a great finale - whoa - I liked that Westin said (even though he was about to die) for his kid NOT to talk to the police - ever. Really true to character. I'll miss Rollins - and he played one creepy character - shiver. I love Gemma - I love her speech about god putting the girl in her path so she could do something about it. That was SSSoooooo good.
Can't wait for next season!!!

Anonymous said...

I have religiously watched SOA since recieving season 1 for a birthday gift. I am also a nielsen participant. I made sure all 6 of my tvs were on and the nielsen boxes were signed in with all 3 demographics in my household. The finale Rocked!!!! Can't wait for season 3.

Patti said...

Since my names isn't among the list of winners, am I correct in assuming that you will NOT be wrapping up Ron Perlman and mailing him to me?? (heavy sigh!)

therealzenobia said...

Here's the wall.,+Belfast,+County+Antrim+BT12,+United+Kingdom&gl=us&ei=vTUYS-TxEMbSlAfO8azoAg&ved=0CAwQ8gEwAA&ll=54.602301,-5.940793&spn=0.002567,0.009624&z=17&layer=c&cbll=54.60186,-5.941128&panoid=Aw7lYOK8LbfVtqDMlwf0bA&cbp=12,242.49,,0,6.2

This is some serious s$@#. Earlier in the season, my sister and I were saying, You know, you really cannot do a show about the IRA or Hamas.

Balls the size of Dallas.

mepsipax said...

Woot. I won I won I won. Doing the winning dance.

JanieJones said...

Thank you for a wonderful S2. You have created a show that digs deep and is ingrained in the mind.
Congrats on the 3rd season.

Congratulations to the winner's.

SP in PHX said...

Dude.... you're a true giver! In many ways. Thanks for the thrills. SP in PHX

Anonymous said...

I sent an email to:
asking that they review and consider Katy's performance for Season 2. I don't know if it will help but maybe if everyone who reads this blog does the same, it might get someone's attention. You never know!

Dina said...

WTG winners, wish I was 1 of them.

- dee - said...

you're the consolation prize for the well I suppose that's an ooright prize :P

Sarah said...

So...*twiddles thumbs* Is there a way for you to confirm if you got the winners info? *big grin*