Sunday, September 11, 2011


Keeping my word on the promise I made in my entry SEASON 4 PREMIER CHALLENGE/PROMISE, I have chosen the winners.  My selection process was not arbitrary or random.  It was not a raffle.  It was an opportunity to give something back to the fans.  Even though I'm choosing only two, I hope folks understand that this is my way of thanking you all.  I went back to season one and looked at fan input, dedication and general enthusiasm.  It was a tough choice, because SOA fans are all incredibly devoted.  But here's where I landed --

Myra Lowe, Lowecat on Twitter and Sutterink Blog.  Hails from Indianapolis, Indiana.  
Why: Because she and her motorcycle, Tig, have been followers since day one.  Myra is responsible for shutting down more pirate DVD sellers on e-Bay than Fox.  Her upbeat, go-get-'em spirit has always felt like good energy to me.  

Mark Mitteer, Twisted_Shadow on Facebook, Sutterink Blog and Twitter.  Hails from Little Rock, Arkansas. 
Why: Mark has also been a dedicated follower since day one.  He is responsible for a good chunk of my followers on Facebook and Twitter.  His near-harassment approach to alerting folks of the joys of SOA is something that amazes and frightens me.  Part of me is curious just to see who this guy is.  

Barring a vetting out by Fox security, Mark and Myra and one spouse/guest will be joining me for a screening of a season 4 episode.  Still working out the details of when and where, but I will fly them out, put them up and entertain the fuck out of them.  We'll document it and keep you all plugged in.

Our SWAG BASKETS for our overseas friends go to:

The ever-loyal, Tina Lou of the UK.
Why: She's been our biggest fan since day one.  She created and runs  

And Julen Cancerbero of Spain.
Why: Because I like saying his name.

I'll have someone in my office reach out to the winners this week. Thank you all for your dedication and you know if I was Rupert, I'd fly you all out for a screening.  

Keep watching and I'll keep giving away free shit.


Queen Bitching Bitch said...

Congrats to the winners! What an awesome prize!

Naomi Crawford said...


Elizabeth said...

Congratulations to you all such an awesome bunch of people :) enjoy xo

CarrieAnn0608 said...

A little disappointed........... but hey what can I say at least I give a damn to watch your shows. Never missed one, but its ok maybe I'll meet you and Katey one day. You are a great writer. I wish you then best of luck!!!

kfieldsky said...

Congratulations to all the winners!! :) Good times ahead!!

Barb said...

I dont think you could be any cooler. Congrats to the winners! Its an amazing prize!

trishamb said...

more Happy please. Happy makes me very Happy!

M. Reed said...

Yay to the winners!! Make sure to post some awesome pics from the event! :D I'm a brand new watcher, so I'm really glad veteran watchers got picked. :D

Anonymous said...

Great stuff kurt!
But you really should check out the pepole that runs the fan site "Club Samcro" on facebook .. the admins off that site work day and night to get the word out about SOA.

Note that i am not one off them, i just notice the hard work they put in to the fan site and i know they would love some attention from the man himself :)

Regards a big SOA fan.

Shell said...

right on, that is going to be a life change for them...... Sons is fucken awesome tv show and it keeps on rocken..... SOA for life

Will said...

Congrats to the winners!

TEXAS MEL said...

Glad you picked them. Although I am new to the on-line community, I have watched the show since the first episode. I knew then it would have a "Soprano's" type following. Keep up the great work. Can't wait to see what happens this season. Also just an interesting tidbit, since the show I have noticed the Bikers in my very small Texas town getting a little more respect. People TALK to them and greet them. This did not happen in the past. Most people were scared of them. A result of the show? Who knows? But there has to be a reason for it.

Urno Talbot said...

Congrats to all the winners. Especially Tina Lou, you deserve this for all the promos you do for the show!

me said...

WOW...wikkid fawking awesome gift!! Cant wait to view the shit your going to do with and for them...well the shit your gonna let us see anyways '_' !!

ellie said...

You and the crew of SOA are pretty flipping sweet! How awesome you are to give so much more to your fans. Anxiously awaiting 402. Hurry up Tuesday. I'm not a patient woman.

brittany kipplen said...

So amazing! So happy for all of the winners! Especially Tina Lou. As a follower of hers on FB, I know how much time/effort she puts into all this. SO HAPPY FOR THEM!!

Steve spinale said...

Congrats to the winners and to you mr. Sutter for creating such a kick ass show!

Dan in FL said...

Congratulations to the winners. Have a great time at the party.

Susan Herrgesell said...

You and SOA just keep getting better.

Janet Robinson aka shedvil2003 said...

Let me be the first to say Congrats to the winners! And THANKS to Mr. Sutter for a great show! Keep up the good work!

hottcopwife said...

Congratulations to Mark and Myra! Kurt, it looks like you chose two truly devoted fans. I can't wait for the next episode of SOA.

A said...

Lucky dogs!!

Teresa said...

Congrats to the winner's!! Man it must be such an honor to meet the wonderful cast and of course Kurt sutter the man who made SOA The best show ever made!!

AstridJMF said...

SO HAPPY for Tina Lou!!! she deserves it!! she does a so amazing job!!! (well congratulations to the others too of course!! :) )
SOA rocks!!!!

ladybird48 said...

Great to here Kurt ...and such a lovely thing to do .congratulations to these guys....what a beautiful gift from yourself and SOA Love and respect Christine and My Keith xxx



Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mark & Myra.....but I am soooo envious, I would have been willing to loose my job to go....

Dev said...

As if you wouldn't have put as much thought an effort into choosing deserving winners as you do most things?!?!?!?

I'm sure they will have an amazing time, something they will never forget!

Props to them for their loyalty and props to you for the opportunity!

Content in Valley Village

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the winners, but I'm sooo envious, I would have been willing to lose my job to go, but you are deserving

Laur3n R0s3 said...

your a man of your word, and its excellent the things you do for your fans.. love ya kurt, and congratulations to those who won make the best of it!

Bonnie said...

Congrats to the deserving winners :)


Eden Bond said...

Well just let Tina know the word is Wanker, not Whanker! Just so she knows! Also, where do you get all those wicked bikes from, and who looks after them for the show.

SparticusInk said...

Hey Kurt
Great selection of fans . As I am a baby fan with an SOA addiction and who is only onto season 3 . I hope to be around at the end !! Fingers crossed for future competitions . Can't wait for the SOA app updates !!

Kaitlin said...

While I wish I was a winner, because I adore free shit...I'll keep watching in hopes that you give your adoring fans more fun things! :)

Unknown said...

As you know, Mr. Sutter, I was on a dedication ride for the Indy Project 9/11 Memorial today. Therefore, this post to thank you for selecting me is a little late.

I'm gonna digress just a moment to say a big THANK YOU to you, Katey, Chris Reed, Randolph Mantooth, Kenny Johnson, and the former prospect Johnny Lewis for retweeting about it - and Kristen Renton for the belated love sent to the riders. Tig, the bike, and I rode with pride knowin' that you wished us well and supported us. It was worth gettin' drenched to the bone in changeable Indiana weather.

Due to the ride, I wasn't online much today. When I finally checked into twitter in order to write an update on the ride, my @mentions exploded! That's how I found out.

All the riders around me thought I'd either had a religious epiphany (yeah, I was) or was goin' nuts (yeah, I was), cause all I could do was say 'OMG! OMG! OMG!' while laughing and crying at the same time.

Fortunately, several of my fellow riders wore SOA gear (and I made sure it was legit), understood why I was doin' a happy dance in the rain. They were full of congratulations.

I am humbled, and truly thank you from the bottom of my heart.

My heartfelt congrats to Mark, Tina Lou and Julen as well.

It will be an honor to meet with you and discuss creative things, life, the universe, and everything. I will try very hard not to do a Wayne and Garth 'I'm not worthy'.

Purrs and whisker kisses,

Lowecat (Myra Lowe)

PS, Tig is happy that you recognized him, too.

Librarychic1 said...

Hearbroken, but would have picked Lowecat myself, great choices and well deserved. Congratulations guys!

I was a late comer to Sons (earlier this year) but have been and will always be dedicated from my day one!

Kurt, maybe this could be an annual event.......and we (I) could get another chance??!!

Dawn O said...

Congrats to everyone!! We want a full report after you guys are back! lol. Thanks to Kurt for recognizing Tina Lou! She, and Cindy Walton, do so much for the fans!!

BronteBT said...

Congrats to winners! What an amazing experience this will be for them! I hope and think you already know just what the opportunity to meet you does to us fans. So many celebrities are out of touch or don't care about fans but you're making SOA fans into such a bonded group and all your fan interaction on twitter, youtube, and now meeting you, is something we love and appreciate about you and your show!

mrsckidd said...

congrats to all the winners!!!

Heather M. Gardner said...

That is so cool, Mr. Sutter!

Congrats to the winners!

W.G. Cambron said...

Jeallus. But congrats to the winners. Have a blast.

31six on Twitter said...

Congrats to all the winners & a huge thank you to Kurt and all the cast and crew of SOA... ONE <3

scruffy said...

I don't want shit. so THANKS!

Unknown said...

I am bummed that you chose people because they had been followers since day 1 (or that seemed like your main criteria). What about all of the folks that rallied after they learned about the blog? It feels like no one else had a chance. Thousands of people gathered to support you, and early or late to the party, they were there. Either way, I am sure the winners are super stoked and good people, so congrats to them and enjoy! Take care.

Brad said...

Congrats to Mark and Myra, thrilled for them and the experience. Can't wait to hear from Myra report on the Watchers podcast when she returns from the trip.

JTxrayguru said...

I'm oh sssssoooooo jealous, but congrads to the winners!!!

lici2 said...

Couldnt agree more with your choices. However, its like going to the newsagent every week with my lotto ticket - I am always genuinely surprised that I didnt win the 20 million!!!! I dont need free shit to appreciate you but seriously, you need to come see where Rupert began it all!
Love ya work!

izzy said...

Yeah for tina Lou and the other winners! Tina is my go to gal all year! She keeps the Sons alive in the off season!

Kat Scratch said...

Mark aka Twisted Shadow is fucking awesome. no one deserves it more than he does. i'm so happy for him.

Remember 9/11 said...

Vet them with FOX security? Don't forget, they're the ones who let Glenn Beck on the air.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for all of the winners. Shout out to Myra, Mark and Tina.

Unknown said...

Congrats to the lucky winners ! Enjoy your rewards Ladies and Gents ! :)

Meg said...

So glad for Tina Lou! She works her ass off!!!! Congrats to the others too but major congrats to Tina Lou!

StormiRae said...

congratulations to the winners! if you can't make at i'll take your place!!! hahaha :) one day i'll win too!

Denise DeSanctis said...

Congratulations to the winners!!! And Kurt, you are amazing... you deserve every bit of success that comes your way!
Denise :)

trapper said...

Wow...thats going to be so cool.....

So cool, it might even be bitchin!

Don Keyshow said...

Nice! Congrats all. Fan site is pretty sweet too. Great job there. Kurt, you need someone to run contests and shit? Give out some schwag? Hit me up, I can help. It'll only cost you more free shit. :)

Andrew said...

Congratulations to Myra and Mark.
Lucky but loyal and around from the beginning. Well done and well chosen.

WTF Kurt, "Andrew Pfeifer" doesn't roll off the tongue as good as "Julen Cancerbero" ?!#?

Come on now,
"Andrew Pfeifer ... Kurt Sutter"
"Kurt Sutter ... Andrew Pfeifer"

Seriously, that rolls dude.

tims said...

Damn since day 1 one ive hooked more people on this show then charlie sheen has to drugs!!!!!!!! oh well good luck winners... Kurt ill win the next meet and greet!!!!

Crystal said...

Good Job! Great Choices for Great Reasons! You are a great man Kurt Sutter.. no matter how you share your feelings.. I will be the frirst to admit that we all feel the way you do at times.. you just arent afraid to let people know it!!!! LOVE YOU!

Amber Kep said...

Congratulations, Myra and Mark, devotion like that seems more than deserving of such a gift. I too follow on Facebook, Tina Lou definitely deserves the recognition.
I'm jealous!
Kurt, it's beyond thoughtful that you reach out to the fans the way you do, too f-ing cool. You and the cast seem so down to earth. It makes me love the show even more, if that's possible.
Ya got somethin' the other shows don't, that's for sure. LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sutter,

I have a unique gift I'd like to send you as a big SOA fan. Please advise how I can do so. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the winners and
to KS: I know who the first three are and I completely agree with those choices! They all are very deserving! and thanks for a great start to season 4.

Amber T said...

Congrats to the winners! Can't wait to hear/see all about it. I've said it before but worth saying again, you're awesome. Looking forward to a date with my TV tomorrow night at 10.

negakorrie said...

Good for you, and those lucky people. Although I am a weeee bit jealous - this is the best thing to happen on September 11th in 10 years.

Keep on kicking ass and busting balls. Excited for 402!

mq01 said...

excellent! congrats! cant wait to hear all about this...

Joanie said...

Congratulations to the winners! Especially Tina Lou!! So well deserved and thanks Kurt for recognizing this wonderful lady!


Marteen said...

Congrats to all the winners, and enjoy your day and your goodies! And thank you to KS for following through with your promise, just further proof that you truly care about your fans.

Twisted Shadow said...

I just want to thank all the Sons of Anarchy fans that convinced Kurt to make this challenge. With out all the SAMCRO fans Myra and I wouldn't have this golden opportunity.
I'll try very hard not to get a terminal case of stupidity while in LA

Ludo SoA France said...

Congratulations to all winners !!! you all deserve it !!!!!

Alice said...

Love to see you returning love to your fans, Kurt!

Penny said...

Ah, Man! I never get a chance to win anything! Congrats to the winners. However, I new Tina Lou would get it. (But she is always in the pictures with these guys.)

Miss America said...

I seriously, seriously hope you do not underestimate my unconditional and undying love for SAMCRO...and you.
Love, Tess

Miss America said...

I seriously, seriously hope you do not underestimate my unconditional love for SAMCRO...or you.

Anonymous said...

I somehow never new about Sons of Anarchy until a couple weeks ago. I don't have a TV or cable, but I do have netflix. I randomly pushed play and haven't been able to stop watching! Pretty much all I've watched for weeks now. I love it. One of the best shows I've seen! So, Thanks.

lici2 said...

You're genious! This has made alot of people really happy! I posted a link to Myra with the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory song, I've got a golden ticket which I thought was most appropriate!! Having said that I would have had a lot more of a chance in meeting Willy Wonka!!! I smile everytime I think about anything to do with Sons, its intoxicating! You couldnt possibly be doing a better job for your show and those that employ you. This could double as a petition to say that you deserve a pay rise at the very least!! Although I am always angling at a tour down under! Love ya work

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the winners. Hope you enjoy the experience. Kurt I enjoy reading your blogs just about as much as I love watching Sons of Anarchy. Your a legend

Sydney Australia

jessah said...

Congrats to the winners!! Also to the show for being last weeks top download on psn for the us! That is so awesome hope to see it at #1 again this week. Did my part up at 4am to download that shit=)

Anonymous said...

Hard to argue with those winners, even though the category of Semi-Banned Anonymous Devotees was left flapping in the wind. But back to business: AUSA and Sheriff!! It just pokes a stick in the eye of that stupid dinosaur L&O. So much fun! Excellent actors - always true, but this team is hilarious.

ru69g said...

Im really happy for the winners and also fot the begin of new season. Here (in Italy) the new season isnt yet arrive, but all us (devoted and proud fan of it...)we can look soon.
At last (but not least...)i would thank you again ( i follow the blog/FB profile & your YT channel)because you and your show make me really happy, its a great story(and you are incredible writer, but you know that, isnt it?). Right, a big greeting from Italy, with respect a loyal fan, r.

SparticusInk said...

Hey Kurt : Just saw your post on FB about the sound track and a fans post about ring tones .So have you ever thought about official ring tones of the sound track or of the characters quoting there most famous lines !! You could hold a comp about creating a SOA ringtone .

metallisa said...

Congratulations to the winners. Can't wait to see pics and hear about the experience. OMG they get to meet not only Kurt Sutter but Katey too!! How cool is that?! I really need to free up some time and fly somewhere to meet the cast, crew and creater of SOA. I live too far away from all the good stuff :( Can't wait for next show, for now I will watch the clips and keep smiling. I f'n giggle everytime I watch that scene where Opie says "I'm married to a porn star and he and Jax crack up! How funny is that! Action, drama and comedy all in one. Gotta love it! C ya!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kurt for recognizing Tina Lou, she's the glue that holds most of us SOA fans together on facebook.

Glad to see her get the recognition she deserves. And it's a nice feather in the cap to know it comes from you, the genius that is Sons of Anarchy.

Harley the Hound Dog said...

Congratulations to the winners. You've chosen a very deserving lot, especially Tina Lou. I don't use Twitter so her FB community is my first port of call for all news of Sons and all those clips of episodes I'll have to wait until next March or April to see the full episodes of. Yes, it is self inflicted torture but I really can't resist. Mr Sutter, you seem to have created the TV equivalent of heroin.

Also very good to see tht the ones chosen aren't Charlie Hunnam stalkers. I know you do sometimes read these posts so if you do read this tell him a fellow northerner says he's come a long way since Grange Hill and us Brits are proud to be able to say the UK has produced such a talented actor (and a big "Why Ay man" to the Geordie boy - massively important bit even though I notice he's not got a trace of the accent anymore). I'll be continuing to watch Season 3 as it airs despite knowing how it all ends.

Liberty N. Justice said...

Here's my review of this week's episode: I LOVE YOU KURT SUTTER.
That's all I have to say.

Branca said...

Wooww you're the coolest! Happy for the winners! They gonna make the rest of us very jealous, but also if they won maybe we will too one day. I'm from Brasil, already wrote here once, if one day I'll come to LA can I go to the sons set?! It's a long trip, so yes sounds good to me. I'm kidding! I know we can't ask for things around here. But I'm a big fan!!! Love the show! Thank you for that, it's amazing!!

Tynettamd said...

Congrats guys...What an amazing opportunity...!!

MariefromFrance said...

Congrats to those winners but even more congrats to you people who create, elaborate, write, work, act on great projects such as SOA. I spent a couple of years in the States and SOA was my big surprise: I was never used to watch TV before: too much shit, not enough pertinent projects, bored the hell out of me, but Sons of Anarchy, I just love it!
Now that I am back in my country in France... it's hard, I can't watch the new season damn it! Anyway, thanks for those pieces of coolness, wit beauty, smart entertainment.
Marie from France.

Anonymous said...

These first three episodes are on fire. Just the blocking and tackling of great story telling: all of them fighting for an outcome with victory or destruction as the terminus, begetting compromise and betrayal making any victory Pyrrhic. Very human themes. Going to get rockier it seems. Great writing, acting, production.


Jackson said...

Not sure where to post this, but I wanted it to be somewhere you'd see it: I would totally watch every episode of a Vivica/Luther/Vandross spinoff.

Keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

WTF, no episode. Jesus. I had to watch Revenge.

Sharmen said...

Hello, Okay don't care about twitter thing because I am not on it. But if you want to be on it fill yer boots and fuck the rest. Happy for the winners. Well deserved I'm sure. What I want to know after watching this week. Why would the club care about Juice being part black? They already know he is Puerto Rican (sp?) and Happy is latino. What's the difference?