Wednesday, December 01, 2010


I want to thank the fans of SOA for another terrific season.  Even with the Dish debacle, y'all showed up for the club.  We ultimately retained our high numbers and throwing in the Live +7 (DVRs) data, we actually had a healthy upward tick in viewers from season two.  

This was a very important season for me, both creatively and personally.  I knew I was going to do this Belfast arc back at the conception of the show.  It's a crucial arc for the evolution of Jax and for the evolution of the series.  To pull it off it would mean structuring the narrative differently and taking Sam Crow out of their native environment.  It's always a creative risk to try a different approach in an established show.  What I learned is that sometimes folks don't like change (and some of you just hated that fucking baby).  The great thing is that critics and fans are completely invested in Sons of Anarchy, they take a lot of ownership in the show.  With that investment comes a great deal of scrutiny.  Man, it's intense, the good and the bad, people really give a shit about what happens to these characters.  And they let me know it. 

For me, it's all about challenging the process.  My mantra in the writers room is -- What is the audience expecting and then let's never do that.  How can we organically move toward the darkest and most absurd choice?  Honoring our nod to the Bard, what Shakespearean device can we exploit to move our tale of blood and woe forward?  In short, how do we avoid derivative storytelling and shake up the viewing experience.  That's who I am as an artist, that's what SOA is as a show.  That doesn't mean I'm writing in a vacuum.  Yes, I have a clear vision of what, how and where Sons of Anarchy is heading.  But that vision is always expedited with an audience in mind.  Meaning, I give a shit that it's a satisfying hour for folks.  That's my commitment to myself, FX, and most importantly, to the viewers.

I'm very satisfied with this season.  It played out as I envisioned and I think the writing, acting and directing was top notch.  Everyone involved generated thirteen hours of quality television.  This cast gets better with every episode, and for me, Charlie Hunnam broke out this season.  He went places he's never been on this show.  He broke my heart and chilled my soul.  I have little faith that there will be awards or accolades coming his way, so I want to thank him for his tremendous work and his tireless effort.  Charlie is a consummate professional and his love of this work inspires me to keep raising the bar.

I also learned a lot about "why and how" people watch Sons; information that won't go unheeded.  When folks look back on season three, I imagine it will be with a squinted, perhaps contentious eye.  Cool with me, as long as they're looking.  I'd much rather have a controversial reaction than a complacent one.  After all, it is a show about fucking outlaws.

Anyway, I'm sure this post will get spun against me in some "bombastic" way, but I just want to thank everyone for staying on the ride.  Until season four, I'm wishing everyone all the anarchy their little hearts can handle.   




Gloom said...

Deffo confirmed for a Fourth season then? Good news!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for introducing the world to Sons Of Anarchy, Kurt. You are an amazing writer and I cannot wait for season 4!

Mimi said...

Kurt, I fucking love you and your show. Sons has made me want to watch TV. I hated TV...all the mindless drudgery...and then your mind made it all worth it. Thank you.
I agree about Charlie. Hunnam is my hero, always playing the role you don't expect. This season showed so much of his range as an actor. He gave me goosebumps, you gave me goosebumps.
Amazing Mr. Sutter, simply AMAZING

Wicked Courtni said...

This season was so great for many reasons. The biggest for me was how unpredictable it was.

Also, I am so happy to see Jax grow as a man and as a father. I am such a fan of Charlie Hunnam anyway and his dedication to this character has made me that much bigger of a fan.

Lastly, Katy Segal deserves awards for her role. She amazed me episode after episode ... and Gemma is my hero. Period. As a mother myself ... I can relate with her and respect her hustle.

Great season Kurt, this whole household looks forward to Season 4.

Doug Jefford said...

bombastically fantastical,love the show bro,you're the consummate professional, thank you for your hard work for us the SOA fans..

Dougie B Fresh

Emily Grace said...

Without being too over the top: The range and depths of emotion this show plumbs are more profound than any show on TV. From "Balm" (what I believe will hold up as one of the best hours on television) to "Firinne" and "Bainne," you and your team have taken the audience to emotional levels most writers only dream of. Thanks for beautiful television. Oh - I also like the blood, guts and humour, too. :-)

Anonymous said...

What an end to the season!!! I loved it ALL, from the start, and in this final episode, from Ottos groovy glasses all the way to SEEIN" SONNY BARGER there (That was tits up!) You're pure genius as far as I am concerned. I am posting this on facebook too, just so they know my take on it all.

THANK YOU for keeping us entralled!

Flore said...

Hi Kurt,
I haven't seen the last episode yet, but will watch it soon.
I loved that season, really.
Your story is amazing, and as you said, the cast is awesome, I mean the actors and the way they act. Charlie Hunnam was brilliant this season, he made me cry last week !! And Katey is ... wow ! No word to describe. And so are the others.
I don't know what you will write for the next season, but I'm sure it will be awesome !
Best from France,

Unknown said...

What a show tonight. Just wonderful. Actually the whole season has been GREAT. Thanks to all who work so very hard on SOA. By far the best show ever on TV. Keep up the wonderful work. I can't wait til September'11. Like I posted on another review site earlier tonight, "Is it September yet?"

Unknown said...

Kurt, I want to tell you that by far are one of the best story tellers on television today. I mean come on, a show that ALL races rather enjoy, even though there's a few slurs, but hey, I think it shows realism with them there, please don't change a thing. And I've gotta say, Katie is amazing! I've grown up to her honestly, and I think her character as Peggy was a better mom than my own, kinda odd to hear but it's true. Please feel free to drop a line to any time. I would be great to carry on a dialogue with such a great writer. Enjoy the vacation and looking forward to season 4. God bless bro.

Unknown said...

You are my f***ing hero best season yet! Let alone the best show on tv ....please keep on doing what your doing and don't listen to those dumb ass critics

Unknown said...

This was an amazing season. It was quite the ride with a spin I never expected. The Sons has Never been a let down, keep them coming!- Reni

jason said...

kick ass finale Mr. Sutter!
love how you are bringing it back to the Hamlet-esque themes of season one.
I have admittedly, had a few problems with season three as a whole but I definitely see where you were going now, and hats off. (And I also think this season will play better in a weekend binge as opposed to spread out over 3 months)
Plus, how the hell anybody could expect you to top season 2 is beyond me.
Well done. Can't wait for season 4.
And I'm sorry to see the end of Agent Stahl. You've got your work cut out to replace her.



(also, do you choose the word verification words on this? I've never commented before but my word just now was "doolsack". seemed like something you might have made up.)

kimm said...

Thank YOU for the heart and soul you put into the writing of this amazing show. Its unlike anything out there these days, and thats saying a LOT! I loved every single episode and before it ended, i was longing for the next one... and it is the same with the finale. Its going to be a looooooong time until season 4, but as any SOA fan knows, it will be well worth it!

David Jacobson said...

All I can say man is THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all of your hard work and dedication that you put into this show. In all my years of growing up, I can honestly say that I've never experienced a show caused my heart rate and blood pressure to skyrocket with only a few scenes! I consider that the true mark of EXCELLENT TV! Season 4 cannot get here fast enough!

Unknown said...

Mr. Sutter, My name is La Vonce. I could write a lot of shit about how cool the show is and how much I love Sons and Samcro. But it is currently 1:01 am and I have work in the morning, lol. So I'll leave you with this: Thank You, for creating this show and bringing such a great cast of character's together. Also thank you for creating a show that my girlfriend and I can watch together that doesn't have the name Housewives in it.

We loved tonight's finale and absolutely cannot wait for season 4. The only thing we're ticked about is that we have to wait an X-number of months til we're glued to the t.v for Season 4. Hopefully we can get more episodes for the next season (that season flew by,lol). So with that, Thank you once again. Please keep up the excellent work, God Bless and Good Night....Til Next season Kurt!

Unknown said...

What a finale. After the reaper appeared on the screen for the final time this year, I sat there with my mouth open, the past thirteen episodes blazing through my head. Finally, all I could say was, "Holy shit." What a ride. Can't wait for next season.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for an intensely rewarding season of television. You made me care about an odd tribe enveloped in tragic accountabilties to each other and showed me a frightening, fragile underbelly of criminal commerce inhabited by characters who truly put their money where their mouths are--and God help them! You pulled no punches; you delighted me, pissed me off and broke my heart; and you satisfied me.

HarleyCat said...

Genius~ Thank you for renting us space in your head.

David Bikki said...

That was such a fucking fantastic finale, it definitely surpassed any (high) expectations I had. I can't even put into words how much I loved this season, everything from the acting to the writing to... fucking everything!

Also getting Sonny Barger to cameo? Goddamn.


Rich Cain said...

I loved the finale and I loved this season. The Irish storyline was fascinating and I'm glad we got to see it. Great job to everyone involved with the show. What a cast!! And what a great writing team. I am so moved by this show every episode. I look forward to the many fascinating story lines to come.

I just want to offer a note of personal thanks to Kurt Sutter. I know you took a lot of criticism this season. Some of it really pissed me off. Just because a show isn't proceeding how a critic thinks it should go doesn't mean that critic should rip the show up. So, Kurt, kudos to you for standing up to the crap and sticking to your guns. I admire that a lot in you. Not sure if your admirers make themselves as vocal as the critics, but there are lots of us out here who love your work and love you for it.

Until the next ride...

Chris Bussey said...

Thanks for another great season. The finale was incredible. Can't say that I loved the entire arc of the story this year, but the way that it all tied together at the end was well worth it. Keep doing what you do. Much love.

peggyatthemovies said...

Mr. Sutter..thank you once again for a stunning season of of my best friends and I watched it together now since it started & it was something just the two of us shared. At the beginning of Oct, she died suddenly, much to young and out of the blue.. it really shook my world and I couldn't get myself to watch the show alone. Finally on my birthday, the 16th of Nov., i started watching again and started crying and talking to her, telling her everything that was happening outloud. It was amazing. I then realized I will always watch the show with thank you for creating the most amazing show for us.. this year, Charlie did come into his own, and what we thought would happen, didn't. we came to understand the Irish that we were introduced to in S1 & S2 with Abel being taken to Ireland so I liked that happening. Thank you again Mr. Sutter. Peace & Love & SAMCRO!

Karen A said...

Season 1 incredible, Season 2 unfuckinbelievable and Season 3 no way did I ever expect it to beat out season 1 or 2
The ENTIRE cast is fantastic and I love all chaacters yo even got the one you love to hate, Agent Stahl Ally Walker and she is a fine actress, Katey TOPS, the guys great, my fav Tig dont know why but I love him.
Congrats on a great job and keep it coming.
Oh and thanks for the Sonny Spot, 81 supporter here

Unknown said...

You Rock!!! Tonight's episode blew me away. All these fantastic bunch of people deserve an award. Kurt your a excellent writer/artist!!! I know I can only speak for myself, but I love how twisted your mind is. Keep blowing us away!!

Mike said...

This season has been spectacular. The writing has been top notch and the acting brilliant.

I agree with you 100% about the investment. I love these characters, some more then others obviously. But they keep me coming back. The stories are fascinating and keep me tuned in over and over. I eagerly await the Blu-Ray releases and have picked up both season 1 & 2 within an hour of the store opening. I can't explain how much I love this show.

Also Charlie blew my mind this season. When he was watching the adopted family with Abel and then in the hotel room. He never said a word, but I felt everything you/him/the show was trying to express. It was just incredible.

Finally, there was the finale. It was great. Even if I saw the end coming (I guessed it from the promo for the episode), it was so satisfying. Unlike a lot of people, I loved Stahl. I thought she was an amazing counterpoint to Gemma and the club as a whole. She may have worked for the law, but that only means so much. I also loved the sweet poetry of the MAC-10 in Opie's hand. It took me a minute to realize it, but when he told her to get in the car, a whole 26 or so episode call back was brilliant. Charlie gets a ton of credit for his great acting, but Ryan was amazing in this scene. Just sold every moment of it.

The show has had so many moments where it could phone it in and make people Saints or something. This show sticks to reality. These are people more then willing and in a few cases wanting to use violence, and in moments where they just should they do. Too many shows decide its time to change the person.

Kurt you and your team write fictional characters that behave more realistic then some people in reality. It's incredible.

I can write an entire essay on how much I love this show, but I don't want to bore the world.

Kurt, thank you for the incredible show. I can't wait to see more!

A huge fan

Mike said...

This season has been spectacular. The writing has been top notch and the acting brilliant.

I agree with you 100% about the investment. I love these characters, some more then others obviously. But they keep me coming back. The stories are fascinating and keep me tuned in over and over. I eagerly await the Blu-Ray releases and have picked up both season 1 & 2 within an hour of the store opening. I can't explain how much I love this show.

Also Charlie blew my mind this season. When he was watching the adopted family with Abel and then in the hotel room. He never said a word, but I felt everything you/him/the show was trying to express. It was just incredible.

Finally, there was the finale. It was great. Even if I saw the end coming (I guessed it from the promo for the episode), it was so satisfying. Unlike a lot of people, I loved Stahl. I thought she was an amazing counterpoint to Gemma and the club as a whole. She may have worked for the law, but that only means so much. I also loved the sweet poetry of the MAC-10 in Opie's hand. It took me a minute to realize it, but when he told her to get in the car, a whole 26 or so episode call back was brilliant. Charlie gets a ton of credit for his great acting, but Ryan was amazing in this scene. Just sold every moment of it.

The show has had so many moments where it could phone it in and make people Saints or something. This show sticks to reality. These are people more then willing and in a few cases wanting to use violence, and in moments where they just should they do. Too many shows decide its time to change the person.

Kurt you and your team write fictional characters that behave more realistic then some people in reality. It's incredible.

I can write an entire essay on how much I love this show, but I don't want to bore the world.

Kurt, thank you for the incredible show. I can't wait to see more!

A huge fan

Cherie D said...

Outstanding season! Thank you for not being predictable. Katey, Dayton Callie, Ryan Hurst, and Allie Walker were tremendous in the finale and entire show SHOULD get as many awards as possible.

The best line of the night was between Tig and Chucky. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it. But THANK YOU FOR THAT. I will be laughing for days.

Donna Collins said...

I just want to say, as a writer you must have a hell of a time! I want you and the cast and crew to know that no matter what anyone says this is and will continue to be one of the best new shows I have seen in a very long time and everyone I turn onto it have become addicted! its real its familar,and we all enjoy it tremendously thank you and all of you for making it great! please please hurry back ARGH! one more comment whats going on with tiggs and missy? haha!

CTHURST25 said...

absolutely incredible! you are truly great at what you do!

Nathalie said...

I have been in love with season three all along but never as much as in the season finale. This is the best episode, not only of SoA but TV in general, that I have seen in years. Every other minute there was something new to take me by surprise and I never could have anticipated how it would end. I loved every second of it. Thank you for bringing this show to us.

Unknown said...

Kurt, you have given fans the best season yet. Thank you and the crew for an awesome job. SOA is the best . Will be anticapating Season 4.

Unknown said...

Thank you Mr. Sutter for yet another fantastic season of SOA! I loved this season and especially the awesome finale that was the payoff. With the Ireland arc I feel like we had 2 finales this season.

Being of Irish blood, the Ireland story had a special place in my heart and I wish we could have stayed there longer and find out more of the clubs roots. I was literally freaking out when SAMCRO first enters Ireland and you slipped in music from Black 47 who has always been one of my favorite bands, I must have watched that scene 15 times at least!

The finale was nothing short of epic. *SPOILERS ahead if you haven't watched the finale yet*. I loved that Opie and Chibs finally got to get their revenge on the people who hurt their loved ones. I was in tears when Unser puts down his badge and issued sidearm for what appears the final time as Chief, I hope he still plays a big role in things to come chief or not. The whole "long con" was perfect, I had my suspicions, but wasn't sure how far the end result was going to be.

The final minutes were just fabulous! Gemma looked in her glory that her little boy used her to get the job done. Clay looked like a proud father. And poor Tara's face said it all after the reveal of Maureen's letters. I really loved the final scene where the arrested SAMCRO members were sitting on one side with their heads bowed, while Jax sat almost majestic, like he was on his throne with his head held high. It was the perfect image to end the season 3 chapter on.

What a wonderful season that met all expectations and more. Now the painful 9 month wait for Season 4. Hopefully Terriers will get a Christmas Miracle and gets to somehow return with SOA next season. My My, Hey Hey!

HDbiker said...

I would like to take a moment to thank you Kurt for creating a very riveting adult drama. In my mind there is way too much uninspired cop and kiddie show drivel out there. I mean how many shows about rich teenagers and attorneys can people really stomach anyway?!?!? The plots always seem retardidly myopically or to borrow a word from The Duke “re-goddamn-diculous”.
With SoA it appears to me that you honestly give a shit about the story and put your heart into every episode. When I initially started watching SoA I did so with a great deal of trepidation and I suppose some resentment. I have always considered the biker club lifestyle something pure and rather primal and that there was no way Hollywood could get it right without making bikers appear like a pack of ignorant drug addicted losers. You show that there are writers out there that do care and have the ability to do more than just vomit out repetitive storylines for the consumption of the studio’s target market.
Anyway I’ll stop rambling and just say thank you for all you’re, and the casts, efforts to create a show that I truly enjoy and look forward to every week. -Kevin

Karin said...

I have so much to say, yet am speechless! Genius writing. You have a rare talent of taking the viewer to places we didn't know we'e end up. Your mantra about "what is the audience expecting and then let's never do that..." is 100% the end result. We all try to figure out what's to come. But not a single one of your millions of viewers can ever get it right.

You have been blessed with such a great mind and are able to translate that to the screen unlike any writer I've EVER come across. THANK YOU for bringing us viewers to those dark places and for giving us a glimpse into your twisted, brilliant mind.

As for the entire cast, I'm just flabbergasted how no role or character is ever just a "filler" Everyone has a pivotal part to keep the flow of the show moving in directions we never expect. Insanely amazing talent. The attention to details is spot on.

I can't say enough to your entire cast and crew. So I'll just say THANK YOU for everything you do.

Unknown said...

Mr. Sutter,

SOA is, by far, the most well-written show I've watched in my 35 years on this planet. It has a flow and a continuity that other shows dream about attaining after having been on the air several seasons. I never thought I could be drawn in to a program so completely and so deeply. My husband and I watch with (not a little) rabid fanaticism. My only regret is that the season must end at all, but I respect the process and selfishly sulk as I wait for the next September.

Please continue to be you. Don't let the jealous hacks get you down when they recognize your superiority and try to play to your sensitivities.

Thank you three phenomenal seasons.

Unknown said...

Season 3 was so intense! I'd start watching w/the volume up on the home stereo and my 19 year old son came downstairs wondering why we had the bikes running!! He got hooked right away. I love the intensity, the special attention to other characters that aren't in the story line too much and especially the bits of humor here and there. Looking forward to watching the past seasons again. You Rock!!

robyjean said...

I just wanted to say that I loved this season. The fact that everything occurred basically within ten days of the kidnapping, the work that Charlie and Maggie did, the character of Opie always breaks my heart....all of it.

Thank you for the ride.


Unknown said...

Thanks for an awesome season Kurt. Couldn't have asked for more. Keep it up for the next season (can we have it sooner rather than later though?)



cupkake said...

Kurt. You are the fucking man. Sons is my all-time favorite show and the finale did not disappoint! Thank you for doing what you do [and for finally getting rid of that bitch! :)]

cupkake said...

Kurt. You are the fucking man. Sons is my all-time favorite show, and the finale did not disappoint. Thanks for doing what you do [and for finally killing that bitch! :)]


Unknown said...

Kurt, this really is the best show on tv. In a time where you have amazing shows (Mad men, Breaking Bad, etc) Sons of Anarchy, for me, leads the pack. The acting, especially amongst the 'secondary characters' is amazing and after last nights revelations I can only say that season 4 can not come soon enough. I admit there were times this season that I didn't know where the shows narrative was going, but I never stopped loving it and perhaps the fact that I didn't know where the show went made it all the more interesting.

I only have 2 requests.
More Chibs please.
And bring back Stephen King. He was great.

Keep up the amazing work and we will see you next september

Mars said...

This season was wonderful. I think it made them more than just outlaws, but human beings good or bad. I had mild anxiety the whole season stressing over what was going to ultimately happen! Thanks for that!!

sarahpremierdesigns said...

This season absolutely blew me away! You and the cast and crew of soa are the greatest thing to happen to television in a long time. I'm just a girly chick who stumbled across this show in season 1 and became addicted. At first because of charlie but as I grew addicted and saw the heart of this show and the amazing characters, it really blew me away. I can't say enough good things about this show and what you do with it. The finale definitey took me by surprise and I couldn't get enough. Thank you so much for creating my favorite show and for making this wussy chick want to be a strong woman just like my hero Gemma :)

sarahpremierdesigns said...

This season absolutely blew me away! I can't say enough good things about it. It broke my heart seeing jax loose his baby and had me pissed at him when it looked like he was letting Abel go with the adoptive parents. When I stumbled across this show halfway through season 1 I had no idea how this show would affect me. Never have I felt so connected to a show. The writting and cast and crew made this show the best thing to happen to television in a long time. Every week I look forward to watching this totally gets me through the week and when a season ends I feel like im gonna have withdralws if I don't have more lol. The finale totally surprised me and some of the stuff I didn't see coming. The characters get better every season and I can hardly wait for season 4! Thanks for creating my favorite show and for making this wussy chick want to be a strong woman like my hero Gemma :)

heather said...

Kurt last nights season finale was AMAZING!!! i was at the edge of my seat at the end... season 4 needs to start tonight!!! Thank you for all your hard work!!

sarahpremierdesigns said...

This season absolutely blew me away! I can't say enough good things about it! It was very emotional and broke my heart about Jax losing Abel, and then had me yelling at my tv when it looked like he was gonna let Abel go with the adoptive parents. I loved every minute of it. I loved the Ireland stuff and finding out about Trinity, hope to see more about her. The characters are like a good wine, they get better with time. The cast and crew make this show the best thing to happen to television in a long time. I was completely surprised with the finale when the bust happened. It had me smiling right along with them as they sat in the back of that van laughing. I look forward to this show every week and can't get enough of it. Thank you so much for creating my favorite show and for making this wussy chick want to be a strong woman like my hero Gemma :)

Unknown said...

I absolutely loved how you guys wrapped things up. And the last few scenes showing Clay, Gemma, and especially Jax brought goosebumps..As much as the show is sometimes laced with comical and airy dialogue this reinforced the fact they are fucking outlaws and will do anything and everything to protect their club, family, and themselves.

I totally didn't see the twists that were thrown in and I literally *yelled* at the TV when Stahl outed Jax as a rat...I felt absolutely betrayed by him when he signed that deal. I've never, ever been more emotionally invested in a show.

Take some time off, recharge your batteries, work on other projects..You and the cast/crew deserve a break. Us Crowheads will be around when you come back and we'll be ready to support our favorite MC again..

See you next season!

Paultera said...

Thank you for what has always been an incredible story. I spent the last week after seeing previews thinking that the club being pissed at Jax would make no sense. This was one time where watching the previews actually made my viewing experience better.

I've always loved the show but I have never been on edge as much as I was last night. Keep doing what you do Kurt.

Unknown said...


I want to thank you for all your hard work and sharing with us your amazing writing talent. I have never been so obsessed over a show or cared enough about a show to write and acknowledge those who are involved in the process of putting on a show. But your writing, the actors and actresses, and crew are absolutely amazing. The research you have done and they have done shows us all how much you all are invested in the show and how you actual give a shit about how us, your viewers, enjoy it and get sucked into.

I would also like to thank FX for taking such a risk as to having a show such as this. Most shows are so routine, they're just copies of one another ... where as your show is way out of the norm. I really love that. I love the twists and turns you put into the show. It gets ones mind actually thinking about what's going on and what may be coming in the future. I don't know of a show that does that. SOA is unique, as are you and the cast and crew.

I also want to say that I can't wait until I get my IPhone so I can get the SOA app. It's killing me not to know what's being posted on it. I wonder how much IPhone sales have gone up because of SOA.

Keep up the fantastic work!!! Can't wait until Season 4 starts and Season 3 goes on sale. It's the only series I buy!!!

Thanks again to you, the cast, and the crew for all your hard work.

AKA: Pida

Unknown said...

What an amazing show last night!! I was on pins and needles the whole show!! The actors that have been chosen for your show ARE top notch and I agree that Charlie Hunnam broke through this season. I felt the emotions that you wanted portrayed. You are an amazing writer and I can't wait for next season. (already pre-ordered this season)OH, and I LOVE the closure to some truly hated characters!! Keep up the great work!!

A faithful SOA FAN!!!

zeyi said...

Amazing season! I loved every second of the show and I love you so much for writing the best show on TV and keeping me entertained.

Kim said...

Thank you for another amazing journey Kurt!! The finale was AMAZING!! We were glued to the screen last night the entire time.

I also want to thank you for creating a show that doesn't follow the current trends that many other shows do. It is very refreshing. This is my all-time favorite show.

I'm very intrigued with the MC lifestyle. It is so completely different from anything that I have ever experienced. It's exciting and horrifying all at the same time. When Opie executed Stahl, I'm sitting there going "Fuck yeah, Opie! Kill that bitch." But as soon as he pulls the trigger, I'm gasping at the cold, calculated brutality of the whole scene. It's absolutely brilliant!

But the biggest draw for me is the underlying sense of family that they each feel. I love how each of them will do whatever it takes to protect their family. That sense of family and togetherness is something that anyone can connect with, whethter they are a part of the MC lifestyle or not.

Can't wait for season 4! I know it will be spectacular!

Unknown said...

Hi Kurt,

Thank you for another tremendous season of SOA. The show is going in some fantastic directions for the upcoming season(s). Again Bravo for pulling out all the stops, and switching the story with last minute cuts and betrayals ( all in a good way).

Unknown said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I watched that finale three times last night. It was amazing, as are you. Now, honestly, I felt a little disappointed in the season up until the final two episodes when everything came together and made it all worth it. I started feeling like the Club, which I love and respect so much, was becoming dumber and dumber, falling right into the hands and traps of all of their enemies. I couldn't get with the idea that MY club was continuously being outfoxed by their enemies.

However, it was really me getting dumber and dumber for not having faith in you and the other writers. I would like to personally apologize for this, and I promise I will not let it happen again. I mean, don't get me wrong, I didn't dislike the first 10 episodes in any way, I just didn't love them like I did in the first two seasons. But it all came together in the end in an amazing way. Season three may have topped season two with that episode, which I did not think possible. I laughed, I cried, I gasped and I cheered and I have only visibly shown emotions while watching one other show, The Shield. You are truly a genius Kurt, thank you.

Tim Walsh

P.S. The Music makes the show, I don't know how, but every song you choose is PERFECT for the show, from "Alesund" during Jax's decision to let Abel go, to "This Charming Life" in the beginning of last nights episode. The double entendre of that song for this show, is simply genius.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your vision with us. I, for one, am really enjoying the ride.

Miss America said...

Sutter! Thank you and Liz Segal and all the writers whose names I have yet to catch---For the GREATEST hour-and-a-half of my life in the past many years. SO DEEPLY SATISFYING. Ahhhh... It is what entertainment, and theater, and acting, and writing is all about. Brilliant. Simply brilliant. Please send along my wild-eyed enthusiasm to all the actors who all hit their marks all season! I will study Katy Segal's acting forever. Gold Standard! Man, I hope you buy this cast and crew some Kick Ass Christmas presents. Righteous satisfaction. On to next season!

It Had To Be Said said...

Kurt, my husband and I love the show and living in Northern California my whole life I love hearing all of the nearby towns mentioned on the show. I also love how your beautiful wife has emerged as Gemma from her past shows and although I loved her in her past work, this character is my favorite! I don't know if you'd consider a Make a wish adult coming to watch some filming but if so that would be a really cool thing I could cross off my list. A devoted fan. Carrie.

Unknown said...

Aloha KS,
At 48 years old I avoid the TV..such a waste of life...and now I feel angry that I have to wait until the fall of 2011 to see the next show. I really believe that SOA is the best show that has ever been put together. You make this show real and I thank you for your efforts.
I cant believe that my family sits down together to watch this dark as the story lines get, we wouldnt miss it for the world...There are parts where my wife has to leave the room for a min...yelling in the it over??/can i come back in yet...I get so rivited to the drama that I never noticed she left..
Well, what am I going to do for 9 month waiting for the next season?? My younger daughter suggested that we go visit the crew while they are completing the jail time...and that made me smile...They miss the guys too.

Guess I will buy season 3 and watch it again..when will it be available?

I appreciate the quality of your work which is self evident by the way the show has a hold of my soal.
Keep it going.
Aloha..Mitch Taylor

Son of Geo Metro said...

Kurt, as a SOA fan I was kind of on the fence about this season until last night. That finale blew my mind. Thanks for making a thoughtful and original show... "this is what she felt"

Ms. Angie said...

Thank you Kurt! Job Well, my friend! - Angie - El Sobrante CA

Ian said...

Fucking ingenious! Thank you Kurt!

hawgwldnhartlss said...

Fantastic ending to another great season. I honestly wasn't sure how to feel about the show when it first started because I was afraid of the impression it would give the nonriding world about bikers and bike riders in general, but you created a great story here. Thanks.

Outsider said...

Congratulations on a Great 3rd Kurt!

The Grim One said...


Never have I been into a show that can pull such emotion out of me. Being a single dad and seeing the emotional rollercoaster that Jax went I know how far I would go to protect my flesh and blood. Thank you for making me feel more human. And the finally ! Brilliant. I did not see that ending coming. Keep em coming !


Unknown said...

I can't thank you enough for such an amazing season 3. This season has kept my husband and I on the edge of our seats for the complete hour show each and every week, and jonesing for the following week to come. SOA is not just a great show, but it's REAL!!!! It's nice to be able to watch a show an know that it is all true life and no BS. This show has been kind of a flashback to my childhood (literally),and it's nice to see someone showing the REAL side of an outlaw biker. The Good, Bad, and all the rest that comes along with being an outlaw biker or family member, is so completely real and true to life. Your show reveals to the world that these men have many different sides to them. Most outlaw bikers are caring and passionate men who care deeply about their brotherhood and their families and will show no boundaries to protect them both. Even though I have put distance between my biker family, whom I had been around since birth, and my new family life I know that if I ever need them for anything all I have to do is call. No matter how many years go by...they will always be my family, and thanks to you and SOA, I've been reminded of that. And for that I Thank You :)
One more thing......any chance you could make next season a little bit longer?

Tracy Reece

Natasha said...

I want to thank you for making me look forward to Tuesdays like never before. When being a devoted SONS fan, you become extremely connected to the characters and for me, that is a treat in it's own because there is a lot of meaningless tv out there.Thank you for this season. Belfast was fantastic and the season finale was genius. Charlie Hunnam, in my opinion, is amazing. He draws you in and the connection is intense.
I look forward to season 4 and what it has in store.

Devoted SONS fan,
Natasha Cadavid

Natasha said...

I want to thank you for making me look forward to Tuesdays like never before. When being a devoted SONS fan, you become extremely connected to the characters and for me, that is a treat in it's own because there is a lot of meaningless tv out there.Thank you for this season. Belfast was fantastic and the season finale was genius. Charlie Hunnam, in my opinion, is amazing. He draws you in and the connection is intense.
I look forward to season 4 and what it has in store.

Devoted SONS fan,
Natasha Cadavid

Natasha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Kurt, the season finale was awesome! You really threw some curve balls at us and it rocked! Best scene had to be Opie and Stahl! Loved it! So satisfying!

Orthodiva said...

There are no words for how satisfying 3-13 was. There are many threads left to unravel in 4, but let me thank you for giving us "my son, my mother and my club" at the end of this one. It was a gutty season but in the end I felt resolution. And isn't that what you were cryptically telling us all along?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your brilliance with us. I commend you for a wonderful, thought inspiring and realistic vision of a biker club. You writing has evoked fond memories of my childhood that were shared with members of the Hells Angels. Although “bikers” have been labeled with a negative reputation, many of them have hearts much deeper than most members of “normal society”. Thank you again Mr. Sutter for delivering another brilliant season of SOA! Cheers!

3 Rivers Precision said...

Awesome Job this season. I have to admit I thought the baby stuff got dragged out a little, but I understand the need for it. The final was FN outstanding one of the best finals I have ever seen. Who ever chose the opening and ending songs were simply perfect. Great job to all, looking forward to many more seasons.


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for giving us the best show we've seen on television in a very long time. Until next season Mr. Sutter.....ride safe and take some well deserved time off!!

Unknown said...

Love the show, can't wait till next year now. Please do what you can to get FX to pony up some cash for Webisodes & stuff for the iPhone/ iPad apps.

TheBobFitz said...

Mr. Sutter I salute you! Thank you Kurt, Cast, Crew and Staff for another gripping gem of a season. I must admit that 2 1/2 years ago when I noticed promos for the premier of SOA on FX, I wasn't impressed. I thought, okay, here comes another new, "Pulp", television story being shoved down our throats. What a bunch of commercial bullshit being blitzed on my TV for the good of the TV network's bank account. It pissed me off! Well, after I calmed down a bit and wishing not to be labeled ignorant, I gave the show a chance to confirm or expound my thoughts. Wow, what a delight! I couldn't of been so wrong about my perceived impression of what the show might be. After viewing episode #1 and all since, I've found a treasure of excellent writing and superb acting which cuts deeply into my being. Each new SOA screen play you write ever burns and brands us with the reality of the human condition. My father was a small town police officer during many of my early years back in the 60's. My family wadded through the much surrounding social, professional, and political bullshit of Dad's occupation. Also, I've been close to and known many bikers and their families. Real people like RayRay, in which episode #1 was dedicated to. SOA has filled a void in my world and brings much to what the show's audience, and my Irish ass, can relate to. And, finally we have a writer in you, Kurt Sutter, that has the balls and the talent to destroy the stereotypical story lines of boredom that Hollywood has banked on, so many times in the past. And Kurt, you and FX have brilliantly brought a world of viewers closer to the understanding that, "Art does imitate life". I'm looking forward to Season #4. I know it'll be awesome. Thanks again, SOAFF,(Son's of Anarchy fan forever), Robert Fitzpatrick, Kelso, Washington.

Tanya said...

I thought this season rocked. I agree Charlie was brilliant. I was shocked in a good way during the final episode and so sad to see it end until season four. My only consolation is that I have seasons 1&2 to watch while I wait. Thanks Kurt for brilliant writing and a truly amazing show. It is my favorite and that's saying alot as I am a TVaholic!!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to thank you, I realy enjoy the show. I can't hardly wait till the next season. I love that there is so much heart in the depths of so much dark intensity.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this whole season and the last episode was a perfect ending. I was SO happy to see my two favorite Sons, Opie & Chibbs, get the revenge they deserved. I actually cheered (yes, out loud)for them in my living room.

Katey is so amazing in this role. I don't believe I've ever loved a female lead in a series as much as I love her.

DIO said...

Kurt, thanks so much for another great season. My wife and I were almost devastated last night because we were sure how it ended..until the "prospects" started honking their horns and Jax and all in the van started laughing. Brought tears to this old 68 year old boy who thought I couldn't be fooled. What a marvelous job of writing an end. Keep it up. You and your crew are pure geniuses.
David H. Hestand, Retired Trooper of 40 years.

Unknown said...

I thought the season was interesting and finished effin STRONG. I liked this season's finale better than last year's. And thank you for finally killing that bitch Stahl.

Anonymous said...

thanks for a hell of a ride, kurt! i enjoyed season 3 tremendously and i cannot wait to see what happens next. xo

Unknown said...


WHOOOAAA....What an amazing season this was for me as a fan. It was very different from season 1 and 2 and I loved that most about this season. Is some asspects I felt like a lot was left up to the mind of the viewer. I enjoyed that. I like that my brain had to work for this show and I had to really think about the characters and the story lines. In my "day after SOA" disscussions with my girlfriends (and we had them every week) we would disect the plots and what had happened. We would try to get into the heads of the characters. If someone would listen in on our conversations they would think that we were talking about real people in our lives and that is because to us, these characters are real.

I loved that we got to see the sadistically humerous side of Tig (only he would fight with a brother and deny him membership over a DOG!)this season after his gut wrenching turmoil last season. And I second your comment about Charlie Hunnam. HE WAS AMAZING this season! If I was wasn't already in love with Jax Teller as a character I would have been after this season. Through the entire finale I can honestly say that I thought I was going to throw up on myself. Not out of disgust for the show but out of the raw emotion and anxiety I was feeling. That is when I realized how emotionally invested I was in the characters of the show. Thank you for your writing genious and for not compromising yourself regardless of what critics may or may not say. I wait for S4 for with baited breathe.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kurt,

I think you've given too much creedence to the haters this year...everyone I know who watches the show really enjoyed this season. It's just that the haters are more vocal, and let's face it, all people do on the internet is bitch. I think a lot of showrunners are starting to let the internet trolls write their shows for them (Glee is a perfect example of that right now) and the shows just suffer for it. Please continue to share YOUR vision of this story, and don't let the haters get you down. They're aren't as many of them as you think, they're just really really loud.

That being said, I thought this season was awesome, and the finale last night is the icing on the cake. I just bawled (with joy) when Opie got Stahl in that was such a long time coming and it was PERFECT and thank you so much for that scene alone. Not to mention the guys laughing in the back of the ATF truck and everything else.

Also, being a woman, I want to thank you for having such strong female characters on this show. It's kind of surprising to find them on a show that's about such a male-dominated world. But you have the best women (and the best actresses) on television.

Can't wait for next season and thanks again!

Scottie Sindora said...

I appreciate your hard work. I decided to give the pilot episode a shot way back when it first aired and have been an avid fan ever since. Unlike some of the divided fans you have mentioned previously, I like the balance between the violence and an actual story about human beings trying to figure things out. For me, you haven't made any mistakes yet and each piece of material is a character builder that gives us a little more insight into who they are. Keep up the great work. Congrats on your years of sobriety, too. Now...get to fuckin' work! I'm excited for season 4 already!

Seattle, WA

Craig said...

awesome finale. Keep 'em coming and FREE RONNIE!

SSG Munroe said...

I absolutely LOVE the show. You have renewed my faith in good writing again. I was so tired of the old BLAH BLAH predictable stories on other so called drama TV. Thanks for what you do! I follow you on Facebook and Twitter and can hardly wait for Season 4!!! Thanks from the bottom of my heart!

WyzWmn© said...

My only complaint is that it's only 13 hours...remember the good old days when we were kids and shows started in Sept and ended in June?

Well done all - a job well done!

Unknown said...

"What is the audience expecting and then let's never do that."
That's why I love you, that's why I love the show!!!
Kiss Kiss

Unknown said...

"What is the audience expecting and then let's never do that. "
Tha's why I love you, that's why I love the show!!!
Kiss Kiss

Casey H. said...

I personally loved this season. I dont know why some people 'hated the baby'...I was certainly rooting for Abel the whole time, and I understand how important Abel is to the series (maybe not Abel himself, but his presence as the VP's son, this show is about outlaws, but ALSO about family) I am majorly invested in this show, and am looking forward to many more seasons of having anxiety, getting pissed off, laughing, and crying. Best show of its time, hands down.


About Me said...

OK Kurt, if you didn't need the existential acceptance that the 90 minutes of Tuesday night's writing just confirms that you need to stay in the game no matter what the noise is around you . . . all of us will for you. Extraordinary. Oh, and nice touch with Sonny Barger. :-)

Unknown said...

Mr. Sutter, I just finished reading your blog about season 3 as I sit watching the season finale for the third time in 24 hours. I honestly loved Season 3. I liked the Sons going to Ireland. I have no complaints about Season 3 at all! As you said Charlie's acting was out of the park! I watched Season 1 the other day and what a difference in Charlie! Hopefully this season will bring some nominations and awards. If not, the entertainment industry is nuts! I thank you for writing such a great show and giving me 60 minutes (sometimes more) of great entertainment every Tuseday night from September to November. Enjoy your hiatis! Have already pre ordered Season 3 from Amazon! Will be counting down the days to Season 4! As I tell Tina Lou all the time: "You Rock"

PinkJamie said...

I really enjoyed Season 3. Each episode kept me wanting to see more and the conclusion was excellent.

michols said...

What an awesome ending last night! We can NOT wait till next season. We love you, your cast and everyone who makes this the BEST show on TV!

Unknown said...

Another great season Kurt. I know a few viewers got a little side-tracked - maybe even frustrated - with the Belfast experience but in the end they were proven wrong. Keep up the great work!!!

Miffed67 said...

You know...they feel SO much more like family to me now. It's been there all along just under the surface, but now things have come fully together for me, and I think for them, too.

I agree with you about Charlie, his performance this season was outstanding, EQUALLY as good as Katey's last season. All of the cast has SO much to be proud of.

CK said...

Thank you for a fantastic finale. As an English lit major I enjoy analyzing the storyline of each episode, how each one fits into that season and into the overall series.

I was online today reading some interviews you gave on Season 3 and something came up that I found very interesting. It’s a small detail, but for some reason once I read it I could not stop thinking about it. Some of the dialogue from the actors playing IRA and SAMBEL was difficult to understand because of the accent, and if I understand your answer correctly that was intentional. Is that correct? I find it fascinating because I know part of your purpose for taking the storyline to Ireland was to push the characters and viewers out of their comfort zone, but this small detail did it in a way that was very stealthy and highly effective because it prompted a physical reaction from the viewer. As a fan of the show I did not feel uncomfortable with the SAMBEL storyline because I had faith that it would have a much higher purpose in the overall story, but I found myself having a hard time understanding and rewinding some scenes back because I missed what was said and I knew it would be important later. I felt like understanding the gist was not enough and the nuance really mattered. I now understand why.

Perhaps this is all really out there, but nonetheless it had a really powerful and unexpected effect on me that I did not realize until now. Just thought I’d share because I thought it was a brilliant detail!

Congrats on another great season!

CultStatus09 said...

Dear Kurt Sutter,
At the beginning of this season my roommate and I immediately began an angry letter because of certain character deaths, lack of character deaths, woes and trials, however your writing and story arcs were as always, brilliant. As the season went on I realized that you are not like some writers (who shall remain nameless) that randomly kill, drag out or misplace certain characters for the time being. I apologize for thinking that for one moment. You sir, have managed to make me scream, cry, give a huge cheer and sing songs from Wizard of Oz all in one episode. Thank you for another fantastic season and I hope SoA lasts for a very long time.

Sara W.

Unknown said...

Many, many thanks for taking us all on an adventure ranging from gloomy (and gorgeous) Ireland to the back roads of small town California. The music was astonishing all the way through the season--last night's Hey Hey My My was unbelievably poignant. The actors and writers are top-notch; it's a joy to watch them work at the top of their games. I am so personally invested in all the characters that I was loudly yelling at Opie to hurry up and blow Stahl away--of course, he used his own perfect timing and motive. I'm always amused when I read the post-show statistics showing how the show is such a hit in the 18-49 year old Male demographic. Half the people I personally know who are SOA addicts are women. I also noticed that many--if not most--of the Comments have been posted by women as well. In view of this, I can only hope that you will respond to your female fans with some equal time, i.e., Season 2's porn storyline could easily be replaced with some Season 4 prison shower scenes, no? In my opinion, Jax can never take too many showers. LOL Thanks again for a show that features brains and emotions over jiggly body parts like the rest of TV. Can't wait for Season 4.

Northern Dirtbags said...

Absolutely spectacular season!! With a finale that was jaw dropping!! Kudos to you and your cast and crew for an amazing job! BTW maybe an auto correct but you have written above "and taking Sam Crow out of their native environment." Sam Crow? not Samcro?

miadramaqueen said...

The great news is this season was amazing! Loved every nail biting minute of it. Last night's finale was pure genius- the reckoning was sweet justice. LOVED IT!! I need to share... and I wish I could scream it from the mountain top- honestly I tell anyone who is willing to listen that... I had not watched anything on tv since Sopranos went off the air. Since then it seemed I only watched documentaries on tv... then I discovered SOA and finally I had something worth watching again. 2 seasons later I started thinking maybe I love SOA so much because I never give anything else a chance- I always gave up after the first 30 minutes... so this season I did. I watched hours and hours of tv.. And now I can honestly say that SOA is without a doubt the best show on tv period. Maybe I should leave out the fact that I work for a major tv studio- (no not FX)and still I say SOA is the best show on tv. Thank you for caring about what you put out there- for giving us characters that we care about and that continue to grow with each episode. I am in awe each and every week. What an amazing cast. Can I just take this moment to give kudos to Kim Coates? He does an incredible job as Tig- please give us more of Tig in Season 4. I know there is so much more in him and I can't wait to see it! So now the sad news... another spring and summer of waiting for SOA to return. And yet I thank you for always making it worth the wait.

Unknown said...

Recently started from the pilot. I am on my third disk an just saw Opie's wife tragically gunned down. I literally felt my heart sink in to my chest. wow.

I been have reading your blog for the past year and finally made some time to start actually watching soa. what a masterpiece.

thank you.

john dugan

holymotherofgod said...

Season 3 for me was amazing. I loved the way the WOMEN were able to have their roles more defined: who they are, what they do for the club. Loved the history coming out. Loved the conflict within the Self, within the club itself- loved the manipulation of people and circumstances. I look forward to next Season. I wish you all a good break so you can reconnect with who YOU are again after being so completely immersed in Charming all season. Season's Greetings to cast and crew, see you next year.

puddleduck!! said...

Loved this season, Mr. Sutter. Just loved it. There's a big, black hole in my TV schedule now. Can't wait for Season 4!!

Much love to you and your crew for all of the hard work.

PS: I don't care about what other people think. I fucking LOVED that baby!

Unknown said...

Kurt - you are a breath of fresh air to TV. It's a great change to see good story writing and production bought back to the idiot box!
Seeing as no one airs SoA in Oz, we have to find 'alternate' way of watching it. But thats fine because week in, week out - its worth it.

Well done - a huge Good Luck to yourself and Crew for Season 4!

Lurch, Australia.

Unknown said...

Love seein' you as Otto, brother.

JudgeRAW00 said...

I was a big fan of the whole season. The only thing I hope you possibly expand on, maybe with the S3 DVD release or through the app is when exactly the entire club became aware of the plan and also how the plan evolved as the circumstances changed. Also for next season it'd be nice for it to have the first couple episodes be during the fourteen months most of the club is in prison. Mainly just focusing on major events that take place as I think 14 months is a considerable amount of times in the world of the Sons.

Unknown said...

Summing up this season, I can't think of a better comment than the following:


Excellent work, sir.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for a GREAT SEASON...What a final episode. WOW.
Yes Charlie ( Jax) really did an outstanding performance this season, but so did your real old lady ( Gemma). This season was gut wrenching, tear jerking, nail biting. Can't wait for season 4. Wishing it was more than 13 shows.
Have a wonderful holiday SOA YOU ALL DESERVE IT....

Guy Working said...

Liked the closure on Season 3. Season 2 close and the opening few episodes of season 3 were painful. But pain is good because it makes pleasure ever sweeter.
Definitely looking forward to Season 4.
SOA is my #1 show.

dexterslu said...


Just wanted to say thanks for the great season. My dad and I follow the show and talk about it in quite a bit of detail. One thing I really hope to see next season is the show getting back to exploring the MC culture as it did in the first and second season, in my opinion that is where the show truly thrives since it is a rather unexplored experience in media today and place where the show really shines...

Thanks again, can't wait for the next season!

Anonymous said...

Hey KS,
Great ending to S3, my heart was racing the hairs on my arms raised with goosebumps during the last 10 minutes. You could not have written a more perfect close to S3.


Jim McGowan said...

Thanks Kurt for one of the finest season finale episodes I have ever seen. Great writing, beautiful plot, and a very well-concealed twist!

Look forward to next season!



Unknown said...

Hey Kurt,

Just wanted to say I thought season 3 was fucking great. I hope you're able to successfully not give too much of a shit about people who complain; sure there were some slow/confusing/awkward bits, but that's the same with every piece of fiction ever. In the case of s3 of SoA those bits were far outweighed by huge amounts of great television.

The final 1/4 of that last episode was some of the most satisfying tv I've ever seen. So thanks heaps.


Unknown said...

Don't know anything about the television/movie business, just know what I like. I love not being able to figure out a show from the moment you start watching...I am from Mayberry, aka Mt. Airy, NC and love your references in the show, (Opie and Floyd's Barber Shop)! There are many biker "enthusiasts" that live here and we host several poker runs for charity. We are a little bigger than Charming seems to be, but it is still none the less a very small town. Sending out a personal invitation to you and your family to come see our little town anytime! Thanks for what you and entire cast and crew do to keep us small town people entertained!

Unknown said...

Don't know anything about the television/movie business, just know what I like/love. Love Sons of Anarchy, seems to have just gotten better and better as the storylines get deeper and deeper. The finale had me sitting on the edge of my couch, jumping up and down in my living room and hiding my eyes! For God Sakes I am an children were ready to cart me off in a straight jacket! Got hooked on SOA about midway thru Season 2 and went back and watched them all. Bought the DVD's, waiting for it to snow, so I can stay home and watch all the episodes back to back. I love not being able to figure out a show from the moment you start watching...I live between Mayberry, aka Mt. Airy, and Mt. Pilot aka Pilot Mtn, NC and love your references to our little town in the show, (Opie and Floyd's Barber Shop)! There are many biker "enthusiasts" that live here and we host several poker runs for charity. We are a little bigger than Charming seems to be, but it is still none the less a very small town. Sending out a personal invitation to you and your family to come see our little town anytime! Thanks for what you and entire cast and crew do to keep us small town people entertained!

Patiently waiting for Season 4...
Karen Lynch
Karen Lynch

Anonymous said...

Loved the finale, especially the scene in the van when the prospects started honking their horns. I have to admit when they handed Jimmy O off to Tara I had a feeling Jax wasn't alone in his plan after all, but I'd hoped they were working out a way Jimmy and Stahl could kill each other.

Can't wait for Season 4.

Anonymous said...

Also: glad to see Otto again. Hope he beats the murder rap.

Anonymous said...

Mr. S

My apologies for such a late comment. My computer's hard drive crashed, so I am commenting via IPhone, tapping with a badly bruised hand from a fall. No, not looking for pity, but if you've never tried to write a blog style comment on an IPhone keypad, give it a try. 'tis a workout.
What can I say about S3 that hasn't already been said? It was a grand ride to Belfast and back with a trip up to Oregon. It was great to learn that the Sons are more than just the Redwood, Tacoma, NV, and Belfast charters. It was also a wonderful experience to learn of the Belfast charter and how it worked. The time spent in Belfast made McGee, O'Neal, Maureen Ashby all more real to us.
You made me cry more times than I thought possible this season. I damned you most especially for the moment of clarity Nate Madoc showed before the dementia caught him in it's grasp again. Katey was magnificent in showing the hurt, pain, frustration, fear, guilt -- the whole gamut of emotions an adult child feels when their beloved parent is beset with the devil that is Altzheimer's. Damn you.
I felt Clay's pain at his friend and brother McGee's betrayal. Though he gruffly claimed to Gemma 'years don't mean shit' one could tell otherwise. Chibs' long awaited reunion with his girls also brought out the waterworks, as did Jax's decision to give his son the chance of a 'happy' life.
The rift between Tig and Kozik was wonderfully done. Many people may have given you shit' fit making it about a dog, but given Tig's makeup, it made sense. He doesn't trust people easily, and trusts women less. To lose someone that loved him unconditionally would be a deep wound indeed.
Jacob Hale is definitely the new Satan. Sometimes I think he makes Zobelle look tame. Why do I suspect he'll be Charming's next mayor?
I know you took a lot if heat for this season. Yet there was plenty of action, intrigue, and the other things I've come to expect. You didn't disappoint me, if the opinion of one person makes a difference.
So now begins the long wait to next September. I appreciate the app, the extras are great! You could've asked five times the price and gotten it. What you've given us for the money is another one of those things that makes you stand out from the hollyweird machine.
Keep the shiny side up, the rubber on the road, and I'll see ya on FB and Twitter. Lowecat

Anonymous said...

What can I say about S3 that hasn't already been said? It was a grand ride to Belfast and back with a trip up to Oregon. It was great to learn that the Sons are more than just the Redwood, Tacoma, NV, and Belfast charters. It was also a wonderful experience to learn of the Belfast charter and how it worked. The time spent in Belfast made McGee, O'Neal, Maureen Ashby all more real to us.
You made me cry more times than I thought possible this season. I damned you most especially for the moment of clarity Nate Madoc showed before the dementia caught him in it's grasp again. Katey was magnificent in showing the hurt, pain, frustration, fear, guilt -- the whole gamut of emotions an adult child feels when their beloved parent is beset with the devil that is Altzheimer's. Damn you.
I felt Clay's pain at his friend and brother McGee's betrayal. Though he gruffly claimed to Gemma 'years don't mean shit' one could tell otherwise. Chibs' long awaited reunion with his girls also brought out the waterworks, as did Jax's decision to give his son the chance of a 'happy' life.
The rift between Tig and Kozik was wonderfully done. Many people may have given you shit' fit making it about a dog, but given Tig's makeup, it made sense. He doesn't trust people easily, and trusts women less. To lose someone that loved him unconditionally would be a deep wound indeed.
Jacob Hale is definitely the new Satan. Sometimes I think he makes Zobelle look tame. Why do I suspect he'll be Charming's next mayor?
I know you took a lot if heat for this season. Yet there was plenty of action, intrigue, and the other things I've come to expect. You didn't disappoint me, if the opinion of one person makes a difference.
So now begins the long wait to next September. I appreciate the app, the extras are great! You could've asked five times the price and gotten it. What you've given us for the money is another one of those things that makes you stand out from the hollyweird machine.
Keep the shiny side up, the rubber on the road, and I'll see ya on FB and Twitter. Lowecat

Texas Hell Girl said...

Thank you! Can wait for Season 4. Question: What happened to Trammell. Bruh just disappeared LOL. Dude last episode Ron Perlman has some seriouse Guns he is workin it out!!!

Electronic Sole said...

Mr. Sutter,

My stomach was in knots and I felt ready to puke until the Reaper showed. That level of emotional investment hasn't happened since I was very young. It only happens on the Sons which is a testament to the work you and everyone involved are doing. Thank you.

The Anachronists - No Where

Unknown said...

You had be Kurt. I was blown away by the season finale. You could not have don it better. I cannot wait to see the next season. Thanks for such excellent writing. If you and your cast and crew are not recognized then it will be a travesty.


Unknown said...

Just want to thank you as well for this wonderful season !! I have never expected being so addicted to a TV show, never happened to me before, but the story, the cast, the music... everything made it happen !!

Elodie - France

andrea mangiri said...

congrats kurt, really!...oh, and i really enjoyed the cold lesbian bitch's death...finally!


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Sutter

The third season was quite a thrilling ride for me. I was moved to tears many times, and even damned you on Twitter for Nate Madoc's Altzheimer's disease being so skillfully and realistically portrayed. That moment of clarity really hit home, hence the reason I said 'damn you.' When you have someone in your family who is so affilicted, and see it so realistically displayed, and can readily appreciate the feelings of anger, frutration, loss, and guilt that the family mebers feels as Gemma felt for her Dad, it hurts inside.

God, I loved the Belfast storyline. Seeing how SAMBEL differed, yet was so much like SAMCRO was very beneficial. It helped to really see what the charters are all about, instead of just the tiny tastes we had of the former Devils Tribe and Rogue River charters, plus the one person taste of Tacoma. I felt for Clay being betrayed by a brother of 40 years, even though he tried to cover it with the gruff 'years don't mean shit.' Years meant shit to him, and that's why we care for the SAMCRO men and women so much.

BTW, I loved making the whole thing between Tig and Kozik over a girl of sorts. I can see why Tig would invest so much time/emotion on the one woman in his life who gave him unconditional love. Quite a nice twist.

Personally, I'm glad you went outside the envelope this season. I know you took a lot of guff about it; sometimes people don't want to be taken out of their comfort zone. Things need to be shaken up a bit from time to time, and you went aces with this.

BTW, the husband is really not that pleased with me for buyin' an Iphone just to get the SOA app, but he'll get over it. You could've asked four times as much for the app, and most of us would've gladly paid. Instead, you only asked 99 cents and gave us so much more. That's the kind of up front no BS we come to expect of you.

It's gonna be a long dry run to next September. Don't be a stranger to FB and Twitters.

Indianacat aka Lowecat

Craig Zablo said...

Well played, Kurt. Well played.

ers said...


Once again this is the same girl(ers and on the fence fan)that bitched about not meeting you people at the meet and greet way back in August 2009. Well God damn I hate to be a nut swinger BUT your show fucken rules! For another season you made me cringe, cry, scream at my tv,watch thru my fingers, and break my heart in season 3. God damn you and your kick ass show! I've even turned other people on to the show too! They couldn't understand my love/hate conflict that it made them wanna watch it too! So there it is there, keep up the killer work, can't wait till season 4. Fuck it...I'm an ass kisser like most people on here!

A Forever Fan

Rick & The Family! said...

As a faithful viewer since day 1, I can say that the Season 3 finale was the best EVER. Awesome twists, awesome story line, and it keeps me coming back week after week.

As someone who is up at 4 am for work, staying up till 11 doesnt exist in my Vocabulary...except when SONS is on.

Quick story: I stopped by the property owner office in my local community this fall to fill out some paper work. I was on my Big Dog Ridgeback and when I walked in there was a little old lady behind the counter. She leaned in, looked side to side, and asked in a whisper, "Do you watch Son's of Anarchy?"

I leaned back in towards her and said, "Yes ma'am, I do." She replied, "Oh my goodness...I just love that show!" Then laughed. She must have been 85 or better.

It takes all kinds...

Looking forward to Season 4! Keep it gritty!!

Caffiend said...

Wow, just flat out wow. Shame to see Titus go, he was just fantastic which is par for him. Now you are going to be down two Deadwood alumni. Maybe some Robert Patrick next season, but as a non law enforcement type? He was pretty awesome in his stint on The Sopranos as the degenerate gambler.

So who packed Chibbs' lunch and just where in the hell did they find Jameson's in a juice box?

Opie's closure was just phenomenal and I am quite interested in seeing where things go with Unser once he's pushed out. I am also hoping for a very nasty end to Jacob Hale, but I won't hold my breath on that one. You have ratcheted things back up a couple of levels with that finale and it, as always, will be a long 9 months.

J Van said...

How do you stand yourself and how awesome you are?

It is kind of ridiculous how much I love this show. My husband is a farmer and we didn't get to watch the season until November. We crammed in all of the episodes when we got a chance and watched the finale 2 days after it aired. Not watching it on finale night was BRUTAL.

This show is incredible. I cannot believe how well everything goes together. It really is a work of art. The writing, the acting, the directing, the music selection... how you and your team do it is beyond me but whatever you are doing is working.

I was one of those people who did NOT hate the baby. I kept wanting them to FOCUS on Abel instead of the other drama that was going on. "FIND THAT BABY" is all I kept thinking.

Because I was told how mind blowing the finale was, I guessed the ending pretty quickly but even knowing (or half-knowing since I was really just hoping), it still blew me away. Now, I want to go back and watch the entire season again to see things in a different light.

THANK YOU to the entire cast and crew for three amazing seasons. Can't wait to see what your brain comes up with for next season.


Kevin said...

I have to agree with most of the reviews I've read; this season was absolutely thrilling.

A few things pop into my head and hope you'll shed some light on your creative thought process. After watching the season finale, I was a little confused. Watching the entire season and all of the seasons before, everything that Jax was involved with that had something to do with the main story line, we saw. We watched it all unfold. However, this season we weren't privy to the apparent conversation Jax had with his club regarding the ATF. In my opinion it makes it seem a little gimmicky that we would miss the one thing that puts the entire story together. Why would you change your style at this point and is that something that is going to continue to occur? Will I always have to second guess everything that is happening?

Secondly, I'd REALLY love to see the sweatshirt and t-shirt that Jax was wearing in the last two episodes in the SOA Store. They both just say 'SON' across the front. Would love to get my hands on one.

-Kevin D.

Six said...

And to think just a month ago, I didn't even know who or what SAMCRO was...

A friend handed me his season one DVD and said, "You gotta watch this. I guarantee you're gonna love it." I watched it in a weekend. I was hooked. The following week I watched season two. Over the Thanksgiving break, I caught up with all of season three to the emotionally charged, whirlwind finale.

My name is Susan Miller, and I'm a Sons-aholic....

Three seasons in three weeks. My head is spinning! What a ride! The outstanding writing and development of characters make SOA a cut above. The actors are brilliant; the music choices haunt me every episode.

Keep up the strong work, Kurt Sutter. Long may The Sons rule!

S. Miller

Finchy said...

Kurt, thank you for a wonderful and brave season 3 of SoA. It would have been very easy to stay within the boundaries you set with the first two seasons, especially considering how phenomenal those first two seasons were.

But instead you stayed true to these characters and the story and took things to a new place both geographically and emotionally and what a great fucking ride it was.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving us all another great 13 hours with these characters.

Tempest said...

Kurt, I have enjoyed SOA from day one. I loved the Season Three finale. Ally Walker is an amazing actress and she played the ruthless, sociopath and psychopathic June Stahl very well. I hope she gets an Emmy--I mean, I love Katey and Maggie on the show too, but Walker was chilling in her role. I used to think that Stahl sort of had to be that way for her job as an ATF agent, but as we say with Agent Tyler, it is possible to have that job and still be a decent human being. Stahl is just heartless.

It was nice seeing you in this episode as Otto. I loved how there was a song playing called Charming.

I enjoy how the characters have developed and look forward to season four.

Forget the ignorant hatemongers! If people don't like a show, then they should not watch it, let alone complain about it on the blogs and sites for the show.

Dawn said...

As a loyal SONS fan, I have gotta say, season 3 was amazing. The season finale, for sure, has got to be one of the best hours of TV. I didn't think the baby storyline was overdone, and I also dug the build up to the Belfast trip.
Thank you, Mr. Sutter for another killer season.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Mr. Sutter (Hey, Otto)))

Wish to thank you for the Sons Of Anarchy series, that’s a great movie.
And, what is more important, for your posts in the diary. You know it’s like I read my own text, I could sign it! Thus you’re giving me a hope, because if we have much in common, it means I can also reach success in this life. I am 28, a writer, and sometimes depression can get me)) I live in Kazakhstan (ex-Soviet republic), I’m Russian-Ukrainian.
A good wife is also a good helper to get your prize. As they say, “There’s no a great man without a great woman behind his back”. By the way, I was wondering lately about existence of such a “duo” in the West, and your series showed me it is the same all over the world. When you seek for information, you can find it suddenly. It’s very curious.
And your series is very interesting, because closed communities (subcultures, gangs) are interesting to study, to watch them from the psychological point of view (relations, struggle for leadership, secrets, intrigues, brotherhood).


P.S. Special thanks for not portraying Russian gangsters as stereotypical Hollywood perestroika-style thugs. These guys have their style.

Ian said...

Sons of Anarchy season three was, for me, one of the most exciting pieces of television I've seen in a long time. Primarily for the story, razor sharp dialogue and superb acting but also because of what it says about cable TV.

The broadcast networks are so unwilling to take risks and as a result, the good shows are all on cable channels like FX and AMC. Sons of Anarchy is my favourite, but there are also gems like The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad and Rubicon out there, worthy of attention.

Also, on the subject of the Sons cast, I think they're all worthy of an award. There isn't anyone acting on the show that isn't 100% on their game 100% of the time. It's brilliant.

And while I'd be thrilled to see Charlie get an award, I also think that Katey was criminally overlooked for all sorts of awards for season two, and has continued to put in brilliant performances throughout season three.

Just can't wait for season four.

Aaliyah said...

Season three ending was off the chart. You and your team of writers hit it out of the ball park. I did not see the ending coming.

I like where you left us and it feels like the storyline's connection to Hamlet is going to be picked up in season four.

Thanks for keeping the audience in mind and respecting us. So many shows lose that focus over the years. It is clear you haven't. Kudos to the SOA family, FX, and Happy Holidays to all.

Abbey's Road said...

This season was gut-wrenching, heart-wrenching, and sexually-wrenching (I'll never forget that shot of Jax's ass as he took his frustrations out on some otherwise chick! Nice move, Sutter!). The Irish thing was a little hard to follow; you had to stay on top of it and crank up the volume. Those Irish, they have their own way of talking ... but we LOVED IT LOVED IT!! And today, CONGRATUALTIONS to your best girl and ours, Katy, on her Golden Globe nomination. There should have been more; Charlie certainly deserved one, and the show itself, the writers and the directors.

One last thing: The season is too damn short!!! Anything you can do about that, Kurt?

Abbey ♥

thegraceland said...

Kurt - I had to write you and thank you for being such a brilliant/bad ass writer. Thank you for creating this amazing world for us all to live in every week. I don't want it to end. How can a show that's already so good become even better in Season 3 (in my humble opinion). Season 3 was the best season so far. It just gets better and better and I know you know how rare that is. So thank you.

Thank you for caring about your characters. Thank you for explaining the what and why to us sometimes. (EX: Half Sack getting killed.) Thank you for thoughtful story arcs that make us think and aren't fucking predictable. Thank you for the back story on the Teller family this season. Thank you thank you thank you.

As a viewer I am constantly baffled by the quick pace at which shows begin to suck these days. I Dont worry about that with you. I don't have to read your blog to know how passionate and committed you are to SOA. It comes out in the show, the writing, the acting, the costume design, set dressing, everything. You have passionate committed fans and we are here with you till the end. I for one will be on the edge of my seat till the very end with SAMCRO.

Wanda said...

My Dear Kurt;
I’m a big SoA fan – been watching from the beginning. The writing is exceptional! Every actor cast is so authentic. Oh, and I think Chibs and Tig are fucking hot. It’s a joy to watch, and I’ll tell you why. I’m an aging woman as bored as I am boring. I used to be a skinny little badass outlaw, biker chick, go-go girl, bartender, drunk and meth whore who wasn’t supposed to live to see age 30. On my 30th birthday I said to myself, “Fuck. Now what?” I totally relate to the old adage that goes something like If I’d known I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself. So now I’m a fat, 50-year-old citizen who hasn’t kicked any ass, graced any go-go stages, had a drink or abused any drugs in 20 years. In that time I’ve been a nanny, librarian, mortgage lender and insurance agent. Anybody who knows me now would never believe who I used to be, and if anyone from back then were to see me now, they’d just shit. I am, however, fully integrated and embrace my inner badass, and watching the sons has become my guilty pleasure. It brings me back and makes me really fucking uncomfortable, but I can’t stop watching. Among a great many other horrid experiences, like Gemma I, too, was gang-raped as the result of someone’s political agenda; but unlike Gemma, my enemies were not rivals but my old man’s club brothers. Because there was not a set of balls among them, they slipped me (a known drunk) a monster mickey while I was at work (a go-go bar), and proceeded to fuck me in order to fuck him. They made it look like I was a willing participant and never took responsibility for it. Suspecting I’d been taken advantage of, but also fearing Jack Daniels had taken me to a new low, I told my old man, and then he fucked me up, too. I didn’t know their agenda or that I was drugged until 10 years later when it came up when I was talking to a friend I ran into in another bar; and 6 months later, he was found shot to death by his own club brothers, for turning states evidence, as the rumors are told. My ex-old-man and half the people I knew back then are all dead. So, I don’t romanticize or miss the lifestyle, but since the old west, there is something about outlaws that America has always just fucking loved. Watching the Sons of Anarchy makes me grateful for the boring life I lead now and for the peace in my heart and reminds me that I’m a survivor and a fucking miracle. So, thanks, bro. Really, really good show.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Sutter,

What can we (the fans) do to strengthen your effort with S.O.A.?

I'm sure that you have already thought about a movie. I without a doubt know that it would be a financial success and bring in many more fans. From a central theme about The First Nine to anything past, present or future. I would like to see a little more special features on the disc. I would love to hear you speak on your writing process. Thank you for creating an original, M.Madison, Alabama

Wanda said...


Anonymous asks a good question – what can we do to help?

I consider myself reasonably intelligent and exceptionally creative and I waited in anxious anticipation for every episode of season three. Since season one, I've become very involved with your cast of characters and grew to really care about them, the decisions they were making and how it affected the storyline. I was really hoping that Jax would choose to get out of the life and raise his kids in a safer environment, but I understand why he hasn’t. I thought your story-telling was thoughtful and thorough. The finale was brilliant.

You simply cannot avoid negative criticism; and bearing in mind every asshole is entitled to their opinion, fuck ‘em. Based on all 3 seasons of Sons of Anarchy, you’re a gifted writer and story teller. I look forward to season four! Write to once more intrigue and surprise those of us who appreciate what you’ve created and don’t worry about winning approval from the close-minded, change-resistant factions lacking the vision to appreciate your talents. Fuck outside pressures – just nurture your creativity and go right where you planned on going with this.

Hang in there, brother.