Thursday, July 08, 2010


Let's face it, kids, we are the dirty-faced outlaws who no one wants in their clean white town.  We are too loud, too violent, too brash.  We don't sing, have pretty sets, or wear retro suits.  They admire us from afar, wish they could do what we do, then they pull the shades and settle for the familiar and safe.  They are lazy sheep.

Thanks for the kind words and all your support, Katey and I appreciate your venom.  But know this, I thrive on living outside the love circle.  I've been here for ten years now.  It fuels my bitterness, my over-inflated sense of self-righteousness and it makes me a more relevant artist. 

It's too easy and lazy to be angry (Mariska Hargitay are you fucking kidding me? ).  So today, I choose gratitude.  I am enormously proud of everyone associated with Sons of Anarchy and truly excited about the stories we get to tell.  Yes, accolades are wonderful, (and if we were nominated I'd be calling the Academy geniuses) but at the end of the day, I'm simply grateful that I get paid a lot of money to do something I love.  And so, I go back to work, on the wrong side of the tracks.  Ride safe.


Lisa Page Rosenberg said...


Michelé said...

Kurt - you've already won in the hearts of your fans, no nomination needed!!

Bryan Cady said...

Katy was robbed!!! So sorry about that.

It does seem true that the awards shows are political. If they weren't, I suspect you wouldn't see so much campaigning before the announcements.

Bryan said...

Appreciate your reaction, Kurt. Still, overlooking the show, and in particular Katey's continuing powerful performance, just makes no sense.

Gloom said...

Thank you for doing what you do. It's almost like the studio pays us both for you to do what you love. With regards to the outcast sort of feeling, the club I'm trying to prospect formed in 1934 after a handful of riders were thrown out of an AMA event for drinking too much. The modern iteration of FFMC is only slightly more sober. I hope to join Oregon's oldest MC and become a proud ".08%er"

Brad said...

Even though I am rather annoyed about the nominations I'm not surprised. You worded it perfectly We Don't Like Your Kind. on the plus side, I don't have to watch the awards now.

Unknown said...

Well, Mr. Sutter, I was hoping your show, and especially your beautiful bride, would get Emmy noms! A fantastic show, with gifted actors shouldn't get dissed like this!

Since we're calling names....How the hell January Jones, a horrid actress, got a nod over Katey Sagal (or anyone) is bull-!

Wendy said...

I want to offer gratitude to you, Kurt, I am grateful for a TV show that is not just compelling to watch, but that inspires me to create something that moves people as much this show stirs emotion within me. What you give is bigger than what an Emmy award can symbolize. In the long run, your rewards will be bigger as well.

Anonymous said...

You are such a class act. And I agree, at the end of the day what difference does it make? The FANS know, love and appreciate the hard work that you all put into giving us a solid show week after week. Keep on, brother!

Anonymous said...

Fuck em! We, the fans, love the show and that's what matters!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely robbed!! I hope that you know how much your fans love & respect this show & that is enough to compensate for the Academy's HUGE oversight.

Guy R. Glimp said...

As long as you are still around to bring us S.O.A. with the same passion and truth, then I will be Happy. But if the straight world gets scared enough of our freedom, then "they" will pull the plug. OMC's have said that when their rights are gone, ours will be next. They are not allowed to wear their colors without risk of confiscation now. Keep the Faith , Fight for FREEDOM

Unknown said...

To be expected these days...If it's out of the CSI,Law and Order flow people get uncomfortable...SoA is by far my favorite show and I will continue to watch it no matter what. Like Brad said...Now I don't have to watch a damn awards show now...

Keep up the good work Kurt and all the cast and crew of SoA!

Sala de Leitura - EMEF Ilga Pusplatais said...

Brazilian fans love SOA. Katey is the best actress, doesn't matter what they say...

AuntD said...

I am very disappointed in the emmy noms. I was blown away by Katey Sagal this season, never will she be looked at as Peg Bundy again. Her portrayal of Gemma's pain and anguish was palpable. She brings Gemma to life on the screen, and makes you route for the bad ass with the soft center she is. You, the cast, writers, directors, crew and everyone who make SOA awesome and riveting every week deserve so much better. Thank you for the kick ass ride so far! Looking forward to more of it!

AuntD said...

I am very disappointed in the emmy noms. I was blown away by Katey Sagal this season, never will she be looked at as Peg Bundy again. Her portrayal of Gemma's pain and anguish was palpable. She brings Gemma to life on the screen, and makes you route for the bad ass with the soft center she is. You, the cast, writers, directors, crew and everyone who make SOA awesome and riveting every week deserve so much better. Thank you for the kick ass ride so far! Looking forward to more of it!

Dave Martin said...

as an aspiring writer/director and someone who also loves the life, your work is an inspiration. I hope i'm half as good as you are great. keep up the good work, man. looking forward to season 3

Anonymous said...

white trash baker gangs might as well be black people or mexicans.

the academy isnt touching that stuff with a 40 foot poll. you know it. i know it. it is what it is.

but think about it like this: the wire never got nominated. clearly that hasn't hurt its reputation.

Kris Nemeth said...

Hey Kurt, your show is the shit. Finally a show that I can watch. Sick of all these girly shows on. Those reality shows just have to go. How come they dont do re-runs while your working on your next season? You got a good cast and Katey's got the sick role too. Shes badass in this show. All the way around man, you picked a good group of people for the roles. Thanks for bringing back a real show. I cant wait til the next season. That Scottish cat took Jax's bay...its on. The war is gonna begin:)
Just a fan,

tinker said...

Awards are just junk that sit on the shelf. They have no real function other than gathering dust.

People who cherish things like this are those that are always looking behind them for glory and fulfillment. It's better to look forward than dwell in the past.

Katy has consistently shown herself to be an awesome talent, on SOA, and even in her roles as Peggy and Le-la. I also enjoyed her brief role on Lost. In lieu of any award, all we can offer is our gratitude for the journeys you both have taken us on.


Anonymous said...

This is a lovely sentiment. However, I really do believe that you and your team deserved recognition for this body of work.

Unknown said...

Kurt -- I was so disappointed/outraged/flabbergasted when I saw that SoA didn't receive any nominations. Mostly, I was upset on behalf of you and Katey because (as I said to a friend earlier today), Gemma may be the queen of bikers, but Katey is the queen of television actors.

I'm still frustrated by the Emmy voters' refusal to think outside the box, but it's helpful to know that you guys are seeing the bigger picture. The important thing is that you keep making an amazing show. And to anyone who can't recognize the talent, skill, drive, heart, etc. behind what you all are doing -- their loss.

Merenwench said...

You are much better off not being associated with THOSE sorts of show. SoA is an original and should stand apart from the sheeple herds. I agree heartily with your Hartigay comment!

H. ZImmerman said...

No way!!!! Last season was so fantastic in so many ways. And honestly, especially after "Balm," I could actually picture Katey giving her Emmy acceptance speech, and I was really looking forward to watching it. You all were absolutely robbed.

But thank you so much for 2 seasons of a show that we all know is the best drama on TV. Can't wait for season 3!

Julie D said...

Seriously, it's ridiculous. It is clear that the Emmy's are NOT a reward or acknowledgement of talent. It's political, and baby, you're just on a ticket of your own.

You don't need an Emmy nomination to be proud of your show, your wife, your cast, your crew, or anything else. SOA speaks for itself, and the show and everyone associated with it is entirely too brilliant to be associated with such bullshit fakeness as the Emmys.

Brea said...

Gotta say I'm not surprised about the ridiculousness of most of the nominations, although there were a couple I was very happy about because they were long overdue. Nevermind that, though. I will however say here what I have said on any number of sites this morning that displayed the nominees for this year.

The only snub that has really ticked me off is Katey Sagal for Sons of Anarchy! She was amazing this season but especially in Balm. Her work in that one episode is better than anything January Jones or Mariska Hargitay have done on their respective shows in any season! Jones is very pretty but lacks any heart, emotion or connection when I watch her. But it's really effing crazy that Hargitay keeps getting nominated for that god awful material and her horrible acting on SVU. If any of the L&O's should've been cancelled, it should've been that one!

It really blows that your fantastic show didn't get the recognition it deserves but be comforted by the fact that there are millions of us patiently(and not so patiently) waiting for the return of one of the absolute best shows on TV!

ARC said...

Let's be honest, the Emmys are for shit. The same lazy, safe choices year after year - for the most part.

When a truly deserving nominee sneaks in, it's more of a surprise than anything.

And you *know* a lot of the voters don't even watch everything they should in order to make an informed choice.

Of course your show and Katy should have been nominated. There's probably not a lot of comfort in the fact that other worthy nominees were left out, but, well, they were.

And if anyone ever wanted to really see what an Emmy is worth, they only need look at the astounding lack of success of 'The Wire.'

Waiting for S3 of SoA with impatience, Kurt. Won't be watching even one episode of most of the crap nominated.

Ken Rosenkrantz said...

Buncha Twerps...

Unknown said...

These award shows wouldn't know great art if it bit them in their ass.

Thank you for producing one of the best shows on nomination has to tell me that!

Alex said...

Maybe they didn't nominate katey because she was too obviously the winner and there would be no competition... I'm boycotting

Anonymous said...

Just about every show I like gets canceled or ignored by awards-givers. I know it ain't me.

Keep on doing your thing and I'll keep watching.

Morgan said...

First of all, I always read your blog and never post but was so pissed off about these Emmy noms that I had to write.

No nod for the writing?? For Katey?????? Nada...?!?!?!

I call bullshit!! The fact that the Academy keeps overlooking SoA is ridiculous. Especially after KS's truly powerful performances throughout the season. Not to mention the stellar writing team and the other actors who were flying circles around some of the other jokers on those other shows. I'm not saying I hate those other shows, in fact, I love almost all of them, but your show is so balls-to-the-wall good that it's absolutely criminal that it's under the radar.

Suolas said...

Why settle for 'flavour of the month' in popular eyes when you can be cult and live forever?

Melissa said...

The most powerful scene last season for me, was when Clay saw Gemma for the first time in the hospital after the rape (thinking she had been in a car accident) - and Katey's silent performance of a woman who had to be strong and steadfast in her lie to protect her family, fighting off the urge to want to tell her husband the truth, and needing comfort in her pain. After watching that scene, in tears, I said - "If Katey Sagal does not get an Emmy for this performance....!" Ugh. Disappointed :( On a happier note - I can't wait for the new season - SOA is BAD-ASS!!!!!!!! Thank you!

Stephanie S. said...

I couldn't agree more - the show and Katey were definitely robbed and I can't believe it was overlooked again. Maybe they're afraid of the possible negativity coming at them when the general public sees them nominating a show of this nature, but still, you're right and they just wish they had the guts or the ability to 'be' some of these characters. They apparently aren't ballsy enough to back it.

Katey has had an incredible career and I've very much liked everything she's done, but this role is definitely her best yet and they're foolish not to take notice.

Regardless, as Michele here said.. you've already won the fans and a nom would've just been icing on the cake. The millions of viewers and ratings from intelligent critics will keep this show going more than a trophy that sits on a shelf.


bodybuilder said...

Deep down inside they want to be us, yearn to have the balls to do the things we do, but reality sets in. While they play it safe, and are truely scared of the fringe, we will run up to it without fear and sometimes sense.
If they were to nominate you or SOA, they would then let their inner yearnings to be known and that is just something the uptight assholes could never do..
Keep rocking it out Kurt.. as with the very best of the best. You have your true fans. Mainstrean can keep their same old same old!!

Looking forward to the new season with great anticipation
take it easy,

zeyi said...

Love SOA and I was really upset when I saw you were robbed! Fan for life and that's all you need.

Connie from HB said...

Genius gets few rewards I think. Mostly critism till the masses catch on. While they did recognize some quality shows ( Dexter, True Blood) they failed again to recognize a good, character driven drama. What can you do. Thank you for all you do. You have our love and support. Who the hell remembers who wins these things anyway ? How many fans of L&O can quote script, line and verse to an episode ? The legion of SOA obsessed thank you and your family for all you do.

Gwenniegirl said...

No matter what the award choices are. SOA is the finest hour on TV. Katey's performance was the greatest. The writing,well what can I say, It's beyond wonderful. PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ continue with the GREATEST SHOW ON TV. Much love and support to cast and crew.


John said...

I like Mariska Hargitay's acting and well she isn't bad on the eyes either thanks to her mom...

With saying that she is no Katey!

Katey made me laugh my butt off with Married with Children. Then when I saw her as Jema I just about died.

She is by far my number 1 Actress. She can play any part and then to hear her sing!!.. Kurt you are one lucky SOB but you know that. I am 36 married and if I was single and didnt like you I try my best lol...

If the show doesn't WIN then f them because it already won in the ratings and no one can take that from you and the cast.

candee2320 said...

I am so sick of the Emmy people only nominating the same people over and over. It truly makes you wonder do they even watch other shows. SOA is a show so good you forget you are watching a show and when the episode ends; like a junkie you carve your next fix. With moist eyes I "a nobody" from the Heartland say..Sons is the best Drama, Sons has the Best writing and the cast (all the cast) are the Best actors. I hope you can feel the love and hear the appauses from my desk.

Sheryl said...

Someone above mentioned Peg Bundy. My husband pointed out to me that Ed O'Neil was the only cast member of Modern Family who didn't get a nomination for that show. Someone high up in the Emmy machine really has/had a hate-on for Married With Children and can't let it go.

But Kurt is right in his assessment that edgy shows and characters that make you think don't ever win awards. Lots of other amazing shows and actors got shut out. I'm almost as upset at the snub toward Walton Goggins of Justified as I am about Katey.

After SOA S1Ep2, I publicly declared that I would go to California and kick someone in the nuts if Katey didn't get a nomination. I'm still considering doing that.

Or starting my own awards show. The swag bags will be a bit skimpier though.

Unknown said...

Man it is all good. It has been that way since I was a kid. You can be the best at what you do but you aren't in the "club" so you bang around...funny thing is that you meet others that are in the same boat. I know that from a business stand point the accolades (Emmy) would help in advertising income and future projects. It has to be fulfilling to know that the following that you have developed are so vocal in their support where as so many other shows may have the accolades they don't have a fan base like the yours and in the end it is the mark you leave on peoples lives that stands the test of times...not the awards. Cheers to you and Katey.

PatD64 said...

Stop!!!!!!........Thief!!!!!!!!!!! :( We was Robbed!!!!!!!

James said...

It took Friday Night Lights 4 seasons of one of the best written, acted, directed, and produced shows to garner well deserved noms for Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton for acting (and still no love for the others), so maybe take solace that by season 5, the shitbirds will come around.

Besides, who can really care about a body of people who saw fit to never award "The Wire" with an award?

Heather M. Connell said...

It is very dissapointing,but unfortunately not suprising that the show and the actors recieved no nominations, the academy seems to stick with the mainstream soft and fluffy crap rather than the shows that actually make you think, feel and face head on the things in the world that aren't photoshopped and airbrushed to within an inch of it's life and shoved into a pretty little box. they like to stick with the formula that can be used again and again,lawyer shows, hospital/doctor shows, cop shows(with the exception of The Shield which was amazing and one of the few exceptions to the "rules") and don't forget all the bubblegum sitcoms that have to tell you when to laugh so you know that they're trying to be funny. I'm sorry that the academy still hasn't pulled it's head out of it's ass to acknowledge some of the best writing and acting that's been on TV in years, but Sons of Anarchy is about a group of people that the sheep who nominate & vote for the academy would cross the street rather than pass them on the same sidewalk, they can't seem to get past the "bookcover" to get to know and enjoy the 13 weeks a year that the fans get to spend getting to see what new and crazy(in a good way)things that come out of your head,and the preformances you can get out of your actors, it's like Katey isn't playing Gemma, Katey is Gemma, Kim is Tig and so on for that hour a week,and that's what draws in the viewers who become rabid fans,by 12:01am on Wednesday alot of us are like little kids on a long car ride asking if it's Tuesday again yet(the replays of the episodes during the week help a bit). If we could give all of you some sort of award for what you do, you know we would, hopefully that will hold you over a bit until next years TV award season when you get to do this all again

Laura said...

Almost as ridiculous as Katey's omission... JANUARY JONES?!?!


Marilee said...

The only logical explanation is that the Emmys aren't about quality, talent, raising the bar, or excellence. They're a popularity contest based on shows written for people with single digit IQs and junior high level maturity. Ignoring the writing and acting on SOA is actually a compliment. With very few exceptions, why would you want to be included with most of the crap that was nominated? Your show deserves high praise, but not from those idiots.

curlygirlz said...

They were just too damn afraid you all would roll up to the awards on HOGS- and they wouldn't know what to do with themselves- being outside of the inner circle is the whole point of SOA- it makes loads of sense to me....

Anonymous said...

Kurt,this is why I don't take any stock in award shows. There are shows that are outside of the box that haven't received the recognition that they truly deserve.

Kurt, don't get bummed out about awards, as long as you have Katey, the wonderful cast and crew who work on the show, and faithful fans watching Sons Of Anarchy, I say that is the biggest reward you can have. :-)

JT Flanagan

Capitalist Infidel said...

I don't get it, you picked the right group for the "bad guys." Nothing Hollywood likes more than Christian white males as the evil ones. Can't go wrong with the worn out kkk,nazi,white power groups. It's lazy but sure to get you acknowledged. That's why it's so baffling!

Maybe it's because the "heroes" make money in an unconventional manner instead of relying on government welfare checks

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I was with you, appreciating your gracious attitude until you bashed a nominee for seemingly no particular reason. That just kind of threw your whole argument out the window.

If you were really wanting to move past it, you would not have mentioned a nominee. What did she ever do to you?

Anonymous said...

Kurt and Katey,
I paged through the award nominations anxiously looking for SOA. There were many critics that predicted some nods for your wonderful show but alas, the same old shit gets nominated. NONE of the women nominated even began to compare to Katey's performance, especially this past season. And not just her......the other actors, writing, etc. YOu don't need to be nominated to know you are incredible and your fans will still be there but if nominated there would be SO many more fans who could appreciate the brilliance of SOA. I have gotten several people watching this, all with bated breath for the next season! The award shows are always political but it would just be nice to occasionally see something worthy get a nod.

Best to you!

GT Black said...


Shelby said...

i think that the Emmys are similar to the NFL Pro Bowl...often the true talent is overlooked in favor of the more recognizable name. Your show is a compelling work of art, with talented actors who deserve to be recognized. Rest assured your rabid fans, myself included, will continue to support SOA in any way we can.

Anonymous said...

We have your back! The best "award" we can give you, as fans, is to keep tuning in, letting the Nielson Ratings know we watch and keep spreading the SOA gospel. We roll in shadows to bring the light to those who will see. Those who don't see the light...Fuck 'em! I LOVE mutton! Keep it between the ditches.

Aaron said...

SOA is suffering from The Sheild syndrome. I think Michael Chiklis had to wait about 3-4 seasons before getting nominated for, and winning,an emmy.

People just don't like to be moved outside of their comfort zone.

I believe SOA is the best show on TV. Much like the shield, I will watch this show until the very end.

Long Live SAMCRO

Indianacat aka Lowecat said...

Firstly, Mr. Sutter, I'm sorry my idea of a petition to have the idiot voters give SOA at least ONE bloody nomination was too little too late. Would it have helped? Who knows? *sigh* Maybe next year, as we die-hard Cubs fans say - and I'm a 2nd generationer!

Next, I feel that SOA, yourself, your lovely lady Ms. Sagal, and Mr's Coates and Hurst were robbed by the ballotholders by not getting a nomination.

Ms. Sagal's character went through the literal wringer last year thanks to, as they used to say in teeveeland 'a very special subject' (special my ass you wankers! She was gang raped!). I commend you, her, and everyone involved in her arc for allowing her to show that women don't have to crumble to pieces emotionally and sexually following rape. Gritty? Hell yeah! Ms. Sagal dealt with the matter as fierecly as Gemma Morrow protects her family. She didn't wallow in the PC self pity/victim mode. She came back, strong. Brava, Ms. Sagal!

As to why I feel that two of your actors were robbed? Because both men dealt with major issues throughout the season, and they did so in ways that were REAL. That touched us as human beings.

Mr. Hurst showed us a completely different method of mourning that the so-called 'polite society' doesn't engage in. He mourned, he dealt with betrayal along the way, he came back. His best line and scene, choosing not to kill Agent Stahl. 'The outlaw showed mercy.' Bravo!

As for Mr. Coates. I've been a fan of his for two decades, and always been impressed with his work. He delivered this season! He took us through Tig's emotional/mental journey throughout S2. We saw flashes of 'good ole Tig', but we also saw the depth of his sorrow with the doll in the field and his inability to 'persuade' the judge. Again, bravo to the man!

You, as creator/EP/writer/actor were also robbed. This is your baby, your labor, your sweat and tears and blood. Those sheep basically bleated and ran away from quality, taking refuge in the wolf in sheep's clothing that appeared to be the 'safe choice' but in reality is best described as drek.

Speaking of reality shows, entire categories dedicated to frackin' reality tee vee? CATEGORIES? GAWD! What next, an award show just for reality shows? (Maybe I'd better shut up, or some idiot in charge might just think it's a good idea!)

Some of the nominees are deserving. Others make me wonder what kind of crack the ballotholders were smokin' when they cast their votes!

Once again, SOA has been led to the water hole after the horde has drunk it dry, leaving us thirsty for fulfillment.

One thing you can be assured of, is that we fans will watch, consistently, throughout S3. If we can possibly make the ratings better than last year, we'll do it (granted, I'm not in the 18-29 demo, female, 50 but we earn and spend too!).

Yeah, I know, doing the work and doing it well should be it's own reward, and you're doing a great job of the 'stiff upper lip' thing.

But at the end of the day, Mr. Sutter, we yearn for positive reinforcement for our work, whatever work that is. Because we're human, we feel let down when the frackin' slacker next to us gets the glory for doin' something we do regularly without even a pat on the back.

Well, consider this YOUR pat on the back. I know it's not a golden statue, or a plaque to hang on the wall. But it comes from the heart, from another creative mind who appreciates the effort it takes to come in every day, put in a lot of time/energy/effort, and come back to do it all again while suffering the slings and arrows of jealous wanna be's and hackers.

To the cast and crew of SOA, and to you, Mr. Sutter, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!

orangenblue said...

Unspeakable to leave Katey out when she is THE BEST of all! Can't find words to describe the pain and frustration I feel. Up with SOA: we love you all!

Waylon said...

Honestly, I prefer that it not be nominated. The awards, to me, have always been a joke. Sure, it would be nice to get some recognition, but the type of people who tune in for an awards show aren't really the type who are going to "get" SoA in the first place, are they?

We get it, man, and we appreciate the fact that people like you have the balls to give us an alternative to the shiny, happy bullshit that is the rest of television.

michele said...

As soon as I walk in the door I turn my computer on. As I wait for it to boot up I read our local newspaper and low and behold on page 3 are the Emmy nominations. As soon as I read the artilce I went straight to your page Mr. Sutter because I knew there would be a posting. I don't know what to say. Katey Sagal gave an outstanding preformance in Season 2and they nominate Mariska Haggerty! What the Fuck! I am beyond pissed! I watch Mad Men but no way does it even compare to SOA! I am in shock. Mr. Sutter you know how the fans feel about SOA and you and your actors. I hope that at least that makes you feel good about your great work. Keep Rockin!!!

michele said...

As soon as I walk in the door I turn my computer on. As I wait for it to boot up I read our local newspaper and low and behold on page 3 are the Emmy nominations. As soon as I read the artilce I went straight to your page Mr. Sutter because I knew there would be a posting. I don't know what to say. Katey Sagal gave an outstanding preformance in Season 2and they nominate Mariska Haggerty! What the Fuck! I am beyond pissed! I watch Mad Men but no way does it even compare to SOA! I am in shock. Mr. Sutter you know how the fans feel about SOA and you and your actors. I hope that at least that makes you feel good about your great work. Keep Rockin!!!

Dave Young said...

I was real disappointed when I saw that this morning; Disappointed? Nay, astonished would be a better choice. There are plenty of us out there who do like your kind and will be coming back for more SOA year after year. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I agree...robbed. Perhaps the fact that they were unble to separate the artists from the subject matter is just the highest honor. That SOA was excluded just pays tribute to the fact that SOA, the creator, writers, actors, and all involved are so great at their jobs that people might actually be afraid to interact is priceless (albeit ridiculous). SOA is an amazing show. Just know your fans are loyal and appreciative.

Rob said...

Any award that caters to shows like American Idol and Dancing With The Stars isn't even worth getting up in arms about. You guys created a show with action, a great story and charecters that aren't easily forgotten. Even the smallest ones. The depth of this show is on par with, if not better than most of the greatest that have ever been on tv and you don't need us to tell you but be proud of what you all have acheived and if they ever do give you one of those statues, I say do what the boys would do and give it back and tell em to stick it!

Iberostar said...

You have so much talent and integrity - we, the fans, love what you do and all the work your "family" does for the show. You have the best show on television!

billythekidd said...

i'd actually thought of something really clever to say that would put the emmy nominations to shame, but instead thought it better to go with this...



NOT EVEN KATEY???????????


that is all.

Tony Adame said...

Dude! You totally took it easy on 'em ... and that's smart. Because you've got four more good seasons (I'm convinced SOA will go 6 seasons, because all my fave shows do) and you've still got a lot of Emmys to win and establishments to shake up.

Until then, keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheel.

Best goddamn show on TV, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Perfectly said...And Katy is way too talented to be put in a category with such horrid actresses anyway..she should be honored.
Love to you both and cannot wait for September!

Scotty said...

Screw the Awards ! & the Hollywood politics.....We all know what you do-and how well you do it !!

Eamon Byrne said...

"Let's face it, kids, we are the dirty-faced outlaws who no one wants in their clean white town. We are too loud, too violent, too brash. We don't sing, have pretty sets, or wear retro suits. They admire us from afar, wish they could do what we do, then they pull the shades and settle for the familiar and safe. They are lazy sheep."

Deadwood and The Sopranos were more violent, crude, smarter, and much better shows than SoA and they did fine with the Emmys. Also, I love how you take the high road only after you take the lowest one possible.

jerry goodner II said...

There used to be "viewer's choice awards". Let's see how America responds!How do we get S.O.A. on THAT list !!! Kurt,Katy, and all the cast and crew,YOU ROCK!!!! BEST SHOW EVER!!!!! God Bless !!!!!!

therealzenobia said...

Glenn Close and Kyra Sedgwick, are you fucking kidding me - Why don't you just nominate Angela Lansbury for Murder, She Wrote?

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with everyone's frustration with the lack of SOA emmy nods, but look how long it took FNL to get any attention. FNL, an artistically worthy show, (but without anything like SOA's controversial content) had to wait 4 years for any major attention...lets hope Emmys will acknowledge SOA one day...

Nils Hermans said...

Kurt, as I told you on twitter; two words: fucking & disgrace. Sons of Anarchy deserved at least 2 noms in my opinion: best drama & best actress (Katey Sagal). It's a fucking disgrace. I'm sitting here drunk as shit and I should be getting in bed but I read your twitter update about a new blog post and I got angry all over again. No noms. A disgrace!!

Brian from Philly said...

I dont give a fuck what any of those hollywood blowhards say, your show is the best drama on television, period. Also it took tons and tons of courage for Katy to do what she did last year, and god dammit she deserved that accolade. Fuck that man, fuck that. Anyway sorry about the snub man, but keep up the great work man, love what you and your crew do.

rebecca l. said...

When all anyone can say is sorry it doesn't sound like enough and it isn't.

So this is my take you have created an amazing show, have talented actors working at the top of thier game and the support of your network and fan base. Thier lack of acknowledgement of the quality of work you are all producing is hurtful and the attempts to misconstrue your statements childish but not surprising. Completely ridiculous but not surprising.

Nothing we say changes it but I hope it helps that we support you, the show and the network that is backing you.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

"what are you rebelling against?"

"Whaddya got?"

Samskara Impressions said...

Hargitay is an Emmy darling. Helps when your pedigree is a body builder and a copy of a copy. Hargitay is the weakest link on SVU. Always has been. Her co-star Christopher Meloni has been snubbed repeatedly as has her former co-star Diane Neal. As for Katey....this is a travesty. As is the repeated snubbing of Ron Perlman. SOA is a hard show to watch, but a good show. The writing is some of the best I've seen on TV in a very long time other than "Deadwood" whose actors and actresses regularly got snubbed. This isn't anything new for Emmy. Unless you're a Hollywood babe like Hargitay with a posse that makes sure she gets noticed, you're crap.

For me, Katey, Charlie, Ron, Mitch, and the rest are above Emmy's lacklustre. Keep your heads up SOA. You don't need awards, you're fine without them.

Unknown said...

once again katey and ron pearlman where robbed. How can this morons vote for the emmy's not vote for any one from soa. morons!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

How many times have people been bewildered by our passion to ride motorcycles and live like we do?
The same goes for loud, proud, and in your face writing and directing-the final product is an offense to the old order and their herd of bleating bloggers.
It kind of reminds me of world opinion of a young, loud and proud America-they diminish our contributions because we don't behave like they do.
I like loud and proud productions and I support networks and businesses that do the same.
I'm here for the duration of your work.
(Fuck The Academy)

Unknown said...

I will break one of my rules and quote a rap lyric, but eminem said "you think I give a fuck about a grammy? half of you critics cant stomach me let alone stand me...". Not all "outlaws" ride motorcycles, its a dedication and a belief in our convictions that let us set ourselves a part from "them". They need their awards and accolades to feel accomplished and justified with where they are at and what they are doing. Awards and recognition like this give the soul less a little peace or false redemption for all those they had to fuck over to get where they are at...

Quite frankly I dont need some "hollywood" bullshit circle jerk award show to let me know what I already know, what everyone invested in producing your show know, what all the fans know. You have the best fucking show on TV and in the end your satisfaction and the real reward with hopefully be a change in the direction, a reverse of the downward spiral TV drama has become.

In my opinion, you gain more credibility not being nominated. Fuck em.

About Me said...

LOL. Mariska Hargitay is a decent gal, but those were my EXACT words.

Sisko241 said...

Thank you - and Katey - for providing us viewers with some of the most deliciously dark and sometimes bad-ass TV ever. I am a fan of the show; I'm looking forward to its retun with anticipation. I know others are as well. Please keep up the exceptional work. And please remember: you have a large following out "here" who recognizes your work and holds it and you in great esteem. We'd love for you to win an Emmy or two (or more), but I feel you've already won the award, but the Academy hasn't wised up enough to realize that fact...not yet, anyway. Again, thanks for the show and all the fine acting that comes along with it. Keep it rolling along!

Unknown said...


You, Katey, and your creative genius are in my love circle. and yes, gratitude is a simple thing. I am grateful for all the stupid fucks out there who, on a daily basis, give me the opportunity to reflect on what I'm grateful for.

Laurie Turbeville

Cam Rambling said...

The show, Katey, Charlie, Kim, Tommy...just for a start...all deserve nominations. If week after week your show wows a middle-aged midwestern chick like me, it is one more clue just how blinkered and clueless the emmy peeps are. Thanks for your great work on SoA. It's a great ride.

RachelDevin said...

Once in awhile we find true art, true talent and true magic. Once in awhile we find an actor who is able to share those gifts with the rest of the world. But all too often, it takes that world a long time to "catch up" and see what they've been given. I guess we have to forgive that world, but we can be saddened by it too. While Katey shows us the strength, the power and the sensitivity that make a great woman, the rest of the world misses out on what they can learn from her character and her talent.

Alex Strachan said...

Am I allowed to say this?

I don't vote for the Emmy; I work on the periphery of the business (but not inside); and I do share my comment publicly from time to time.

And, yes, while I wouldn't put it so bluntly — don't have your balls, Mr. Kurt — the Mariska Hargitay nom is, um, a mystery to me.

Then again: I'm a little biased. I'm not fond of SVU. Never have been. Big fan of the original, or "Mothership" as Dick Wolf calls it (used to call it???). But SVU always struck me as a bit, um, obvious. And that goes for the acting, too.

Don't get too cut up about Katey Sagal. From a classic sitcom to a (new) classic drama, there are very, very few TV actors who can claim that kind of range. (Ed O'Neill is another — and also snubbed.)

Keep the faith.

Mara said...

Really sad for this nominations; I was sure of Katey´s presence.
As Chibs said, we all love Gemma Teller.

In other way, I think you will like to know that Sons Of Anarchy is very appreciated in Spain. This article talks about its influence on "La Roja´s" players during this World Cup:

According to the text, Gemma is the most powerful character on TV nowadays.


Rafael (brazil) said...

Kurt, there is no need for nomination when you know by yourself, your crew and all your fans around the world that Sons of Anarchy rocks.

I honestly say this to you: in the last few years the best tv series I've seen were BREAKING BAD (this one do get recognized by the Academy), DEXTER (this one, too) and SONS OF ANARCHY. The show is amazing, and it's one of my all time favorite (next to Breaking Bad, The Shield, The Wire and The Sopranos).

Regards from Brazil. And I'm sure this is something many other fans would like to say to you if they knew how (not everybody knows of the existence of this blog).

Marie S said...

Come on... is it so hard to believe that a great actress would not get an emmy nod!! this happens ALL the time. I'm willing to bet that Katey gets it next year. SOA is still in its early stage. Season 3 will be better and more emotional no doubt.
Kurt, this show is amazing and props, kudos, congratulations and lots of good luck in the future in of SOA!
AAAaaand! looking forward to Seasons 4, 5 and 6!!

Biggie From Texas said...

SOA is quite simply, Brilliant. Charlie Hunnam, Katey Sagal, Ron Perlman, Maggie Siff and all the rest of the cast bringing Kurt Sutter's grit to life, Brilliant. Perhaps being snubbed by an organization as completely and totally LAME as the Emmy's ain't such a bad thing after on.

Keep Bringin' It SOA.

Anonymous said...

I'll be surprised if this show ever gets recognized. It's simply too outside the box. I'm often able to guess where a series episode or even a season is going; it ain't hard. Not that I bother with most of what's on, too profoundly boring and repetitious.
I NEVER know which way Sutter is gonna turn. He's the king of the unexpected.
Unfortunately for Perlman, Sagal and Hunnam, their work is being shunted by association. It doesn't matter what they bring, lack of respect for Sutter's originality will reflect on their performances.

Eileen Grubba said...

The more I read about you, the more grateful I am to have finally found the creator with enough guts to fearlessly do whatever he wants in Hollywood. I appreciate you for seeing the strength that comes from surviving hard lives. Thank you for not being afraid to hire the girl who has many scars and brace and limp, and making her a STRONG character, one to be reckoned with. Because that is far more HONEST than Hollywood usually portrays those of us who are "imperfect", IF they even let us in at all. You are amazing. Thank God! Finally someone in Hollywood with real intelligence, humanity, vision and courage. And by the way, I have never seen a stronger ensemble cast... EVER. Ron Perlman, Katey, Charlie, Boone, etc... your guest cast too, Absolutely beautiful casting. Powerful, brilliant cast. Great work. Congratulations. And Thank you!

Sincerely, Eileen Grubba

McBends said...

If your lack of an Emmy nom did anything positive, it was to bring new viewers to your show. Alan Sepinwall (tv writer) was so upset about SoA's diss (and Katey Sagal's snub in particular) that I knew this was a show I had to check out. I netflixed seasons one and two over the past month and my husband and I are both blown away. S3 has also started in an amazing way. Thank you so much for doing what you guys do. And thank you for giving women strong roles, and not just lame flip-floppy roles. I also love that some of these strong women are over 30 years old. It is so incredibly refreshing to me. Thank you! - Lisa.