Saturday, March 13, 2010


Ive been very negligent about my blogging lately.  Facebook and Twitter are so much easier.  And more than often, dangerous.  Me with an instant venting source is not a good thing.  My passions tend to get me in hot water.  I recently Twittered about losing an editor to Frank Darabont and basically called Frank a cunt.  Although the move was a shitty one (poaching staff), it probably didn't help my career any lashing out at Mr. Shawshank.  Add another amends to the list. 

Anyway, season three is shaping up, the premier is written and I'm finishing up a draft of 302 this weekend.  We begin production in five weeks and I hope to have two more scripts done by the time we start.  I've met with all the actors and everyone is eager to get back to work. 

You may have read in the trades this week that we signed on Kenny Johnson for six episodes.  I'm really excited about working with KJ again.  We established his character, Kozik, in episode 212 last season.  He's a Tacoma-based Son who has a history with Tig and the Redwood Originals.  We are in the process of making deals with four other guest stars.  Some returning, some new.  I will keep folks posted.  

I really appreciate the fan response on this blog, Facebook and Twitter.  People are seriously invested in SOA.  They have a lot of opinions, thoughts, desires and rants.  I love it.  Means we're doing something right.  Keep it coming.


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Anonymous said...

Can't wait for Season 3 to start!

Anonymous said...

CAN'T WAIT FOR SEASON 3 TO START!!! This is by FAR the best show I have ever seen:) Thanks:)

Anonymous said...

very much anticipating the season 3 premier. Can't wait!!!!! Love the show, the actors, the scripts etc. keep up the great job everyone. we all love it!!

David Bikki said...

Oh man, more of Kenny Johnson is always great, I most definitely miss seeing the cast of The Shield on TV and having him on my current favorite show if fuckawesome.

Can't be said enough, keep up the great work, we can't wait for more!

(oddly enough, I am moving from the Seattle/Tacoma area down to your really general vicinity this year)

Anna aka Tomfoolery said...

Very very cool. So glad to hear the next season is under way. One of TV's best shows, really. Thanks Kurt, you are the man!

diana cossaboom-perry said...

i have nothing but ants in my pants waiting for the day that it comes back on the air. i absolutely love this show and there arent many that have made me feel this devout to a show ever. keep up the wonderful way you have taken this show to. love it!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Man, I do love this show. I watch every episode when it airs, and I dont move until the show is over. I cant wait to see the new season. Great show and PLEASE keep it coming.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see season 3!!! Is it really not coming out till September???

TheFussyPrincess said...

It's my one true addiction, the others I can live without!

Mary said...

Can't sweat about the small stuff!! Keep moving on....SOA is one of the best things I've ever it love it love it...thanks to all for an awesome shit hot show!


Brooke said...

My husband and I do not get to watch tv together much but since Sons started we watch it every night it is one!!! Thank you so much for all the hard work that you and the actors have put into this show we are anxiously awaiting season 3.

Bee Pitch less 70 said...

Thanks for the link from Facebook. So excited for the next season to start. Don't worry about what you said, its about what you do and everyone will forget it.Actions speak louder than words, so call that Mother F***** a c*** again. Season 3 will make them forget about it.

Anonymous said...

SOA, is possible the most perfectly assembled cast in the history of TV.

Utter perfection.....(or should that be Sutter perfection?) :)

Steve Turner from Cincy said...

Thanks for the update, Kurt. Can't wait to see what season 3 has in store for us. Keep on plugging away. Maybe this year you'll finally get the recognition you have greatly deserved.

sketch72 said...

I can't wait (although I have to wait) until the new season. Until SOA came along I didn't have a favorite show to look forward to. Keep up all the great work and I hope to see many more seasons to come.

Gianna said...

I dream of being on that show!
LOve it!

Cameron Lewis said...

I wish I could be a fly on the wall as you work on season 3. Season 2 of Sons of Anarchy was one of my all-time television favorites. Can't wait to see what you've got cooking.

BRXTAIL said...

hi, how about THE SONS OF ANARCHY TACTICAL PAINTBALL TEAM taking on the cast, would make a great upcoming ad for the new season.let me know. thanks mike

Unknown said...

Thank you for creating such a creative and approachable show. Season 2 was captivating from the very first minutes of the show until the last seconds of the finale.
I began watching Season 1 with my son religiously. He went off to school for Season 2,but every week we watched together, texting our comments,just like he was sitting in the living room with me.
We each have turned so many people on to Sons and they in turn have told others so obviously Sons of Anarchy has a quality that has been lacking in other shows.
Thanks for that!
Shannon De Lozier

Anonymous said...

Can't wait until the new season starts! I need my SOA fix.!!!

Rpop said...

Scooping up former Shield Cast Memebers will do nothing but strengthen an already STRONG SHOW we call Sons of Anarchy. KJ's "LEM" was an awesome character on the Shield, look foward to seeing him on SOA!

Nate Bailey said...

You have THE BEST SHOW ON TV. I am very pleased by everything in the show, and i love every character for their own individuality, and the way you can interweave the characters back story into the plots. I love how you also put stuff from my hometown (oakland)into the show, and my one question is charming has to be the town of Lathrop?I anxiously await season 3. Keep up the great work. Ride on brother, ride on...

Anonymous said...

cant wait for season 3 to air - awesome show!!!

Glenda Cain said...

Just wanted to let you know how much I love the show. I didn't start watching until Season 2 so went out and bought Season 1 to fill in the blank spots. I was sorry to see the "rookie" die, he was great. Can't wait for Season 3.Thank you to all the actors on the show and all the "behind the scenes" personnel.

Glenda Cain

WyzWmn© said...

time moves terrible slow with no new SOA
~I'm just sayin~

Anonymous said...


Teri Fleming said...

My husband and I LOVE the show! We can't wait til season 3! Teri & John Fleming

Anonymous said...

I'm really excited about the 3rd seeason. This is my fav show!!!

Anonymous said...

Please ..... NO Mancow Muller!
No one wants to hear him on the radio and definatley DON'T want to see him on my TV screen!

Unknown said...

Can't wait for the start. Seriously in love with your writing stuff, not that many shows on TV that have courage. Keep it up man.

LaOdalisque said...

I'm thrilled that Kenny will be back, I was delighted to see him last season. I truly love the man. I'm glad you've worked him in, he's perfect as a SOA. Keep up the great work, Kurt, I am your fan forever.

Anonymous said...

I cant wait =( hurry =P

Roxanne said...

I SOOOO CANNOT WAIT FOR SEASON 3 TO START!! i love SOA!! My husband an I absoulty love the show! we watch faithfully every episode new and old!! We were shocked at the way season 2 ended and are itching for season 3 to get here!!! please please please make it a good one!!

Anonymous said...

Well thanks to the show and how it has captivated my fieance we will be naming our first son jaxon due in june. Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Oh can't wait thanks for keeping us updated!! Best show on TV

Tony said...

Something right, I think you have done it all right. I have never been pulled into a show like I have been with SOA. It kills me waiting Between seasons. Thanks for the updates and for the best tv show ever.

Tony Turner
Forest City NC

Kate said...

I love the show, i make sure when it is on i am done work to watch it! the cast is amazing and i love katey in it! honestly thanks for putting on a great show!

Mayor Craig Williams, Town of Mammoth, AZ said...

Please hurry, I'm Jonesin' really bad. Keep it comin, really great stuff!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for season three!!

Unknown said...

Superb tease on the guest stars, & pleased that Kozik is becoming more of a visible character; Tig will have his hands full ...

Need a Welsh biker in there man; I'll be happy to audition. I ride, have the look & have real-life experience with 1%er clubs. ;)

Keep up the stunning work man!


Unknown said...

Hey!! That is so great that u keep us informed about SOA!!! I am so excited and cant wait for season 3 to start!! I ordered some SOA Shirts off of!!! Keep up the good work!!!! XOXOXOX

Anonymous said...

Can't wait, can't get enough, keep it up!

heather said...

Cant wait for season 3 my husband and i love your show!
-Heather T-

Dana K. McGarvey said...

Thank you so much for taking time to update us... Although it is killing me to have to wait until Sept to see where you take Season 3, it helps ease the pain with your updates... And watching Season One again and waiting for Season 2 to be released....

Anonymous said...

OMG! Me and my husband are such BIG fans of SOA so we cannot wait til season 3 i think it is gonna be hotter than the past 2 seasons .I love anticiaption and the hangoffs it keeps and makes u want more .Keep it up and we will definetly be watching .

Mike Garies said...

When does Season 3 start?

Jess said...

Can't wait for season 3... Season two's ending had me crying like a baby, I want to know what has happened with Abel (reminded me of my son, Cain) Its a great show, about the only thing worth watching on TV right now. Thanks for doing what you do :)

Reddleman-KCMO said...

Keep it up!!! We love the show! Can you tell us if the characters are based on the Mongols MC???

Vicki Jachim said...

My family and I are awaiting Sons very impatiently!!!! We wish that the season would be longer!! I appreciate that you push the envelope and make me fall either in love with, lust with, or completely despise each character you create!! Thanks again for giving us such a great show!!!

Anonymous said...

What is the date we can expect to see the first episode of season 3? I really need a SOA fix.

laurie lopez, shaver lake california said...

I love the show, being engaged to a long time biker, I love it that he gives me a blow by blow of what he thjnks is true to form. Keep up the good work, can't wait for the new season. Ride hard live free.

Billie Hamlin-Bliss said...

HA! Thank you for signing Kenny Johnson your blog just won me $50. Maybe next time my brother won't take such a stupid bet.
Twitter and Facebook can be a very bad idea, it is much too accessible for both venting and informing people of their ignorance. I get called a bitch on a daily bases. But if people weren't so stupid I wouldn't be such a bitch to said people.
Really looking forward to Season 3 though. It's basically the only show that my husband and I have a chance to watch together without hearing a never ending stream of, "Mom, Mommy, Ma... I'm hungry.. He hit me.. She took that.." Keep up the amazing work.

The Mad Greek said...

I would like to thank you for putting such a great series on tv. I am lost without this show being on, thats why I recorded every episode. I watch them from time to time :) I look forward to many more seasons to come.

You guys are great, keep up the good work.. 2 thumbs up...

oh and btw, last seasons finale killed me. I was very close to jerking a tear....

Haji said...

Sounds like this new season will be eventful! There's a lot to address: the fallout from the probbie getting killed (sorry to see that character/actor go), Jax getting his son back (that'll be a war) and the continuing wound with the Sons and Ope. And more! Looking forward to this new season, but there's one more thing that all the fans are thinking and must be said: WORK FASTER!!! LOL!

S. Pearson said...

Can't wait. Keep up the great work!

Stephanie said...

Just keep it coming, that's all I can say. Everything happens for a reason, I think, so with the loss of the editor, maybe a window will open. Excited for September and anything your imagination comes up with.


Anonymous said...

I just want to say that your show is on of th BEST shows on tv EVER!! I just love it becasue you make it feel so real and true. i have nothing else to say b/c it just that GREAT!!

Unknown said...

I am soooo glad that Kenny Johnson is going to be part of season 3! Can't wait for new SOA episodes. This is one of the absolute BEST shows on tv! Keep up the great work.

Unknown said...

I don't watch much t.v. 2 years ago if you asked me what my favorite show was? I would've said none of them. Ask me now.. Sons Of Anarchy! I've seen ever episode and will watch until you stop writing them or I kick the bucket. I have alot of friends/brothers in 1% clubs and I've hung around and seen more than your normal non-patch holder.As a matter of fact I and a couple others watch every new S.O.A episode at a club members house. We all agree S.O.A. is closer to the real thing than any other show or movie has ever gotten. Keep it up. Shameless plug time... I wrote a few biker tunes "RIDE" and "SIDEWINDER and THE SMOKIN' GUN" check em' out!!!
Keep written and riding,

Rusty Zea said...

can't wait. when is the season premier?

dawnsy andre said...

I appreciate the fact that you do this blog at all. I am very excited to see what occurs in Season 3. I hate the thought of Jax's son being kidnapped and I hope that gets cleared up quickly. Time will tell. Thank you for doing this blog.

Dawnsy Andre

Dave Shadbar said...

Kurt, Keep up the great work! I love your show and can't wait for the new season to start.

poolgerl said...

Great show ... Keep the seasons coming. Such awesomely wicked writing and actor/actress choices. Wickedly Intriguing ... Can barely wait for Season 3

LivingLifeBackwards said...

Dying for the 3rd season, I think it took me a week (no joke) to stop being so depressed about the last ending.... just keeping my fingers crossed that Jax's baby is OK.

nomad7069 said...

Kurt-don't sweat the venting thing---some people are cunts---whether we like it or not---it also lets "us" know what kind of man all this comes from----its an adeal that appeal to us --most of us are not badass biker outlaws--but its the justice -the honestly the loyalty---the attitude that have us craving the next episode---you have our respect and admiration for what you have done---your show makes us feel that--we also can live by doing the right thing---and not have to put up with a bunch of bullshit from those that don't have a clue

Outsider said...

Never liked Shawshank....And I don't think I could see or I mean hear another film with the same Morgan Freeman that and Million Dollar Baby.
As to calling Darabont a Cunt...Well it wouldn't be You to stop at calling him a Berkeley Hunt....

Add'l notes on the Peacock...I'm really wishing
it was the bird sacrificed in the background of Sarah Palin's Thanksgiving Day Address...for reasons that affect me and others in my Hometown...bread and butter issue... hometown needs a show of SOA's ilk...
When will California incentivize so the whole State benefits and FX can afford to shoot here? The State is losing it's legacy..

SHERRY said...


olivia francessca said...

Kurt........thats why I love you and your writting and your passion....your REAL and I hope you will always remain as such.....keep it up.....your number one in my book......and by the way looks like Ill finally get the chance to meet you........I am going to be down in LA on set in excited the cast has embraced me and with nothing but open arms...Ive made alot of friends :)

Anonymous said...

Favorite show on Television. I hope you keep it as real as possible, and not hollywood out.

Think thats we all your current fans love about the show.

Nip tuck jumped the shark with too many celebrity spots - thats not why we will tune in

Cant wait for the new season the new season.

Unknown said...

Awesome, I totally cant wait until this show comes back on...we keep watching the re-runs on TV!!

BAMAGUY said...

Only thing great show brother,wife and kids love it too,keep it coming!

Anonymous said...

anarchy of sons! :D best f**king tv show ever!! Fan From Finland!!!

Outsider said...

Anyway the SOA Developments sound Great...and the Title looks Rad in Wrought Iron

Bruce Maxwell said...

hard to say who's the c...., the poacher or the poachee (soft-cock) being enticed away from S of A excitement/fun. I'd give my left knacker to edit an ep, as would lots of amateur vid makers. Is the shadow beside the bbq , Bobbie's thick mop of hair? Good to hear KJ is coming back...looking forward to Kym being a bad-arse again...those eps were unreal!! I noticed there's no tees in your shop with the SofA hanger on them, is that intentional or are they in the pipeline. Best from down-under to you and Katey.

Anonymous said...

Cain't wait !!!

Anonymous said...

so when is the new season gonna air?

Maddy said...

I really hope Drea is one of the returning stars! Kurt I love your rants on twitter and on your FB. Your an amazing writer please know you have some of the most die hard fans out there.

Unknown said...

September can't come soon enough! Thanks for the update! Please let Katie know we named our Basset Jax. Such a kick-butt name, it perfectly fits an adorable, tough little pup. She has great taste in names!

Julie Norton said...

Sons of Anarchy rocks! I didn't watch season one and started watching season two. I'm addicted!! I bought season one to watch. Can't wait for season three!

Halo said...

Thanks for the update! I am just rewatching season 1 now and can't wait for the season 3 to start up!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us fans posted on what is goin on...i can's wait for season3. it seems like it has been forever since the last episode...please hurry and get the show back on tv :)

thanks again

jeanius6 said...

SOA is in the elite group of shows that I consider the best of tv. Such an amazing look into the lives of the families, the clubs, and the individual characters. I so appreciate the intense characters and writing them in a "real" way, with all of their dimensions. No one is all good or all bad, and the fact that SOA has such a huge following is a testament to such excellent stories and character development. Thank you for finally providing Katy Sagal a role that she can flex her acting chops in. She is an astounding actress of depth, intelligence, warmth and power. My husband and I are die hard fans and have recruited MANY others! Can't wait for season 3!

Anonymous said...

Yes!!! So glad SOA is staying on. I love that show and want to see it succeed. I'm very VERY ready for the new season! ROCK ON!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update..My wife and I can't wait for season 3..Love the show and we want more..

clay wood said...

just want to say having lived a similier life at one time then somewhat straightin out,tell all involved from the littelest guy to the main people you r doin an excellent job,keep itup and be safe in all ur endeaveros,ltr-overload

Unknown said...

Excellent news! Can't wait for the Season 3 premiere! Here's to a long run for one of the best shows to hit television!

*~JoDi~* said...


You couldn't be more correct about the feelings, opinions and rants of your viewers! I just want to tell you that this is one of THE BEST shows on TV EVER. Seems the good ones get cancelled or run their course, but I hope that SOA is contracted for LIFE!

Keep up the good work!

Sincerely ~ Jodi

Anonymous said...

I am so excited and I can't wait to see what happens next. The shows amazing keep up the amaz-ng work!!!

Cluricaun said...

Please give us that story between Tig and Kozik, that just seems interesting as hell. I love Tig as a concept and the more backstory the better. He must be enormously fun to write, because he's sure as shit fun to watch. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see that things are coming together for season's eagerly awaited by us Hill Country Texans..I am the tour manager for a band, and we've got every episode on iTunes, so rolling down the road on those long trips it's nice to have SAMCRO keeping us company.

Best Wishes,
Jon Magill
New Braunfels, Texas

Marissa U. said...

My husband got me to watch this show, and we've watched both seasons on Hulu now and we LOVE it! We are both anxious for season 3 as are many others from the posts I've seen elsewhere. Keep up the good work!! WE LOVE US SOME SoA in this house!

dogboy443 said...

It will be great to see Kenny Johnson back. I really enjoyed his work on The Shield. He was such a tortured character. SOA is a perfect spot for him. Good luck with Season 3 and here's hoping Season 2 DVD comes sooner than later.


Liza Maddox said...

Sweet! I am anxious for the new season! It's an awesome show!

Anonymous said...

SOA rules!!! Recently in our small town....I was wearing my SOA sweatshirt(ebay), and was approached by 3 people that day asking me where I recieved it! I was impressed that our town of 19,000 people to be approached in that way!! We love it and can not wait to see season 3!!! By the way I want a leather like gemma....anyone know where to get one?

days.of.89 said...

I am stoked and glad Kenny is signed up for some episodes. He was great in The Shield and is a excellent addition to the SOA series. Thank You Kurt for bringing back a excellent TV show.

Shanin said...

I love the show and patiently waiting for season 3. So im glad to hear thats its coming together.Last season left me wanting more.

Anonymous said...

When will SOA be back on.I can'nt wait my whole family loves the show.Keep up with the Great work

Anonymous said...


Ronn Duff Jr said...

Are you kidding me? Why would anyone NOT watch this show. Finally a show with some balls! Most of the characters on the show can be related to people I know in my life, both past and present. Long live SOA and the Brothers and Sisters who enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Any chance season 2, or at least 2 or 3 of the last episodes, will air during the summer? Just to get a running start and as a reminder to where we left off last season.
Gary Richey

Rosanna Miller said...

We can't rock!!!

Liz said...

Re Darabont: To thine own self be true, Kurt.

Odalis said...

I can't wait until Season 3...I look forward...I am a big fan!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing Season 3! Keep up the good work.

indianacat said...

FB and Twitter are good in one sense, Mr. Sutter, because you can access an instant venting place abd get instant feedback.

Unfortunately there is a down side to both sites. That is the limit to the amount of letters you can use to convey your thoughts. Such limitations can lead to your intentions being misinterperted.

I never read into your posts that you were calling Darabont a cunt. It wasn't difficult to tell that you were most distressed to have a member of your staff taken away to supposedly greener pastures. Obviously, one can guess that there are nuances to the situation that you cannot share with the fan base. I hope that you are covered by a contractual confidentiality clause. It wouldn't be cricket for your SOA ideas to wind up in one of Darabont's workings.

You twitted and posted your feelings on the matter. You vented. You're also making amends to the man. That's what I call rising above the cesspool (and remember on FB I did tell you that you would rise above it.). By the same token, haven't seen (and don't foresee) Mr. Shawshank offering up his own public mea culpea to you for poaching!

It's natural to feel hurt in an instance where you've been betrayed. It's what makes you human. I can grok that, having gone through my own bit of FB/Myspace venting for a hatchet job of my fan writing. Been there, done that, and used the experience to better things.

It's good to know that S3 is shaping up, and that you're actually going to explore the Tig/Sons history with Kozik. I know that Tig's history scares you a little, but knowing some of the back story of the characters helps make them 'real'.

This bears repeating, because you mentioned being negligent about your blogging. Blogging, FB, Twitter, all those things take away from time that you could spend in other pursuits. Family, creativity, personal time.

The fact that you choose to take the time to tweet, FB post, and blog to the fanbase is something we do not take lightly (at least me and the mouse in my pocket! lol). There aren't a lot of people in the celebrity world who choose to take the time to share with the fanbase.

The fact that you do this regularly on FB and Twitter (and I love it when you respond on FB to our posts!) and read through our little epistles on the blog in order to post them says a lot about you as a person.

Don't apologize that the creative muse is directing you to blog less often. You're entitled, in this person's opinion at least.

Is it September yet? :)

TonyD said...

I am really looking forward to season 3, I became hooked watching the rerun of season 1 on Fox and was counting the days to the start of last year's season. I have been recruiting new viewers among friends & family by having them rent season 1 on dvd. Need to know if season 2 will be available on DVD, of if Fox is planning to rerun season 2 before season 3 starts before these folks lynch me.

Unknown said...

My hubby and I love your creative mind and the show you create for the world. Keep up the good work, Mr. Sutter, the gang in all of us appreciates a little thunder and blood on our screens soon!

Amy Grammond said...

I just wanted to tell you I LOVE the show and am a huge fan. Great Casting Job! I can hardly wait to see where the story line goes in season 3.... I've been hooked since the very first episode :) You and your staff have done an outstanding job keeping the biker subculture real and relatable to the masses. It ain't always pretty, but it's family. There are many more ways for the club to make money. Guns/Drugs/Porn are way to mainstream and expected. I hope you develop this side of the shows storyline in a twisted and unexpected way for season 3. Dig deeper man.... put it out there.

Myatuk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Albert said...

How's it goin brother? Can't wait for season 3 and for season 2 DVD. Greatest show on tv. I'm definitely hooked! You guys take it easy and be safe.

brandon said...

love the show kurt. just wondering if there is a approximate start date for season 3 to be aired?

TAMMY said...

I am just a huge fan. Got all caught up in this one!!! Just wanted to let you all know my feelings. This is the best damn show since I dont remember when! I am having withdrawls! I need to see the next season asap! I LOVE IT! It is in my blood now! Missed some of the first season. But Wow! did the next one hook me but good. Jemma i the best would love to be able to express myself like her. I do in many ways but maybe not has powerful and correctly as she does! LOVE IT! Just remember I need my SOA fix soon! Thank you for the great work. Cannot wait!!!!
Tammy AZDOC :)

Unknown said...

Brother Kurt , the show is the life of many brothers and sisters in real life exist, as your story tells of the good and bad of life, the love and hatred ! I personally would follow Jax and keep his back, because he's a born leader , level headed and straight up real person!
I would be honored to call him my Brother!

P.S. all the programs run for least 5 to 7 years .... what's wrong with FX networks ?
and Kurt .... your a asskicking Writer bar-none!!!!!!!!

Michelle V said...

You have created a very addictive show. I am anxiously awaiting the begining of the new season. As a 40 something white female married with kids under 12 I may not beyond primary demographic but rest assured there are a lot of us out there. Keep on being brilliant.

Ryan said...

Poaching sucks. In my line of work we call it "stealing sheep." It makes things personal, and makes you feel pretty vulnerable.

Sorry man.

Dallas said...

So excited for the next season of sons!!! My favorite show by far!!! Keep up the good work!!

Dallas said...

So excited for the next season of sons!!! My favorite show by far!!! Keep up the good work!!

Dallas said...

So excited for the next season of sons!!! My favorite show by far!!! Keep up the good work!!

TJ said...

Keep those episodes coming, this is probably the greatest show since the Sopranos... I wonder how long what happened to Gemma can keep Clay and Jax at peace. Can't wait to find out...

Jennie said...

I am so excited you are keeping Kozik around for a few episodes! I enjoy Kenny Johnson as an actor.

I can't wait to see who else you are bringing in. I am a huge fan of all of the actors you bring on, they are all very talented.

Sons is one of only two shows that I care to own on DVD. Strangley enough, the other is Gilmore Girls...

thunder74 said...

I cant wait till the new season . Tuesday nights suck now with out Sons. Keep up the great work and to all the actors you guys and gals are the greatest out there.

HollieM said...

So anxious for season are an awesome writter and I can't wait from one week to the next for SOA to be on. Thanks for the best TV show I've seen in a very long time..keep up the wonderful writing..and OMG..the actors are super..what a wonderful cast..they are really into their characters which is what also makes the show so that Jax...

Anonymous said...

I literally just finished watching Season 2 and oh my god what a way to leave off. Hurry up and finish Season 3 please!

Anonymous said...

Sweet!!! We can't wait for season 3 to start! Also, we want the season 2 to come out on DVD.

Mary P. Idaho said...

You are doing a GREAT job!! I love the way you have progressed with this show! Keep up the awesome writing!!

Anonymous said...

I'm HOOKED to SOA. It's the most "decadent fun fix" to my dirty biker chick fantasy!! Can't wait for my next tune in/tune up!
Thanks for the naughty brain candy!

Gwynn in Tucson AZ

Anonymous said...

Please HURRY! We are excited. Trying to be patient but you really left us hanging on Season 2.... best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for season 3 of SOA. You have created, in my opinion, the greatest television show ever. It has aspects of several t.v. genres while maintaining its originality. I never know where the storyline is going. Unpredictable and amazing are the two words i use most when telling people about this show. Keep up the great work. And thank you for this Kurt. You rock!

Stacy Moore said...

Cant wait for Season 3 of SOA! Keep up the good work!!

Jack Selle said...

Kurt Sounds Great and Promising. You guys keep the rubber side down and ride it like you stole it

Anonymous said...

I love the show, can't wait to see what's comin up this season! I just wish there were more episodes, it just seems like it starts and then is over so fast. But I know that's just cuz I love it!

Anonymous said...

I love your show. Can not wait for season 3.

That girl said...

I am totally invested in SOA. Can't wait. This update is appreciated, but a TEASE! Need more SOA. Tig is a pev, but I love him.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the update keep them commin cant wait to start watchin season 3 thanks again
a fan

Anonymous said...

Can't wait till season 3 starts. I feel like I am missing family right now and can not see them till fall. I have watched all the other seasons and I am waiting on the edge of my seat to see what happens. Keep up the great work. Love the show.

Unknown said...

Thanks for taking the time to write this for us SOA fans. I absolutely adore the show. I must say, I missed the first season. The 2nd season is when I really got into the show; so I went and bought the 1st season on DVD. Hooked me instantly. Your writing is absolutely genuis and SOA just sucks you in. Jax & Tara are my favorite of course, but Katey Sagel could not be a better Gemma. Way to go on all your success. You deserve it!!!! Thanks again man... You fuckin rock dude!!!! Sonya Dodgens from Greenville, SC

Anonymous said...

Can't wait. Not to be too sappy. But i hope half sack at least gets his top rocker in death and is buryed with his cut on, since he died trying to save Abel. So sorry to see him go. I really liked him.

Anonymous said...

Why are the seasons so short? I love the show but so many months in between seasons is discouraging...

Deniz Tezcan said...

No thank you! SOA is freakin phenominal! We Delawareans are waiting anxiously for the next season

Anonymous said...

Absolutely the best ...just very hard to wait for the next season to start...would like more episodes each season or just to go on indefinitely...(but I guess everyone deserves a break to rest and regroup)

Chip Warren said...

Looking forward to the new season; hoping my death will be avenged.

Unknown said...

Thanks for all your updates on Sons and thank you again for creating the BEST tv show I've seen in a very long time. I've been a biker since I was in my early 20s and this show is the closest thing to real life biker's life I've ever seen. Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Hurry! We can't wait!

Tony Barton said...

I just can't wait for September! Thanks for your creativity, Kurt.

Johnny O said...

CAN'T WAIT till season 3... I've prob watched both season one and two about a 100 times.... know most of the lines off by heart. This isn't just a show, feels like a life style, may sound intense but that what the show is .... really intense... story lines are amazing and the action is kick ass!!! Great acting, to the point you forget its a show... Can't think of any show remotely close to SOA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Give 'em hell dude! The only thing I anticipate more this year than S3 is football season. You got a lot of diehard fans out there so don't worry too much about your lashing out. People in the right shouldn't have to make amends.

Tjay from rodeo said...

All i wanna say is keep up tha good work.. i have been a fan since tha pilot season 1.. best show on TV (my opinion).. cant wait for season 3

kendall yoakum said...

i love the show . and as an old school biker from stockton i must say the show feels right . . i do think it would be nice to see some local roads and landmarks in the show from time to time . . those who know the area . . would get of on that . . thanks for great entertainment . ..Kendall Yoakum

Unknown said...

I am so excited for the season to start. Feels like I know each charactor personally. Looking forward to picking up from last season. One of your biggest fans....Patty G. R.P., Cal

Unknown said...

will we be seeing a new prospect maybe in the middle of season 3?

either way cant wait for the new season and to get my hands on season 2 on dvd!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update... Looking forward to Season 3. Can't imagine life without SAMCRO....

BEAR said...

i hope you understand how close to the life you depict on the show, scary sometimes. you are givin the commons a view into our day to day problems as colour wearin bikers.

Pointman said...

I enjoy all the mediums you use to communicate your thoughts and beliefs.
I have you on FB/Twitter and here!
Your vision has created a cascading fan base across the entire spectrum of viewers.
H-D ought to give you a commission for spiking their sales of black Dynas!
My best regards to you, Katey, the cast, staff, and crew of SOA!
Ride Forever-Work Whenever~

Enigma said...

Thanks for the update Kurt. Keep up the awesome work.


sam steirer said...

good show keep up the good work

Jackie Johnson said...

Happy to hear that season 3 is moving along.I know that me and many many others are happy to hear it.We'll all be waiting And watching for any up dates on season 3.Thanks for the entertainment!!!!!!!! Jackie Johnson

Anonymous said...

Kid Rock would be an awesome guest star on SOA!!!!!

Aroush said...

I can not wait util season 3 starts.....I loved one and two...I wounder what season 3 will bring us. This is the best show doubt abut it...Thanks to all the cast at crew of SOA for making a awesome show!!! will stay tuned for season 3 thanks again Aroush!!!

ehlena said...

Is Drea one of the guest stars returning? I'll keep my finger crossed. I love her.

Boops Kitchen and Stuff said...

Waiting with much anticipation for the new season. Wish it were much sooner than September!

Anonymous said...

my boyfriend and i love SOA he is a truck driver and cant wait to come home to watch the episodes that i DVR.. we would rather watch SOA than anything else on television the best show ever keep them coming cant wait for season #3

Lorraine Fay said...

Thanks for the update. Can't wait for the new season to begin!!

Anonymous said...

I just watched episode 11 from last season again on Hulu. Damn that's a seriously awesome show you're making.

Rafael Aoun said...

'Sons of Anarchy' is, truly, one of the best shows I've ever seen. I like to list it between my other all time favorites as The Shield, The Wire and The Sopranos.

Congrats for making this awesome tv series for us, Kurt.

Regards from Brazil /o

HDphoneman said...

SOA is the best show on TV. The ONLY complaint is the amount and length of commercials. I understand that the money has to come from somewhere. But, it defeats the purpose of advertising when the commercial breaks are so long that you are forced to DVR the episodes and fast forward through the ads. But as far as the writting and just doesn't get any better. Keep up the quality brother!

Anonymous said...


Electronic Sole said...

Television has featured anti-heroes as the heroes for several decades at this point. SoA made that archetype different and more fascinating than any of the previous incarnations. Please continue to shock us viewers but in shocking us, continue to give us food for thought. You stuff is color in an increasingly bland television-landscape.

Suki said...

Just keep it real! None of that stupid crap! Bikers do a lot of good and you need to show some more of that. We're not all a-holes! BTW...You got some nice sleds!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for S3 I love Sons of Anarchy I truely am a die hard fan, I even have my 13 yr old son into it :) he is inticipating it coming back on

Anonymous said...

Love the show and I am SO looking forward to having one of my favorite shows come back on.

Keep Up the GREAT work!!!

Anonymous said...

Season 3 it feels so far away I can't wait to see what happens

Tawnya said...

This is the only show on TV that brings out so many of my emotions: sadness, grief, happiness, loathing, times it makes me cuss at the TV and scream at the characters; other times I sit and bawl like a baby. I have been known to pace the floor anxiously after an epidose or during a commercial; I have been known to toss and turn at night after watching an episode that touched me or angered me or horrified me. Sons of Anarchy is an addiction for me. The characters are so real--so raw with emotion. And THAT is what brings out MY emotion when watching the show. Thank you, Kurt, for blessing us with this poetically catastrophic show. It's amazing!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we speak out and do it in haste, because THAT is when the emotion is prevalent. Eating crow builds character, much like heisting employees DOES NOT.

I think the question is, had the shoe been on the other foot, how would what's-his-name react? No one is perfect. Don't beat yourself up too bad. Look at this awesome thing you are doin'!

Mark said...

I dunno, man..."poaching"?? What is the guy, your former editor--a deer? or some sort of property? It's a business--people change companies all the time, especially if their good work is in demand...I say give him a pat on the back for past services rendered, and move on...

Caroline said...

I love Kenny Johnson! He's a great, charismatic actor. So happy that I'm going to see more of him in SoA. Thank you for that and the greatest show ever!

Free Blog said...

SOA is the best show in TV. Can't wait for season 3 to get started!

Unknown said...

Invested, yes. I still have Donna flashbacks when I see a 4 door green sedan!!

Anonymous said...

I am a HUGE fan of SOA..I am so glad there is another season!!!! Keep up the GREAT work!!!!

Anonymous said...

One of the only shows that my husband and I agree on and watch together! Love the SONS!! Can't wait for season 3 to begin!!!

Anonymous said...

love the show, I think the writing and the acting is fresh and interesting. looking forward to season 3!

big fans,
jen & chris

Unknown said...

I absolutely love this show, have been a fan since the beginning... can't wait for Season 3 to begin!!! I have not been able to find the first two seasons in stores to buy and really would like to own them... any suggestions on where I might be able to buy these???

Amy Kirby said...

Can't wait for Season 3 to start. Loved Kenny Johnson's Character "Lem" on "The Shield". Looking forward to what develops!

Anonymous said...

I am so addicted to this show!! I am anxiously awaiting season 3!!!

erin v said...

luv the show...dying for season 3 to finally start

writer4peace said...

Love the show - raw, oddly poetic and great fookin' characters ... Can't wait for season 3!!!!

Kent Alexander

Raul Freyre said...

i love this show and i love the updates that keep popping in on this blog. Keep up the good work man!!!!

Anonymous said...

Am wondering whether FX is going to delay internet posting of shows for a week+ again. I think that's a mistake. If I miss an episode that means I have to wait a week+ to catch up and the next episode has aired before you can see the previous one. This might drive some people I've heard about to seek out illegally posted copies. Because if you can catch up right away then you are driven right back into watching the episodes as they drop. Because they are so compelling you don't want to wait.

That's it, I'm with everyone else posting here... awesome show. By the way, how you get those awesome women to put up with that horrible hair you make them wear is beyond me.

Rock on.

Jenk said...

Rebel is right, SOA blows.

Anonymous said...

Man i thought u were going to tell me when the season started i grabber my planner to write it down :( im super stoked about season 3 It couldnt come any sooner -Lacy from tacoma

Anonymous said...

Sons of Anarchy is the best show on television right now and is one of the best shows ever created. Keep up the good work and I absolutely cannot wait for Season 3!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for such a GREAT show my whole family is hooked!!Can't hardly wait for season 3...Keep up the great work everyone

Anonymous said...

yes season 3 can't wait

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say I cant wait for Season 3 to start, am a die hard SOA fan!! Good work!! The best Ive seen in a very long time. Thanks!

ACE said...

My husband got me totally hooked on SOA @ the end of the first season. You have us either DVR'ing, and watching on the edge of our seats, or dropping everything to go down and watch it on Tues. nights. SOA is one bad ass show, and neither of us can wait for season 3 to get started. Can't wait to see what this season holds. Keep up the AWESOME work!!! ACE-
Amy Estep

Anonymous said...

need to get on hbo or sumn so you can show a tittie instead of Jax's ass all the time haha

Anonymous said...

I love the show.Can't wait for S3.Been waiting for a biker tv show since "RENEGADE" starring Lorenzo Lamas a few years ago.Anybody remember that show? SOA is by far the best thing on tv today in my opinion.Keep up the good work Mr. Sutter and you will have fans for life.

Cheryl said...


steve pavlinek said...

pave,hope season 3 as good as 1&2 which i know they will. hope i get to work on the show again as a extra kurt. thanks for the opp.

lynn_65 said...

I am excited about season 3 and I think the story lines are great and i agree with nomad
ty lynn

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for season 3.....Best Show on TV!!!

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