So I'm gonna ask the readers of my blog to help spread the word. Sons of Anarchy season two, premiers in one week -- Tuesday, September 8th, 10pm on FX. I know in this digital age of DVRs, streaming downloads and iTunes, destination television is a dying event. But that number next Tuesday is an important number for the network and studio. All that advertising, marketing and promotional material you have seen around your town and on your TVs is pointed at that one night. A high number serves them in terms of advertisers and overall perception of the show. I couldn't have asked for a better campaign and marketing strategy. FX has done an amazing job. I'd love to see all that hard work pay off for them and the show.
My request is good old fashioned "word-of-mouth". Tell your friends, family, co-workers about the SOA premier next Tuesday. Help me get bodies in front of the tube. And if you know someone with a Nielsen box, I'll personally call them and invite them to watch. I'm not kidding, send me their number and I'll call them. I feel confident that the first episode of the new season will not disappoint.
I want to thank you in advance for your loyalty and support. I am constantly blown away by the enthusiasm and devotion of the SOA fans. I've never seen anything like it.
I love this show and I love its fans. Thank you.