This is the trailer for my buddy, Sacha Gervasi's, award-winning rock doc, Anvil: The Story of Anvil. Anvil documentary and Anvil tour arriving in the spring.
Movie Site:
And look for Anvil to turn up somewhere in season two of SOA.
Thank you for all your support, comments and opinions this last year. Sutter Ink blog began as a self-indulgent social experiment and turned out to be an eye-opening experience. Before long I realized my blog was a portal into the heartbeat of social awareness. The most thoughtful, thorough and interesting writings in 2008 came out of the blogosphere. On the flipside, some of the most inane, hateful and ridiculous things spawned there as well. But that's what makes it so powerful. It is the only forum for true, unedited FREE SPEECH. Let's hope that never changes.
On a personal note, I may bitch, gripe and rage about people and institutions, but at the end of the day, I absolutely realize how lucky I am. I am an artist who makes a living through his art. Not many folks can claim that fact. I get paid a fuckload of money to do something I would do for free (for me, money equals respect, and I demand a lot of respect).
I wish you all a safe, sane and notorious 2009.
I've gotten quite a few emails and comments from readers asking me what shows I thought were good this year. When I ran the question through my head, I realized that I had no idea. I read and hear a lot of buzz about shows so I'm aware of what's good and bad, but I'm not really an avid TV watcher, so I'm not a very good judge of the TV landscape. In fact, I have to force myself to watch television because it's my business.
When I inventoried my tivoes I came up with the following list. I don't know if these are the best shows, in fact I know some of them are not, but they are the shows I enjoy watching for a variety of reasons.
I do watch my shows, SOA and The Shield (mainly because I need to stay on top of audio mixing levels; they differ from week to week and we are still refining the formula), but I will not include them in this list.
Here are my favorites of 2008 in no particular order.
1. This Old House (DIY) - Because I love watching people build shit. They were back in New England this season. It was a fantastic project. Real men, with real jobs... some day.
2. House Hunters International (HGTV) - Because I long to have a second home in a different part of the world. Some place where real men have real jobs.
3. Lost (ABC) - Because it's great escapism and I really dig Damon's storytelling.
4. Mad Men (AMC) - Because I still can't figure out why I enjoy it.
5. True Blood (HBO) - Because it took it's time revealing the world and the idiosyncrasies of the characters. I was slow too the warming, but then I relinquished control and drank the blood. I wasn't sure if Anna Paquin was right for the role, but then she got naked and I didn't care.
6. Entourage (HBO) - Because it's "I love Lucy" with guys I was never cool enough to hang out with.
7. Family Guy (FOX) - Because it's the only show that makes me fucking laugh out loud. It's also become a great bonding device for me and my twelve-year old son. We quote Peter at the dinner table, much to Katey's confusion and ultimately, her dismay.
8. The Backyardigans (Nick Jr.) - Because I tivo it for my two-year old daughter and watch it at three in the morning, alone, in the dark, in surround sound. It's like taking acid in "safe mode". Try it.
9. The Simpsons (FOX) - Because even if the episodes are getting weak, Homer feels like a comfortable pair of slippers. The show is like an old friend who still lives in his mother's basement. It's a little sad, but you know he's always around when you need an easy hang.
10. Weeds (Showtime) - Because even if episodes are getting weak, I enjoyed the previous seasons enough to sit through this one, hoping it would get better. Then Mary Louise Parker got naked and I didn't care.
Shows I know were good that I've never seen, but will try to watch in 2009:
Breaking Bad
The Middleman