As expected, I've gotten some impassioned responses to my last post. The C-word tends to do that. As with most of my bombastic, over-the-top posts, it served its purpose -- calling attention away from the negative issue and onto myself. The feedback shifted away from people questioning Charlie's loyalty to me as outspoken antihero and/or arrogant douchebag.
In the my previous entry, I qualified that there were as many good blogs as bullshit blogs. So, I thought in the name of fairness, I'd list some blogs that are written by intelligent, fair-minded, non-cunts. These are my top twenty entertainment blogs (mostly TV) that I read at least a few times a week, if not every day. Yes, I get 98% of my content from the Internet. Here they are, in no particular order --
Nikki Finke and
Bill Gorman and Robert Seidman
Bill Gorman and Robert Seidman
Daniel Malen
A great portal to lots of TV blogs --
A great portal to lots of TV blogs --
She's not an entertainment blog, but I adore her --
And if I left you out, please don't complain to Solberg. Just twitter me your blog and I'll catch up.
And if I left you out, please don't complain to Solberg. Just twitter me your blog and I'll catch up.