So I'm gonna ask the readers of my blog to help spread the word. Sons of Anarchy season two, premiers in one week -- Tuesday, September 8th, 10pm on FX. I know in this digital age of DVRs, streaming downloads and iTunes, destination television is a dying event. But that number next Tuesday is an important number for the network and studio. All that advertising, marketing and promotional material you have seen around your town and on your TVs is pointed at that one night. A high number serves them in terms of advertisers and overall perception of the show. I couldn't have asked for a better campaign and marketing strategy. FX has done an amazing job. I'd love to see all that hard work pay off for them and the show.
My request is good old fashioned "word-of-mouth". Tell your friends, family, co-workers about the SOA premier next Tuesday. Help me get bodies in front of the tube. And if you know someone with a Nielsen box, I'll personally call them and invite them to watch. I'm not kidding, send me their number and I'll call them. I feel confident that the first episode of the new season will not disappoint.
I want to thank you in advance for your loyalty and support. I am constantly blown away by the enthusiasm and devotion of the SOA fans. I've never seen anything like it.
I love this show and I love its fans. Thank you.
love the show too much to not spread it!
1 more week!! I am excited to see what the fallout will be from Donna's demise. I expect tears (Opie), fears (all of them), and some laughs (tig).
Consider it DONE..alliances begin....
thanks for a great ride, and the ones to come, yaer after year, after year...
Thank you, Kurt. The fans of SOA love you even more! I only wish I knew someone with a Nielsen box so that I could be there to answer their phone!
I'm thoroughly looking forward to SoA Season II.
I don't have cable though anymore. Is it going to be on Hulu?
I know at least a half dozen of us over at Ron's forum that will be watching and there are 2 others at work who are interested. I've even got my brother-in-law hooked, finally!
I'm looking forward to it and I'm a little scared of it at the same time. Whatever happens I know we're in for another great ride this season!
God damn I came this close to claiming I had a Nielsen box just to get that phone call.
But you're guaranteed three asses in front of the TV for the premier from me.
My rewatch of SOA season one is done, my rewatch of The Shield is wrapping up. I need the new shit.
Hey, if I tell you that Ron Perlman and I have both worked for the same TV writer/producer, can I score a set visit? Ron wouldn't know me from Adam, but one degree of separation, right?
hehe I would watch in fact im starting to twitch in anticipation unfortunately I live in Germany and will have to wait:P
...and the fans can tell that this is a labor of love. Many thanks for giving us a great drama!
Has the fires affected your shooting schedule???
I have been promoting SOA since I saw my first episode. I will spread the word so that I can get as many to watch this Tuesday as I can! Great show Kurt.
BTW I took a great pic of Charlie, Ryan and Tommy at Eaglesnest on their way in and was wondering if you would care to see it.
The husband and I will be glued to the tv next Tuesday. We're both completely hooked on SOA. I'm spreading the word about it to anyone who'll listen!
Done and done
Throwing a party down here in Texas for the new season. All of us cant wait!!!
No, thank *you*, sir. SoA is the first show that has ever tortured me by going on hiatus. I've been jonesing for Season 2 so badly that I cruised by the set in N. Hollywood the other day to take a couple pictures. Feel free to open the gate for me next time.
Do you or SoA have twitter handle? It is by far the best way to get stuff out there. Please email me with @ handles if you do. I will follow and spread the love.
Spread the word!!
I sent a mass email to 1200+ fans for you. thanks for an amazing, true to the culture show and something I can finally look forward to watching on TV. Thanks again brother.
I have all 9 of my siblings hooked on SOA. I love Ron Perlman and Katey all the way back to Peg Bundy. I will spead the news of Season 2 and Season 1's DVD. "NOBODY BOOT LEGS KURT SUTTER! NOBODY!!!!" Thank you for an awesome show and keep up the good work. Give Ron Perlman a Big Ole sloppy kiss for me all the way from Texas ;D
I have had the premier date on my calender for over a month and bought season 1 the day it came out! I work as a police dispatcher and am spreading the word and getting them hooked! You are friggin' awesome!!! My family will be watching and I will have the tv on at work!!!! Love you and the cast!!!
Isn't the list of the Nielsen box people more confidential than the location of the witness protection program people?
Maybe you should speared the word in the media (like an item on "wonderwall" site or others) that a deathangel or Tig is on his way to them.
The other day I got a message on Facebook that some Jason Voorhess wants to be my friend. At first I thought:"How lovely", but then I checked who he is. So, he is not my friend, I hope, but it did make me check who he is.
The same with Tig.
Before the show will reach Israel, there are some tactics to make 2-3 million people in Israel to watch the show or at least talk/hear about it.
Ca va être super pressée de voir cette saison et M6 devrait se presser un peu pour la diffuser chez nous.
Get Charlie to post on his Twitter site.
Congratulation Kurt-just read that you're going to direct your feature during hiatus from SOA.
Hey! Nice site. I was an extra on Sons Thur. I loved seeing the cast up close. Too bad my episode won't air til nov. or dec!
Keep up the hard work, my friend.
Next tuesday sept. 8th on FX and
Sons of Anarchy are going to make history...
Are there any SAMCRO members riding along with the clubhouse with the Ride Free or Die tour?
I'd love to get a few autographs in Milwaukee this weekend.
I've got a Nielsen box and will be watching the entire season religiously. Hell, I even changed my availability at work to be off on Tuesday nights just so I don't miss an episode. Looking forward to an action packed season. Wouldn't mind a "thank you" phone call or just an e-mail either, but I'm not expecting one lol.
The common greeting at work is a countdown of days left to Sept 8!
I've got it on facebook/myspace.
Let me be clear- I've NEVER been this way about a TV series in my life.
Kurt and the SOA cast/crew have brought this series to life and into my weekly behavior from Season 1 and now into Season 2.
I can only hope that the series gets the accolades and recognition it so rightly deserves.
I have been promoting season 2 with a vengeance on my motorcycle blog: as well as *all* of my social networks!
Everyone, including me, is extremely excited to watch the new season!
Off Topic:
Someone asked elsewhere, if you have considered making available complete copy of John Tellers, Life and death of Sam Crow? Seems like it would make for a great read......
Thanks for your time
I am SO excited for the second season to start! I am sure it will be amazing and I hope the ratings will be through the roof! You guys deserve it!!!
Thank you for creating this show. It was the only thing that kept me sane this summer while recovering from two painful knee surgeries. I love SOA, I've got my husband crew hooked on the show also (he's a fire captain). I'm a mom of two girls, and I work full-time but I stayed up till 1 am last night watching the last 2 episodes of the season 1...thank you, thank you and I look forward to season #2!
Haven't owned a TV since 1985. This is the only show I watch...
...via internet.
Thank you, Hulu.
Looking forward to the new season.
Love the show Kurt, everything abotu it is top notch. I've been telling all my friends and wrote a review on my blog, so I'm helping spread the word. ill get everyone on my dorm floor to tune in!
i hate when tv shows get aborted and it's always worse when they are quality ones like this! Rest assured we'll do our part
Kurt, this is the first time I have ever been truly "fanatical" about a tv show like I am about this. It has been a pleasure to relive season 1 with the DVD's, and to enjoy the music with the North Country EP. Thanks for the first-class entertainment, and I can't wait for Sept.8th! Good luck-I hope the show is a record-breaker!
I will be putting the word any way I can! I can guarantee the members of my forum are fired up, and we'll get them talking to.
This is an awesome piece of work, and I'm going to get everyone involved that I can! Thanks for the great show.
Hi there!
I'm from Portugal and you can count on me and my blog. There are a lot of fans of the show here in Portugal, despite the show doesn't broadcast on our tv yet.
Can't wait to see season 2 premiere. SOA rocks!
Love the show... found your blog online cool page let me know if you decide to do a full site. Keep up the great work.
Hi Kurt,
I'm really looking forward to season 2 of SOA. Any idea when it is due to be screened in Australia? Season 1 is being repeated on Foxtel on the Showcase channel at the moment
Regards - Daz
i'm very excited about the premiere. i've been watching my SoA DVDs for the last week in anticipation!!!!
and for the next season, do more DVD commentary. those always crack me up and they are by far my favorite thing!
We have an event on Facebook that sooo many people have RSVP'd to for Tuesday night. I live in Missouri and most of my people live in Florida, so our time change is an hour off. But we are all sitting down to watch the season premiere of SOA.
Thank you so much for bringing this show to television. And thank you for showing us a different side of life. My family grew up on bikes and around MC's, so this is an awesome opportunity to show people what it's all about.
You got it. I"m making time in my insanely busy work/school schedule to watch this each week.
So, I'll remind everyone to tune in...
I freaked out the boss at work, when I changed all the desktops in the office to the Sons of Anarchy. I need some Free Otto screensavers! Thank you for bringing us your best creation ever!
trust me, i've been planning on multiple SOA reminders while on air monday (doc's alternative universe, 12-2p ET, matter of fact, i think it should be an SOA drinking game...i mention the show, everyone drinks! creative promotion!
hi kurt like your show i tought peter fonda jack nicholson bruce dern and yafett kodo and adam rourke to ride and look like they were part of thir bikes best of success ez
The word has been spread like a Virus!!
Told everyone to STAY HOME and watch the Premier.
The viewing parties begin next week.
Keep up the GREAT work Kurt!!
Hey Kurt,
Just posted this over at EW!. Cannot wait for tonight.
HELL YA, I’ve been looking forward to this night all summer long!!!! I spent this past weekend watching Season 1 again (3rd time) in anticipation. The story and acting is so well-crafted and layered I get something more each time I watch it. Even though I have yet to see the new Fall shows, I have no doubt that SOA will be one of the best, most likely THE best show currently on TV.
I just got a reminder of tonight by!
Tonight is posted up on myspace/facebook- hope it's a turn out that no FX suits can ignore!
Friends are leaving work early to see the Season 2 premier-Booyah!
No, thank you! i have a few friends and a couple of family members tuning in tonight, bought them copies of the dvd and they got hooked! PS - you should really start selling a few hoodies/shirts and hats and/or beanies!
Awesome first episode, lots of stories to fill in this season now, going to be awesome.
Sgt at Arms
USMV MC Eastern Shores
My husband & I got hooked on the show by buying the Season 1 DVD (I love Ron Perlman and became curious about the show because of him).
We were SO dissapointed that we were not able to "tune in" tonight for the season 2 premier as we can't get the FX channel in Ontario Canada. We tried everything!
Any chance we'll get to see it soon on another channel?? Or will we have to wait for the season 2 DVD? We can't even see any of the video clips from the FX website because it won't display outside of the United States.
OMG!! so worth waiting for! this will definitely be a KA season and I hope Gemma gets the first crack at it! Great writing and acting! (PS SOA tank shirts for the reaper girls please):)
Kurt, is the show going to be on iTunes Season Pass anytime soon? I can't find anything about an upcoming date, but my friend wants to watch this with me, but you know how dorm class schedules are...
Absolutely LOVED the season premier! SOA never disappoints! Great work and keep 'em coming!
Spectacular! Bravo!
Man, I watched this episode twice since last night - and I almost missed it! I had work and my DVR broke so I had to look online once I woke up. I found and was so happy to see it was already posted! I loved it. I wonder what Jax will go through this season, and can't wait to find out. :)
This was on the Hollywood Reports Web Site. Way to go Kurt!!
"FX's 'Sons of Anarchy' stuns -- huge ratings gain
UPDATED: FX's "Sons of Anarchy" came roaring back to record ratings Tuesday night.
The second season premiere hit a series high by a mile, growing 95% (!!!) in the adult demo compared to its first season premiere.
"Sons" was seen by 4.3 million viewers and earned a 2.8 demo rating.
That represents the largest season two premiere gain for any series in FX's history ("The Shield" returned to a 3% increase and "Nip/Tuck" had a 33% gain)."
We all knew it. Now the "big boys" do too. Way to go SOA
Hi there love the show and was wondering if you know when it is gonna be aired in the uk, have tryed findin out but not havin much luck
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