We had our big wrap party last night. I don't like parties. I'm fine with small groups of say... one. But a crowd of people feels like a pond of sharks. My goal is always to swim from rock to rock without engaging any of the creatures circling me. My wife however is a much more social being. She can move through the shark pond with dignity and grace and engage in a genuine way. You can see how that might complicate our social life. Anyway, although I didn't want to be there, it was a tremendous experience last night. Seeing the amount of joy and revelry in the room was pretty fucking cool. Cast, crew, producers, executives, everyone really loves the gig.
In the self-absorbed daily grind of my job, where it's all about MY vision, I lose sight of the big impact. My sponsor is constantly reminding me that the show, the job is all about being of service to others. SOA provides employment for hundreds, if not thousands of people. The show entertains millions of viewers and hopefully makes them laugh, cringe and think a bit. At the end of the day Sons of Anarchy isn't my creation, it belongs to the masses. Once the train leaves the station it ain't about the engine moving it, it's about the passengers enjoying the ride.
I still hate parties, but at least I can appreciate why everyone else enjoys them.
It's about the art. If you were in it for the parties, I doubt we'd be getting art.
The party was about the family that was created with your art. The celebration of the bigger picture. Not only did you create something wonderful for the cast and crew, you created a new world for the fans to escape to. I loved the world of Farmington, but Charming is my new home. Thank you.
No. Thank you. You had a vision and you stuck with it. Great job.
all aboard. punch my ticket for Season 3!
support 81
that must be such an humbling feeling to think/create these characters and have it trickle down to the cast and even food service people
i guess thats why some shows just keeps going on and on. i wish you many seasons man, congrats on Season 2
As one of the "thousands" and better yet, a big fan of the show.
Many thanks for your fine work!
Not only has the show provided many a hour of entertainment, but it renewed my interest in riding my poor old motorcycle with was going weeks with being ridden.
And lastly, but best of all, I was lucky enough to be Back Ground twice, both during the last episode of season 1 and 2.
So thanks again for your fine work and be safe on your new bike.
Thank YOU for the gift of SOA!!
Glad to hear the last day of shooting is going along nicely, and happy to hear you had an opportunity to bask in the success of your creation (albeit, somewhat reluctantly ...)
Much thanks to you for enduring the "artists' paradox" you previously mentioned -- allowing something so personal of yours to become personal to the rest of us.
The first two episodes revealed of this season were amazing, and no doubt merely the incline of the thrilling rollercoaster that is this show. Can't wait!
Hope you all enjoy your much-deserved down time ... which I'm sure some of you will spend cruising the countryside on your new sweet rides. (Thanks again for the pics!)
As a creator, you've been so incredibly generous with us fans through this blog, twitter, contests, tours, etc. and we are all immensely grateful.
Lots of love to you all from the pacific northwest (who are psyched to be able to call Happy one of our own).
PS - just let us know if the networks and corporate angles give you too much grief over the hiatus ... I dare say you have any army of support behind you, so anything you need -- bodies, money, a hug -- you say the word and we shall mobilize! (just continue to wield your influence magnanimously ;) ...)
I'm soooooo overwhelmed by by small tears. Great Work.g
Yeah Small Tears was a remarkable episode. The premiere will always be one of the most memorable episodes in the history of the series, but Katey's performance in Small Tears was awe inspiring. The opening scene was one of the best shot scenes you guys have ever done... just the way it built to Unser finding Gemma, it gave me chills.
I don't know what sort of deal FX has struck with the devil put on such quality programming continuously for years now and have such success with it. But whatever black magic they're working over there, tell them to keep it up. To think of how many talented people are able to make a living through them, it makes me feel a little better about so many different facets of American life.
On the party thing I'm a lot like you, Kurt. I much rather enjoy to have a quality talking with 1-2 people than talking to a bunch of people which leads to superficial conversations.
On SOA, I'm just about to see episode 3 and looking forward to seeing the rest of the season. It must be nice to you all to watch from week to week the product of hard work. And we, the audience are just being amused from time to time. My personal favourite is probably Small Tears because of Katey's outstanding performance.
Wishing you all the best!
Wow. What a totally John O'Hara move you've put on Hale - the little pocket story that changes everything, and nobody knows what really happened except for Hale and Zobelle. In an O'Hara story, Zobelle would now die, so that there are no witnesses.
I'm grateful to all for this show! It's such a blast to watch, and just fucking hot!
Even my most conservative fans are falling for the show!
Wishing many more wrap parties to come :)
How the hell can a Jersey boy not have a line to the boss?? C'mon dude, contact the Star Ledger reporter who did that interview with you or call the Stone Pony in Asbury, if it still is there, lol, I think it is. Anyway, you have become quite the twatter, I had to go and read about the finale there. Dont forget about blogger, ok? Again I have to say you better push FX to push an Emmy nod for Katey, she is so good this season. Adam Arkin is something else in this role too, whoo, great season.
if your searching for a song for the finale might I suggest Jay Z-and Rhiannas "Run this town" if you can get the rights to run it. Screw springsteen! this song is for you guys, cant listen to it on the radio without thinking of the boys! good luck
I love a well-written show so I can't tell you how much I am enjoying SofA. I'm possibly an atypical fan (married black woman over 50) but I'm proud to say I've never missed an episode. Kurt, Katey, crew and cast - keep up the great work, grace us with a Season 3, and more importantly stay hungry. Genius tends to fade when full.
Well, I dont know about "run this town" Might work for the One Niners.
How about Weird Al Yankovic's song, "White and nerdy" lol
Hope someone hooks ya up Kurt, with the Bruce song ya want.....
When I was a kid I used to chase around after my dad and his friends who were in an MC. To this day they were the scariest bunch of fuckers I ever laid eyes on. It was the craziest, most exhilarating time of my life. Every time I watch the show I'm taken back to those days -- the good and the bad. Nicely done.
ok hoping for an answer but why does darby drink milk i know stupid ? but its bugging me
After I picked my jaw up off the floor, and exhaled. Once again, the show was exciting. Tara's revenge was sweeeeet! OH YEA!!!!!My God Man, this season is great.g
Like any good father, you're content to see your child run and play without taking great credit for creating the environment for it to do so.
Ride Forever-Work Whenever~
Bruce gave "Mary, Don't You Weep" to Deadwood. Maybe Dayton Callie should call him.
cheryl said...
ok hoping for an answer but why does darby drink milk i know stupid ? but its bugging me
September 24, 2009 11:22 PM
It's what some peepaws drink for their ulcers, since proven to not help. I think it's to show how nervous Darby is over operating in Charming because of Zobel and friends.
Thank you, Kurt, for creating such an amazing world with complex, lovable and realistic characters! I started watching SOA this season and of course became addicted after one episode. I bought Season 1 to get caught up and watched the entire 1st season in one day. I can't get enough of these characters. I never knew anything about MC's or outlaw culture that started in the 60's or 70's and yet I can completely relate to it. It is genuine and authentic and so original. It is the best thing about my Tuesdays. I really hope the show gets the critical claim it deserves. If your wife doesn't win an Emmy this year I am boycotting all TV! Keep up the good work! :-)
I found SOA at the end of the last season and am now a true believer! I can't remember when I actually scheduled life around a TV show. The writing and acting are amazing! Always a fan of Katey's, but this is her best work. The entire cast is phenomenol, I can't wait for the Emmys!
I don't like parties. I'm fine with small groups of say... one.
What an amazing (and soothing)feeling to know that I'm not alone to feel like this...
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