Charlie, Kim, Boone, Tommy, Ryan, Theo and Myself will be in Lathrop, CA on Sunday.
Eagle's Nest Harley has been gracious enough to give us promotional 2010 Dynas to ride for a year. We'll be signing autographs and hanging out with fans from 2-4 pm. Join us if you can.
Hit their site and register to win a new 2010 Dyna.
Eagle's Nest Harley
13900 Harlan Road
Lathrop, CA
That sounds cool - only wish it could have been held a few thousand miles closer to Charlie's birthplace, but what the hell. Looks like the Emmys are going back on that bad decision to pre-tape the awards. I know you crapped on the Emmys a little while back, but I'd say this was better news.
Fabulous choice of cast x Wish I could get to USA to meet them but hey ho.. when they come to UK (if ever) I will certainly be in line to show my support. Well done u on another great first series xx looking forward to watching more xx Keep it up xx big huggs to u and the cast xx
Looks like the weather is going to be great for this weekend. I will be riding over from the wine country.
See ya Sunday
Didn't Eagles Nest also sponsor the SoA Bike Giveaway? Very nice.
Too bad it's all the way over in Cali and I'm stuck in Michigan.
Son of a Beatch....if I'd read this in time I might've Rupert Pupkinned my way over there.... :P
It's my neck of the PeckerWoods
Ah Well....
Good time yesterday at Eagles Nest. Nice to meet you and all the guys. I was the 6'6 stack of shit wearing one of those bright green neon billboard "Security" shirts, mainly watching you guys in the signature area.
Keep on Keepin it on!!
Mr. Sutter,
I was one of the people who stood in line in the hot blazing Lathrop sun for over 2 hours only to see the bus drive off with you and the cast members. I have been to several signings, meet and greet type things and was never left hanging before. I’ve never seen a meet and greet end at the given time, they always go over. What an absolute disappointment. I don't know if it was a misunderstanding or what but I called the Eagle's Nest several days before the event and asked them if I did not have a band (which I didn't) could I still stand in line for an autograph? I was told "Yes,come on down" So I did. Never once while in line were we told we were wasting our time because you were not going to at least meet with every single person in line. It would have been nice to know instead of standing there feeling like a complete moron and having a person(not an employee) walking out the shop telling me you've all hopped on the bus ready to leave. Then, sure enough there you all go driving right passed us. I don't know what the circumstances where for your guys leaving like that I just feel it was extremely fucked that you guys couldn't have stayed for another what? Like an hour or so and could have at the very least shook hands with us? Or at the very least a litte “Sorry Suckers” wave from the bus? There wasn't that many of us left. As I’m sure you could tell as you drove passed us. I know the signing was from 2-4 but I really thought you'd all take care of everybody in line. I guess “That’s just Hollywood” like somebody else in line said? When I saw you guys leave my heart just sunk. I’m so glad I had my shades on so nobody can see me tearing up like a little bitch. I just think it's way fucked up. I’ve never had that happen before. It sucked big time I hope to never have that experience again. Maybe I’m just being a big baby and should shut the fuck up!?!?! I don’t know, I just know how I felt walking back to the car.
I of course love the show, have been a fan from day one and now I feel like well, pissed off. Like I said I don't know what your circumstances where that you had to leave like that. I just really thought we'd all get to meet you and the cast. I'd really like to know how you guys can be OK with leaving your fans hanging like that. I didn't write this hoping you'll post my comment I’d actually prefer it if you didn’t please. I just didn't know how to email you directly and found your blog. I've never written to any celebrity type person before so I don't expect a reply. This is more of a way to vent since I was so disappointed in the outcome after being so fucken stoked at the thought of meeting all of you. I got my mom to watch my kids, my husband agreed to do the drive and everything. I'm just a 37 year old stay at home mother of 3 boys that loves the show. I especially loved that is was based in San Joaquin County. I was living in Manteca (that’s right LARD in Spanish!) which is the next town over from Lathrop when the show aired, I now live 75 miles away. But anyway, that’s my rant I’m done. Good luck with the next season (and I don’t mean that in a smart ass way I really do mean it). Can’t say for sure I’ll be watching it since I’m still butt hurt but I’m just one person so I guess it won’t matter much to you anyway.
Thank you for you time,
An on the fence fan
I think the number of fans that showed up shocked us as well as eagle's nest. no one predicted that kind of turn out. we had a limited time for autographs as we had a plane to catch back to LA. we all had to be at work in the morning. eagle's nest never planned on "turning people away". they were concerned there wouldn't be enough people to make our trip worthwhile. luckily that was not the case, the turnout was amazing. we stayed an extra twenty minutes to accommodate as many more people as we could. apologies from us and our friends at eagle's nest if people felt disrespected. next time we'll carve out more time for the fans.
I was also one of the ones that came down for the signing. I drove from San Francisco and was very very excited I did not know that a wrist band was needed, but i have to say, it was well worth the wait. I was lucky to get there just in time to see the cast walk in but i did not see you? I'd just like to say I am VERY impressed with all of you. Although i know there was not enough time to get to everyone without wristbands, you guys took the time to make sure you could shake hands before you went in. As i knew I would not get an autograph, I went to the back where your tour bus was and yet again Charlie and the rest of the cast stood for pictures and waved, I'm really glad to see after all your success you all are very down to Earth. I wait ANXIOUSLY for the next season to start and I will be one of the first ones to purchase season 1 on DVD, thank you again for making great television, you truly are an artist.
I just want to let you know what an awesome experience it was to have you and the boys in Lathrop. I didnt get a chance to get inside but hey I completely understand there is only so much time. Just being there and seeing fellow fans was great. But to top it all off, my friends and I were out by the tour bus hoping to catch a glimpse of anything to do with our favorite show. Well to say the very least we got what we wanted.. Charlie("Jax", who is amazing by the way) was on his way to get on the bus when he stopped and came out of his way to come and give us hugs and we even snuck in a kiss on his cheek ; ) Let me tell you, that right there made my whole day..week..oh who am I kidding, it made my whole year! He still made time for us even after hours and hours of meet and greets..and I think that makes him such a great guy and I am sure anyone invovled with Sons Of Anarchy is just as humble and cool! I honestly believe you guys know what it means to reach out and connect to your fans. I love SOA it is an amazing show with the best cast and crew, keep up the great work guys! Can't wait for Season 2 and beyond!
Gotta a lifetime fan in me,
I was there and it was awesome! Thanks so much for coming out and hanging with us! Can't wait for the DVD tomorrow and Season 2 on 9/8!!! SOA ROCKS!
You Guys are the 1964 Beatle's Bro! All that's left is to decide if you are John, Paul, George or Ringo...
Or unless you're the Stones that is....
If so....Beware of Altamont...I heard it's a bitch ;p
Can you tell me why Gemma still uses her maiden name
Can't wait for the new season-thanks for a great show
No need to post on your blog but thought you may be interested in what was going on outside during the Meet & Greet inside. I was the designated shooter for the outside video shots. It was insane! Check it out at:
I'm not sure if you know the answer to this question, but will any of the cast and crew be attending Harley Fest in Milwaukee in a couple of weeks? I know the Ride Free or Die tour is going to be there, but organizers have been quiet about who/what will be there to represent the show. It'd be such a thrill to meet and thank the fantastic people who are involved in one of the best shows on air. Thank you!
i have a quick question.. will we ever beable to read all of john tellers journal? im not sure if you can answer, but ive been re-watching season 1 [for the 3rd time:)] & just thought what the hell, ill ask anyways :)
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