Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. Been a crazy coupla months. Was in Paris with the entire family for spring break. Realized that I have three kids. Three? How the fuck did that happen? We had a blast. I almost started a jihad in front of Notre Dame, but was released by French Police with a warning (that's a whole other blog). We did an awesome day of press with Charlie and Katey. I'll blog on this separately when I get some photos of the day. In short, the French fucking LOVED the pilot. I felt like Jerry Lewis. It was one of the most pleasant media experiences I've ever had. We're going back in October to do more.
We came back from France and I was buried. Finally caught up with the writing.
We're pretty much on schedule. My goal was to have four scripts written and approved by the time we start shooting and we'll do that. Have various drafts of the next four being written and well start breaking stories for 209 next week.
The first episode starts shooting on the 27th. Guy Ferland (who directed more episodes of The Shield than any other director) is directing 201, Albification. Guy did an amazing job on episode 107, The Pull, last season. I'm thrilled to have him kicking off season two.
I'll let you draw your own conclusions about what the 201 title means. I can tell you it's a theme for the season.
My entire, talented cast is back (with the exception of a few, whose agents and managers are twisting my fucking arm for more cash that we don't have and ultimately undermining their clients whom I won't be able to afford) and we've added a few new characters. As you probably have read, Henry Rollins joins us as AJ Weston. He's a prison hard Aryan walking a fine line between ultra conservatism and violent racism (if a line truly exists). His boss and the brains behind the organization is Ethan Zobelle. That role is still being cast.
As I've said in interviews, this season is all about internal alliances. For me, the big antagonist this season is just a catalyst to ignite the deep, primal conflicts within the club. Lives will be threatened, sides will be taken and Sam Crow will become the biggest threat to the Sam Crow.
More to come...
If I am correct about the direction your taking this coming season, it will be very appropriate for the times and will evoke a spectrum of emotions from viewers.
Very elementary I’m sure but, two things, what do the numbers on the episodes represent, and what why do you go to France for previews? Good to hear from you, I was almost ready to abandon your blog (couldn’t do it).
"The Pull" was my favorite episode, until the last one. I love the last few minutes of The artfully done! Of course, the music was great, too. I can't stop singing it. Whoever makes the editing calls for the series does an awesome job.
You have fans at Cal State Long Beach. Would you consider coming to our screenwriting class to speak within the next three weeks or so...before the end of the semester? We would love to have you! It meets on Thursdays from 2-4:45 pm.
Thanks for considering it...and I am chewing my nails waiting impatiently for season 2...while I keep watching episodes of season 1.
If you post any of this, please don't post my name.
Sons Fan at CSULB (Anne Ward)
Great news about the writing progress Kurt, can't wait for Season 2 to begin. Any news re a release date for the Season 1 DVD? Building a new HTPC and can't wait to see the episodes in BluRay!
Thanks also for posting the Henry Rollins and CatShitOne videos? Can't tell you how many people saw the Henry Rollins video on my Facebook page and laughed their heads off. I think Ann should be a night clerk at the liquor store that Charley frequents in the show. Friend of mine's daughter who's an animator was really inspired by the Hello Kitty guerillas, so thanks again for that. Best of luck with the new season.
Wait ...the french have loved mickey rourke for years could be mickey rourke instead of jerry lewis...though lewis was pretty moving at the awards.. (which I only watched to see what would happen with rourke).....well ...back to memorizing this intense rape scene I'm doing in fla.
Second season sounds like even more fun then the first, of course I would love to see a video of you starting a jihad in front of the notredam im betting that that was comical as well;)
I really hope the agents realize how great a show this is and how much it could help/improve individuals careers. I love the entire cast. I think they work very well with each other, I would hate to see any of them not be back for season two. Here is to hoping someone bitch slaps the agent(s)! Ask for a raise next year! LOL
I'm on the edge of my seat now, can't wait for season two. I'm sure you'll manage the casting situation. Sucks it has to get like that.
Thanks for the updates. It gives us all something to look forward to. Can't wait to hear your Notre Dame jihad story.......
Sounds amazing... can't wait for the Anarchy to resume!
If I am correct about the direction your taking this coming season, it will be very appropriate for the times and will evoke a spectrum of emotions from viewers.
Very elementary I’m sure but, two things, what do the numbers on the episodes represent, and what why do you go to France for previews? Good to hear from you, I was almost ready to abandon your blog (couldn’t do it).
awesome news, can't wait!
"The Pull" was my favorite episode, until the last one. I love the last few minutes of The artfully done! Of course, the music was great, too. I can't stop singing it. Whoever makes the editing calls for the series does an awesome job.
You have fans at Cal State Long Beach. Would you consider coming to our screenwriting class to speak within the next three weeks or so...before the end of the semester? We would love to have you! It meets on Thursdays from 2-4:45 pm.
Thanks for considering it...and I am chewing my nails waiting impatiently for season 2...while I keep watching episodes of season 1.
If you post any of this, please don't post my name.
Sons Fan at CSULB
(Anne Ward)
Great news about the writing progress Kurt, can't wait for Season 2 to begin. Any news re a release date for the Season 1 DVD? Building a new HTPC and can't wait to see the episodes in BluRay!
Thanks also for posting the Henry Rollins and CatShitOne videos? Can't tell you how many people saw the Henry Rollins video on my Facebook page and laughed their heads off. I think Ann should be a night clerk at the liquor store that Charley frequents in the show. Friend of mine's daughter who's an animator was really inspired by the Hello Kitty guerillas, so thanks again for that. Best of luck with the new season.
Wait ...the french have loved mickey rourke for years could be mickey rourke instead of jerry lewis...though lewis was pretty moving at the awards..
(which I only watched to see what would happen with rourke).....well ...back to memorizing this intense rape scene I'm doing in fla.
Second season sounds like even more fun then the first, of course I would love to see a video of you starting a jihad in front of the notredam im betting that that was comical as well;)
I really hope the agents realize how great a show this is and how much it could help/improve individuals careers. I love the entire cast. I think they work very well with each other, I would hate to see any of them not be back for season two. Here is to hoping someone bitch slaps the agent(s)! Ask for a raise next year! LOL
Agents that don't know their clients need to work aren't living in the brave new world...hope you can get them to listen to reason
I hope Ryan is back.
Yikes Rollins as one of the Nords? That's going to be intense.
Good luck on the shoots, and can't wait for the Fall.
Keep on riding, fighting and writing Kurt.
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