This is a warning to anyone purchasing pirated Sons of Anarchy clothing from EBay or other outside sources. None of that merchandise is legal, more importantly, none of it is sanctioned. I'm not trying to protect Rupert's bottom line here, I'm trying to save people from getting their asses kicked and to protect the respect we've earned in the outlaw community.
John Linson and I did a lot of research and talked to a lot of club members when choosing colors and fonts for the SOA cut and shirts. We did that research so no club felt disrespected or misrepresented. The stuff being pimped on EBay is homemade shit that disregards all of that. Some idiot buys a three hundred dollar faux leather cut and sports it while he rides his poser Hog, he's gonna get his balls kicked into his throat. It also makes the show look like we don't give a shit. It pisses me off.
We are selling some merch at our website that has been approved and sanctioned by me. This will be expanded upon and by next season we will have a full line of cool SOA shit you can buy. And again, I'm not pimping FX here. I don't get a fucking DIME from merchandise. I just wanna protect your ass and my reputation.
SOA merch link
Oh man, wearing that is just asking for trouble. I hope anyone buying this stuff on ebay hears the warnings. And does a bit of research.
When I first saw the shirts and patches for sale I thought " someones going to get hurt wearing this stuff in public." Some of the sellers now warn against public display.
I love the show.
Tonight is Wednesday and my regular SoA party won't be meeting. I'm a bit lost without what has become my armchair church. No disrespect intended with the term, simply trying to convey how much it has become a part of my life these past three months.
You've created characters that I have at one time or another hated, sneered, laughed at, rolled my eyes at, and loved.
The 12th episode was amongst the best television I've ever seen.
The character Opie has become a hero of sorts to me, while Tig has become an anti-hero. Seeing them together was sublime.
One hour a week I can escape into a world far away from my own and I really appreciate that. It helps me to unwind and it helps me to appreciate what I have.
I really did hug my wife and kids a little extra after Donna. I'm glad I didn't have to actually go through that experience to catch a glimpse of how much it would hurt to lose my wife. We take our wives for granted so often...
Yeah the shirt looks cool... and if I didn't know any better I might be tempted to buy it. But living in the Northwest where all the major clubs roam - why the f-bomb I'd wear something that would result in a pistol-whipping is a mystery.
It looks cool, but there is a reason for that. It was MADE cool.
You should have control over that shit. If someone tried to mooch off of my intellectual property I'd beat them with a pointy stick. I hope you have a pack of lawyers chomping at their heels.
Having said that... seriously... ((/begin sarcasm) and you know I'm being serious because I said "seriously" (/end sarcasm)) have you ever given any thought to publishing John Tellers full manuscript?
Other ideas for merch could be a cologne called "Skank Bait" by Jax. Or maybe a self-help manual "How to Win Friends and Accidently Assassinate Their Wives" by Clay Morrow & Tig.
Thanks Kurt.
Personally, I wouldn't buy unsanctioned MC attire from eBay anyway. Whether its an actual club or a fictional one like the Sons.
I support the official and the official alone.
Bummer you don't get a piece of the merchandise royalties.
Might want too get the FX bosses after ebay to pull those auctions.I personaly think anyone selling and or knowingly buying a bogus product is plain and simple a thief.I saw the patch set on there.If they are dumb enough to spend 300.00 bux on fakes and wear em then i say let em go for it they will learn the hard way.If anyone wants a cool one of a kind SOA related item i saw "Happy" selling his personal Dyna on there but out of range for me for a daily rider
I was wondering about all the ebay stuff when I first saw it on there. I actually e-mailed one of the sellers to ask if his stuff was sanctioned. He said no and I didn't look again. I only want to buy the stuff you picked out. (I'm hinting around for someone to get me the dogtag necklace for Christmas...fingers crossed)
I also saw Happy's bike on there. It was cool, but way, way outta my price range, bummer.
I just can't tell you how much I love the show. As soon as the DVD comes out I'm gonna work on getting my brother-in-law into it. He was a big fan of The Shield and is feeling a little lost without it. I'm hoping to sub in Sons before next season so I have someone else to discuss it with.
Thanks so much for the show, Kurt. Can't wait for next season!
Heed the warning all you posers and wannabees. if ya wanna fly colors ya best be prospecting or a PH or be prepaired to loose a bunch of hide!!!!!!!
Oh shit then I guess I better get rid of of my Black Label Society shirts!!
Sorry people are leeching of your show but to threaten then with a beat down if they don't buy FX offical merch is pretty harsh!!
I would of bought a Free big Otto T- shirt if you had made them!!
Mr. Sutter you rock. I have one question though: why isn't the 13th episode of soa on itunes yet? Is it something the production company is doing or is it that itunes isn't getting on the ball? I haven't seen it yet, I don't have that channel. Oh yeah and please don't kill off tig!
No doubt there are plenty of idiots out there that don't believe that this world really exist, that brothers live and die for the cut. I have been around enough to know that you don't show up in certain places wearing the wrong support.
Kurt the show is awesome! Keep up the good work!
Buying/Wearing fake or knockoff stuff is never cool i ordered my shirt the day the fx store put it up got it today. i dont think there is much chance of me being mistakin for a 1% even on my road king
I'm glad you caught on to that. I noticed that stuff on ebay and it pissed me off. The sellers themselves need a swift kick in the ass.
Living the life style of a "Biker" is one thing. Playing the life style can be a dangerous thing all together. I've been riding all since i was 10 years old got my first ticket when i was 13 for speeding and lost my wheels until i got it out of impound after my court date. So to ad it up I've been riding for 34 years and know alot of people in and out of the life style. It makes no sense to me why someone in the life style would wear anything other than support stuff of any kind, unless it was the colors or "cut" for which they live and breath. I support the show and am looking forward to next season. I find it very entertaining and somewhat of a reminder of where i have been and where i have chosen over the years to stay away from. Kurt I've been reading your blog ever since i happened across it before the show even started. It really does appear that you have done your homework. I only wish that people could see all the good a MC club can do for the community and not just all the drama and illegal activity. But we all know what sells!
Keep up the great work you have been doing on your show. Who knows maybe even someday the show can give back what a MC clubs give back to it's community? I know I would want to be a part of that.
Thanks for reading my post.
My question is... is it the fact that this stuff has a bottom rocker? I understand pirated beeing an issue.. sadly FX waited till the last dog was dead to come out with a minimal mount of stuff.
yes I certainly wouldn't want to wear that around amador county where I live..............
bikers can be a rtather unsultry bunch lol
Why would any biker gang be mad about a "FICTIONAL" t-shirt? it's not like the sons are a REAL biker group..
i duno i just dont get it?
I just checked out eBay. Pirates are selling "official shirts from F/X?"
Like 300 listings. A pure shame!
This is I can believe. eBay just wants to make $$$.
Can't FOX do anything?
The show is fantastic, keep up the most excellent work.
Oh Helllzzz Nohhhh ...I only go to ebay for Vintage Sharkskin suits and dan post crepe soled lizard boots...
But if you want thugware I heartily recommend 415 clothing in SF ...made by tugs for tugs in tugville...
though I've only bought it in thriftville....
cheaper that way in bailoutland ;p
now gotta go study my lines as Manson
Look if your dumb ass enough to buy this fake shit, then your dumb ass will get kick from one end of town to the other. Shit, while you’re at it, just go get the patch tattooed on your body so that it can get torched off. I was never a 1% but knew a few from my skinhead days and if anyone back then would have been wearing are colors or trying to front as something there not, there ass was grass, if they were lucky. I love the show and if I see this fake shit I’ll call the guy out on the spot.
I know this sounds horrible, but if someone were to get their asses kicked for wearing bootleg gear ... well, you can't buy that kind of publicity.
The Strategy is for ~FX~ to immediately offer authentic items on EBay .
This proprietary rights across all domains legaleise stuff is well and good on paper , but in order to keep things real and solid , authentic SoA items must also be on offer through Ebay .
Stake a claim before fighting for turf - do whats right by the innocents - seize the opportunity .. (call it how you see it)
Its not a matter of resources but intent and Spirit .
Answer me this ..
What would
teller do ?
took the time to report the first 12 item numbers to Flea-bay security, maybe they'll get the hint. Fake ebay items are stealing from the creator and ripping off the buyer.
I agree with you there on mech and what's worst these parents who buy this fake shit on ebay and give them to their families or friends. I came across a t-shirt that had SOA on it and I emailed the idiot saying take that off your selling page and I told him why and of course he did because I didn't see the t-shirt again, but what about other sites who sell tv show t-shirts like Yahoo and other those Auction sites. Not Good at all. a kid who doesn't know but seen the show on TV doesn't know the meaning of the show, all these kids see is motorcycles but deep down they don't know what it all means, see what I'm saying? Word needs to get out don't wear these things in public not even on halloween. My friends all told me and I have a duffle bag that is Outlaws never carry it around with you everyday. I only support my friends
Damn! It's a t-shirt from a show on TV! It's not even a real club! None of the people in clubs that I know would pay any attion to it. I can understang getting upset because it is being pirated but like I said it is a shirt from a fictional TV show on FX. Who cares??
Donnie {THE SNAKE}
I agree with you, just a series of TV, but some people believe it so much and is identified so that even comes to believe that is true.
Here in Spain, has not yet arrived or is not publicized, but many of us follow it online.
I belong to a GM and I see no problem in wearing a cmisetas of the series. I think we must distinguish between the colors get a MC or MG and a shirt advertising is very different. The problem comes to illegal copies, which put the MC silas and rockets without knowing that this world is biker. It is a lack of respect I never would put a shirt bearing the initials MC, without belonging to one, not being the shirt advertising a TV show
In fact Mr. Kurt or responsible for merchandising, have not prepared any official product of the series with the initials MC.
Kurt Thanks for this great series.
a quick heads-up for all those fake t-shirt wearing idiots: I understand if you like the show (I ain't going to lie, I like it to), but if you're so dumb to wonna copy them, NEVER just put sh*t like this on your vest, especially not if there's a 'MC' in there! cause, like so many before me already said, Your ass will be kicked, bigtime! the way they do it in the show!
beside that, even dough I like the show, from the first time I saw it I knew it was bad news for the MC-world!
First of all , why are some of u people saying sons is not a real club , you all obviously dont know any thing about the MC, Sons of Anarchy is a real club in most parts of the states , so check your facts is not just a show on tv. SAMCRO
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