Thursday, March 18, 2010


I never cheated on my first wife.  I ended that brief marriage because I knew that I wasn't ready to be a husband.  Soon after the nuptial, I became very aware that if I stayed, I would cheat.  It was really painful and extremely embarrassing for her, but I know ending that union prevented far-greater future damage.  I was trying to keep my brain one step ahead of my dick.

With my current wife of 5 years, I've got no reason to cheat.  She's a tremendous woman, who supports me, tolerates my vast collection of idiosyncrasies, loves me with all her heart, and well... is a total fucking babe.  C'mon, how lucky am I?  I get to fuck Katey Sagal.  I know this blog will embarrass her, but I don't care.  It's true and now, I've said it.

So when the shit hits the fan about all these celebrity marriages imploding because of adultry, it's a little difficult for me to wrap my brain around it.  Truth is, I don't know what it's like to be a celebrity the likes of Tiger Woods or Jesse James.  Maybe there is some repressed need to sabotage happiness because one can never really live up to the the expectation of fame.  I don't know.  Maybe it's a seven-year itch thing.  Although, I think Tiger's been scratching since year one.  I do know it makes me really respect guys like Clooney, who are smart enough not to marry yet because they know themselves. 

Look, far be if from me to cast judgment about another man's indiscretions.  The skeletons in my closet had to add on a back room. But I can express some pragmatic realities for the high-profile husband (or any husband for that matter) who is thinking about cheating on his wife.  It's simple -- Don't fuck anyone who has more to gain by revealing the affair than by keeping it a secret.  If you bed porn stars, fame whores, professional social climbers and self proclaimed tattoo models, chances are their need for money and web hits is going to override your tender whispers of, "Hey baby, we got a great thing going here.  Let's keep it between us."  I think these guys just get delusional.  When they get away with it once, they feel invulnerable, like they have super cheating powers.  "Fear not, big fake-titted extra-who-wants-to-be-in-movies, I can save you, I am Incredibly Loose Dick Man!"

And I wanna know whatever happened to hookers?  I can't imagine taking one of these dirty skanks out to dinner -- after you throw in the Vagisil, STD test, champagne and blow -- is any cheaper than a respectable call girl.  And as my buddy Chuck says, you don't pay a hooker for sex, you pay her to leave and shut up.  Discretion isn't a courtesy, it's the job description.  Now, I'm not condoning men cheating on their wives with hookers, I'm just exploring the ever-growing phenomenon of retarded infidelity.  

So to sum up -- Don't marry until you're done fucking the loose change in the sofa.  Once you do marry, don't cheat.  If for some reason, things go south (or I guess North) and you are compelled to stray, don't fuck anyone who has had more visits to the plastic surgeon than the shrink.

God bless.



  1. Very true. VERY TRUE!

  2. Seriously...I love you even more!!

  3. two thumbs up well said, and its all true and the one that u are fucking has nothing to do with u not cheating has to do with she will fuck u up and beat the shit out of u if u did hahaha thats the truth

  4. I LOVE the way you think. Very well said.

  5. Didn't know you were married to Mrs Morrow. Nice job.

  6. I am unable to put into words my complete thoughts on this, so I will share what I can.

    I've lost multiple girlfriends to my cheating and I'd do anything to make amends, but I had to learn the hard way. As my most recent relationship started, I made sure to get all the "fun" out of my system and grow up to be more respectful to my partner. Needless to say, it worked for almost 9 years (she "changed" and left me).

    Cheating is disrespectful to the love and trust your partner has unconditionally given to you. Retarded infidelity for certain.

  7. Well said. Love the bluntness, I think people need that more often!

  8. Amen...You've hit every aspect of this whole issue I've pondered myself. How you can claim to love someone and then do the 1 thing that completely defies that trust and commitment is despicable. Many things can happen in a marriage, but most can be overcome when you're devoted to that relationship. Cheating is the deal breaker. It really baffles me how these high profile men think they're going to get away with it. Narcissism at it's finest.

  9. Right On Brother.... Keep it Real!!!!

  10. Very well said. I think people who stray really need to think twice about who they are straying with...or better yet, don't stray. If you are looking for someone else, then who you are with is not the right one.

    Angie McNamara

  11. Right on Brother... Keep It Real!!

  12. Oh my gosh, this blog made my laugh so much! I want a shirt that saids "Incredibly Loose Dick Man!" Your amazing and have all my respect for being one of the few people in Hollywood to speak his mind so honestly and openly :)

  13. yes are a very lucky man

  14. Dear Kurt,
    I just love you for this (and for SOA). You are the smartest guy on the planet, and yeah you are lucky to have Katie, but she's lucky to have you too!

  15. P.S.the show is friekin amazing.One of my absolute faves and I don't watch much TV.BTW,when is the new season starting?

  16. Wise words Kurt. Nothing more needs to be said. Looking forward to Season 3 of SOA.

  17. I couldn't agree with you more Kurt! And granted, not all of us have me our own "Katey's," so to speak, but you sure as hell won't find one by cheating on someone with whom you are not happy. I think a huge part of not just being a Man, but a REAL Man, is knowing yourself well enough to know when to get out of the wagon before you are up to the axles in shit. It takes a big man to say, "I love you baby, but I love myself more right now, this isn't working." Man the fuck up y'all!

  18. AAAMEN! I dont understand the cheating either! If you dont wanna be with your wife anymore, END IT! or work the shit out. It takes more of a man to deal with his shit that it does to flit around with some run of the mill "skank" These chicks are a dime a dozen and can be found out any bar on any night of the week. If youve got a woman who married you, is rearing your kids and putting up with your ass, call yourself blessed. To all the woman out there who get hosed by these assholes Im sorry. Were not all this way, they just gave us a bad name. to Jesse, you had all my respect in the world as a man, a artist and a rider. You gave men someone to look up to. Now you give us someone to pity. I cant believe you lumped yourself in with all the other Charlie Sheens and countless douchebags out there. Sad man just sad, no excuse. My name is Dylan Eccleston and I wrote it!

  19. I co-sign on everything you just said right there. I really enjoyed your take on the Kat Von D wannabe, she with the blue stars on her face so that she can tell herself she's original. It's extremely idiotic to get the same tattoos as a famous person. When she's old and sitting in her own pee in a third rate nursing home, all she will have to think about is what a douche she is.
    Jesse James is a douche too, for that matter, as is Tiger Woods.

  20. First, you are a very lucky man. I'd bust out the Half-Sack "chubby" line, but A. Not my style B. I'm sure you've heard it enough and C. Katey might hit me with a skateboard.

    Second, I don't understand this trend either. I think some of these guys want to get caught honestly. It's like they don't want to walk away so they just cheat and hope it comes to light I guess? Either way I'm burning my WCC shirt. Not because he cheated, not just because he cheated on Sandra Bullock, but because he cheated on Sandra Bullock with that...well skank!

    God Bless Kurt. Keep the rubber side down on the scoot brother.


  21. Don't modest Kurt - it's a great deal. Katey Sagal get to fuck you too!!!!

  22. True, true and true. I guess that's one thing Elliot Spitzer got right. Well, before his hooker turned into a fame whore.

    Never understood why people cheat. If you feel the need to, then your relationship is already in the shitter. So you might as well end and then go sleep with anything that has a pulse. At least that way you don't have to go sneaking around.

    So are we gonna see Chris "Birdman" Anderson in season 3 or what? He already looks the part.

  23. Kurt! God Bless you and the rest of the very talented bunch of people you get to work with! I can't wait for season 3!!!

  24. Love it!! Very true, well written and full of wisdom/common sense so many seem unable to grasp!! Good grief there are some stupid people out there!! Maybe u can get even just one idiots attention....:O>

  25. Man, you got all that exactly right. I am a huge Jesse James fan, and when I read a news story about him cheating on Sandra, I just thought, damn....why?

    With someone as fine as Sandra, why the hell would you cheat ? Whatever, I don't know what's going on inside that head of his.

    That comment about your wife made me laugh though.

    Great blog bro, lookin' forward to SOA Season 3. Peace.

  26. Amen. Should be taught in 7th grade "health" class

  27. omfg I agree completely !!!!
    Love the blog and the show..
    Peace to you and yours bro...

  28. Amen Bro! Jessie is crazy! Lets see skank or babe? Easy choice!!! Babe everytime!!! Joedawg

  29. Well said, Im impressed. It would be good to think anyone contemplating doing the dirty on their partner reads this and takes stock. I liked Jesse James and although he has "celebrity status" I hoped that he was above using it for the wrong reasons....I guess not

  30. retarded infidelity. classic. and accurate. who was it who said 3 people can keep a secret if 2 are dead?
    ur a raw anne landers. you should write know in all the free time you must have

  31. Any guy who wonders out loud why a rich, famous man would want to screw hot, willing women other than his wife is full of shit.

    A man is as faithful as his options allow.

    Why are we surprised anymore when a celebrity bangs some chick who isn't his wife? Oh Em Gee, a man of wealth and power fucked a bunch of girls...color me not-fing-surprised-in-the-least

  32. Thank you, Kurt. Plain and simple, a real man doesn't cheat. I've often wondered why men who clearly cannot commit themselves to a monogomous relationship, get married in the first place?

    I have always said exactly what you said about George Clooney. I don't care what anybody says.. you can never call the guy selfish.

    Jesse James has ruined probably the best thing that every happened to him. In my eyes, marrying Sandra Bullock somehow validated him. I guess the bottom line is that you can take the boy out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the boy. I feel bad for Sandra, as I do know the pain she must be feeling right now.

  33. It couldn't of been said better. But sometimes I wonder, do these guys want to be caught?? Look at this chick who he fucked around with, a complete nobody...until Wed.

  34. Blunt, Brilliant and some men, simply just don't get "it"...I hope this makes the rounds at the Hollywood get togethers, so that the celebs can see it in print...
    And as far as that skank from San Diego ( my hometown) I heard she got paid $30k for "her story"...she needs to crawl back under the dumpster in Ocean Beach,,and Jesse James needs to get his pecker checked (AGAIN)
    ( He was married to a porn star)So Sandra added some much needed class to his life...
    I hope someone drops a house on Michelle McGee ( she looks like a tranny to me) I doubt if Tig would even poke that....Peace!

  35. Your post reminds me of what Ron White had to say on the matter, "If you don't cheat on your wife, you can't get caught."

  36. VERY WELL SAID!!!! Now if ALL men and Women would follow your lead then they wouldn't look so stupid. Love your show by the way!!

  37. I have even more respect for you now, Kurt! You had the guts to tell it like it is!!! Your show is the best on tv, hands down! You have an incredibly talented and beautiful wife and are a very lucky man. Why can't these celebrities who cheat learn to be happy with their spouses and stop all the cheating? If they just wanted to bed-hop, why get married in the first place? I'm just saying...

  38. "Don't marry until you're done fucking the loose change in the sofa."

    This line made me laugh and actually say an 'AMEN!' out loud. Well said sir.

  39. It's really true, why cheat. If its worth cheating - leave. I can't use that particular r word cause I'm on SAG's diversity committee and PWD committee but let me refer to the r word's relatives. backward, dim-witted, dull, feeble minded, half-witted, imbecile, moronic, quarter-witted (apparently you could use any fraction of full wit), simple, simple minded, slow, stupid, or my favorite - soft in the head.
    It's a lack of forethought and ignorance of the consequences.
    And the worst part, Jesse's gonna get half of her shit.

  40. I've been a fan ever since I discovered Sons of Anarchy, but you're pretty much my favorite person right now. Thanks for always shooting straight and not letting PR people get to you. As a fan, it's nice to hear real opinions rather than the sanitized version. Love you AND you're awesome wife!

  41. Now i´m a bigger fan of you and your work, tottally agree!
    I miss SOA!!

  42. Amen sir, amen. I think if you're going to make a commitment of marriage to someone, you should respect them enough to cut ties with them if things have gotten bad enough that you believe cheating is inevitable. Don't you owe them at least that much? On the other hand, if your spouse has blatantly ignored the sanctity of your marriage, the rules go out the window. Just make sure you separate soon after you find out. I did.

  43. I personally think its cool that Katey gets to fuck you. Love and marriage are not the same thing. I hate cheaters. But I love SOA and can't wait till Sept..I am seriously jonesing.....

  44. Well said. I just don't get the women who these guys are cheating with (not against). These women are REALLY REALLY REALLY STUPID, which in opinion... is worse than a Skank, or in better terms homewrecker.

  45. "fucking loose change in the sofa", too funny!!! LOL! amen kurt, amen.

  46. Kurt, I'm in 100% agreement with you on the first part of your post. If you can't honor your commitment, get the fuck out of it. It's painful, but ultimately the kindest thing to do for everyone involved.

    Unfortunately, you kinda ventured into territory that might be better explored separately. You started with a strong statement and then proceeded to dilute it... "I think it's a bad idea but here's how you should do it..."

    It's stupid. Women who knowingly have affairs with married men either a.) have emotional/psychological problems that cause them to accept the constant reminders that they're not "commitment-worthy" or b.) they think that they can somehow change the guy's status.

    For those who fall under heading "A", the standard advice applies... Don't stick your dick in crazy. You really have no way of knowing what other emotional and/or psychological problems are part of the mix and, really, do you wanna find out?

    For those who fall under heading "B" welcome to hell. You've just stuck your dick in a hornet's nest and your life is about to leave your control.

    That said, and on an entirely different subject, I'd love to have a conversation with you about legalized prostitution. (I don't believe that even the most respectable call girl is immune to the lure of fame and/or money... As evidenced by Heidi Fleiss, Divine Brown and any number of other cases...)

  47. As a woman who likes men, I have always said the same thing... why get married if you want to fuck around? Stay single and fuck around. Its fun, I like it that way. But when someone promises to love you forever, come on, its just a problem waiting to happen and there is always somebody else to blame, so stay single boys. Keep your options open, and dont lie about it. Simple.

  48. Hell I'm with you! If I were fucking Katie or Sandra I'd like to think I'd be content. Both hot lady's that seem to have their shit together and are hot as hell. WTF

  49. Perfectly stated assessment of the situation.

  50. Katey shouldn't be embarrassed by your blog post. She's lucky and blessed to have a husband who thinks like you do And I'd bet money she knows that too. I've been married to a wonderful guy for 26 yrs and I know he feels the same.

    I think a lot more men think like you do you too, they just don't think it's "cool" to admit it.


  51. Feel the same way about George Clooney. He says single, because he knows himself. Brilliant!

    Although Katey might be embarrassed about your blog, I think honesty and bold truth is another reason marriages work.

    If you are being honest, and have nothing to hide, life is much simpler, less drama, and for celebrity, more work for paparazzi. (Until they get bored with you.)

  52. BTW, "They" say a great lover is measured not by the number of women he is able to bed, but rather the number of times he is able to bed (and satisfy) the same woman.

  53. Kurt, you are THE MAN, like Obama allegedly said about the Mr.Prez of my country (I am from Brazil, is in South America and no, our capital is not Buenos-fucking-Aires; and before anyone asks, we do not have monkeys on our dinner tables, fuck you very much)!!!!
    Too bad you do not update your blog as much, but when you do it, is always with a BANG!
    Anyways, thank you for your existence, cannot wait for the season 2 DVD release.
    Any plans on visiting Brazil? See you, dude!

  54. Once more Mr. Sutter I both appreciate and agree with your views.

  55. When I was in my early 30"s I met a man whom I fell in love with and thought I was going to marry. I so loved this man that when I found out he cheated on me I was devastated but I stayed. I thought we could work things out but the one thing I could not work out was "TRUST". Even if you forgive you will never trust again. I agree 100 percent with your comments. I don't know why anyone chest be it man or woman and to be honest do they really know why they cheat? When you are totally and passionately in love with someone you don't cheat! What all cheaters don't think about when they are in act of cheating is the devastation and pain they are causing their other half. Do you ever stop and think for one moment the amount of pain your partner will be in just because you wanted a quick fuck? So thank you Mr. Sutter for your truthful words on cheating.

  56. kudos to you Kurt for speaking the words we've all been thinking since the media decided this was "top news" worthy ... adulterers are nothing but spineless, greedy cowards - male or female! and as for the "other woman/man", they need to take all that toxic self-loathing and lack of self-worth and self-respect and find themselves a freakin' therapist!

  57. this gal certainly seems to fall into the skank category - though in mainstream society it seems like folks tend to merge things like this gals appearance, class background and her actions whereas I would suggest she is a skank b/c of her actions.

    also you didn't mention anything about her alleged nazi politics. is this b/c you think its a non-issue? hasn't bee established or b/c you think the w.p. tats aren't a veiled white power reference.

  58. Anyway...skank characters populate soa so it's kind of a disservice to them to describe them less flatteringly than the power did you see the high quality gash tiger woods was nailing? if his wife wasn't trying to control the if

  59. Long Live Skanks...Skanks are people too...and where would Charles Bukowski or Dan Fante have been
    even literarily without skanks? Further...would it really be better to hang with a woman with high Psychiatry Bills over hanging with a Skank? Not necessarily....sorry for the three posts
    but this is a sensitive subject
    that's dear to my heart

  60. Kurt,so well put the comment on "don't marry till you're done fuc.... the loose change in the sofa" was the topper well put ...thanks for putting out there.

  61. I never understood that shit even when I was dating someone exclusively.I problems remebering shit my wife needs me to let alone 2 or 3.It has taken me 15 years to learn her.I dont have it in me to learn another one this one was taxing enough.In the bedroom my wife is great but it is the other things that make her better than other woman for me.My home is clean my clothes are clean.She gets all the things I need to be successful.i do that for her shes a teacher so I help her be successful by lightening her load.I beleve the best marriages are two people do their best to make the other feel importanted and wanted.If a man makes a woman feel wanted she will show him how wanted she feels.My chick is the shit. All you fuckers are jealous well maybe except you brother Sutter. i love your switchblade of honesty as always.

  62. I think you are absolutely correct and love the name of this BLOG post. You may have coined a new term.

  63. “God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time.”

    Robin Williams

  64. I was in a relationship where the wife was the cheater with me. We were together for about a year and a half (but lived together for a year where I paid all the bills) and throughout that time all I heard was "So and so did this...So and so did that...i hate So and so, etc. She went through with the divorce (which her Dad had paid about $4500 for), and not even 1 month later she left me to go back to him. Now I ask, who is the dumbest one here? Dad, for paying for the divorce? So and so, for taking the cheating wife back? Or me, knowing that she was a cheater to begin with, and at some point she would probably cheat on me? Well, the answer is simple...we're all probably equilly as dumb, although I would almost have to say that So and so is the dumbest because I was not the first person that she cheated on him with, and probably won't be the last. Good luck So and so, and good riddance cheating wife!

  65. Great advice!
    And yes, you are a lucky S.O.B. with Katey!
    Enjoy the ride~

  66. Thank fucking Christ someone with a real forum finally mentioned the one thing about all of this that never made any sense to me: how about just fucking a hooker? I mean, I cannot think of enough expletives to adequately modify the level of stupidity that is a rich man banging a skank instead of a ho.

    By the way, Kurt, I want to thank you for inspiring me to work on my own blog. You're not the only one to do so, but you are the one who really lit the fire under my balls (metaphorically speaking, I swear). In fact, after getting into it with one too many Jeffrey F. Ucker defenders over on the one and only television board where I sometimes post, and after reading your so obscenely eloquent rants regarding that topic, I put electron to URL and finally put something up about it myself---something I hope you will be proud to have inspired. And it's right here on blogspot, if you have the energy to click on my name after expending all your energy making the balls-to-wall, cooler than Clive (well, not really---nothing is cooler than Clive) latest season of SOA.

    Thanks for the fun times that are reading your blog, and thanks for the inspiration.

  67. Couldn't Agree more!

  68. The best way to make sure that you avoid the chance of getting caught cheating (or catching someone cheating) can be summed up in one word: Honesty.

    If there is honesty in the relationship, cheating won’t occur.

    Being honest with yourself about what you expect in a relationship, both of yourself (what you want and need) and the other person (what they want and need) , and being honest and open with communication about how things are going in the relationship, cheating won’t happen.

    No cheating=no catching.

  69. Hmm.."I know this will embarrass her but I don't care" is exactly what JJ was thinking when he chose to publicly embarrass his wife, too.

  70. I guess Sandra Bullock just lost her skank....male skank.....

    Female Skanks? behind any creative man is a highway littered with Skank Roadkill Carcasses...they are owed....I take my hat off to Skanks...or I would if I wore one....

  71. LOL, I feel allot worse for the Woods family than for Bullock and James. Particularly his Wife, Mother and Children.

    I disagree with Outsider though, any creation of art is generally a communal process of all of the artists life experience not just the deviant events. I think the girls you actually cared about are gonna influence whatever creation you are working on allot more than the skeezer that you fucked in the bath room at that one GNR show. Statements like that are equivalent to people who believe that John Lennon's creativity came from LSD or that Snoop Dogg is only able to write after he smokes a blunt. Or Kurt Cobain would have never have made it out of SeaTac without tar.

    That's just my perception though, everyone's process is different and every ones life experience is different and that is what makes the results of artists work so unique and different from any other professions. Except 4 corporate art, that stuffs just built for fifteen year old's armed with sex wax and skate boards to tear up.

  72. Kurt,

    You are a trip, but you laid it out there plain and simple. I really think this issue has to do with power. These men do what they do because they think they don't have to answer to anyone, that is until they get caught. Jesse James isn't the first and won't be the last. I look forward to the next idiot. I'm wondering who is next.

  73. Your firestorm personality may get you in trouble at times, but I think it also has a lot to do with your success. I'm sure you will make amends.

    Thanks for the update. My count down to season 3 has already begun.

  74. As Nelson Algren once said: "Never go to bed with a woman who has more problems than you do."

    This may not be easy advice to follow, but it's worth remembering.

  75. You have a fantastic moral compass and I can't agree more!!! I wish we could clone you and have more men just like you. ;-)

  76. Honest, straighforward and trustworthy, the way a true man has to be and the basis of a sincere and fun relationship.
    Heck if you dont like your wife and her ways... quit it.
    Not that it is a perfect world and sometimes I complain a lot but at the end of the day or the beginning of a new one, i look at my kids and my wife and i am grateful for what we have created: our family.


  78. You know what's really surprising about Tiger Woods and Jesse James cheating on their wives? Nothing. Not one damn thing.

    Cheating celebrities are like roaches: for every one you see, there are 100 more hiding in the walls out of sight.

    Why are we surprised? Some people cheat, some don't. Celebrities are no different, except that they have more fame and money than most, which gives them an edge if they are on the prowl, or makes them a bigger target for people who like sleeping with celebrities.

    If anything, the rich and famous are more susceptible to infidelity. They tend to get insulated from reality by believing their own press and the endless ass-kissing from fans and from the yes-men with whom they surround themselves. At some point their oversized egos decide that they can do whatever the hell they want and not get caught.

    It can happen to athletes, politicians, actors, musicians, preachers, doctors, teachers or anyone else that people admire and consider infallible. They aren't. They are human like the rest of us, and we are foolish to think otherwise. The only surprising thing about the whole Tiger story is that we were surprised by it, that we continue to think of celebrities as role models. They aren't.

    Do I think what Tiger Woods and Jesse James did was wrong? Absolutely. Do I think they were dumb to think they wouldn't get caught? Yep. Do I feel sorry for their wives and kids, who asked for none of this? Very much so.


  79. Wouldn't want to own a dick these days! Thank God I have a pussy. And really, even though I love the discription of a "SKANK", the picture doesn't really fit the M.O. Come on, skanks come in all sizes, all facades, THAT isn't one of them, even I'd do that chick (and I don't do chicks)

  80. Thank god someone with a penis has said this. I love you.

  81. I think the reason no one is surprised by this behavior is because 90% of the population just assumes that it's happening.

    I will never forget, I got dragged 120 miles to the warped tour by this skank, and she bailed on me when she got a back stage pass to go "meet the bands", I wonder how she got home, because I left in the afternoon after Kool Keith and Penny Wise played because that's all I wanted to see, and I turned off my phone and never heard from her again, lol.......

    Boy that was a crappy first date, but I learned a lesson, always go stag on a first date and never travel further than 15 minutes with someone you do not know, very well.

  82. Well stated Kurt. Most "Grown Ups" need to start acting like the Sanctity of Marriage is still alive & well. I'm all for opening my children's eyesto the harsh reality of todays world, but this is a life-lesson you do not want your child to think is even feasible by either parent. Our actions speak Loud & Clear to Tomorrows Generation. We need to bring back Core Values from 1950. It's really sad when statistically the medium range of a Starlite Marriage is 5 years and an average Middle-class family is only 8-10 yrs. Remember: Children learn what they live. How do you want your children to look back and remember you for. Would they be Proud? Think about it....
    Been Married 21 years, still going strong!
    Krista Davis-Keith
    New Castle, In.








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