Thursday, September 08, 2011


I was grateful when my season 4 premier re-entry option of plus 20% over season three was met on Tuesday night.  Clearly I was looking for some bullshit way to get back to the 140 characters.  The truth is, I need Twitter.  Not so much Kurt, but SutterInk.  When I unplugged, it became very apparent to me that I was without a critical tool in the latest rules of social/marketing engagement.  After dropping off FaceBook, which I don't miss, not having Twitter felt like I was missing a tether to the SOA community.  Yes, it's a vehicle for my outrage and I know that's what has garnered most of the buzz, but it's also a direct pipeline to the fans and the television community.  I know 50,000 followers isn't exactly the body of Sons fans, but it's a pretty good sampling.  It made me feel like I had contact to likes, dislikes and a general feeling of connectedness.  Without it, I felt out of touch.  I also felt it was potentially an unwise thing for the show.  I'm not saying that my social media exploits had anything to do with SOA's big numbers Tuesday night, but I know my efforts to keep fans up-to-date during our long hiatus couldn't have hurt us.  

I'm also aware that jacking back in after my very public unplugging will make me look like a douchebag hypocrite and an attention whore.  I guess that's the price I pay.  And the truth is, if both of those things were completely untrue I'd probably still be unplugged.  I've learned some lessons about how to use and not use Twitter, unfortunately I will most likely forget them.  I will continue to say shit I regret.  I will continue to be misquoted out of context by the hack cunt bloggers.  And much to my wife's dismay, I will continue to use language that makes her toes curl.  

My sensibilities are twisted.  My humor is borderline psychotic.  My desire to slap the shit out of the stupid and make the world just a little bit uncomfortable is at an all time high.  It's who I am.  It may be my undoing.  But at least when I come undone, I'll be left with me.  Free speech comes with a price.  Hopefully my pockets will have enough coin to get me through seven seasons.  I will not leave you again.  Unless I'm dead or in jail... which unfortunately is a real possibility.

Love you.  


  1. I'm glad you're back. Sometimes there's stuff you just need to get out there. Embrace it.

  2. LOVE YOU TOO KURT!! Welcome back!!!

  3. you are fucking amazing. that's all that needs said. fucking amazing. so glad to have you back.

  4. I am so very glad that you are back on Twitter. I was sad when you left facebook bc i loved the constant updating of what was going on with the show. Then i caved and became a twitter member, shortly before you unplugged. I am a huge fan of the show and you! I love that we now get to see updates from you other then the WTF sutter videos (although i do enjoy them) and the blog. Please don't unplug again! :)

  5. Kurt,

    be back, be you, and whoever maight be disturbed by who you are, what you have to say, or how you want to state things, should just deal with it or get the fuck out. I find most of your tweets and messages both thoughtful and entertaining, some things I completely relate to, some not so much, but you shouldn't be judged for expressing yourself. So, considering that's what you want to do, nevermind the critics, just do what you want to do. As for me, I'll enjoy the hell out of reading your rants and raves !


  6. don't worry we got your back..I'm glad..We're glad your back! we get your humor and your wierdness haha thats what makes you unique and interesting! love you back fucker!

  7. Glad you're back on Twitter, Kurt. You were (and are again) one of the most interesting people to "follow" on that site and I am proud to be a part of the 55,000+!

  8. I love you just the way you are. I missed you so much when you went off twitter and I am so glad you are back. Much <3 always

  9. The way you write never ceases to impress me.
    You are amazing.
    Sons is my favourite show, it makes me so angry, because I get so caught up in it. I know it means nothing to you, but you indirectly changed my life.
    Never stop writing.
    Thank you.

  10. Your Tweeting had a lot to do with the success of 401. Or maybe 401 was a success because you stoped.

    My bet is the success was because you have created what may be the best show ever aired on TV. And that was because you got the actors, writers, directors and crew that all fit together so damn well and produced a truly unique show. The fact that you have held it together through 3.1 seasons may be luck or then it may not be. We will never know.

  11. And your fans are ecstatic! Question I asked on twitter under the name jinxeshouse, what is the difference of blog comments from the entry names being in black vs white? Not sure how you can answer this...maybe find me on twitter and reply there?

  12. "It may be my undoing. But at least when I come undone, I'll be left with me.".... love this

  13. Welcome back Mr Sutter, I may only get your tweets when they're contraversial enough to be reposted all over Facebook but I'm sure that will happen enough to keep me well and truly entertained.

  14. We love you too! You are NOT an attention whore.. you are AMAZING!

  15. Yay - you're back. Your unique voice has been thoroughly missed.

    The season 4 premiere was beyond awesome, jaw-dropping, kick-ass yada yada yada.

    I was freaking out when I saw Otto like that.

    I'm worried about Clay putting his hands on Gemma again, running drugs, Jax getting out "clean", etc but I'm so looking forward to seeing how it plays out.

    Thank you and your team for the vision and artistry that is SOA.

    Take care.

  16. Omg,so great to see you back. I think you tweets did bring in new viewers Tuesday night and those new watchers will be coming back next week to eagerly watch more!! This will be your nest season so far. Sons and sutterink forever

  17. I couldn't be any happier that you decided to come back to twitter. If anything I think the fans wanted to show you how much we love you and the show! By coming back, you showed us how much you care for us fans and i'm just so thankful to be able to see you stir up shit in 140 characters or less!

  18. So Glad your back! Your a genius and We have missed your crazy self!! Much Love!!

  19. The Master is Back! When you treat your fans like Sutter get results! I personally want to thank you Mr. Sutter!

  20. What you say is very true. It comes with a price and at times twitter can bring out the best and worst in all of us. 140 characters direct from our brains, uncensored. I'm glad you are back on, we are lucky to live in an age to have that direct line to you, to let you know how we feel about your creations.

  21. Ps the tenderness you portrayed in the show for uncer was just sublime. Awesome first show

  22. It's great to have you back on Twitter.

  23. Welcome back! Smart business move. Connecting with fans like you do can only help. Scew the cunts!
    Be true to yourself. Love you too!!

  24. So if look past all the long words weird explanations! What you really want to say is you missed us your loyal fans so much that you dont give a shit anymore what anyone else thinks right? Oh and you like the challenge of being able to put your point across in 140 characters or less!

  25. Spoken like a REAL motherfucker...thats why we continue to follow and love you... believe me i feel like a tool telling another grown man i love him but real talk kurt... tha shit that comes out of your mind and mouth just cracks me the hell up and brings emotions out in me i didnt know i had.. FUCK THE CRITICS FUCK MM FUCK thE WORLD..THIS IS SUTTERINK TIME AND THE UNWORTHY REST NEED TO BOW DOWN

  26. After reading this I like you. I like you a lot.

  27. Hey Kurt
    Ok your back on Twitter but your fans want you back on facebook !! I really like your page and I was happy to get a comment from you on a couple of my posts . You should also check the numbers that tuned in for the livestream . The numbers went through the roof as the chat went on . I know your not on facebook but you check out the FB event that runs until December . The event goal is to bring you back !! .

  28. Im happy that my favorite "angry douchebag" is back!! I missed your tweets!

  29. Welcome back! Twitter has not been the same without you...soooo boring. Can't wait for the rest of Season 4!!

  30. Welcome back! We missed you! I love your tweets and blogs immensely! You crack me up and make me proud, not taking bullshit! Remember the fans love you!!! I hope to GOD we go 7 seasons because I love this fucking show!

  31. I am happy that my favorite "angry douchebag" is back! I missed your tweets.


  32. What you may not know about us, THE FANS. We are ALL a little twisted. Many of us are "borderline psychotic". We recognize you as one of us. You are familiar and dear to us. You have a wider audience to say what WE would say if we could get off Twitter, Facebook, our meds or pick ourselves off the floor long enough to say it. You don't apologize to us. You just need to keep speaking. Lighten up on yourself, OK?

  33. What you may not know about us, THE FANS. We are ALL a little twisted. Many of us are "borderline psychotic". We recognize you as one of us. You are familiar and dear to us. You have a wider audience to say what WE would say if we could get off Twitter, Facebook, our meds or pick ourselves off the floor long enough to say it. You don't apologize to us. You just need to keep speaking. Lighten up on yourself, OK?

  34. What you may not know about us, THE FANS. We are ALL a little twisted. Many of us are "borderline psychotic". We recognize you as one of us. You are familiar and dear to us. You have a wider audience to say what WE would say if we could get off Twitter, Facebook, our meds or pick ourselves off the floor long enough to say it. You don't apologize to us. You just need to keep speaking. Lighten up on yourself, OK?

  35. You don't know how much your genius is appreciated and loved. I am so glad you are back, premier was awesome, loved it as 100 of thousands did. Thank you Kurt, always a fan, Robyn

  36. I can't speak for all SOA fans, but I personally love that you don't give a shit what anyone thinks and say what you mean and not the sugar coated crap that most would. Let's face it to create a show like SOA you really can't bs anyone so why try. Welcome back to Twitter; I missed you even if no one else did.

  37. We love you too Kurt. We are so glad you are back as well as the awesome show that keeps us hooked every week! Keep up the incredible work and leave those real "douchebag" media whores in your dust. Your followers love you and that is all that really matters. Now if we could only Free Big Otto we'd be a very happy bunch!

    Much love, from Grand Rapids, MI. ~Lisa

  38. Hello Mr.Sutter and thank you for this show, these characters and for making such excellent television. I often think of you and Joss Whedon in the same frame. You both went out on a limb with a very different type of show that mainstream America couldnt identify with and yet you make it so people from all backgrounds and walks of life can relate to it. Look forward to the next episode and if I may add, a little more Happy ( yeah a know a little is all you need for a scene to work) but he is such a great character. Cant wait to see the Episode 10 that DL directed. Have a great week.

  39. Love you too! So glad you are back with your refreshingly honest words. OK I gotta say, you are adorable on WTF Sutter. It's awesome. The first episode was fantastic - I really enjoy Otto. You're brilliant. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  40. So glad you Twittered back up, I missed you!! You had me terribly worried about Otto based on a summer tweet about him. You had me yelling YOU ASSHOLE!! quite loudly, to no one when the guard found Otto. Him taking out the Russian was a "Awww" moment, as I was feeling almost cutely relieved that Otto lived to commit more bad assery.

    Can you pass your wicked KS Cooties through Twitter? ;-)

  41. It is for all of those reasons that we (the fans) love you back! Keep it real. Keep it honest and in the end, we've got your back!

  42. As if this week couldn't get any better - with the SAMCROMAS gift of the Season 4 premier, complete with shocks and contrasts at the end that make SOA such a worthwhile treat for 13 weeks of the year - but you've come back to Twitter.

    There is a God in Heaven.

    Thank you for comin' back to Twitter. As one of your many attention hoes, will continue to read, enjoy, and respond to them, wehther you RT and respond to me or not. Don't worry, I won't stalk you. I'm obsessed with your writing, but don't want Katey to put a skateboard to my face!

    I'm sure the stupidity of the wanna be hacks will enrage you as in the past. They've kept their poisonous quill pens sharpened for your inevitable return. Rest assured that your 50k+ followers will continue to have your back. The SAMFAM watches their own.

    Welcome back, darlin'. You've been missed. And y'all can take this promise to the bank, we WILL hold you to your promise not to leave us again.

    Purrs and whisker kisses.

  43. Bullshit, jail is not an excuse not to be on twitter. Prisoners are eligible to earn computer time too.

    What is true is that your show has taken a life on its own. The fan immersion into the mythology never ceases to amaze me. I'm glad to read that you missed it but that you also feed from it. It's such a fun ride.

    And Kurt -in spite of your rants, imperfections and vanities, HA!- you came back for the most important reason of all: one does has to stay true to itself.

  44. I was very glad to see you back! It had been a hell of a week around here and seeing @Sutterink tweet made me smile:D I think we all have to tendancy to want to "slap the shit out of the stupid" and make others's human nature...I think. If not human nature then my nature as well. the bloggers will always take things out of context, I just laugh at how they twist your words to fit their way of thinking to grab headlines. As for me and those in my home we Loved the Season 4 Premier! Again, Glad to have to back, have already laughed more than once at your tweets.

  45. I am glad your back Twitter was getting very boring without you So Welcome back :)

  46. I absolutely support your decison to keep on Twitter. I am a person of strong opinions myself, and have gotten chewed out on my LiveJournal more than once because of my scathing comments aimed at a particular person in Sweden. I feel that it's your goddamned speck of cyber-space and people need to respect that shit. If you can't handle the honesty of my words, close out your browser and get a life.


  47. You're my fav attention whore !!!

  48. you have full right to change your mind about fcb or twitter - if you feel you dont want to, then that's fine. but if any some point you want to come back why should it be such a big thing? ppl change their decisions more often then we think and just because they not writing SOA they can? so can you :)

  49. That was illuminating, honestly. I applaud your return, as I follow you on twitter closely. SOA is such an intricate and soulful show, it really sets a bar for television, and for stories. You can't apologize for the things you think, because most people think the same things, but the larger majority is too cowardice to ever speak up. The world is full of stupidity, ignorance, and hypocrisy....that's why we need people like us to call bullshit to keep reality in check.

  50. i have to say that your a genesis . and i have been looking forward to session 4 for a long time ! and i saw it last nighT and i think this WILL be one of the best sessions yet ( first was the best) thanks kurt

  51. Glad to see you back, my stream was getting borning LOL :) Well done on the first episode!

  52. Kurt, your honesty continues to inspire me. I seriously found myself wanting to applaud and I think I may have actually yelled 'Fuck yeah!" at some point while reading this. Im a huge fan. Of the show, because it rocks my world and turns me on like no tv ever has (fyi: 41, married, Portland by way of Detroit, no bike); of your wife, because once again, she's a shining example to the rest of us smart sexy women out here (a roaring "fuck yeah" to her every week); and of you, for keepin' it real. You never disappoint. See you next week, every week, Heather J.

  53. Kurt,

    I just wanted to say that SoA has renewed the interest in TV for my wife and I - thank you! I'm not looking for you to publish this comment, just wanted to reach out to someone I admire and share the same warped sense of humor. I know you are extremely busy but would be honored if you gave my blog a glimpse or my podcast a listen to (it's warped, creative souls like yourself that inspired me to start doing these things). I look forward to see where SoA is going to go and to whatever you follow it up with in the future.

    All the best,

    Mike Whittles

  54. Good to see you back in the Twitter universe. The plot of Otto getting the razor blade sneaked in was well done, Otto has too much pride to just simply kill himself.

  55. I appreciate your ridiculously honest tongue.
    I'm tired of celebrities sugar coating their words for the media, trying to emit this "my farts smell like roses" persona. Its complete bullshit and makes me want to vomit insulin. Your social media presence inspires others to speak their mind and not be afraid of who they really are. Thanks for being yourself, I look forward to more tweets, blogs, and S4.

  56. I'll keep up with the blog, but I honestly can't stand Twitter so I haven't set up an account there...not even for you.

    Loved the season opener and I'm happy to have the show back. I missed Opie and Chibs terribly. :)

  57. I know you said you hope you have enough shit to say to get you through seven seasons. I know a lot of shows dont even make it to seven, but I hope SOA can make it much longer than 7. As for the haters and critics who give you a bad review? They must be a WHOLE NEW LEVEL of square if they can't see that this show is a fucking masterpiece. All that matters is your family, cast, crew and viewers opinion. It's like my mom used to say "If you don't have anything nice to say, then dont say it to the 5million+ viewers of a biker show cause theres a good chance that quite a few of the viewers will make your life hell when they see you" Okay so maybe thats not how the saying goes. Im not going to give you any advice on the show cause I know its going to turn out better than I could ever imagine. But I can hope that Katey gets to sing more in the show and Otto pops up more in season 4. I believe you said you cant get 1/4 million followers on twitter cause your not an actor but YES you are an actor and in my opinion a pretty damn good one. Whether you read this or not, I stated my opinions and thoughts, and if you do read it I hope you enjoyed. Thanks

  58. I know you said you hope you have enough shit to say to get you through seven seasons. I know a lot of shows dont even make it to seven, but I hope SOA can make it much longer than 7. As for the haters and critics who give you a bad review? They must be a WHOLE NEW LEVEL of square if they can't see that this show is a fucking masterpiece. All that matters is your family, cast, crew and viewers opinion. It's like my mom used to say "If you don't have anything nice to say, then dont say it to the 5million+ viewers of a biker show cause theres a good chance that quite a few of the viewers will make your life hell when they see you" Okay so maybe thats not how the saying goes. Im not going to give you any advice on the show cause I know its going to turn out better than I could ever imagine. But I can hope that Katey gets to sing more in the show and Otto pops up more in season 4. I believe you said you cant get 1/4 million followers on twitter cause your not an actor but YES you are an actor and in my opinion a pretty damn good one. Whether you read this or not, I stated my opinions and thoughts, and if you do read it I hope you enjoyed. Thanks

  59. Love your brilliant mind! Loved the season opener. Had to wait until Wed to watch it with my hubby... Genius as usual!

  60. I love you too, man.

    Your work on both The Shield and SOA will stand the test of time and people will still be watching years after the Emmy awards show itself gets cancelled due to poor viewing figures.

    Give 'em hell!

  61. It's hard to find people in the world who are so connected with what's really going on. And that's you. Not only do you write the truth when it comes to the world, you also write the truth when it comes to your show. I love SOA. Love you, love Katey, love the cast. Wishing you all the best in the world and continued health and happiness !

  62. I love your honesty and no bs attitude.

  63. SO Happy you're back!!!! Only reason I followed Twitter for was for your posts.

  64. I tried to send this comment to you on my phone but it blanked out & not sure if it went thru, so if this is a duplicate I'm sorry...
    My husband & I just wanted to say how much we love your show! We understand the criminal elimate of the show, but what appeals to us so strongly is the family aspect! Niether of us come from a close family nor have close friends. People are so self absorbed these days, at least where we live! We are close with our own children, trying to break the cycle. We love the thought of having close friends that are our family & maybe one day we'll find that! But for now your show gives us hope that there might be people out there that want to connect with others & make our own misfit family! Thanks Kurt, You Rock!

  65. Glad to have you back in the Twitterverse! Makes the day that much better with a little (humorous) bitching in the middle! Keep on keepin' on and fuck the rest!

  66. Dammit. Now I have to get a fucking twitter account. Congrats for Tuesday night!

  67. Kurt, we love and support you so much. Brittany and I were both having a fucking party the other day when we found out about the ratings and to hear of you return to the Twitterverse! You were greatly missed. As soon as you unplugged my heart sank, I was on Twitter BECAUSE of you. I said how we needed and loved you but respected your decision. So glad that you haven't been gone too long. A warm welcome back. Keep spitting them words of brutal honesty because WE FUCKING LOVE IT! Can't get enough of it!

    So happy about the positive impact on SOA this year.

    Brittany and I are SO honored to have promoted the hell out of the premier on here, Twitter, FB, Tumblr, GetGlue, and we even webcasted on Stickam to draw people! :D I, Marissa, got everyone in my section here at the conservatory I attend, to watch that night! And then some friends who LOVED it and are getting into it which makes me happy!

    We wwill continue to work our asses off for the rest of the season.

    Much love and support,
    The girls of watchSOA4sept6!/watchSOA4sept6

  68. I absolutely love it! As I said in my comment when you unplugged, feeling the connection with the show is what makes it special to me...I, for one, and damn glad you're back!

  69. It's not right to keep yourself reserved like that, it's not who you are.
    I never supported you leaving twitter, it is the only thing that I haven't supported you with and I let that be known.
    We love the outspoken you, your tweets are jaw dropping sometimes and I love it!
    I hope that you keep doing everything you did before (without getting yourself into too much trouble!)
    My main source of entertainment is back, and i'm stoked!!

  70. This is something I can accept!!

  71. Love YOU Kurt! Thanks for bloging and getting back on Twitter. I check in everyday to see if you've been writing something. And THANKS for a great start of season 4! As usual it's exciting, nervewrecking (pardon my spelling), unexpected, and totally unpredictable. You really give us, your fans, what we want! Once again, keep up the good work. Greetings once again from your biggest fan in Sweden /Tess :)

  72. Awwww Kurt *** blushes *** we love you too! Welcome back! XOXOXO

  73. Dear Sir KURT

    I Say ...Finally!

    Im Profoundly touched by Your brief intimate unveiling above in why you're Back On Twitter.

    Its on Twitter that U felt LOVED and connected , not for the work but u got to know real people, that just wanted to know the guy.

    No judgements, free speech and free from the pressure to create and write.

    You Hunger for Twitter because its the vehicle that allows your to engage, in depth with all people.

    As U expound Truth through the filter of your Life experience.

    We do the same.

    A way to be known by people in a deeper way.

    Kurt to you , "Twitter is YOUR 140 words of a Symphony and then we reply with the Chorus."

    It is a thing of Twisted Beauty.

    Each reply, is a CHORUS of mixed values and ideaologies that fill you with varied insights , that you never considered.

    Remember the wonderful film w/ Morgan Freeman? The film is called
    "Ten Items or Less".

    Morgan the A-list star, gets stranded and has a chance encounter that eventually changes them both a bit, forever.

    He needs money, a ride back to Beverly Hills and he is hungry.

    He befreinds an angry cashier who just wants One shot to better herself but doesnt have the self confidence to leave her job and go for it!

    She wants to be a receptionist , but she needs some tweeking.

    She buys Morgan Lunch , he uses the only thing on him, his Diners club Card, and buys her an interview suit.

    They eat fast food, then Morgan repays her with something MUCH MORE Valuable than Money.

    He Imparts some of HIS Larger than Life Self Confidence and tips on attaining her goals.

    He coaches her on how to greet and carry herself so she can "Book the Role" as he calls it. Meaning get the job.

    As the cashier drives him back home to his GATED Beverly Hills Home, he says ill see you around, they Hug and both are teary eyes caue they know , they wont ever see each other again.

    Two different worlds.

    But its ok, cause she has been given a Gift of Self Confidence that changes her.

    And Morgan has been given "The long forgotten taste of a world , HE once came from"

    He was able to give her a HAND UP in life, and that was THE BEST GIFT he could give her in return.

    Well Kurt, I say welcome back Brother , Your Chorus has been waiting ... to learn, to listen and to give you a piece of US

    And a place of Your own , out of the spotlight to Un wind.

    Be sane or insane. We are happy cause we get to interact w/ You.

    We remind YOU of the Kurt you were, before Hollywood.

    And u love that. Hanging with your chorus in Twitter , u know u are with friends . You are HOME.

    No judgements, no demands , just hanging and peeling back the layers .

    Best therapy in the world is to be heard and accepted.

    You Ended Your Blog above saying
    "LOVE YOU."

    Sir Sutter, we The People, Love You Too.

    Thank YOU for NOT Staying Lost.

    After all How Can Have Music without Our Conductor?

    by Davia Davis

  74. I'm with ya brother. My exposure to the masses leaves me feeling like we're fucked as a species. Apparently common sense is not genetic.

  75. I'm glad that you did decide to return to twitter. I don't personally look at it as you being an attention 'whore' as you so beautifully put it! I think it's a sad day, when someone can not be themselves on a social networking site. After all, you're a human being, who from time to time likes to express themselves, in the only way you know how. Just like the billions of people who are on twitter, facebook etc.
    To quote a line, you wrote, from SOA:
    "The only freedom man really wants is the freedom to be comfortable"

    If you're comfortable writing what you do on twitter, then people should respect that, I certainly do!
    (A UK Fan)

  76. Sutter, I totally enjoy your endless and raw uninhibited sense of humor!! (it reminds me of me!) The politically correct can kiss my ass and move on!! Keep up the awesome show you have!! I've been like a meth head coming down with the DT's for months waiting for this!!
    Rock on brother!!
    Bill on Cape Cod!!

  77. Kurt you ate too damn amazing. Fuck the assholes who twist your words. The TRUE fans know what to take seriously and what not to. We love you because you aren't afraid of putting the truth out there and you aren't afraid of making people see truths.

  78. where to start....

    first - GREAT episode 1. no additional verbiage required (look up the definiton).

    second - i personally don't see any positives from twitter beyond a fairly good marketing tool. i don't see anybody (wife, mother, and and and) who could give a shit what the fuck i am doing right now or what i am thinking that wouldn't pick up a phone to call me or look me in the eye and ask my opinion. call me old school. call me just old. but i will never tweet anything - at least not without getting paid for it.

    third - there is value in sharing information with 'the fans'. 9 months between seasons is becoming the norm with cable shows. the masses will eventually get used to it. but until then i do believe twitter, your blog, and the apps that have been created help bridge that gap. as the creator and show runner it is your responsibility to build that bridge.

    fourth - find your advantages where you can. meaning - if you need to twitter to the 'fans' and keep the momentom and excitement going (the bridge building thing) whose to say you can't throw out some personal opinions if that's your thing? the issue of you being called a douchebag hypocrite and attention whore really has no substance. of course you're an attention whore! look at what you do for a living. the hypocrite label would be a problem for me as i suspect it is for you. but - changing your mind or finding value that you did not see previously does not a hypocrite make. changing your mind or finding value where you once did not is called growth. (or selling out. i prefer to think of it as growth in this case.)

    fifth - no offense intended -curling your wife's toes is never going to be a bad thing with my twisted sensibilities.

    sixth - 'hack cunt bloggers'. replace 'bloggers' and you have provided to me my new favorite descriptor of the many humps that i deal with day in and day out, so thanks for that.

    seventh - you are who you are. i learned a long time ago to never apologize for who i am. i have learned to apologize for the shit i do and apologize for the shit i say. but i never apologize for who i am. if you ever do that than feel free to wear the douchbag hypocrite hat.

    lastly - hats off to the best crew, staff, cast, writers and anybody else associated with SONS. it is a remarkable televison program that pushes the boundries. that in itself is something that adds real value and should make all involved proud of their efforts.

  79. I'm also aware that jacking back in after my very public unplugging will make me look like a douchebag hypocrite and an attention whore.... My sensibilities are twisted. My humor is borderline psychotic. My desire to slap the shit out of the stupid and make the world just a little bit uncomfortable is at an all time high.

    Nah. Just sounds like you're from 'Jersey. ;-) East Coast, baby! *G*

    But... Now, of course, this means I have to return to Twitter as well, since I didn't have much use for it outside of SOA & KS. :-)

    Bring on the Mayhem! & Welcome Back!!!!! We hearts us some Sutter!!!!!

  80. Kurt

    Way to start a of shit going down....this is why SOA wins awards and should win more...loyal fan......zman sends

  81. I watched all three seasons to prepare for this season. You get better and better. Disappointed that there are 13 episodes. Or that's what another poster said. We want, we need more!! No less than 18. Keep us entertained! I'm going to miss Hale this season. I really liked him. The perfect "Good Guy". You are a creative genius! You didn't let us down with your season opener!!

  82. Congrats on the ratings!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed to be the one you pick for the party... I know I have a 1 in a million chance but hey... A girl can dream right?
    Best wishes to you and yours,
    Sarah Gunn

  83. Kurt,
    Twitter was kind of lacking while you were gone. A lot of fans worked hard to find recruits to rally to the cause and join the #SAMCRO viewer's family. Not just followers, lol who else on twitter has 50K people that would trash any award show at the drop of a helmet, roach, bra or thong.
    For myself, I love the show and I appreciate all you, the cast and crew have done to make (what I feel) is the greatest show on TV EVER!
    As for your sensibilities being twisted, well...
    Being twisted isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'm about as twisted as they come, lol.

    Thanks for ressurecting the little blue birdy!!

    Mark (Twisted Shadow) Mitteer

  84. I listened in on the Premiere Chat Sept 6th, Kurt. I feel your phobia. Please don't feel bad for backing off Twitter. Sometimes I get sick and tired of the Social Media but everyone is linked into it... FREEDOM OF SPEECH -hell YEAH! Who cares about critics...your NUMBERS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. L. Companion-Admin, Daughters of Anarchy-Sons of Anarchy Facebook Fan Support Page.

  85. I'm glad you're back but can respect the fact that you needed a break. Your numbers (over 7.26 mil) S4 speak for themselves. The hell with the critics. THE FANS LOVE IT!

  86. First, we love you too Kurt, we're glad you're back on Twitter. I'm barely a social media person. I just write what I feel like it when I feel like it. But I'd never call myself a blogger or a tweeter (or whatever it is they call themselves).

    Second I have a funny story for you and twitter just didn't give enough room. After the premiere, a friend had been over watching it. We walked outside to talk about it and smoke on my porch. As she was leaving, we saw a motorcycle parked right in front of my house. She yelled "Emalee, a motorcycle!!" Of course we were all hyped up about the show anyway, so we would be excited on seeing one. Jokingly, I said "Hm, I wonder if I should sit on it." I was thinking that it would make me feel more connected to the show or something. She, said "You don't sit on another man's bike!!" Obviously taken from season 1, I love that scene. I don't know why, maybe because it's awesome, but also because it's just so true. You wouldn't think to just GET IN someone else's car would you? Anyway. Thought I'd share. Congrats again!

  87. Oh, how I have missed you! Welcome back. I just started watching SOA back in July. My husband and son were already big fans and kept asking me to watch. Once I started it was an obsession. Watched 1 & two on Netflix. I thougt I was going into withdrawal from not seeing season three. couldn't believe that I have to wait till August 30. As they say "if there is a will there is a way"....I bought the season on iTunes. Then I went out on the 30th and bought the DVDs.

    Sorry to ramble but what I am trying to say is that you on twitter is what kept me (and my family) sane. Well as sane as I am able to be.


  88. I want to amply express my love of all things SAMCRO without sounding like a kiss ass, a stupid d-bag or a borderline stalker, so please take this in the spirit to which it is given.

    I LOVE SOA it is the best TV series I have ever watched and everyone involved from the top down is brilliant. SOA makes me want to fetch coffee for the writers so I can be close to the think tank, makes me want to babysit your dogs just so I can ask questions when you pick them up. I love SOA so much that I think people who don't love it are idiots. I love SOA so much I actually think the boys got out of prison 2 days ago.

    The stories, the humour, the attention to detail and the amazing cast can make one forget its not real.

    Don't worry I haven't lost touch with reality, just excited to be back in Charming.

    When the fat loner kid from Jersey shows his face please remember what you have put out into the world and the connection and joy you have given countless people.

    Thanks Mr. Sutter.


  89. Wouldn't want to hear/read what you were saying if it was watered down and censored. The world is full of creampuffs retelling what they hear and see. It takes vision and balls to say what you want, nay need, to say. Put it out there man, its what got you where you are now. Also, love your writing style and would love to see you put something in print someday. People get offended & uncomfortable when reality is put out there. That's their issue not yours.

  90. Life happens, we all do and say things we wish we could take back. But you do more harm be holding the truth inside!

  91. Michele A. RobinsonSep 8, 2011, 4:06:00 PM

    Mr. Sutter, it is good to have you back on Twitter! I have alwasy spoken before I have thought about it and there have been times some of my comments have been hurtful.

    They be hurtful but they are the truth. I don't mean to do it on purpose I just beleive in freedome of speech and speaking my mind.

    As I have aged I have calmed down somewhat and there are times I bite my tongune and other times I just let them fly. It is who I am and that is what you always have to remember. Who you are and what you beleive in.

    Welcome back!

  92. Congrats on the numbers!!
    As a huge fan I am not surprised and think the SOA following will only become even more massive!
    I spose Im going to have to learn to twitter now

  93. Honesty isn't easy for other people to deal with when it's not coming out of their own mouth. But I truly appreciate how honest you are. It's a breath of fresh air. :-)

  94. So glad ur back! It was fun following you and I'm looking forward to ur straight forward, sometimes crazy but often times hilarious posts. Keep up the good work and make sure to give everyone a slap on the back because the show is fantastic. Cant wait for the rest of season 4.

  95. "My sensibilities are twisted. My humor is borderline psychotic. My desire to slap the shit out of the stupid and make the world just a little bit uncomfortable is at an all time high."

    I guess I don't see any of that as a problem. Then again, it's also so much like my own personal creed, we could be twins. I've got no intentions of changing who I am to suit anyone... I'd bet my last dollar you don't either.

    *lifts a glass in your honor*
    Here's to you, my friend. And to all those who fought for our rights to live this way. Love you, too.

  96. Congrats on such a great show. It is nice to have that one night a week in which I can ignore the world and loose myself in the world you have created, (if only for an hour). There will always be people out there that will hate on your personality or how you express yourself, I personally find your sense of humor refreshing and love the fact that it is proof that there are more people out there like me. Love your work, keep it up...

  97. I figured out the difference in the way bloggers names appear. Haha I don't have my own blogspot. This is my first time looking at a blog ...well your blogs are my firsts. Popping those cherries

  98. Bro luv the all rants.My dad used to say this joke'em if they cant take a fuck.Touchy feeling cunts dont like the truth and cant handle disappointment which is what our society has become- Dont tell me no,dont tell me i am not as good at this as the next guy and most of all dont make me do something I dont want to do.
    Well Skippy the world is full of all three of those "negative" things.
    Bro let these bitches think what they want.I on the other hand look forward to your angst it makes for the best storytelling.The continual forks in the for the club keeps me stuck to the tube and watching in itunes(I buy the season pass)The subtle shit, like Unsers line to Clay about the large pile of shit and a huge fan,is fucking classic.If viewers caught all the subtle shit you put in the episode it would blow their minds,but most people dont get the subtlies of art,well maybe I just think most people are stupid and they just watch to see Studs and the Babes.I watch to see Ima's ass(best booty shot in the history of any screen got still of it in our clubhouse in Detroit),just kidding but the pic is up

    Tell it like it is or shut the fuck up
    Thanks again bro for u being u

  99. I am excited you are back. I will follow, as always, sometimes agreeing, sometimes shaking my head but always amazed at your willingness to share your truth. Thanks for plugging back in.

  100. Kurt was out when you twitter, we made a video asking you to return, but FOX has blocked our video because it's clear that SOA use images for publicity, but it was not for commercial purposes and not to promote ourselves, just a request for fans for the team we had a bond with you, now let's make one thanking him for his back, but without images SOA to FOX this also does not block!

  101. It's who you are that makes this show what it is. With your writing and the brilliant actors, it's simply the BEST show on tv. The S4 opener was brilliant, the music, the multiple interwoven storylines, left me wanting more.. I have a feeling it's gonna get real bad in a good way.

  102. You are awesome in your unwillingness to conform to what people think of as being socially acceptable and, one of my most dreaded things, politically correct. I love that you are willing to truly say what you are thinking and I have so much respect for you for that. Don't ever feel that you have a need to explain to your fans why you left or why you chose to come back. You're not a douche or a hypocrite. Just like you have the freedom of speech, you have the freedom to choose! Thanks so much for choosing to come back! favorite line of the night was..."Jed Clampett called and he wants his yard back." I'm still laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  103. Well, I know that the fans are all glad that you are back! Yes, you are twisted, but that's why we love reading what you have to say! Anyone worth anything already knows that you were not being serious. Everyone else can remove their heads from their asses, or move on...

  104. I don't care what any of those douche bags say. I absolutely love who you are and everything you are about. I love the crazy psycho shit. I wouldn't change a single thing. You have seriously changed my life! Keep it coming! Love you man! And your wife:)

  105. Kurt...I love you man!!! You're real, you're honest with no apologize (well almost) & you give a fresh view. It's refreshing in a world that's TOO PC!!! This world is not perfect-I love that you challenge that.

    As for Twitter: it's 140 characters, it's not a 20,000 word, well thought out speech! For people who take it personally - I say 'get a life'!

    Bring it on babe! If nothing else your rants are entertaining

    ps: pardon the spelling

    Maureen from the lovely resort land of Kelowna, BC, Canada

  106. Being from UT, during the wedding scence I thought " this sure isn't a mormon wedding!" Especially with the killings!, much less dancing!

    Loved it!!

    Tina L

  107. I can't image what it must be like to put yourself out there as a high profile, passionate person nor do I want to (I'm exactly where I want to be, watching). I've seen a few roads taken down the Twitter path & always glad to see the few people I do follow, eventually come back. I'm especially glad you made this decision as I just discovered you on Twitter.
    That bein said, we're all douchebag hypocrites and attention whores at some point in our lives. Fuck it, man. You be you, I'll be me & some anonymous dude will always be a dick.

  108. You are bad ass. SOA is by far the BEST SHOW SINCE THE WIRE! Thank you for my new addiction.


  110. Sometimes you have to die by your hand if you are going to be free... it’s the curse of the pink elephant.

    I have this theory that there are two types of people in this world.

    Those who are content to abide by rules they didn’t create, and consume the spoils of mindless days spent doing what they are told to appease those they serve.

    They never see the pink elephant in the room... and they don’t want to.

    They put on blinders, self medicate, and buy and sell stuff and people... anything to keep from seeing that which would make them feel... sad, angry, tired, or anything, especially sick of the status quo and the impulses that inspire them to do something even if it is just speaking out.

    So they remain quiet and still.

    And all that silence makes them scared, and the lack of movement causes muscles to atrophy, until they can’t effect anything.

    You see and say... like that child’s toy.... with a child’s wonder or outrage... “there’s a pink elephant”.

    You are the second and worst, best kind... the visionary and storyteller

    The blessing and curse of seeing the pink elephant is calling bullsh*t

    I’m so glad you are back where you belong... home ~JS

  111. Hello,

    I know it may be useless but I feel like I have to introduce myself a little before posting.

    I'm a 32 years old french girl. I discovered SOA quite recently (thanks to crap french TV...) and I love it so much I can't find the words to express it. I'm not a groupie kind of girl but I find things I can relate to (or wish I could relate to) in this show... It really "speaks to me".

    And even more recently I discovered your blog and it makes me smile because in many ways I feel like I'm reading myself... :) I really love the way you write/speak and you sound like someone really attaching/likeable (not sure of the word to use there...).

    I'm not on Twitter yet but I'm pretty sure I'm going to register there to "Follow" you.

  112. Hey Kurt, Came across a video called Official Sons Of Anarch Parody..It's something that could have been made in Cara Cara but it's sort of funny too...i'm sure you will appreciate!

    All the best from Scotland.

  113. I'm super glad you are back on twitter.

    We just discovered SOA through my grown kids and am hooked!! We had just finished watching all the seasons on DVD and the final episode of season 3 on FX the day before the premiere. WOW! It was worth the wait.

    Love how Jax/Charlie is with his "old lady" and his sons and the wedding was cool. Gemma/Katey is of course ALWAYS fantastic

    The show has so much depth to it you have to watch each episode more than once to catch everything.

    Thanks for coming back to the fans and keep tweeting out the behind the scenes pics.. love those.

  114. Great to have you on twitter again. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and your fans have been lost without your wonderfully unique approach to the world. Your honesty and self assertiveness to your views is what makes your return such a respected decision. Welcome Back!

  115. And that, my friend, is why we love you back.

  116. I joined the flock to keep up with you and SOA news, so I'm certainly glad to have you back tweeting! I think every season of SOA is a masterpiece and I can't wait to get deep into S4. Keep it all coming!

  117. im a new SOA fan. i have always wanted to watch the show but missed the first season and i have to watch a series form the beginning. i found SOA on netflix in july and watched the first two seasons in 3 days. i am HOOKED!!!! i love the reality of the show, the actors are amazing, and i love kurt!!! i love when ppl speak their mind. most ppl cant handle the truth, and i respect anybody with enough balls to tell the truth no matter the consequences. im anew follower on twitter. i wanted to stay connected to whats going on in the SOA world. hopefully, you'll live up to the hype kurt.

  118. So glad you're back! You did help bridge the gap during the long period between seasons, which helped keep us from becoming completely unplugged from the best show on television!

  119. Yeah, you claim to not give a shit what anyone thinks. But when the Emmys roll around again, and SOA doesn't get one, you'll bitch and moan...again. I'd bet on it. I love the show, but you're a whiny bitch.

  120. Oh Kurt!

    This is why I have been plugged in to any and everything SOA that I can get my hands on! To follow along on the journey from WTF Sutter's, Facebook posts, Tweets, Blog posts, interviews and reviews alike! The fact that you speak your mind and tell it how it really is without sugar coating all the BS that comes along with the entertainment world has me hooked like an addict is hooked on crack. With everything I read I can just imagine you getting further and further enraged. As you blog its as though we can feel your outrage! I find myself getting pissed off at those who take a simple pissed off statement and turn it around as though you were out on a witch hunt to take everyone down. You are doing what you do best expressing yourself in a creative and yes maybe somewhat B*tchy way but who doesnt! At least you have the balls to put it out there! I say to you good sir, keep up the fabulous work and I will continue to follow you on twitter, blog or wherever else you decide to lead us!

    Heather Renee Fowler
    Bakersfield, CA

  121. What more is there to say! You're back, we love you, try to make Katey happy, honestly, what more can you do?

  122. Alright, so, up until yesterday, I had resisted the Twitter thing... Then last night I signed up just so that I don't miss anything you have to say... How weird is that? As many here have already commented, your fans don't give a crap about what people say about you - we love you, we love your work, and we're interested in what you have to say. Even if it's borderline psychotic! Just scratch the surface a bit, and suddenly many people can relate. I think that's what you have been giving us, a sense of relationship and community. One of the comments here refers to SAMFAM, I love it! Fits just right for all of your fans out there. Thanks for a terrific season premiere, so glad to see the boys back. Until next time!

  123. I love your comments psychotic, vulgar and violent as they may seem. They give us and insight as to who you are.. HUMAN! I love it. Most celebrities are a mystery to us. We don't know who they really are... We love you for you and your amazing talent and thoughts.. Its what gave us this amazing show! I follow the philosophy that you can not make everyone happy.... Do you. Thats all that matters! We love you!

  124. Good. We love you too. Now quit being a bitch and get back on facebook so the fans who don't like twitter can read about what's going on in the SOA world :)

  125. Mr. Sutter,
    I found another scumbag that is posting SOA online for people to watch without proper permission..

    I agree with you that assholes like this should have their balls ripped off...
    I absolutely love the show and would like to see it continue - without fucking idiots like this guy putting it in jeopardy...
    Long Live SOA / SAMCRO
    posted the following in u can watch all episodes here and as soon as a new one finishes airing i put it on there that night or next morning go check it out

  126. too late your already a douche bag and attention whore LMAO. Just joking brother!

  127. Firstly I just want to congratulate you on creating such an amazing series, it's a long time since hearing the theme tune of a TV series was enough to send chills down my spine.
    I thought I'd let you know how much SoA means to one little UK fan and why I will continue to watch SoA as long as you continue to make it. I'm a massive fan of Motorcycles (especially Harleys) however the dream of riding one is something I will never achieve due to a complication which means I will never be able to hold a driving license. I'm a Type 1 Diabetic who has lost most of her hypo symptoms since having my daughter. In short, if I was driving I would be potentially lethal (perhaps more so than Bobby in Season 1 with his bike). My dreams are now being lived through the exploits of Jax, Tig, Bobby, Clay, Chibs and the rest of the MC.

    Also a special thankyou for Gemma, it is great to have a strong female lead like that. Your wife plays her brilliantly and she is an inspiration. The character of Gemma is someone who should be a role model for women all over the world. Not for her actions of course (there'd be no room in the worlds prisons for you blokes if we all copied her actions) but most definately for her strength of character and desire to protect her family at all costs.

    Once again, many thanks from one little fan in the UK who's week is made that little bit brighter by your show.

  128. I'm not a fan of Twitter, said that before...BUT, I do love reading your rants, your observations of stupidity in the world of which you work and live..
    I truly love and admire your work, and as I am marveling at SOA, my OCD mind is compelled to wonder, after SOA, what is next??? I disagree with your statement that you are not a actor... Obviously your a talented writer, director, blah blah blah...Your small but poignant appearances in SOA, are in my humble opinion so sharp and pivotal...After SOA 4 season one opener...I kept both ears protected all the next day...HA!

  129. I was trying to refrain from sending a desperate please pick me message, but just watched WTF Sutter and decided to cave :) so ummm... Please pick me?

  130. Kurt,

    You've outdone yourself with Season 4. I've watched every episode of SOA live and many times on DVD and this season has started out the best of all of them. Keep up the great work and I'll keep watching and recruiting other folks to watch.


  131. hi,
    great 2 have u back on twitter.
    I'm from Germany. Back in 2008 I was in NYC and saw one of the early episodes of season one on tv. Loved it instantly (as I loved The Shield earlier).
    Since it is still not on tv here - and I wanted 2 c more of that show, I bought the import version of the first season in the uk (and later the second and allready ordered the third)... and so I'm waiting from more DVDs 2 watch...
    Now I'm reading all those positive revies of the premiere of season 4 and I know I will watch the third season over one weekend when those dvds are deliverd - and then I will have 2 wait nearly a year 4 the next season...
    I will keep following and watching SOA.

  132. I'm loving the show... I have always wanted to get into it, and finally rented it on netflix. I watched seasons 1-3 over the past two weeks, and watched the S4 premier with the wifey. We're both hooked!

    It's so refreshing to see something on TV that's not overflowing with bullshit. The story is phenomenal. I hate fake people... and I find myself identifying more with the characters on SOA than people in real life that I know who have never endured hardship.

    Keep up the awesome work. You've got loyal fans who appreciate the opposite of all the other garbage on TV right now.


  133. Hi Kurt
    A quick post to say welcome back to Fb , I posted on the wall a link to the Samcro FB Chapter . You are welcome to join or just like it. As there is no pressure .
    Take care

  134. Please let Katey know that even with the use of language that makes her toes curl and the borderline psychotic humor, the best of us know that without it, you simply wouldn't be you. We accept that,and honestly, there are days I'd love to quote your last paragraph here to everyone, especially my kids...well, without the "dead or in jail" part.
    I think we all look forward to another 3 seasons... but does 7 have to be the limit?

  135. no regrets!
    just tell us like you always do...
    balls to the wall brother...balls to the wall

  136. i truly believe that we're evolving as a species thru tech tools like twitter, smart phones, spotify. they help us connect globally in a way we've never done before - or at least not to our collective memory. and people like you, with the role you're playing on a highly visible stage, need to reach out using these tools - as you do - let us see who you are, let us hear your voice - not just the one heard through the characters and stories you create, but who you are as a human being, how you handle what happens at the level of living you do, what it takes to bring us the stories you do.

    i believe it's about transparency, so that humankind can begin to see what it all takes to produce what we consume -whether it's the food that nourishes us and the impact it has on the people and land and animals - or the media and art that nourishes our minds, hearts.

    and as we get to see what it costs you, what you actually deal with, transmute, to produce a show as impactful, as meaningful as soa, those that feel you, that believe in what you do, also get the opportunity to reach out to you, to send well wishes and love and messages from where we sit in the quiet of our living rooms at 11pm when the latest episode has just closed.

    maybe 500 years ago we would have brought you food, a cloak to keep you warm, a talisman against the dark. but now we send emails and tweet replies and blog comments.

    we love you too kurt. you and your tribe. be well. keep them safe. keep yourself safe. . . and if you need something from us, we're here, reach out . . .

  137. Nice to see you flipping the bird Kurt.

    Just caught up on SoA s4 premiere. Excellent. Best since Season One.

  138. Speaking as a die-hard Katey Sagal fan, just don't tweet anything stupid that'll fuck up your wife's career.

  139. I know what really happened. After your assistant worked her backside off to get you verified, you up and quit and she threatened to put Tig on your ass! That's the real reason that you are back... LOL just kidding (sort of). Personally, I prefer the blog but the tweets are fun too. Thanks for staying connected. Of all of the show runners and movie moguls and everyone else in Hollywood, I can't think of anyone else who stays this plugged into his fans. Just speaking for me, I appreciate the access.

  140. You're so original. We need that, nowadays everybody seems, feels and thinks the same. So sad! Glad we still have you Mr. Sutter.








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