Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I've been very negligent in my blogging.  Damn you, Twitter.  Damn your instantaneous, thoughtless, mind-numbing byte consumption.  At first 140 characters seemed like nothing... now, anything more, seems like too much.  

It is officially that time of year when my job increases exponentially.  No longer am I just working with my writers, breaking story and writing -- I am breaking story and writing, while juggling pre-production, production and post-production.  Which for most showrunners is manageable, but for an arrogant, single-minded, control freak like myself, it is SO demanding.  And yet, with the exception of my family, there is nothing that brings me more joy, satisfaction and esteem.  I bitch, kvetch and whine while swimming in a pool of gratitude.  And frequently, blood.

So far, the new season feels very potent.  We're back in Charming, we're out of jail and we're making money.  With that upswing, comes all the complications that success and power bring.  Season four is all about the club.  The personalities, the history, the alliances, the conflicts -- the inside dynamics of an organized outlaw enterprise.  Ego, greed, violence and fear reign supreme.  I'm halfway through the cut of 401 and it's pretty fucking badass.

On the subject of ego, greed violence and fear... I was gonna do a whole post about the upcoming Emmys.  My thoughts, my rants, my predictions.  But I gotta tell you... I'm exhausted by my own self-righteousness.  Really.  I have so many fucking opinions that feel so weighty and so relevant to the future of mankind, that I realized I'm just a fucking delusional downer.  I know that sounds extreme and I don't regret anything I've said, but lately I've become very aware that my angry outbursts serve no purpose other than to relieve some small amount of pressure from my obsessive need to be understood.  And by understood, I mean loved, worshiped and adored.  I'm not a dick.  Okay, not all the time.  For the most part, I'm a fairly reasonable dude, but when I take a hit off of any fucking injustice pipe, man, I am fucking hooked on a feeling.  High on believing, that you're in love with me.  Ouga Chaka.  

So, I've decided for the good of the village, it's best if I drop out of all award conversation.  Past, present and future.  And all critic/review conversation as well.  You see, I cannot separate myself from my work.  I try, but it's impossible.  If you say you like me, I fucking love you.  I want to drop to my knees and gargle your genitals until they're gold-dusted milk duds (I have no idea what that means).  But if you even remotely suggest you dislike something about me, I want you, your parents, your children and your pets to die a miserable, slow, painful, sexually-humiliating death.

I guess the point of this entry, other than to say I think fans are gonna dig season four, is to say that I now understand the shortcomings of my bombastic rants.  Although outrageous and entertaining to some, they really serve no greater good.  I'll never effect change with the word "cunt".  I really enjoy saying it, but I'll never make anything better with clever vitriol.  And I really want to be a guy who makes things better.  It's too fucking easy and god-lazy to be a destroyer.  Being a father has made that very clear to me.  

Tune in for more SOA updates.  And I wish my show and all others, success in the upcoming horse race.  

Of course you can't hold me to any of this when the nominations come in.   Ouga Chaka. 


  1. I love SOA, but i honestly think FX is the wrong network for this show. i would LOVE to see SOA on HBO or showtime so you can actually show and say the thing you want your viewers to see and hear. I just think with it being on cable that has to be censored, i feel that its not living up to its potential. Cant wait for season 4!

  2. Hi Kurt,
    The idea of gold dusted milk duds is very funny and perversely appealing. SOA is the very best TV I have seen in years producing a gritty realism that is breath taking. You have given a recently disabled man a reason to look forward to the future; my wife has to put up with when is the new season out? when is the next season of DVDs due out? Keep it coming brother!
    Sean, Burnley, UK.

  3. Everything you say makes sense in that peculiar way that you know doesn't really make sense...if that makes sense.
    You have a hard time getting out of your own head. Me, too.

  4. Don't worry, we love you and everything you do!

  5. Loved what you said about 'being a father'.

    I'm the proud father of two hellraising boys (1 & 3). No matters what happens in this cunt of a world, EVERYTHING revolves around them.

    A fan

  6. I personally enjoy the Rants you go on, It's refreshing to see someone in the entertainment world who actually :calls them as he sees them" No sugar coating or Political correctness. Just speaking whats on your mind. I think your an amazing writer, one of the very few i follow and look forward to reading. Can't wait for the return of SOA. Keep up the good work. and Thank you. Your Loyal Canadian Fan.

  7. Ur witty genius is awesome i cant wait for season 4

  8. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen.
    Nobody knows my sorrow.

    It's rough being a seldom understood genius, I know, seriously, I do. It's even worse when people find your ranting amusing when you're not even trying to be funny. Many an object has soared at many a head because of it. The important thing is to always remember to vent at those who you're sure won't press charges.


    Sons of Anarchy holds the top spot in this household, however shows like Chicago Code, and lets use Justified were good fill ins when SOA is on hiatus.

    WTF are you bitching about? Stop whining!! Shawn Ryan is so friggin creative and awesome, and his shows get cancelled not because of quality, but because this last show he hit too close to home. No one could believe that Chicago had murderous alderman. Sadly, Chicago, and Shawn knew it was true.

    You have a world wide following. Facebook, Twitter, and other message boards eat, breathe SOA.

    Have you had Walton Goggins on SOA as a guest yet? He's like an award magnet. And guess what.. that piece of tin doesn't change who he is at all.

    Just keep being you. I am only teasin about "stop complaining". I know how much you enjoy life, your love, your fans, and your work. Hang in there!

  10. You f*cking rock kurt sutter. Just sayin'!!

  11. That's a good call w/ regard to the outbursts. I'm in recovery myself (22 yrs) and I recognize myself in what you're saying. I had to really let go of my infantile belief that my 'transgressive' bad-boy behavior was cute, or that it worked for me somehow. The people who like me, or like working with me, or think I'm talented, do so in spite of the shitty behavior. Some part of me doesn't believe it and wants to challenge them. Anyway, it's all self-centered bullshit. We have work to do in the world. Good luck with yours. I love the show, and I'm looking forward to seeing all of your efforts come to life again this season.

  12. There is nothing wrong with wanting your work to be appreciated, and I suspect it wouldn't be half as good as it is if you weren't so personally invested. The Emmys kinda seem like bullshit to me, but if being awarded would be gratifying for you and everyone else who is working on SOA, then I hope you win big.

    Love, worship, and adore you and the show and can't wait to see what happens next!

  13. Hey Kurt,

    SOA is probably the only show that have to watch every time it is on. It is like a drug for me. No matter what anyone else says this show is amazing. It keeps you wondering every week what will they come up with next. You guys do amazing work. You guys should get every fucking TV award known to man kind. No other tv show has shit on you. You feel like you are right there with them. So fuck everyone that talk shit about SOA. You guys do amazing work and so excited for Season 4.

    SOA cast and crew keep up the good work.

  14. There is no need to gargle my genitals after reading this. Just know that I think this is your BEST BLOG POST EVER.

    So glad to read that the boys are out of the pokey.

    Lynette R.

  15. Fuck what everyone one else thinks! You are amazing at what you do and the fact the your wife is involved and that you work so hard at what you do. And you keep your fans updated. That is amazing! Your fans love you and are so grateful.

    Thank you kurt for all that you do to keep us happy. lol

  16. Ah...Love you too!
    I've been reading your blog for about a year or so. I do love you, and your work. I am definately onboard for SOA S4. Thank you.

  17. Just keep doin what your doin. I love SOA

  18. Stay hooked on that feeling!

  19. Ah, darlin', I grok (to use an old Heinlein term)completely. There is something about creative types that we want love, adoration, worship, egoboos, all kinds of attention that makes us feel like what we do is accepted.

    When someone doesn't like what we've sweated blood to create, it's like they threatened our first born male child. Biblical meltdown.

    I don't have to tell y'all that, though. But I do want y'all to know I understand it. Sometimes I don't agree with you, but respect your opinion anyway.

    I would hope that TIIC of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences will get their proverbial heads out of their asses to give SOA, Katey, you, your writing staff, the actors, the production crew, and all associated with making your baby grow and thrive nominations. In a perfect world, it would happen.

    Our world ain't perfect. IF (and I'm bein' optimistic here) the awards give all of SOA a nomination, there'll be dancin' in the streets. If they snub you again, the ire of thousands of fans WILL be a force of nature to behold.

    One thing you can always count on, darlin', is that the fan base loves you, loves your creation, loves your work. We loved the Sheild, we found SOA and have stayed with it, keeping the ratings high in all the demograhics.

    That means more than any gold plated hunk of metal that makes an OK doorstop.

    But here's hopin' for a few noms your way. You deserve it, dammit!

  20. I just want to say this has got to be the most watched show on tv. I do agree that HBO would be better but doesnt want us watchers to quit watching jus bcuz its not on HBO. I ride a 91 sportster 883 and would love to run into Jax and all the crew. Great show and keep ridin safe!!!!


  21. Hey,

    My husband and I are new fans and totally addicted. There were days where we watched three and our episodes and totally ignored everything else! Your work is absolutely amazing; great cast and killer twists. God bless you and the SOA family.... I am just hoping to see "Otto" make it out!



  22. I just want to know if you're finally going to reveal that Clay and Gemma killed Jax's father, Thomas. You've alluded to it a couple of times the last two seasons. I'd love to see the story line play out with Jax taking over the club, taking out Clay and leaving mommy dearest in the wake. It's his club, time for him to take his rightful place at the head of the church.

  23. Just this weekend a good friend was ranting about "stupid netflix" not streaming everything he thought it should. I sent him to read your blog posts from the strike to understand the business behind streaming. Your venting is darn educational!

    Please keep it up - if you want to.

  24. @Justin Dohve... after season 1 was over i would have agreed with you about moving the show to something of an HBO or Showtime. However as the 4th season is upon us i have come to notice that all the things that dont get shown and said is really what draws me in. It alows the show to be vulgar, brutal, non-stop entertaining without having to send my kids out of the room for me to watch it. Much like FX did with "The Sheild", and "Rescue Me". What Kurt Sutter has done is proven that you dont have to say it to get your point across... I much prefer the un-spoken interactions of Ron Pearlman (Posssibly my favorite actor) and the rest of the cast. As far as the award talk goes this show surely deserves an Emmy. So in closing, Thank You Kurt Sutter for creating a show that has captured even my short lived attention for yet another year

  25. I am such a huge fan of SOA. It fulfills a place in my life that is the rebel I wish I could be. It gives skin to my fantasies (not just the sexual ones, either!) and allows me to live vicariously into that life of love-of-club as family and the true spirit of loyalty. Keep writing, you amaze me. Keep writing, I need to be a part of whatever it is that goes on in your head! Keep writing, the escape you give me keeps me sane.

    Screw the awards -- unless of course, they see things OUR WAY!

    Bring on Season 4; and blessings to you and your family...xo

  26. Sons of Anarchy has finally arrived in Australia on free tv for all to enjoy. Have seen season three and can't wait for season 4. Am trying to put as many on to it as I can so they too can know what we know. Thanks for such a great show.

  27. Hoe Jax gets back on the roof top with the book. It just meant something. His own mind time.

  28. i gotta say, sons of anarchy is an amazing show. the reason i love the sow is because when i watch an episode, as soon as i think i got it figured out with whats going to happen, the complete opposite happens. i can honestly say, i watch sons of anarchy the way i watch spartacus, and that says somethign, because both shows are fucking incredible. and i just wanna see happy kill more people. it was hilarious when someone said "what are we going to do, just go in there and cut off the guys head in front of everyone" (talking about eathan zobel of course) and happy looks, and responds while nodding his head "ok" haha, i love this show

  29. I like you. I really like you! *Sally Fields Oscar moment*

  30. Let me start by saying I love the show! I think its tv the way tv should be! And secondly I adore your witt and sense of humor!! I look forward to your FB posts, the WTF's and now this blog! Keep up the rhetoric...cant wait to see what you say next!

  31. I have been hooked on this show since the very first episode of season 1. I paid 30 bucks so I could watch season 3 from Amazon.com since it's not on Netflix. I am THAT hooked on it. I think you are a genius for the way it's written. I'm not suckin' up, just bein' real. It's a fucking amazing show and storyline.

    I agree with another post that said FX isn't the right station for this. It definitely belongs on HBO or something so you can let loose even more than you already have!

    Love the show and can't wait for season 4!

  32. The little statues are ugly and inevitably end up as an offering on e-bay by a disgruntled or disinherited relative...

    Red carpets are sooo 1920's...

    After the initial adrenaline rush, no one remembers anything but the designer of the dress... and no offense, but I just don't see you pulling that one off.

    Your work speaks for itself.

  33. Although I speak much better than I write, I didn't pay enough attention in grammar/English class, let me try and convey how I feel about SOA.

    The most appealing aspect of SOA is the ability to garner the empathy of the viewer/s while committing any and all types of crime. No small feat!

    This is because the writing on SOA allows the actors to move about as though on a chess board! They strike, counter-strike, manipulate their opponents, make money based on these moves, and all the while protect their families (i.e the king, queen, prince, knights, bishops, etc...).

    SOA has brought forth a plethora of emotions... And as long as we are still cable of feeling in this fucked up world, I'd say the escape into SOA land with all of its emotional baggage is a damned good thing!

    Thanks for the break from my reality; It has been one hell of a roller coaster ride!

  34. I LOVE YOU Kurt Sutter...aint no other man or woman out there with the mind you have(good thing).SOA is the best show ever on T.V. EVER!!!dont give up on us in the near future. i live for september now just to watch...so you to always say whats on your mind no holds bar....live free ride HARD!!

  35. I would like to thank Mr. Sutter for his writing and all the cast/crew that do such a remarkable job of bringing an otherwise, unknown world to so many of us. The bonds, respect, and honor that is exhibited within this world/culture of bikers, simply demands respect regardless of which side of the law you are on. The understanding between the club is so eerie, they do not have to speak, the nod of a head, a certain look, the body language, what can I say but, PERFECTION! There are no words to describe the magnificent talent of Charlie Hunnam and Mrs. Katy Segal. I stand in awe of all the talented or should i say gifted actors and writers. I thank you all for giving us a bad-boy fantasy world to escape to. kelly walker, RN, Petal,MS

  36. The fact that your lovely wife has never one an Emmy for her roll in SOA just proves that the Emmy voters as whole are just that a bunch of holes.

    That is by far the strongest best acted female character on TV today and is certainly in the top 10 in TV history. The writing doesn't hurt but I doubt that any actress out there would pull it off the way she does.

    SOA deserves Emmys in all the catagories but we all know how fucking PC Hollywood is so I wouldn't hold my breath.

    Keep up the work and I and the fans will keep watching.

    Gig from Arkansas

  37. I love SOA!! I fell in love with the show when Jax beat the crap out of that guy the shiskaballs. I got my husband and friends addicted to the show. Than my friends got their husbands addicted. My friend goes home and tells her husband I love the episode where they cut the guy's balls off lol. I just love the violence. I love that the club does stuff you'd love to do. I would love to be Gemma for a day. I worked retail so the idea of being able to bash in a horrible customer's face would have been awesome. Or go shoot up a car that would be so much fun. When I have a really bad day I'll watch SOA. When the first episode of season 3 came on my husband got a phone call and I had him leave the room. I waited practically a year you don't come between me and my SOA. I was yelling at the tv at the end of season 2. Season 3 was hard to watch with the suspense. I can't wait to see what season 4 brings.

    Kas from Texas

  38. I fucking love you Kurt. Reading your tweets, facebook posts and/or the blog, not to mention the wtfsutter videos on YouTube actually brighten my day. You make me laugh out loud or sometimes just smile. More often than not, you make me stop & think.

    Thank you.

    Cannot wait for September - SOA is my crack cocaine.


  39. I think it's good you're letting go of your rants, while I enjoyed your candidness about industry peeps I can see how it consumed you. At the end of the day, the haters don't change and why should you feed into their bs. You write and produce one of my favorite shows on television. I would also say it is one of the best that television has to offer. Awards are nice, because they validate and stroke our egos, but at the end of the day it's about how you connect to your audience. You and your team of writers continue to step up your writing game. I would love to see you nominated for "best drama" and get the respect you deserve, but I already know the show is a winner and so do you:)

  40. My fiance, my father, and I all absolutely love your show. I would honestly say that out of this group, I am the most obsessed with it, though my fiance would make pitiful attempts to disagree (being the man who got me into it and all).

    As much as I love the show, I honestly think I may enjoy reading your blog more (although the word cunt makes me feel the way I do when I accidentally touch the inside of my belly button).

    Anyway. I'm getting way off topic here. I basically just wanted to say that I love your work, and I honestly hope that one day the crap that I write can match up the caliber of what you've done and are continuing to do. You amaze me!

  41. I recently found myself hitting a wall of outrage at the injustice and bullshit one must wade through just to exist. Taking a big step back. Just breathe. Do it for yourself, if it helps or pleases others, all the better. Any who doesn't like it can bite me. The work your doing, the media outreach for input is brilliant. Thanks, from one of those who are pleased. buddysgirl413.

  42. I have been watching SOA since season 1. My ex got me to watch it and it was all over after that! I am hooked! I have since got my 19 year old son hooked. We DO NOT miss an episode! I love that you are not on HBO(ect...) and you don't have to use excessive language and nudity to make the show great. LeAnne, Houston, Tx

  43. I have been saying since season one, that SOA fans should all stand together, and create a for "real" fan award for the entire SOA cast & crew. That way you know that the award comes from people who respect & adore the hard work that ya'll put forth in giving us the best freaking show on the air. Betz Kimble

  44. I just wanted to say that in my home your show is number one and needs no damned award to show for it.
    We are raising four kids and I have to tell you that we own seasons 1 and 2 on DVD and my sons all love them. I recently overheard them playing "Sons" in my mind that's more than any stupid award nomination can do..I don't see my kids playing "glee"

  45. Kurt, those Academy motherfuckers don't know shit. I mean, they keep awarding Mad Men year after year and think things like Grey's Anatomy and Alec Baldwin deserve awards. Those of us who watch your show KNOW that the award process is bullshit, and whether SoA is nominated in any way, we KNOW it's the best thing on TV. We know Katey is the best actress on TV and we know that the cast is criminally overlooked, not to mention all of the other awards for directing, etc. I think it sucks that the academy is too stupid to recognize, but you're not alone, either. Southland is an outstanding show that continuously gets overlooked. The fact that Justified got nominated for anything was basically a miracle. But just know that we love you and we are loyal to you and we feel lucky to be in on this fantastic piece of your mind that is SoA. Also, I totally got my sister and her husband into your show this year, so my entire family will be watching now!

  46. I understand when people are talking about moving the show to HBO or Showtime. But you have to think about the people that don't get HBO and Showtime cause it costs extra to have those channels in the area that I live in. So for me and most people moving it would lose people and it is to good of a show to do that too. I am so ready for season 4 that I am DVRing the reruns that FX are doing now.

  47. I have literally watched from Episode 1, never DVR, it is such an addictive show, the cast is awesome and the story isnt getting old. Awards and all that is great, but the rabid fan base is what feeds the show, most of the shit stain that they call "Emmy winning" is not worth watching anyway. Youre fan base is loyal, the show is off the hook. Awards dont equal ratings, the fans do. Fuck the stiffs that dont get it. Its their loss! Keep doing what you do best, we will keep watching!!!

  48. Dude.
    Your show is cool. You are cool. It's all cool. You have this serious dramatic show so you need a sense of humor in the real world to balance it out. Your fans understand and are behind you.

    Much love to you and yours.

  49. Keep being yourself Sutter, fans of SoA 'get you'.

  50. Loved The Shield; love SOA. However, I agree with the poster who said SOA is on the wrong network. I've never met such polite bikies anywhere. Pity SOA is in the U.S. In Australia, there are no language restrictions after 9:30 at night, on any television channel, including the free-to-air networks. On cable there are no language restrictions at any time.

  51. Honestly, I don't care about awards. SOA is coming back on Sept 6th. That's most important. Ironically, it's also the first day of school. In Virginia, we have a large group of fans (teachers) at my school. We've already decided that we will watch the premier that night and discuss at school. However, we will also meet on Friday for our own "premier party". No kids, no classrooms. We are going to open some bottles and watch it again. Hate to say it...but Screw the Emmys! Most importantly, after a very long, hectic, and important week, we will settle for SOA and a few drinks in a living room. Love my teachers. Thanks again!

  52. Dude, your Emmy rants have definitely put a smile on my face...especially the exchange between yourself and Damon Lindelof! Fuck the Emmy's, the fact that SoA wasn't nominated is proof that it is a backwards ass fucktard of a voting system! You could slap an alien on a slab in front of Agent Mulder and that still wouldn't be as much proof in retrospect, as to the kind that the Emmy committee have just given with regards to something being most fucking definitely being awry with their voting system!

    Speaking personally as a female, what you have done with the character of Gemma is create this amazing, flawed, yet brilliant woman. Yes some of the things that she does to protect her club might be questionable to many...but whilst they may question WHAT she does, few women would ever question just WHY she does the things she does! And in bringing in Tara, you're adding yet another amazingly strong female character, and one I absolutely adore!

    When my boyfriend first told me about the show, I was like 'yeah, cool, let's check it out'...not really knowing, or bothering what to expect. I thought, a TV show about a motorbike club, am I really gonna like this? Well I will put my hand on my heart and say, him recommending SoA is probably one of the best things he has ever suggested to me, haha. The last time I was this hooked on a show was LOST...and before that, The X Files. So yeah, had you told me when I was crying about LOST ending that the next show I would become totally obsessed with would be about a motorbike club I would have told you to go fuck yourself! I really would have!

    So yes, thank you Kurt Sutter for showing me that there is more to love in TV than just aliens and islands, and that those strong Scully characters can also be found amoungst the grime and the grease of SAMCRO! And whilst yes, I admit that I am a hardcore lover of Jax...and Tig...damn you making leather and denim so god damn fucking sexy...I am right behind the girls 100% of the way! Gemma and Tara officially fucking rock!!!

    So fuck the Emmy's, you're too GOOD for the Emmy's! Just keep on writing top notch stories, developing your already amazing characters and providing the baddest, most kick-ass, inspirational female characters that not only TV, but entertainment as a whole, the world has ever known! <3

  53. I just wanted to thank you for SOA. My husband and I are both addicted as are many of our friends. We are patiently waiting for Season 4 and we hope the seasons never end. Amazing show, amazing cast, thank you so very much. Keep them coming:)








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