Tuesday, January 18, 2011


First, let me say that I'm still quite shocked by the win.  Of course I felt Katey was deserving of the award, but I held zero expectation that her talent would be recognized.  I think that was obvious if anyone saw the telecast, I was fucking stunned.  And I was equally as surprised and happy to see Boardwalk Empire and Buscemi get the gold as well.

It's interesting that almost every article on Katey's win also mentioned my past remarks about the Golden Globes and the Emmy's.  Reviewers wondering (and hoping) if the win would fly in the face of my heated point of view.  First of all, my beef with the Globes last season had nothing to do with the HFPA members or their process, it was simply a heated outburst about being snubbed.  I do that occasionally.  Clearly my comments didn't affect foreign press member's opinion of Katey or the show.  Who knows, maybe my vitriolic response in some small, insidious, subconscious way helped motivated them to look beyond the obvious.  Most likely they were just too busy or too smart to read my blog.

As far as the Emmy's... I'm sorry Solberg, my opinion remains the same.  It's an award driven by popularity, familiarity and buzz.  I've said this before -- most Academy members are too busy to invest the time to actually watch shows and make fair and accurate decisions about what television programs are truly superior.  Instead they vote for shows they themselves watch (popularity), shows they or their friends work on (familiarity), or shows that everyone else has said is terrific (buzz).  I still feel it's a broad and inaccurate process that inspires tired, lazy and blind decisions.  This is not to say that shows and talent that win don't deserve it, I'm just suggesting that it's a pretty much a crap shoot.  That's why the day after the award nominations are announced there is more coverage about the absurd snubs than the actual nominees.  

And no, it will never change.  Nor do I have any constructive input to help.  So yes, I'm just fucking beefing.  Sometimes I feel like my service to the industry is to say the things that others are thinking but have too much self-control and self-respect to say out loud.  I'm not sure if I'm proud of that.  Probably not.

In my mind, the Television Critics Association Award is still the most accurate judge of quality (which I clearly do not expect to be nominated for this year).  The TCA's are voted on by people whose job is to watch, analyze and review the quality of television.  My only beef with the TCA's is that I wish they had more categories.

Will SOA get any Emmy love this year?  Who knows, perhaps Katey's Globe win may generate enough buzz to land her on the ballot.  Most likely my fellow sheep will wander into the same pasture and eat the tall, familiar grass.  Then like clockwork, expunge the same old shit.  But after Sunday night, I must admit, I hold out a small remote hope that perhaps, this year, there will be fecal enlightenment.


  1. I could go on and on about how katey wasn't the only one who should got an award but well you already know that so my comment is gonna be simple...you didnt get an award Mr. Sutter but after seeing your wife at the awards and how stunning she looked (she gets better with age, i swear)i have to say award or not your a very very lucky man!!! I hope to look half as good as her when im her age. But better luck next year for the awards i will be keeping my fingers crossed!

  2. First of all Congratulations on Katey's win! We all know it was long overdue. I am so happy for her. I actually thru my arms up in the air, screamed yes and jumped off the couch! Seriously!

    I am so happy for the both of you and the show!

    Second of all: great picture of you and Katey.

    Looking forward to season 4

  3. Wow you guys look so good. I missed the awards, So happy she won. I love Son's!! I have been a huge fan of Katey since Married with Children. I am so happy for both of your success!!

  4. Helen,Melb AustraliaJan 18, 2011, 3:46:00 PM

    Kurt..do you need these awards?...probably not..but would be nice...we as fans of Sons know how good your show is...we dont need awards to tell us that...but..reward where rewards are due...The cast, crew and yourself deserve any award you get..if only to show the stuck up noobs in Hollywood that there is a place for shows like Sons...it isnt all about teenage vampires and perfect American family sitcoms...Welcome to the real world...Well..as much as you can give us in this over sensitive tighly wound stuck up world.
    Just do what you do...We love it..and really...thats all that matters..Well for the most part anyways.

  5. Happy for you and Katie, much deserved, if nothing else it got the show some free promotion. I just with the HFPA was a legit organization, not the organizational equivalent of a shady con man.

  6. What a well-deserved win. You both look fantastic. I couldn't be happier for you.

  7. Un premio perfectamente merecido. Enhorabuena a Katey, y a ti por tus siempre inteligentes reflexiones (sorry, my english is awful)

  8. Kurt, when they announced Katey's win I shouted "YES!!!" and immediately posted it on Facebook! I was thrilled for her and for the show! I have been a fan of SOA all along and I am grateful that you continue to push the issues, shock us and make us sit on the edge of our seats. When all is said and done please know that we fans love and appreciate SOA and you! I sure would LOVE to see Charlie get an award....I mean come on! It really doesn't get better than him (well maybe your beautiful lady!)

  9. Congrats to you both. I'm a late-comer to SOA, picking it up near the end of Season 2. Easily my favourite show now. Very much looking forward to Season 4.

  10. I'm soooo glad that Katey won that award! She deserved it more than anyone else, in my opinion at least. Also, I thought there should have been more awards that went out to SOA!

    You all are AWESOME! Can't wait for next season :)

  11. NEVER give up hope!! Katy and everything about SOA is awesome!! If not an Emmy this year there is always next year. Do what you do best Kurt and don't EVER change!!

    Love to all that makes SOA happen!!!

  12. "fecal enlightenment"
    dood...I'mma use that!

  13. Congrats to Katey! Yes SONS is a great show! Kurt your work is awesome! I have turned your show onto MANY of my friends and coworkers! I think the numbers in viewership should say enough! Keep up the great writing and cast!!! ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE SHOW!

  14. You have such a way with words Kurt :)
    I love reading your stuff, its very honest and makes me laugh.
    I'm sorry but i did not watch the GGs but i'm SOOO HAPPY for Katey and for you and the show. awesome. so awesome. way to have some taste GGs! SOA is my favorite show. bam.

  15. Congrats to Katey on the Golden Globe! She is such a great actress. She is so deserving of the award and so much more. Sons of Anarchy is an amazing show. It keeps you on your seat, watching, waiting. Always looking for what is coming around the corner. Kurt you do a fabulous job with this job and have a an excellent group of actors that put so much into. Congrats to all for doing such a great job and keeping us tuned in.

  16. Congrats to you and Katey! I'm so happy that she won the GG, it was definitely well deserved and she looked amazing. I loved how she said she loves that you are the boss of her, that was so nice. Great picture of the two you by the way.

    I read this in an article online, "And one journalist, Matt Mitovich, tweeted, "Backstage at #Globes, Katey Sagal is asked if win will make hubby @Sutterink kinder to awards shows. "NO!" Kurt shouts from back." I loved reading that. I think it's so stupid that they would think your point of view would be drastically changed after one award show. Granted it is wonderful your wife was finally recognized, but do they really think they got one of those "ah ha" moments on you because your show was recognized at an award show. It's such bullshit.

    I do hope though that because of Katey's win it will generate enough buzz to get the show and the other actors more notice that they all deserve. I will definitely be rooting for you as the year goes on. Best of luck to you as you start diving into season 4!

  17. Missed the awards the other night....would have jumped out of my seat for Katie....Great job!!!!! Me and the boys love the show and hang on every episode! The rest of the cast deserves praise as well!!! Keep up the great work!!! Can't wait for the new season!!!!

  18. Katey deserved this award, and many more. Her acting is beyond award winning. I love watching the continuing story line unfold.

    Thank you for a wonderful show.

    Kerri in Michigan

  19. My friends and I were talking about the awards during and after the show through facebook, as people do now, and all of us that are SOA watchers admitted to clapping in our living room when Katey won. One friend even said she was screaming with excitement. It was highly deserved as well as any other accolades the media throws your way.

    Katey is an exceptional actress and deserves this, and I hope it will shed more light on the show you created. Awards shouldn't mean as much as they do, but in todays society there has to be an "award winning" before the title for some to give a show a chance.

    Keep up the excellent work, I can't wait for season 4, and congratulations to Katey (and you)

  20. I have to say I was so happy when they called her name. She is one of the most talented actresses and always has been. Congrats Katy! Your award is so deserved.


  21. I just wanted to add my heart-felt congratulations to Katey, to you and to the entire SOA team: actors, writers,props,makeup, wardrobe, everyone involved. It's a team effort and you all make it look seamless and easy, which means you all work your tails off. You all put on what is in many opinions one of, if not the best, shows on the air. Katey's portrayal of Gemma is superb - this award is much past due and well deserved. Like all your other fans, I'm waiting anxiously for the new season. Congratulations again!

  22. I'd like to quote my favotie tv blog...
    "They shouldn't have played Katey off so soon. That was ruder than anything Ricky Gervais said."

    but nevermind... we were so happy to see her win and to see SOA get a piece of what it deserves :)

  23. Well, I am very glad to see Katie win, finally !!! Even if the rest of the awards don't see it, we, the viewers see the talent you all have and "Gemma", the only thing to say is GREAT JOB! I have been watching you many years on your shows. I loved them all, this one more than the others because you really show the diverse person you are with your wonderful TALENT!! Good luck with the rest. Waiting for 4!
    LOL, SOA !!! Michelle Finney

  24. Anonymous,

    Well, I have never seen the show, nor do I know who you or your wife are, but after being on facebook and reading this and all the comments, trust me I am definitely curious and I will being watching.

  25. I was going to throw a chair through the TV if Piper Perabo won. Congratulations to Katey for the well-deserved recognition and award. She is a fantastic actress and is so good as Gemma.

  26. Katey winning was the best part of the Golden Globes with Ricky skewering just about everyone in at second.

  27. It's about damn time the HFPA recognizes Katey's work on SOA. She deserves a nomination on the SAG awards you know? Hopefully the Emmys will nominate her or even Charlie Hunnam.

  28. I truly have never been happier to see someone win an award. I cried like a baby, and I don't even know you guys in real life! But it's just nice seeing someone who deserves that award more than anyone on TV right now actually win for once. So many congratulations to both of you on this win, it was really special!


  29. Kurt,
    As pissed as I get with award shows, I try and never give up the hope that the true talent won't be recognized. Obviously it just takes time in an industry rife with laziness. Your analogy of the voting process is disgustingly beautiful and parallels a typical day at Hollywood High School or any high school, for that matter. It's a juvenile mentality and the masses eat that shit up. I pretty much detested High School, I tried to play along but I usually ended up hanging out in the back of the bleachers and in the fields smoking, cussing and damning society. However, you can bet your ass that even as I tried to stay detached I could not help but keep one eye plugged in to who was popular, what side show I was watching, and who was close in my group of friends. The judgment element was always there and I always knew that the least qualified or the most ridiculously popular douche-bag would get all the gold stars and I would remain obscure and blend in unless I changed into something I was not. Now that I look back and even as I look forward to the future, I can say this. I never changed into anything I was not. I am glad that there are people still out there that can see the forest for the trees and can read through the bullshit to see these shows out there that are authentic and regal without being blinded by the guise of popular culture. Even though we live in a High School Society of Media Darlings, every now and then one of the Pariahs still deservingly get the gold globe!! Hope prevails again and I am glad that you stay true to the dregs out here that need you, Mr. Sutter. So, go to the award shows Mr. Sutter and smile when you get one! For when it’s all over and the media has scattered like the fucking roaches that they are, us rapscallions’ will be waiting behind the bleachers for you to join us so we can thumb our noses at the buggers and piss on them all!


  30. Katey winning was the best part of the night for me as a viewer. And the most unexpected as I thought that her performance and the show would be overlooked yet again. I was excited to see that it was not.

    And the best shows on television often never got any award love (at least not from the Emmy's). I mean in the years that The Wire was on (which has to be arguably one of the best shows that has hit the air-waves) it got what 2 Emmy nominations for directing. So the Emmy's have never been a good judge of what is quality television. It's why they keep nominating Charlie Sheen for playing himself.

    And Ricky Gervais was hysterical. Per usual he said what I was thinking.

  31. Superb to see Katey and Sons (ergo yourself) getting the deserved recognition. Best thing the Globes did all night.
    Fab picture too!
    Bring on season 4 even if us Brits have to wait FOREVER to see it

  32. Many congratulations to Katey and many thanks to all involved with SOA which is easily the best T.V. show to come out of the states in the last decade or so.

    As for the HFPA and the other industry awards, I stopped taking them seriously after they completely ignored the first season of The Wire.

    It's the peoples' choice awards that really count and I'd be shocked if SOA didn't sweep the boards. (It probably won't though; as actor Joe Flanigan once said, "We have a mediocrity to protect.")

  33. To be honest, I stopped watching all award shows years ago--for film/tv and music. The people I like are rarely on and I did not want to sit through four hours to see if my favorites win. It is all recapped the next day, and of course, along with the focus on the gowns of select actresses, like that matters. I was thrilled Katey won and she looks great. I think that you and the SOA cast will get the recognition that you all deserve.

  34. WTG Katey! Love your blogging Kurt. Thank you for being so real!

  35. Would you say that quite a few of the people present at the Golden Globes are a bunch of entitled pussies who couldn't take a good joke if it landed on their face?

    By the way, congratulations to Ms. Sagal on her Golden Globe win. I can't say enough good things about her work on the show.

  36. So pleased for Katey's win. I'm a little late to the SAMCRO party but hey I brought the grass. ;)

    It's such a pleasure watching people do what they were obviously "meant" to do in this world. From the intricate storytelling, phenom writing and BEST acting on TV, SOA should get recognition.

  37. Regarding saying things “others are thinking but have too much self-control and self-respect to say out loud”, add to that too afraid or to ignorant to think of themselves. This is the reason I read your blogs, because you speak your mind, your thoughts are deep, real and you are so damn honest. I find that very refreshing in a world full of “sheep”. I discovered you through SOA but I continue reading your blog not for the show, but because you have interesting things to say. So in my opinion, you should be proud! Be proud to speak your mind and say those things others are unwilling or unable to.

    Congratulations to Katey on the Golden Globe award and to you on writing and producing the material she was able to act out so brilliantly!

  38. Katey winning was by far the highlight of the golden globes. She has deserved this recognition for many years now, and I am so happy she could win it for one of the most loving/disturbing characters I’ve ever seen. But with this sparks some concerns with me… I love the fact that my favorite show ever is getting recognition, but what comes with this? Whose radar is SOA going to be on now? I’m fine with (and welcome) more viewers to the show, but I’m concerned with Hollywood pedophiles wanting to stick their greasy little fingers into this innocent piece of excellence. To me the show feels raw, fresh, and without a doubt ORIGINAL. The last thing I want to see is it transform into CSI Charming, Vampires of Lodi, or some other regurgitated Crapifornia Show with bright lights for the dim-witted. Let the show operate the way it has, and I can guarantee the viewers will grow, and the awards will continue.

    Congratulations, and DON’T CHANGE IT!!! - J.W.

  39. Congrads to you both! You're a beautiful couple and the award is well deserved!

  40. I did not see the GG award show as I, years ago, stopped watching Hollywood awards show - they are typically boring & too stupid for words BUT I did hear the next morning that she had won and my eyes actually welled up! I then went straight to youtube to check it out and whooped out loud when they called her name. She SO desereves this award and so much more (as do you)and I fervently hope that this brings the most awesome show on TV the recognition it so richly deserves as well as the other cast & crew 'cause they deserve a pat on the back as well!

    She looked absolutely beautiful & sexy (I hope you realize how lucky you are & tell her daily). I just hope that some day I will be as hot as she is. So excited & thrilled for her!

    Kurt - you just keep on doing what you are doing, even if the Hollywood establishment is too f**king stupid to recognize genius when it's staring them in the face, you have rabid, loyal fans who love you!

    Congratulations Katey!!!!!


  41. CONGRADULATIONS!!!! OMG I yelled when I saw her win. She deserved it! Her acting in the Sons of Anarchy is beyond discription! Kurt you looked very proud she is very lucky to have a husband such as you!

  42. Well done. Katey fills the screen as Gemma in every scene that she is in. It is very gratifying for all SOA fans that the voters nailed her as the winner. Occasionally the right ones win. I am so anti these award shows that I try NOT to watch them so in flipping back and forth I her moment. Poor me.

    - Robin

  43. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. Great news and congrats to Katey. Her dress was a rocking orange and also my fav color. I can't wait to see where her character and the rest of the cast takes us next season!

  45. Congrats to Katey! Just nice to see a nod of recognition from the biz--I guess??? Eh--I still laugh about Katey and her glasses from way back at the beginning of the season. I have...went away...from SOA since the season finale. Oh-I will be back when S4 gets going but...I just kind of got a sick feeling from all the went down there at the end. Waa-waa-whine. Is Jax flipping over to the "dark side"? And Gemma is pleased with that? Ugh. LOL. Bravo, Kurt and ALL.

  46. I am so so so happy for Katey, you, and the SOA family. It is a beautifully written series with an amazing cast.

  47. By the way, y'all looked awesome. Katey looked absolutely stunning, she was the hottest chick there.

  48. Good Job,
    Way To Go on Everything. I read these comments and everyone says how REAL you are. If you're so real, maybe you can help me. I'm a disabled veteran with severe PTSD that prevents me from holding a regular 9-5. I wrote a book, got an agent and was sent out to many publishers who, "Couldn't see where my MS fit on the shelf." About a year passes, my agent ceases contact with me and suddenly there is a TV show, not just themed after my MS, it is my MS. There were character traits stolen, such as certain "uniforms" worn, tattoos on people that were not typical, and any word of slang that came out of the main character's mouth was clearly from my own text. What do you think of people like that?? Can you help me out, like give me some brotherly advice or do I just take it some reporter somewhere. There are many copies and this will probably live longer than I will, since you cannot live on disabililty, and what was yours was stolen, so I did spread it out. But can you help a brother out?

  49. indianacat aka lowecatJan 20, 2011, 9:31:00 PM

    Congratulations to your lovely lady for the win. It was well deserved and much overdue.

    It was surprising that the category came so early in the evening. I had my iphone in one hand, as the Watchers were twitting about the show, and how upset we were that neither you nor Katey were shown on the red carpet and/or interviewed. As I twitted, 'The assholes are too afraid of Kurt!'

    It was also a lot annoying that the seating chart had all y'all way back in the back, like some kind of red - headed stepchildren with freckles (or a bunch of bikers they couldn't trust to behave civilly).

    You're right about the Emmys, while voted upon by members/peers, it is very much familiar, known, friendly voting. Considering its' model was the Oscars, which got tts' start as a publicity stunt for the movie moguls (which is why if someone from one stable won one year, and still worked out of that stable, no matter how deserving, that person couldn't win the next year and the awards rotated from studio to studio). Given that kind of start, what else can one determine about the Emmys?

    Besides, it didn't seem to matter to the Academy President that myself and a few FB friends (about 100 of us), sent cut out Grim Repeaters and letters of protest to him the day timed to arrive the day of the telecast! The whanker never even sent a 'thank you and fuck you' letter (though in my case, a SASE was sent)! (Not that I expected one, but the thought would've been nice, let one known they'd been heard),

    Yes, you WERE stunned, and tears were pouring down my face when you took Katey's face in your hands to kiss her. Gawd, what romance (and you wear a suit well, darlin'!)!

    Katey, naturally, was beautiful and poised, despite getting lost on the way to the stage. The whankers didn't have to interrupt her with their bloody music, for frack's sake!

    I'd like to think you're wrong about the TCA awards. There are a number of critics in your corner, despite the misunderstandings about Season 3 (which I still defend). Your work speaks for itself, but deep down, you want some kind of peer recognition that what you created COUNTS.

    If it were possible for all of us fans to move the mountains to make an award happen, you know we'd do it in a heartbeat. Why else are a number of us tappin' our poor little fingers to the bone to get you a Shorty? And on our Droids, Iphones, Evos, or whatnot?

    All in all, though, and then my rant is done, remember this, the greatest award you have cannot be displayed on a shelf, or a mantle. It can't be held in your hand. There's no stage to give a speech thanking everyone from (gawd, I phrased that lousily!), or interviews and publicity photos afterwards.

    The greatest award you have is that you have a strong, supportive fan base. Not brown nosers, but people who get what you're doin', and appreciate it anyway, and appreciate, honor, and respect your own illustrious self.

    In the meantime, keep that golden globe shiny, look upon it with delight, ride the wave of good feelin' from Katey's win. It's well earned and worth enjoying.

    Now I need to go placate the old man. He claims my war whoop of delight when Katey won shattered his eardrum.

  50. Yeah what a surprise that she won this award. Considering how you've cut / butchered and edited this last season to give her more storylines and screentime than any other actor on the show to make sure she wins an award. You realize you're killing your own show just to appease your wife and not get pussy whipped.

  51. Congratulations to Katey. This is a much deserved and hard earned win for her, the show and for you. Please let her know that I LOVE the bold color choice for her dress! WOW! Oh yeah, and you look pretty good too! LOL
    All of that said, I wish you would have been nominated for writing. I agree that Steve Buscimi did deserve to win for his work on BE and BE deserved the win as well but it does not seem like the playing field is level. I mean seriously, what could you produce with that kind of budget and that kind of freedom??!? It's unfair to compare BE with the lower budget, censor ham-strung shows on basic cable or network. Anyway, I'll shut up now. I know that this is your place to rant, not mine. Sorry, just felt the need to make that point. Congratulations again to Katey and to you!

  52. hello from france !
    this show is so amazing! the dream of my life! a MC to protect people!IM 32 years old lady biker, im riding on Harle and a HOG member,but driving alone too often...
    i got scars like Gemma...But for me its real.Nobody revenge me...
    your show keeps me hoping this life can be better...
    you deserves the globe...

  53. First, well deserved win. SOA is by far my favorite show. Can't wait for the season 3 on DVD to be available to I can watch it again, and I have no doubt season 4 will be kick ass.

    For all of us who don't exactly "fit the mold" I say thank you and congratulations.









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