Sunday, August 22, 2010


I can't believe we are two weeks away from the premier.  Time, in the throes of this process, becomes such an odd phenomenon.  Everything seems to be moving at a normal rhythm until about script number four.  Then it slips into this warped speed-hole, where one episode just dovetails into another and it feels like one big move.  All of a sudden, I'm staring at my white board in my home office and I see beats for 313.  Really?  I guess that's a good sign.  If we were agonizing over story, scripts and cuts, time would be passing much more slowly.

I've given a few interviews about season three and I'll be doing a few more before we air.  I'll tell you what I've told the press.  At least this way I know the story will get to you in it's intended construct, unlike those douche-bags who fucked with Mo Ryan's story to make Charlie sound disgruntled, then baited me into a reaction before I was bright enough to do the due diligence.  Those hit-whore motherfuckers should all die.  But I digress...  Season three is a bit different for us.  I felt like after two seasons of serialized character development, fans would be open to learn more about the history of the club.  This season we delve into the mythology of the Sons connection to the IRA and John Teller's relationship with Belfast.  It's a huge season for Jax.  In fact, it's all about the three generations of Tellers -- John, Jax and Abel.

Folks keep asking me about numbers -- will the premier be as big as last year, bigger, what do I expect?  To me, the growth of Sons of Anarchy between season one and season two was an extraordinary anomaly.  It was a result of the show's season one premier getting sideswiped by the RNC Palin speech and the steady increase of fans we added as season one continued.  We had like a 90% increase between the season one and season two premiers (something close to that).  Unfortunately, this season, anything less than another huge increase will most likely be labeled a failure.  Look at Mad Men -- they retained their big season three growth and even added a few percentage points this season, but the press tagged it a disappointment.  I would gladly accept that disappointment.  I will be very happy if all the fans we had last year show up again this year.  Yes, it would be awesome to grow, but in this TV landscape, retaining that huge growth between season one and two would be very satisfying. 

I really dig the season.  It's an important one for me.  There are a lot of deeply personal themes weaved throughout this mythology and this season we experience a chunk of them.  I hope the fans embrace it.  I also want to say on-the-record that everyone involved in this show brought their A-game to the court.  It was a brutal production this year.  We had two big story-lines running simultaneously -- Charming and Belfast.  A two-week second unit in Ireland.  A huge guest cast.  Actors and crew have been on overdrive since episode three.  And if I haven't said it lately, I'll repeat myself now -- I have the most talented cast working in television and the hardest-working, most dedicated fucking crew in Hollywood.  

With the bigness of this season, my producers and I have been working hard to figure out a way to make our pattern (budget) and even though we've been struggling to do so,  the studio and the network has been awesome this year.  They've really given me room and support to tell these expansive stories.  I'm still responsible for my bottom-line, but everyone has been extremely diplomatic in the way they've put my feet to the fire.  As a guy who easily rants my gripes, it's equally important that I share my gratitude.  FX, Fox 21 and Twentieth have been great creative partners this season.  And I thank them for that.

I'll try to post a couple more updates before we premier.  Again, thanks for all the support and I hope you all spread the word about SOA.  September 7th.  Aye.


  1. Thanks for the update, Kurt. Yours is the fall premiere I'm most excited about. Tim Goodman said it's amazing, and his endorsement has always been more than enough for me.

  2. Can't wait!
    Best wishes- It is gonna RAWK!

  3. I thought the show was cool from the start!! Your honesty and openness has earned the loyalty of your fans, at least this fan. Can't wait till the 7th!! Thanks for your hard work and originality

  4. Yeeha, there are two things that really excite me about the show going to air: Firstly, I have waited patiently for my fix of the gorgeous and the grotesque in the brilliantly bought to life Charming and will no longer need expensive therapies to deal with my withdrawls!! Secondly, with the season in the can I expect to hear so much more from you Kurt with all that spare time you'll have!! Lovin' everything you do!

  5. Looking forward to it, should be a great season. Continue doing what you do, I just read all your blog posts in a day, incredibly insightful and brash.

    Fuck all the award shows, if your wife doesn't get at least a nomination I'll lose all faith in Hollywood and the agenda(s) behind it.

    PS. I was stunned when I found out you and Otto were one in the same, Otto doesn't look like much a thinker. Hope you're not offended, but then again, you'll probably be somewhat satisfied with that. Hope the premier is huge.

  6. Mr. Sutter,

    Hello, don't know if you'll remember me. About a year ago I posted a comment about being upset over not getting to meet the cast members at a meet and greet at The Eagles Nest in Lathrop,Ca.

    I just wanted to let you know that I got over it just in time for Season 2 to begin. Hey I might have been butt hurt but what can I say? I love the fucken show! Plus I had read that Henry Rollins was going to be on it as well so what was a girl to do!?!? So anyway in short, love the show,can't wait for Sept. 7th. And if you ever need a pissed off little Mexican bitch on your show, I'm your girl!

    Thank you for your time,

    A no longer on the fence fan

  7. I have 90K confirmed motorcyclist following me - I'll sure pass the SOA word around.
    after being sick for three years, literally in bed for a full year, I AM thrilled to come back to life and have the opportunity to work as a background on SOA- hooked up by awesome stunts unlimited friends.

    I know what its like to slither on your belly long enough until you can pull yourself up by your boot straps and major props to you, cutting thru the bullshit to get your show to where its at.
    Much Respect
    Fellow Brass Balls the Clank Member
    Brenda Fox

  8. John and Jax
    Jax and Abel
    Clay and Jax
    Gemma and Nate(?)
    Piney and Opie
    Opie and his kids
    Wayne and Deputy Hale
    et cetera

    and didn't Tara return to Charming when her Dad was ill?


  9. BRAVO!! I will say that SOA season 3 needs to hurry up & fucking start already!! The anticipation is killing me! Lol... That's the one thing I hate about all the shows I watch is the cliff hanger endings of the seasons that some of them do. But I do understand that without that whose to say people would tune in next season? I cannot wait to see what your brilliant mind & that of the other writers have come up with! More specifically I wanna know what lies ahead for the club & Gemma, seems like she's been getting the short end of the stick first w/the attack & then Stahl framing her. Also what becomes of Jax, Tara & Abel. And lastly that Agent Stahl gets what's coming to her, SOA club style! =)

    Always a fan
    Sam, AZ

  10. Hey Kurt, we're spreading the word "SOA" since S01E01 - we are just as deeply SOA enthusiast as the Reaper crew is a motorcycle enthusiast... :) Sons for life.

  11. Tick-Tock-Tick Tock!
    Thanks again for the behind the scene perspective- on the outside looking in, time is CRAWLING to Sept 7th!
    I wish you, the cast & crew, your family, friends, and associates a rewarding Season 3!
    I'll be there watching and recruiting more viewers to the show.
    Ride Forever-Work Whenever

  12. I'm pretty confident this seasons premier will be bigger than last year, Kurt. I've already turned a couple new friends on to SOA, so if some of the other older fans have done something similar, you should double what you got last September.

  13. Man, you just gave a spark to my day.
    I often check for updates here, and in all this crazyness i've been going through lately made me forgot totally about the premiere, i'm one of those who can't wait for it.
    Your work is really awesome, and you still and try to keep us posted no matter what.
    That you just cant find anywhere. thanks for going that extra mile for all of us

  14. I am so excited about season 3. I've got season 2 dvd's pre-ordered so I can have a marathon session to get in gear. Last year's finale had me on the edge of my seat, the closing scene was heart wrenching. Can't wait to see SoA kick some azz to get Abel back. No doubt Gemma will be there heading up the charge!

    Thank you Kurt and FX for giving us one of the best shows on tv ever!

  15. I was heart broken when Season 2 ended, and tried forgetting about the long wait ahead of me.

    It's here? It's actually here? ALREADY?


  16. Keep up the awesome work Kurt! I love the show, and I have managed to get quite a few of my friends to watch it too. So u can count on me as a long time sons fan!!! :-)

  17. i'm soooooo excited for season 3! yall left this po country girl in the dust with the season 2 finale. i am a HUGE fan of the show, and i love everyone that's apart of it. but i can honestly say that charlie and katie are my favorites. you're a lucky man to have such a talented woman! keep up the great work, and i hope and pray that there are many more seasons to come!

  18. Thanks a lot for your work on S.O.A. It´s really inspiring and I´m excited to know more about the Tellers in this third season and hear it´s wonderful musical selection, but please... we need to watch it soon in Spain!.
    I hope we´ll know more too about one of biggest Charming´s secret: Alexander Trager. I love that one.

    The countdown begins. Long life to the Sons.

  19. The promos look incredibly badass, and I'm excited as shit about the premiere.

    Appreciate the update, bro.

  20. Excited!!!! The best show on TV!

  21. When Jax collapsed on that dock and let loose with a primal scream full of rage and terror and pain, I thought season 3 would never get here. Fuck me, we're only two weeks out!

    Cannot. Fucking. Wait.

  22. Mr. Sutter,

    I am thanking you in advance for Season 3. I know it will be incredible. Thanks for busting your ass for us!

  23. Just can't wait. Your show grabbed me from Season 1 and I haven't missed an episode since! You do have a great cast and every character is just so dynamic in there own way!

    All the best for the biggest Season yet... I'm positive it will be! Your brilliance and theirs just shines through!


  24. I started to watch SoA just this summer. And I finished two season in a very very short time.

    All I can say, It's my very best tv show after Dexter. Dexter is really something for me but SoA is another thing. And of course I cant believe there is only 2 weeks for 3rd season.
    I am sure that this is gonna legend. Just dont make this like Lost, Smallville or something else. I want to see 5-6 more seasons but we know what will happen if that much long. Finish when you decide it became legend. Not when ratings start falling down.
    I hope you understand what I mean. My English is not so good. :)

    Final words, Keep up the good works. I love you all SoA cast.

  25. Let's get this thing on! I'm excited and I know the season won't be disappointing anyone, not even for a moment. Rock on Kurt.

  26. I just have to say, I love this show. I usually don't give two shits about anything on television because most of it is crap. I've turned so many people on to this show and they are now just as addicted as I am. I do think SoA has been robbed as far as awards go. I posted this somewhere else, but I feel I need to post it again.

    If anyone deserves an emmy, it's Katey Segal. "Balm" was THE best episode of the second season and she should have gotten an emmy on that episode alone. They entire cast should have. Katey, Charlie and Ron played it with such raw emotion that it moved me to tears and I felt like I was there, listening to her tell the story and I felt as angry as Jax did when he slammed his hand on the table. I'm not sure why Sons is always overlooked during awards seasons but it's not fair. Hopefully people will wise up and realize this is THE best damn show on television and Kurt Sutter is a freakin' genius. He is the best writer out there and what I love about the show, is that you don't have to wait forever to find out what the hell happens. It doesn't drag out and THAT is what keeps viewers.

    Kurt, you have restored my faith in television and I sincerely hope that are many, many more seasons of Sons. Keep up the good work.

    Forever a fan,

  27. "I will be very happy if all the fans we had last year show up again this year."

    Be happy, Kurt. Be VERY happy! I, as I am certain the other rabid SOA fans, are literally counting the days to the premier!

  28. If Abel gets physically hurt in Season 3, I'm gonna cut a bitch.

  29. Carolyn PostelwaitAug 23, 2010, 2:00:00 PM

    I would just like to say that SOA is the only show on t.v. now days as far as I am concerned. Kurt Sutter is absolutely brillant!! The cast & crew ROCK!! Can't wait for September 7th! This show is the ONLY reason I am reactivating my Directv Service!! Lol... Best Wishes Always to all Members of the SOA team!! Love Y'all!! Carolyn P.

  30. Kurt--saw an SOA billboard at the corner of Lankershim Blvd. and Moorpark Street in No. Hollywood yesterday. The seconds are dragging by waiting for your incredible show. I've rewatched every episode countless times--I feel like I personally know every character. Katey should have been nominated for Best Actress--she would have won easily. The whole cast is phenomenal. Kudos to everyone involved.

  31. Thanks for the current update! FX is running more promo's for season 3 and showing longer promo's. Can not wait! Made friends with a fan in Canada who can not see season 3 until next year so I told her i would video tape each episode Tuesday night and mail it to her on Wednesday so she can keep up with gang of fans on Facebook. Love the show! Thanks again for the great show.

  32. I have my first class in graduate school the night of the premier, I seriously considered changing my schedule but it turns out I will be home just in time to watch. This is the best show on television! Keep up the good work!!!

  33. charleyhawk
    I'm 72 years old and there are only three shows i try to watch every week.
    the pickers, pawn shop and of course SOA. one of the best shows on tv since BRONSON. anyone who has ever watched that knows what i mean.
    I'll watch on the 7th, load willing and hope you continue on for many more seasons.
    best of luck on the new season.

  34. I didn't start watching SOA until last month and now I'm obsessed. Better late then never, right? And I'm spreading the word for sure!!! I tell everyone I know about it and encourage them to watch.
    I am so looking forward to the premiere!

  35. Looking forward to another kick ass season!
    Thanks Kurt for keeping us fans involved in all your thoughts and processes..makes things more exciting, at least for me :)

  36. I'm thinking we'll leave that to Mrs. Sagal, but I'm pretty fucking excited myself.

    "I have the most talented cast working in television"
    The mans preaching to the choir.

    When'd that billboard go up? That's a must see.


  37. I've been waiting all year, I can barely contain myself. Thank God for DVDs and recent reruns. Literally I've seen every episode a minimum of a dozen times. They never get old, your writing is so amazing. That's an understatement. You are a God. I'm probably one of your biggest fans. Much respect to your craft. When I tell ppl about SOA, they think I'm nuts. I rave about the show constantly, know I drive some crazy but honestly I feel those who don't watch it are the crazy ones! They're the ones out of the loop, who have no idea what a good show is, let alone an epic one! Thanks!!

  38. Indianacat aka Lowecat on twitterAug 24, 2010, 6:21:00 AM

    Have been lookin' forward to S3 for months. Two weeks is gonna feel like 2 years!

    Numbers don't mean a thing, except to the bean counters. Whether S3 gains over the previous seasons or not, YOU know you have a hit on your hands, the fan base proves it.

    It's not just new viewers brought in from the 18-24 demographic, it's the viewers of all ages (including my 'old' demographic) that keep something like SOA going.

    It's not just the actors and the bikes, but the storytelling that keeps me tunin' in (well, that and the illustrious Mr. Coates, but that's my own guilty sin of admission!).

    As far as the media whores out there, unfortunately, they're gonna be there. Most of the wanna-be hacks are writing only for those who read the articles while takin' a dump, or while drinkin' their lattes. The hacks themselves usually have a pre-planned idea of what they want out of an interview, and if they don't get it directly, they'll make the facts fit their aims. It happens.

    It almost makes a body want to have a pocket tape recorder on them for any and all interviews, just in case they're misquoted. Almost.

    Anyway, thanks for always thinking of us, keeping us in the know. I'm lookin' forward to the backstory. As busy as you are, the fact that you take the time to reply to tweets (including mine on occasion!) or our comments on FB and to read these comments to your blog shows you appreciate us.

    There's so many of us, and only one of you, so when you take the time to respond to a comment, it gives this particular fan a thrill and a chill ('I'm not worthy!' as Wayne and Garth said to Alice Cooper). Thank you.

  39. Those hit-whore motherfuckers should all die. But I digress...

    LMAO Kurt, this is why we love you


  40. I've chatted with Ornstien about the family values and the brotherhood. It is a biker show, but it's sooooooo much more.

    Let her rip. If the ride gets to rough I'll take the grab handles out of my car and bolt them to the arms on my recliner.

    L&R --- Okie John

  41. Holy crap, this has been a long, hot, dry spell since we left Jax on the dock and the 7th can't come soon enough. Shutting off the phone, ignoring the doorbell and walking the dog an hour before show time should secure me one uninterrupted hour with SOA.

    As for SOA not being nominated for an Emmy, Hollywood awards are a total joke to everyone but Hollywood. You're in the company of "The Wire" and "Treme". Looks like pretty good company to me.

    Seriously Kurt, thank you for such a great show.

  42. i cant wait for the new season. i love this show. i hope this season jax get his son back. i hope the irish man doesnt get away with what he did and that damn FBI agent i hope Samcro f**ks her up and makes her pay for what she did. cant wait for it.... i post on your facebook page you should do a movie about the original 9. ive said that to a few people and they all agree. i'd go see it.

  43. I only have eyes for SOA! So dam excited. I tell everyone about this show and how great it is. Don't stop till you get enough Kurt. We love you and We love the cast and crew!

  44. Not sure if you have any UK chaps posting on this but here's my bit.
    I just finished the Season 2 box set last night I can't wait to see season 3 in my usual way I'll wait till it's available to buy so I can do back to back sessions.
    It's awesome congratulations I hope it continues for years to come as I'm dreading the day I find my self watching the last episode!!!!

  45. Oh and WHY Half Sack!!!! I wanted him to patch in.

  46. Have never seen an episode of SOA but was turned on to your blog/twitter in December and have been an avid reader since. If your show has 1/100th the honesty and balls your writing does, my expectations will be psyched! And I've known Bill (Piney) Lucking for 30+ years and fully expect and hope to see him crack and fry someones juevos.... For any number of reasons. Good luck... From a new fan!!!

  47. Kurt,

    I have been reading your blog and I am a huge SOA fan. I just wanted to say this...I lost my husband over a year ago. We enjoyed the life of being with biker friends and family. Your show helps me reconnect with the times when we were truley happy and were surrounded by friends that were are family. So when you are feeling like the world does not appreciate you and your talent please remember that you make a difference in peoples lives as well.

  48. Just saw the premier of season 3. Episode 301 is a slow burn to a stick of dynamite. Wow nicely done! Fantastic story telling and great party afterwardto boot. Thanks to FX and Fox Home Entertainment for the spread. Boa kicked ass. VIP area was a more than a little LA-ish which was sad but what are ya gonna do?
    Can't wait for the rest of the season.

  49. Fuck me were a week out!!!!!!!

  50. My husband is a TV whore- watches EVERYTHING. I prefer to be more selective-- a show has to work pretty goddamn hard for me to get invested in it. I was in the room while my husband started watching SOA, usually reading a book or catching up on the computer. But before long, it became more than just background noise and I got interested. Very interested. So much that I was horrified to discover that my husband didn't know the season 3 premiere is this Tuesday! I don't know if I've ever been as affected by an episode of anything on TV as much as the last episode last season. I can't wait to get caught back up in the world you've created. Thank you so much for making TV worth watching.








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