Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So I've temporarily removed this blog.  Why, is a blog in itself.  Which I guess will temporarily replace the blog I've removed.  I'll keep the title just because... it's awesome.

I will say that NO ONE asked me to take it down.  I received no threats from either Fox, Mr. Zito or anyone else.

The reason is this.  I've gone to great lengths to establish and maintain relationship in the Motorcycle Club community.  I'm in weekly, if not daily contact with significant members of major clubs.  I keep the lines of communication open for several reasons:

Authenticity: I use members of clubs as technical advisers.  Even though we thoroughly fictionalize the life, it's important for me to root those stories in as much detailed truth as possible.

Fear of Exploitation: I never want a club to think we are some how exploiting the life beyond reason.  In other words, I feel the show needs to give back as much as it takes from the subculture.

Respect: I take a lot of pride (probably too much) in my work.  I want it embraced by the people I'm basing it on.

Mr. Zito still has many friends within the MC community.  What I'm sensing is that my blog is causing some tension between the people supporting me and friends of Chuck.  I don't know this for a fact and again no one has demanded I take it down.  It's just a vibe. A vibe I'm not comfortable with. 

I never wanted the blog to blow back on the MC.  So out of respect for that relationship, I'm taking it down.  At some point I'll load into the archives, but for now, my douche-bag and my big mouth are going back in the medicine cabinet... with my collection of anti-anxiety meds.


  1. SOA has a foundation in Shakespeare's Hamlet. It's safe to assume that Zito probaboy has never even read Hamlet, but I wish him well on his endeavor to try to sue Shakespeare for stealing his idea as well.

  2. Well said Kurt, Well said.

    F*ck 'Em!

  3. I had the idea, too. But I'm not in the business and you have experience, connections, etc. And your characters are unique, your storyline is obviously original and you have turned it into a good show. I'll turn my idea into something else and maybe I can experience a small measure of success on my own. This guy being a pain in the ass is part of the price you pay for your success and all you can do is let the lawyers and network handle it.

    I enjoy watching your show. Some of the things are not the way it would happen in real life, especially real biker life, but Hey, it's Hollywood.


  4. Kurt,

    I'm sorry that you and the Network have to deal with this kind of bullshit. I read it earlier this morning, and laughed it off immediately. I suspect that just about everyone else out there did exactly the same thing. I know who Chuck Zito is. I read his book years ago, and finished it with an unimpressed 'eh'. Nothing special. Sincerely, I can't imagine ever being unimpressed with anything that you write. You're the real deal. Chuck Zito? Well, consider the source.

  5. well said Kurt.yr concept is brilliant, someone was always going to try and take credit for it.SOA rocks

    Monique from Australia

  6. He should go pitch some ideas for a cop, doctor, or lawyer show as well. The odds of having one person pitch some grand idea for a show that hasn't been pitched by someone elese is slim. But he had a pitch, a idea, you are on the third fucking season. If he was worth a crap maybe he could have come up with another idea to pitch by now instead of whining like a bitch.

  7. As cliche as what I am about to say is, it keeps proving itself true every time something like this happens.

    You know you have hit the jack pot when these losers start coming out from left field making these outlandish claims...when as the kids say these days, people start "hating on you".

    It is unfortunate that certain media outlets give life to this type of bullshit, knowing damn well there is not a grain of truth to be found, but the reality is - this happens to those people, the real masters of their craft, who have created a singular work of art, and those with nothing but time on their hands and a sick need for attention try to get whatever piece of the pie that they can.

    ..and that is what SOA is...a singular masterpiece.

    I'm just a loyal fan, but know that WE know the real deal, and in us you have support...and if his bullshit can go viral, so can this...because I'm sure there will be a lot of people reading this blog and wanting to spread the word.

    Though I'm sure you won't need it, good luck with this..and I hope the madness is over soon.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I forwarded your rebuttal to TMZ.

    Let's see if we can make Chock Zitto look like the whiner that he is.

  10. Kurt - you are definitely THE MAN and i do not believe that this creation of yours was ever anyone elses idea. I admire you and your writing and the show obviously. Zitto is jealous because he was rejected - obviously his stuff was no where near as good as SOA, he will get his notoriety by his allegations but we - the Fans of SOA know the truth and admire your honesty and openness regarding this situation. Keep up the good , no GREAT work and look forward to more SOA for many years to come hopefully. xxxxxx

  11. I had an idea about a superhuman cheerleader but I'm not mentally deficient enough to sue Heroes creators. Also the minute someone uses TMZ to promote their lawsuit it should be thrown out. How could a court take them seriously?

  12. Genius post Mr. Sutter. An obvious ploy to generate buzz about his "claim" by making it during Emmy time. A rather dickish move. If I may coin a phrase.

  13. SOA is finally--FINALLY--get kudos from a few awards shows. I hope this latest, ah, drama will not be an issue when it comes time for the show and actors to get noms for their work.

    It's always something.....

  14. Hahhaa! Everybody just wants to hop on other people's hard work and ride the gravy train. It's totally bogus!!

  15. ....and now 3 seasons later, with Emmy buzz in the air he decides to stir the waters.

  16. Kurt,
    Screw the whiny little bitch. The world is full of assholes that seem to think that because they breathe, someone owes them something to make the ride through it a little easier for them, because they're so fucking "unique" and "special".
    What most folks don't get is the tremendous balls and personal strength it takes to actually put what's inside of you and put it out there; put blood, sweat and tears into a unique creative vision, be responsible for it, and be willing to stand or fall with it. That's what you've done with SOA, and what the other whiny bitches can't lay any sort of claim to. What they're trying to do is the equivalent of stealing Jax's baby. Like I said, screw 'em.

  17. Just wait till Will Shakespeare's lawyer finds out. It is funny that so many say they had the idea, gee so you rode a bike and duh, thought to make a movie/show about it, well so did Roger Corman, more than once in fact.

  18. The fact that you care that much when anal stoppage tries to diminish your hard work means a great deal to people like me.

    On a better, more relevant (than the ridiculous likes of Mr. Zits) note, Maureen Ryan said "Sons of Anarchy' (FX), for some reason, is not on awards radars, and it should be. It is a jaw-droppingly excellent show, and has kept me on the edge of my seat while it fires on all cylinders."

    Now THAT'S good reporting!

  19. Well, the fact that the guy was HA proves the point that he didnt create the show. SOA is so far off from how HA acts and functions in real life. From what ive seen of the show it was written from research, information about clubs you can find on the internet thats been made up from what people think they know about clubs. Dont worry about a damn thing.

  20. Well said Kurt! Just know that SOA's real fans do not buy into what people like Zito is selling. We love your show and have your back. I can't wait for season 3!!!!

  21. You are my hero, Kurt!

    Looking forward to September.

  22. Hey Kurt,
    Don't let these idiots get to you bro...when you are successful untalented mutherfuckers will try to steal your's just a fact of life. Bottom feeder tabloids will gladly print whatever they say to sell their crappy show/magazine because they know that morons will buy them. Anyone with intelligence who reads your writings, your blogs, or just hears you speak can tell that you are the one behind SOA. Keep writing the best fucking show ever, and fuck the ain't worth your time.

  23. Chick Zita is a washed up, wannabe, strip club poseur, post Howard Stern, fifteen minutes of fame is over, bad actor. And by training & qualification, actor doesn't even apply (he sucked in OZ anyway)but I can't think of another word to use in its place. I guess now that Dennis Hopper is dead, he'll be taking credit for Easy Rider too! I'm glad you didn't bite your tongue and let this douchebag hall of shamer know how it really went down!

  24. Kurt I posted the links in your FB groups yesterday and laughed at the thought of Zito writing this.

    I never heard of a HA talking good about him and I see why. Maybe he should be worried about what he is saying etc.

    I still can't figure out how he just walked away and they let him and how he is still using HA as name drops etc. After awhile maybe that would concern me.

    The west coast HA is not the same as the east coast and the Bay chapters are just plain nuts lol...

  25. Kurt, This blog was my idea. I had a blogger blog in 2003, asshole! You were still on The Shield then. You stole 9,500 potential Twitter followers from me, and I want them.

  26. maybe if Zero~~umm sorry Zito had bothered to actually pitch a GOOD idea and do some research he could have had something close to SOA. But obviously he wasn't good enough and has a serious case of sour grapes. I think it is pathetic when people try to ride on the coat tails of others who have more talent or creativity. Love me some SOA baby !!!! I am a huge fan of Katey S and Ron P. Thanks for taking all of us along for the ride Mr. Sutter

  27. someone needs to kick that guys ass. what an idiot! always someone out there trying to get a piece of someone else's pie...

  28. "Don't you just love that SOA kicks fucking ass?"
    Might as well just write this on the blog, and be done with it.

    Oh, and if your wife, sir, won't WIN(and not just be nominated for) the damn thing, especially after the fuckin brilliant acting on this season, then something's definitely wrong with this business.

    I'm not just sucking up. If she doesn't read the blog, just tell her that. She already knows she's brilliant, but still, tell her. I'm serious.

    And i'm not even gonna talk about an emmy for best drama. I already got my brain hemorrhage last year. Anyway.

    All the best.

  29. ChanningBloomfieldJun 16, 2010, 11:27:00 AM

    Hahaha I had a Vampire Movie Idea. Hmmmmm... Why I outta....LOL

    This guy sucks ass and so does his lawsuit. He's got nothing. NOTHING. Fuck him.

  30. 3 seasons later he wants to proove KS stole his idea? **make me laugh**

    Dont be worried about this bullshit ... SOA is a great serie, and you deserves the honor for the SOA's sucess. Im sure that no one believes you ''stole'' anything from this idiot.
    Sucess and all the best for you and your family :)

  31. OK is this less hateful for ya?

    LOL I think the wood chuck should call his show Nomen Momen or Homen . I bet thats a subject this punk ZitHo knows all about. Give it up woody go back to the pecker where you can get a head.

  32. Well said
    I love the show and don't miss a one. Then I go and buy the DVD set.
    Waiting on season 2 to come out.
    Don't worry about a dam thing.


  33. Kurt,

    I'm an aspiring writer and am always seeking quality writing to learn from. SOA is fantastic!! I love your work, you are fantastic. Don't let this guy get you down. Just concentrate on living 'your' life and enjoying every present moment. FX, your agent and all involved on your side know the truth, and that's what matters.
    Looking forward to season 3 and anything else you have to offer us adoring fans!!

  34. I've only seen your show a couple of times. It's great, but not nearly as good as this post. Television shows are entertainment (arguably some teach lessons, but humor me). This post conveys a timeless moral ideal. Chuck Zito may have had a similar pitch to yours, but that in no way entitles him to profit from anybody's hard work. To make an intricate, well imagined show such as SOA takes an incredible amount of work from many, many people. The hours that you have put into crafting a believable world makes this lawsuit over a nebulous "renegade motorcycle club" idea laughable. Why he thinks he deserves any of the profit is beyond me. Nobody watches your show because it's about a motorcycle club. They watch because of all the other work that goes into it, the painstakingly crafted storylines that are shot in such a way as to convince the viewer that it's a reality, an entertaining immersive reality. I doubt you'll ever get a mouth breather like Zito to understand that concept.

  35. GREAT TV SHOW IDEA! - Elite team of retired US mercenaries join the postal service and start cleaning up the streets. Sexual tension ensues. Genius.

    If anyone steals this I'll kill them.

  36. I think you stole my idea for the shield based on my comments made during an episode of the Commish( ok i never said it i just thought it to myself) . Chuck Z is the Steven Segal of radio and I doubt he was ever taken seriously by anyone that didn't want to say they hung with a HA. I like Art Linson and even if this was a gift to his son (it was ) the fucking show is better than anything on . I loved the shield but that's a sore spot since you stole it from my thoughts I can't think of a better defense for baseless claims then OVERWHELMING talent . Thanks for your work and stop stealing from the voices in my head

  37. You know what, when I read about this I totally had the idea that you should write a fucking awesome column about what a bitch this guy is so... I think you owe me Sutter.

    Ziggy F.

  38. keeping it live from the 505Jun 16, 2010, 9:50:00 PM

    Hey Kurt! We love SOA here in New Mexico!! Can't wait for the 3rd season.

    Chuck Zito...what a fuck face..Much love and respect for you and your wife. SOA has to be some of the best sever created. Zito better stay the hell out of New Mexico. Hells Angels get raped here....

  39. Sad. There is always someone looking to ride the coat tails and success of others. Keep up the great work on SOA! Looking forward to the release of Season 2 on DVD/Blu Ray and Season 3 this fall!

  40. Great post.

    Tell your lawyers to check with HBO--they greenlit and then canceled a biker mini-series in the 90's; a friend of mine took a big career hit from the mess. Should help you with the scenes a faire issues.

    What's amazing about this is that the outlaw biker has been a cliche since "The Wild One", joining the detective, the lawyer, the mobster and the doctor as a figure with which lame and lazy writers seek salvation. Doing something interesting is the challenge, and combining the cliche with the echo of Hamlet (but without the revenger of fraticide) was the stroke of genius that I suspect got season 1 of SOA made.

  41. I wondered how long it would be before something like this happened.

    This is why I love you Kurt, your blogs and SOA. You don't take shit, you speak your mind ( to hell with the consequences)

    Keep living the dream. We love ya!

  42. This just in: According to his pal Perez Hilton, Chunk Zito is also filing a lawsuit against Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli over gimmick infringement and emotional distress for allegedly stealing what Zito calls his "intalectyoull propertie".

  43. I'm disappointed. I love "Oz", and I liked Chuck as Pancamo.

    Regardless, his actions are totally inexcusable. How utterly violating to be accused of stealing ideas. Being a writer is always about collaboration, but writers - good writers - are also so goddamn protective of what they create. Give Sutter some due, Chuck. He's not an idiot. Far from it.

  44. Sabrina George Good Luck in "HIM "copying your incredible talent in writing Kurt,casting also just pure genius
    ( still miss my SAM Elliott ),but just cause your an "H A" doesn't give you exclusive rights and/or the ability to come anywhere close to the outstanding series you have created.YOU have captured people from all over the world.FUCK em and feed em fish heads! PS ,and he ain't doin Katy ,so how does her figure in that one,she is the heart of the show!l

  45. There's always one fucker that tries to claim credit for somebody elses hard work. I love reading your blogs and adore SOA, don't let the worm get to you dude. There's a reason why his crappy idea wasn't taken on. Don't give the crapbag any more of your time, he's really not worth it. Soon he'll crawl back into his hole and no-one will remember who he is. Tomorrows garbage dude..

  46. Whoah. That is some shit.

    And I say that as someone who had a fully-worked-out pitch for Northern California-based outlaw MC show idea, of which nothing ever came because I left the business.

    Know what I thought when I saw SoA?

    "Oh, fucking AWESOME, someone made one, and it kicks ass!"

    Love the whole idea that the idea must be lifted because of the "no previous involvement with biker culture," too. That reads so much like the words of someone who's never written anything, about anything, ever.

  47. I saw the show a couple of times. Being a biker for over 30 years, I could predict every single ephisode, so I did not watch it anymore.

    I am sick and tired of "bikers" thinking that they "own the gig".

    The only bad ass biker is the one nobody knows about and get away with whatever he wants.

    Once you start a "group of people", you open the door to all sorts of drama, girly shit.

    Just shut up and ride man, just shut the fuck up!

    SOA for me is what I don't want a biker to be.

    About Zitto, Barger and many others. DILLIGAF?

    Live your life man, ride like you stole it, meet people along the way and end of story!


  48. Zito's an arse!! (Yes i'm English) Surely the idea of FX or any network hearing pitches is to determine which shows are crappy (like i'm sure his pitch was) so they can burn it and which shows are pure unadulterated golddust (like SOA!!!) and provide viewers with decent TV!!
    Lets hope he crawls back to wherever he came from very soon and leaves you in peace to keep writing such a brill show....
    Kudeos to you, your wife and the rest of the cast...Long may SOA reign!! :)

  49. Wow, I was late arriving to the FX party so I missed The Shield and SOA. Justified was such a good start to series that I was debating starting SOA or watching The Shield to see if I've been missing out. The Shield if nothing else because Walton Goggins is awesome on Justified. You've just made me decide I'm doing both. Great response. I'll be caught up when season 3 airs, see ya then. On to amazon....

  50. You have amazing skills as a writer, dont let some fool talk you down. You have done the hard work and created a terrific show. You should be allowed to reap the rewards.

  51. Hiya Kurt, Tried to post earlier, not sure what happened!! But my message was this, You the man and the whole world knows it! Chazz fuckin' Zippo couldnt even swallow a tablespoon of concrete to harden the fuck up! As for death threats against you, Im pretty sure that we could rally a small army of maybe 50 thousand to stand in front you, thing that separates you from Chet Zunt is you dont need it! I love ya, love your work and love your honesty!!

  52. Kurt, You may have had a difficult time growing up with a distant Dad... your pain for his emabarassment of you.. thats gotta suck. You have recovered nicely by becoming a successfull businessman. You are not a street guy or an outlaw... you are a writer. Mom always said, "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it" dude. The street is not pretty. I say " respect the street" Your words to Chuck were disrespectful and unprofessional,you should retract them. Its business...not personal nor TV Land bro. This is your blog site so I speak with respectful tone. I am dissapointed in your ignorance to talk big when you are a very small man....far from the street.

  53. Hey, I had a idea once for a.....

    Oh wait, no i don't......

  54. The drama never ends, but I think it is a good thing otherwise we would get board. What a hot mess! Thanks for sharing the update. This post was hilarious and thanks for let me into your world of BS:)

  55. "The Wild Angels" ???

    That was a Peter Fonda/Nancy Sinatra B-movie from the early seventies.

    (had a cool tune by Mike Curb, called 'Blue's Theme' on the soundtrack, I used to have the LP)

    Can't he even come up with an original title?


  56. Kurt
    I understand the frustration and anger on your part. However the regular keyboard commando who has never met,seen, or heard of Chuck Zito until this claim was made. I believe that form of disrespect comes from an asshole sitting in front of the computer or t.v. thinking that SOA is how it really it is. They need a wake up call. In Chuck's world disrespect is grounds for a beating at best. Just ask Jean Claude Van-Damme. He experienced a come to Jesus meeting with Chuck. Didn't turn out so well for Jean Claude.


  58. richie HA, NYC,

    i hear all that. you are right i do not know the man. he does not know me.

    but it's my personal blog, it was not name calling, it was venting. i'm using words the way chuck is using lawyers.

    here's the deal. i have so much invested in this show. it is a part of me now. it consumes my life for 10 months out of the year, 70-80 weeks. my family, my friends, everyone suffers because of that devotion. i'm not sitting in a fucking office somewhere, sipping lattes and collecting checks. i crush myself to make this show great. i'm not being dramatic or looking for pity. that's just the truth and i love every minute of it. i don't know what the equivalent would be in your life, but imagine pouring your guts into something for more than 3 years, then having someone else take credit for even a part of your effort. i'm guessing that wouldn't fly with you. yes, my response was heated, but in the moment, it was right and i stand by it.

    my guess is this will all get worked out in a lawyer's conference room and who knows, maybe chuck ends up on SONS in season four.



  59. Kurt -

    If I were you, I would really stop 'typing tough' from the safety of your PC, stop with the dopey versions of his name, and make a valid case in your defense. Because I can tell you this. I've met CZ a few times. He's as much a gentlemen to stand-up guys that he is a monster to people who come off bad. Trust me, you better be the size of a WWE wrestler on the juice, and still CZ will pull your arms out of your torso. he backs down to no one. Nobody. If he's green to the ways of showbiz, that's on him. But I would stop mouthing off (in your pajamas thinking nothing will come off it).

    Ray Delia

  60. Since when has Chuck been a Hells Angel? He turned his back on them a long time ago. This whole thing reminds me of when the HA went after HST for his book about them, thinking he made a fortune.

    Bikers are involved, yet Zito, not the club wants money. People give up everything to become 81, how do you just walk away?

    I've heard Zito on Stern and the guy is full of shit. He talks like a typical jock asshole in a HS gym locker room. "blah blah this bitch totally begged to fuck me, blah blah." Beating up a drunk, fake Hollywood action star does not make you tough.

    I happen to like this show and it doesn't need this shit to survive.
    Trying to shake down this guy is bullshit.

  61. Is that a picture of you in Otto's makeup or did Chuck Zito happen to bump into you at the local 7-Eleven?

  62. Ray D,
    Do you realize the work and time, and commitment that goes into a show as good as SOA? From the incredible casting ie Ron Perlman,Charlie Hunnam,Your wife(Katy)Maggie,Tommy,Mark B Jr,Kim,Theo, the list goes on and on.And then some guy sues you for 5 million $$,and like a "divorce" it's a lose lose!
    Instead of focusing on Season 3,Kurt is distracted with having to hire $500 and hr Attorneys, to defend this frivolous lawsuit!
    If Chuck is so Upstanding as you say, he should have never filed a lawsuit.He could have wrote Kurt a letter, telling him what happened in the past,maybe ask for a part if something opens up etc...
    Ray,SOA is like Kurts Family, and if U come after my family, I'm gonna "out you"! So I have no problem in Kurts Post!Chuck made it not only personal, but "Public"! Think about it!


  63. Kurt don't back down fck HA and Richie and all the ASholes in Ha. Do you know what kind of coward punk you would look like backing down to Zito. Hells angel and Zito are just punks. You would be a sell out to real bikers everywhere and to all your fans that are not bikers.

  64. Mike666. understand this Kurt When Chuck got the Lawyer that was I guess Chucks cowardly way of calling you a cock sucking scumbag thief.

    Notice chuck disowned Hells angels yet some asshole from the east Village people crew of the hells angels wrote in on behalf of the DB.

    Putting chuck on your show would be totally disrespectful to all rival Motorcycle clubs and you will also be disrespectful to all law abiding citizens. If you are scared of the hells angels tell those Punks I have your back. I want nothing from you. I just hate watching people get taken advantage of by DB's

  65. Mike Yevtuck says to Rich and PDOJ Zito is nothing . I have never heard of him beating up anyone other then a drunk man < I have never heard of chuck in a Pro fight or in the real fight game. Chuck may be tough compared to you 2 but I consider him just a punk in my world.

  66. Mike Yevtuck Says:

    I would like to give a message to all the kids and the adults that never grew up that watch your show. Its clear some of them have commented here.

    The physical power and strength of a man Like the over all intelligence of man is not

    the measure of a man.

    It does not matter who can beat you up or who gets better grades or has a better job.

    A man is judged by being Honest and truthful and doing the best he can for himself his

    Family and the world with what ever he was born with or without.

    Strength and Honor is truth and Justice and not fist fighting or mind fighting.

    Justice does not always prevail and the truth has a way of getting buried.

    Just because Truth and Justice does not always win it does not mean they should not be valued.

    Being a winner is standing up for the truth even if you lose you are a winner.

    What Kurt said was his Honest opinion. I respect Kurt for that. I personally don’t care how well Kurt can fight or can’t fight. My opinion on a man is not based on his fighting ability. The best fighter in the world can be the biggest loser.

  67. You are very Cool and very intelligent. Always go with your gutt, it's the right thing to do. God Bless You Kurt. You have a great gift and tell the softer and understandable side of the "subculture". They're people too!

  68. I just had the chance to watch season 1&2 this last week. First off it needs to be taken for what it is. A great TV show, it is entertaining and enjoyable to watch.

    It is NOT a documentary, a biography or a real life show. My wife is a teacher holds a masters in education and after watching the first season her first comment was this is a modern day Hamlet, or one of Shakespeare's stories, I can not remember what one she said right now. My point is Mr. Zitto has no claim unless he is going after the estate of Shakespeare.

    Chuck Zitto is a nobody that has a claim to fame because he was allowed to wear an HA patch, without the patch he is a nothing. Of course his brothers will stand up for him because that is what they do.

    I have met true 1%'s in my line of work and I have yet to meet one that acted anything like Zitto.
    They where not whiners or cry babies they manned up and pressed on. Maybe Zitto should follow their lead and man up.

    I have yet to see anything that could match the level of writing and creativity that Mr. Sutter has shown on both the Shield and SOA from Zitto.

    Keep up the good work on SOA and hopefully Zitto will lose his case and have to pay YOUR legal fees. Now that would be poetic justice.....

    Rick Kentaft from Indiana

  69. Does this mean I have to take the frozen hand out of my freezer just because Mickey Featherstone had a frozen hand in his freezer too?

  70. I think that many people are missing something and wrongly assuming something else..

    To say that Chuck Zito could never have developed his idea into SOA, or the show that SOA is misunderstanding what he is actually claiming.Zito did not claim he wrote SOA...Zito is claiming he pitched a show idea about an outlaw mc to FX.. FX passes on his idea then happens to develop a show about outlaw mc .. he is asking FX to prove that the two are unrelated..

    a creator of a show is not necessarily always the one is suggesting that Kurt Sutter is not a talented writer.. however a person can come up with an idea for a tv show or movie and pitch it to a network or studio and have that idea taken from them and developed into a movie or a series.. it happens all the time.. Hollywood is littered with the bodies writers who have had their "ideas" developed without them...

    If it is BS as claimed by FX & Sutter say..Then why worry? There will be no problem showing the time line of SOA's creation and how the two projects differ from each other..

    People need to understand that It is not like if asked, FX would admit they stole the idea.. so what recourse does a person have if they believe an idea was stolen from them ??? They file a lawsuit..

  71. I'm trying to imagine Kurt tapping into a certain script wordage from SOA, second season, but with a wordage variation where this time around it's Kurt, rather than Clay, who intently looks at Chuck Zito and says, "Did you cause this?" and when Chuck, doing an ad hoc Jax, says in complete bewilderment, "What the hell are you talking about?", Kurt then makes with the duly modified line but in full "Otto" mode now, "Do you see what you're doing to this BLOG?"

    Cue the great tune, "People, Turn Around" by "Delta Spirit", and both parties fade to black forthwith.

    Doc Tony

  72. Hi from France ! Keep up the very good work please ! We're tuned.








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